HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies APPLICANT 4/8/2022M Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professional Geotechnical Services Date: July 17, 2013 To: Jeff Jones, P.E. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. From: Jon Huffman, P.E. Subject: South Hills Reservoir — Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance Project: SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis FEI Project 2131028 We have completed the preliminary reconnaissance for the above -referenced project location as part of the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) seismic analysis of various reservoirs in Springfield, Oregon. This memorandum summarizes our observations from a recent site visit, provides a discussion of local geology and anticipated seismic hazards, and includes preliminary seismic design parameters to evaluate the existing structure. BACKGROUND The South Hills Reservoir is a 1.5 MG, pre -stressed concrete tank supported on a concrete ring foundation and interior column footings. The tank is accessed from a gravel road off S. 66`5 Place, downhill (south) of the extension of Jessica Street (Figure 1, attached). The tank was constructed in 1982. We understand there have been no maintenance issues to date. The structure is owned by SUB and is included as one of eight structures identified by SUB and the Rainbow Water District (RWD) for seismic assessment, including analysis for conformance with current Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) standards and possible retrofit. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. (MSA) is the lead designer for the project. Peterson Structural Engineers, Inc. (PSE) is the structural consultant. Foundation Engineering, Inc. (FEI) was retained by MSA as the geotechnical consultant. FEI's scope of work was outlined in a proposal dated March 14, 2013, and authorized by a signed service agreement dated May 14, 2013. A summary of our work for the other reservoir sites associated with this project are included in separate memorandums. LITERATURE REVIEW Available geologic and seismic publications and maps were reviewed to characterize the local and regional geology and evaluate relative seismic hazards at the site. The literature review included geologic and seismic hazard studies completed in the Springfield area by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) and other sources (Yeats et al., 1996; Black et al., 2000; Hladky and McCaslin, 2006; Burns at al., 2008; McClaughry at al., 2010). Local water well logs available from the Oregon Department of Water Resources website were also reviewed; however, no logs were available proximal to the tank (T18S, R2W, Sec 31. 820 NW Cornell Avenue • Corvallis, Oregon 97330 1 Bus. 1641) 757-7645 1 Fax 15411 757-7650 We also reviewed available design and construction documents. The documents include as-built drawings (dated August 1982) prepared by the designer, CH2M Hill. LOCAL GEOLOGY Local geologic mapping indicates differing conditions at the reservoir site (Hladky and McCaslin, 2006; McClaughry at al., 2010). Hladky and McCaslin (2006) indicate that the site is underlain by landslide deposits (chaotic mix of soil and rock). However, McClaughry at al. (2010) maps the site within volcaniclastic rocks and tuff and the landslide deposits terminate to the north of the tank (downslope). SITE RECONNAISSANCE FEI accompanied SUB project manager, Bart McKee, P.E., on a site visit on May 22, 2013, to observe the overall site conditions in the vicinity of the tank and confirm the mapped geology. We also observed the condition of the exposed tank foundations and ground conditions within the immediate vicinity of the tank to determine whether foundation distress and/or ground settlement was evident, and observed the surrounding property to look for evidence of past slope instability or ongoing creep. DISCUSSION OF SITE CONDITIONS AND RESERVOIR The tank is sited on a relatively level bench within moderately sloping terrain. The tank is south (uphill) of existing residential developments in a forested area primarily vegetated with mature trees and dense underbrush. Survey data provided in the as-built drawings indicates the bench existed prior to tank construction, but site development included modest cuts and fills. The tank was constructed in a full cut with a top of slab at ±EI. 953. Backfilling around the tank partially buried the structure. The drawings indicate a finished grade of ±EI. 964 on the south side of the tank and a finished grade of ±EI. 956 on the north side. The bench extends ±20 feet radially around the outside edge of the tank. North of the tank, the ground slopes down at ±3:1 (H:V) and extends several hundred feet before encountering existing developments. South of the tank, the ground slopes up at ±2:1. An extension of Jessica Street is located uphill ±75 feet from the tank. Ten test pits (TP-1 through TP-10) were dug in the vicinity of the tank as part of the design phase and are documented in the as-built drawings. The test pits excavated nearest to the tank (TP-5 and TP-7) and directly uphill of the tank (TP-6) encountered basalt boulders in a silty clay matrix. This description is consistent with landslide deposits. TP-5 through TP-7 extended to maximum depths ranging from ±8 to 10.5 feet below the original grade, which is at most ±1 to 2 feet below the foundation elevation. A test pit dug north (downhill) of the tank encountered silty clay or silty clay with siltstone pebbles in the upper t4 feet, followed by weathered siltstone extending to the bottom of the test pit (±12 feet). Siltstone was not indicated in the other test pits and the presence of siltstone is inconsistent with the mapped geology. Available geologic maps indicate the nearby area is underlain by volcaniclastic rocks SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis July 17, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Proiect 2131028 Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance Springfield, Oregon 2. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. that include volcanic lithic clayey sandstone, unwelded lithic lapilli-ash tuff, and tuffaceous polymictic pebbly mudstone (Hladky and McCaslin, 2006). We anticipate the pebbly mudstone, when weathered, resembles weathered siltstone. The extension of Jessica Street upslope from the tank was constructed by excavating into the hillside along the south side of the street. The deepest portion of the cut (±15 to 20 feet) exposes a thin mantle of soil over highly weathered tuff or tuffaceous mudstone. According to the as -built drawings, the tank foundations and slab are supported on a minimum of 12 inches of compacted gravel extending to "undisturbed earth", which we anticipate is the material described in the test pits (i.e., basaltic boulders with silty clay). The depth to bedrock is expected to be relatively shallow based on our site observations. However, the exact depth cannot be inferred from the design drawings. The perimeter ring foundation appears to be in relatively good condition with no apparent cracking and/or settlement. We also did not observe conditions in the surrounding area to indicate instability or slope creep. However, the thick underbrush on the sloping terrain north and south of the tank currently obscures the view of the slope surface (and any possible slumps). Furthermore, slope stability in the vicinity of the tank remains a concern since the area is potentially underlain by landslide deposits. DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS AND SEISMIC DESIGN Seismic design parameters for the structures were established according to OSSC (2010), which is based on the International Building Cade (IBC 2009). Seismic Hazards The OSSC (2010) Section 1803.7 requires the evaluation of risks from a range of seismic hazards including: ground motion amplification, ground rupture, earthquake induced landslides, liquefaction and lateral spread, and tsunami/seiche. Investigations have been completed by DOGAMI to identify geologic and seismic hazards in the Southern Willamette Valley (Black at al., 2000; Burns at al., 2008). We have also developed conclusions regarding seismic hazards based our knowledge of the site and local geology and recent site reconnaissance. The relative earthquake hazard on the available maps is "based on the combined effects of ground shaking amplification, liquefaction, and earthquake -induced landslides" with a range in hazard from Zone A (highest hazard) to Zone D (lowest hazard) (Black at al., 2000). The relative earthquake hazard in the vicinity of the tank is mapped as Zone B (intermediate to high hazard) due to the tank being potentially located in an area of historic landslide activity. SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis July 17, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Pro am 2131028 Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance Springfield, Oregon 3. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Ground Motion Amplification. Ground motion amplification is the influence of a soil deposit on the earthquake motion. As seismic energy propagates up through the soil strata, the energy is typically increased (i.e., amplified) or decreased (i.e., attenuated) to some extent. The DOGAMI map indicates the amplification hazard at the site is low (Black at al., 2000; Burns et al., 2008). The tank is underlain by variable soil of unknown thickness, followed by highly to moderately weathered bedrock. Therefore, we believe the ground motion amplification is most consistent with an OSSC/IBC Site Class C profile. Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading. Liquefiable soils typically consist of loose, fine sand and non -plastic or low plasticity silt below the ground water table. We do not anticipate such soils are present based on the descriptions provided in the test pit logs. However, confirmation of the consistency of the underlying soils will require additional explorations. The relative liquefaction susceptibility map indicates a low to moderate liquefaction potential (Burns at al., 2008). Landslides and Earthquake -Induced Landslides. DOGAMI mapping indicates landslide topography within the vicinity of the tank (Black at al., 2000). As a result, the relative earthquake -induced landslide susceptibility is considered high to very high; however, no existing landslides have been mapped at the tank location (Burns at al., 2008). SLIDO and LIDAR viewers, available online through the DOGAMI website, show the landslide features that are indicated on the Black at al. (2000) mapping (DOGAMI, 2O13a; DOGAMI, 2013b). The ground surface in the vicinity of the tank foundation appears to be stable with no identifiable cracks or other surface features indicating ongoing movement. The tank is also sited on a relatively wide bench with at least 20 feet of level terrain separating the tank from the uphill and downhill slopes. Therefore, in its static condition and without further alterations to the site, we anticipate the ground surface in the vicinity of the tank is relatively stable with low potential for landslides. However, seismic loads from the design -level earthquake may induce movement. The potential for an earthquake -induced landslide should be investigated further to establish an estimate of the likelihood and extent of such instability. Ground Rupture. We anticipate the risk of ground rupture is low due to lack of known faulting beneath the site. However, hidden and/or deep-seated active faults could remain undetected. Additionally, recent crustal seismic activity cannot always be tied to observable faults. In the event of a catastrophic earthquake with a large seismic moment, inactive faults could potentially be reactivated. Tsunami/Seiche. Tsunami inundation is not applicable since the site is not on the Oregon Coast. Seiche (the back and forth oscillation of an enclosed or semi -enclosed body of water during a seismic event) is also not a concern due to the absence of large bodies of water near the site. SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis July 17, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Project 2131028 Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance Springfield, Oregon 4. Murray, Smeh &/associates, Inc. Site Response A spectral acceleration response spectrum for the reservoir site was established based on IBC 2009/OSSC 2010 Section 1613. The design maximum considered earthquake ground motion maps provided in IBC 2009 are based on the 2002 maps prepared by USGS for an earthquake with a 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years (i.e., a ±2,475 -year return period). This information was obtained from the USGS National Earthquake Hazard Mapping website. A Site Class C is recommended for design based on the anticipated subsurface profile. The seismic design parameters and response spectrum are presented on Figure 2 (attached). CONCLUSION Based on the findings presented herein, we believe there are potential geologic and/or seismic hazards that may require mitigation as part of any structural improvements considered for the existing tank. Specifically, there is the potential for an earthquake -induced landslide because the tank is located in an area of historic landslide activity. Estimating the likelihood and the magnitude of such hazards, as well as potential mitigation options, will require further investigation of the subsurface conditions. Therefore, we recommend drilling up to 3 exploratory boreholes in the vicinity of the tank to identify the composition and depth of the soils and bedrock underlying the site. We anticipate the borings would extend into the bedrock and samples would be retained to characterize the overburden and the underlying rock. We recommend drilling a boring on the north and south sides of the tank, and a third boring further uphill (possibly on Jessica Street). The explorations will be used to establish a cross-section of soil and rack conditions for slope stability analysis. A site survey should also be completed (by others) to confirm the existing topography for the analysis. The site response spectrum (Figure 2) should be used as a preliminary means to establish potential seismic acceleration forces on the structure. The site response spectrum may be revised later based on the results from new explorations. SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis South Hills Reservoir Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance Springfield, Oregon 5. July 17, 2013 Noll 2131028 Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. REFERENCES Black, G. L., Wang, Z., Wiley, T. J., Wang, Y., and Keefer, D. K., 2000; Relative earthquake hazard map of the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area, Lane County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Interpretive Map Series IMS -14, 16 p. Burns, W. J., Hofmeister, R. J., and Wang, Y., 2008; Geologic Hazards, Earthquake and Landslide Hazard Maas. and Future Earthauake Damaoe Estimates for Six Polk Benton, Linn, and Lane Counties, and the City of Albany, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Interpretive Map Series IMS -24, 50 p. DOGAMI, 2O13a; LIDAR Viewer: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI), SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, web site: http://www.oregongeology.org/sub/lidardataviewer/index.htm, accessed June 2013. DOGAMI, 2O13b; SLIDO (Statewide Landslide Information Database for Oregon) Viewer, SLIDO-2: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI), SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, web site: http://www.oregongeology.com/sub/slido/index.htm, accessed June 2013. Hladky, F. R., and McCaslin, G. R., 2006; Preliminary Geologic Map of the Springfield 7.5' Quadrangle, Lane County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Mineral Industries, Open -File Report 0-06-07, 31 p. Madin, I. P., and Murray, R. B., 2006; Preliminary Geologic Map of the Eugene East and Eugene West 7.5' Quadrangles, Lane County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, OFR 0-03-11, 20 p. McClaughry, J. D., Wiley, T. J., Ferns, M. L., and Madin, I. P., 2010; Digital Geologic Map of the Southern Willamette Valley, Benton, Lane, Linn, Marion, and Polk Counties, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open -File Report 0-10-03, Scale: 1: 63,360, 116 p. Yeats, R. S., Graven, E. P., Werner, K. S., Goldfinger, C., and Popowski, T. A., 1996; Tectonics of the Willamette Valley, Oregon: in Roger, A. M., Walsh, T. J., Kockelman, W. J., and Priest, G. R., ads., Assessing earthquake hazards and reducing risk in the Pacific Northwest: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1560, p.183-222. SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis July 17, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Project 2131028 Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance Springfield, Oregon 6. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. ,q v w rE l S I s i s .� •;t ITE__. A - SCALE 0 3,100 6,200 :r \agAs DATE �Iv 2013 DWN. .i H —I Feet APPR. 12,400 REVIS— PROJECT NO. 2131028 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING INC. VICINITY MAP FIGURE NO. PROFESSIONAL GEOTRCHNICAL BRRVICRB SOUTH HILLS RESERVOIR MH Mfr COpN®.1. AVCMUB wRVAws, oxays570-.an SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis MGO. (6u) 767-M45 FAX c5.n "1-70570 Springfield, Oregon FILE NAME: 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 tt Response Spectrum 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Period (seconds) Notes: 1. The Design Response Spectrum is based on OSSC 2010 Section 1613 using the following parameters: Site Class= C Damping = 5% Ss= 0.62 Fa= 1.15 Sms= 0.71 Sos= 0.48 Sr = 0.29 F, = 1.51 Sul = 0.43 Sm = 0.29 2. Ss and S, values for 5% damping are based on the USGS 2002 mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral acclerations for 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years. The corresponding peak ground acceleration on rock is 0.268. 3. F. and F„ were established based on OSSC, Tables 1613.5.3(1) and 1613.5.3(2) using the selected Sc and Si values. Sos and Sol values include a 213 reduction on Sms and Sun as discussed in OSSC 2010 Section 1613.5.4. 4. Site location is: Latitude 44.034, Longitude -122.909. FIGURE 2. OSSC 2010 SITE RESPONSE SPECTRUM SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis - South Hills Reservoir Springfield, Oregon FEI Project 2131028 Foundation Engineering, Inc. Professiowd Geotechnical Services Date: November 18, 2013 To: Jeff Jones, P.E. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. From: Jon Huffman, P.E., G.E. James Maitland, P.E., G.E. Subject: South Hills Reservoir Supplemental Geotechnical Investigatioi Project: SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis FEI Project 2131028-101 Be�N:(H:L4UPh The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is in the process of completing seismic analysis of various reservoirs that include the 67'" Street, 70" Street and South Hills Reservoirs in Springfield, Oregon. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. (MSA) is the lead designer for the project. Peterson Structural Engineers, Inc. (PSE) is the structural consultant. Foundation Engineering, Inc. (FEI) was retained by MSA as the geotechnical consultant. FEI's original work included preliminary geotechnical reconnaissance of the different reservoir sites, the details of which are summarized in memorandums dated July 17, 2013. Based on the results of the reconnaissance, FEI recommended additional subsurface explorations and stability analysis be completed for the above -referenced reservoirs. This recommendation was made primarily based on each of the sites being located in an area of mapped landslide topography and because of limited subsurface data. This memorandum addresses the South Hills Reservoir. Our current scope of work was detailed in a proposal dated August 21, 2013. A vicinity map showing the location of the South Hills Reservoir is provided in Figure 1A (Appendix A). Branch Engineering, Inc. (Branch) surveyed the reservoir site. The surveyed site plan, including a layout of the existing steel tank, the fenced area and gravel pad surrounding the tank, and the sloping terrain extending ±150 feet north (downhill) and ±120 feet south (uphill) from the tank is provided in Figure 2A (Appendix A). LOCAL GEOLOGY Local geologic mapping from two sources provide differing conditions at the reservoir site. Hladky and McCaslin (2006) indicate the site is underlain by landslide deposits (chaotic mix of soil and rock). McClaughry at al. 12010) maps the site within volcaniclastic rocks and tuff, with landslide deposits terminating north of the tank (downslope). Our subsurface explorations indicate the tank site is underlain by colluvium, more consistent with the mapping indicated by Hladky and 820 NW Ccrnell Avenue • Corvallis, Oregon 97330 • Bus. 15411 757-7645 • Fax 15411 757-7650 McCasin (2006). However, shallow bedrock (tuff and siltstone) was encountered in our exploration (BH -1) located immediately upslope of the reservoir. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS Borehole Explorations Three exploratory boreholes (BH -1, BH -2 and BH -3) were drilled at the site on October 9, 2013, using a truck -mounted, CME 75 drill rig with mud -rotary drilling and HQ wire -line coring techniques. BH -1 was drilled upslope (southwest) of the tank on Jessica Drive. BH -2 was drilled on the relatively level bench, ±18 feet southwest of the tank. BH -3 was drilled in the gravel area, ±13 feet northeast of the tank. The borehole locations are shown on Figure 2A (Appendix A). The borings extended to maximum depths ranging from ±30.8 to 35 feet. Disturbed samples were obtained in the borings in conjunction with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at 2.5 -foot intervals to ±15 feet, then at 5 -foot intervals thereafter. The SPT provides an indication of the density or stiffness of the soils. Continuous, HQ -sized coring was completed in BH -1 from ±15 to 35 feet, once competent bedrock was encountered. The explorations were continuously logged during drilling. The final logs (Appendix B) were prepared based on a review of the field logs, laboratory test results, and an examination of the soil and bedrock samples in our office. Photos of the rock core from BH -1 are also provided in Appendix B. Previous Explorations SUB provided as -built drawings (latest revision dated August 1982) prepared by CH21VI Hill. Sheet 1 (Vicinity Map, Site Layout, Index to Drawings) and Sheet 2 (Test Pit Logs, Reservoir Excavation, Roadway Section) provide details of test pit explorations completed as part of the original site development. The test pits range in depth from ±5 to 12 feet. Where possible, these previous explorations were used to supplement the current work. The referenced sheets are included in Appendix A. DISCUSSION OF SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Site Lavout and Surface Conditions The tank is sited on a relatively level bench within moderately sloping terrain. The tank lies south (uphill) of existing residential developments in a forested area primarily vegetated with mature trees and dense underbrush. Survey data provided in the as -built drawings indicates the bench existed prior to tank construction, but site development included modest cuts and fills. The tank was constructed in a full cut with a top of slab at ±EI. 953. Backfilling around the tank partially buried the structure. The recent survey by Branch indicates a finished grade of ±EI. 968 on the south side of the tank and a finished grade of ±EI. 961 on the north side. The SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis November 18, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Project 2131028-101 Springfield, Oregon 2. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. bench extends ±20 feet radially around the outside edge of the tank. North of the tank, the ground slopes down on average at ±3:1 (H:V) and extends a few hundred feet before encountering existing developments. The ground slopes uphill at a maximum of ±2:1 (H:V) south of the tank. An extension of Jessica Drive is located uphill ±75 feet from the tank. As noted in the previous memorandum (dated July 17, 2013), we did not observe surface conditions in the surrounding area to indicate instability or slope creep. There are also no apparent features typically associated with slope instability that were identified from the topographic information included in the recent survey (e.g., slumps or scarps). The perimeter ring foundation of the tank appears to be in relatively good condition with no apparent cracking and/or settlement. Subsurface Conditions The borings encountered a subsurface profile that typically included the following strata: • Fill. Fill was encountered in BH -2 and BH -3, drilled adjacent to the tank. The Fill is somewhat variable, consisting of sandy to silty clay and clayey silt with trace gravel and scattered cobbles and boulders. The fill is similar in consistency to the underlying colluvium and was likely generated from onsite cuts during construction of the tank. Fill was encountered to ±B feet in BH -2 and to ±7 feet in BH -3. Fill in BH -1 was limited to the pavement section (i.e., asphalt and base rock). • Colluvium. Colluvial soils, likely deposited from previous landslide activity, were encountered in all three borings. The colluvium is variable, but primarily consists of stiff to very stiff sandy clay to sandy silt or clayey silt with trace to some gravel. Scattered cobble to boulder -sized rock fragments were observed in BH -2. The variable nature of the material is typical of colluvial soil. The colluvium was encountered in BH -1 beneath the pavement, extending to ±7 feet. In BH -2 and BH -3, the colluvium was encountered beneath the fill, extending to ±30 feet in BH -2 and to ±20 feet in BH -3. • Residual Soil. Residual soil consisting of very stiff clayey silt or sandy clay was encountered beneath the colluvium in BH -1 and BH -3. The residual soil represents bedrock that has decomposed in place to a soil -like consistency. The residual soil was observed from ±7 to 10 feet in BH -1 and from ±20 to 25 feet in BH -3. The residual soil may also be present at BH -2, but too thin to observe within the sampled material. • Bedrock. Bedrock was encountered at ±10 feet in BH -1, at ±30 feet in BH -2, and at ±25 feet in BH -3. The explorations encountered both tuff and siltstone. However, the depth and location of the different rock types appears to vary across the site. SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis November 18, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Protect 2131028-101 Springfield, Oregon 3. Murray, Smith is Associates, Inc. In BH -1, extremely weak (RO), decomposed tuff was encountered from ± 10 to 15 feet, followed by extremely weak (R0), decomposed siltstone. The siltstone becomes highly to moderately weathered below ±20 feet, and very weak (R1) and slightly weathered to fresh below ±25 feet. Coring the siltstone from ±25 to 35 feet indicated very close to moderately close, planar to irregular, rough, open jointing. ROD values in the rock core ranged from ±82 to 90 percent. In BH -2, extremely weak (RO), slightly weathered siltstone was encountered from ±30 to 30.8 feet (the bottom of the boring). Drilling at 3H-3 encountered extremely weak (RO), decomposed to highly weathered tuff from ±25 to 31.5 feet (the bottom of the boring). The test pit logs provided in the as -built drawings typically describe silty clay with basalt boulders or basalt boulders in a silty clay or silty sand matrix. From the description and depths indicated in the logs, we expect these soils are consistent with the colluvium encountered in the recent borings. TP -4 indicated weathered siltstone from ±4 to 12 feet. No further description of the siltstone was provided. Ground Water Mud -rotary drilling precluded an accurate measurement of the ground water in the borings at the time of drilling. However, a one -inch inside diameter (I.D.) standpipe piezometer was installed in 13H-2 to a depth of ±25 feet. The piezometer is slotted from ±15 to 25 feet to monitor ground water fluctuations. The installation was capped at the ground surface with a Morris monument set in concrete. After installation, the boring was bailed to remove the drilling fluid, then allowed to recharge over a period of several days before measuring. Ground water measurements taken on October 16 and November 7, 2013 are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. 1311-2 Piezometric Summary Date Water Depth (feet) Water Elevation (feet) 10/16/13 23.2 944.5 11/7/13 16.0 951.7 The lower ground water reading (±23.2 feet) was taken during a period of relatively dry weather, while the higher ground water reading (±16 feet) was taken after several days of moderate rain. The available data suggests a significant rise in the water table can occur in response to moderate rainfall. SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis November 18, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Project 2131028-101 Springfield, Oregon 4. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing included an Atterberg limits test on sample SS -3-4, the results of which are summarized in Table 2. Natural water content determinations were completed on most of the samples, and the results are included in the boring logs (Appendix B). Table 2. Summary of Atterberg Limits Tests Sample Number Sample Depth (feet) Natural Water Content (percent) LL PL PI USCS Classification SS -3-4 10 - 11.5 58.4 85 48 37 MH ENGINEERING ANALYSIS Seismic Design Parameters The Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance memorandum for the South Hills Reservoir (dated July 17, 2013) provided design parameters that included a spectral acceleration response spectrum based on IBC 2009/OSSC 2010 Section 1613. A Site Class C was recommended for preliminary evaluation of the site. The results from the explorations confirm the recommended site class. For completeness, the response spectrum is provided in Figure 3A (Appendix A). Liquefaction and lateral spread were indicated as potential concerns based on current hazard mapping (Burns et al., 2008)• However, the recent explorations did not encounter liquefaction -susceptible soils (e.g., loose, fine sand and non -plastic or low plasticity silt below the ground water table). Therefore, we believe the risk for these hazards is very low. Slope Stability Analysis Slope stability analysis was completed to address potential instability concerns due to the reservoir's location within mapped landslide topography. Both static and seismic conditions were analyzed. A factor of safety (FS) of at least 1.5 is typically required for static conditions where slope stability can affect a critical facility. A FS of at least 1.0 is typically required for seismic conditions. Two cross-sections of the reservoir site were examined for the analysis. The locations of the cross-sections (designated as A -A' and B -B') are shown on Figure 2A (Appendix A). They were developed based on the topographic data obtained from Branch's survey and subsurface data from the explorations. Cross-section A -A' is shown on Figure 4A and cross-section B -B' is shown on Figure 5A (Appendix A). SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis November 18, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Project 2131028-101 Springfield. Oregon 5 • Murrey, Smith & Associates, Inc. Strength parameters for the different soil units identified in the cross-sections were estimated from available correlations based on SPT N -values, laboratory tests, and visual classifications. Typical strength tests (e.g., direct shear or triaxial shear) were not practical based on the variable nature of most of the soils encountered in the explorations. The assumed strength parameters of the different soil units are indicated on the cross-sections. Strength parameters were assigned to the colluvium, residual soil and bedrock, as well as a thin section at the interface of the colluvium and residual soil. Previous movement is expected to have occurred along this interface and, therefore, residual strength parameters were assumed. Strength parameters were not assigned to the fill surrounding the tank since this material is limited in extent. The strength parameters vary slightly for static and seismic conditions. That is, an apparent cohesion (c1 was included for the colluvium and residual soil to account for the soil response to dynamic loading conditions. Ground water conditions for the analysis were based, in part, on the ground water measurements from the piezometer in BH -2 and an estimation of the upper -bound and average ground water levels. Based on the site conditions and ground water measurements taken to date, we do not anticipate ground water flow that would provide a hydrostatic pressure head above the phreatic surface. Therefore, for static conditions, ground water was assumed at ±10 feet below the ground surface at BH -2, with phreatic conditions approximately matching the estimated ground surface and bedrock contours. We believe this represents an upper -bound condition. For seismic modeling, the ground water was assumed at t 15 feet below the ground surface at BH -2, again with phreatic conditions approximately matching the estimated ground surface and bedrock contours. We believe this represents an average ground water condition during wet weather. Seismic conditions were simulated using pseudo -static analysis with a design horizontal acceleration coefficient (kh) of 0.16. kh was estimated as one-half of the maximum design ground surface acceleration (As), which was calculated based on the peak bedrock acceleration of 0.26g from Figure 3A and a multiplying coefficient (FMA) of 1.2, assuming a Site Class C soil classification. The program SL/DE 5.0 was used to complete the two-dimensional stability analysis. Stability methods including Spencer, Janbu and Bishop were used in conjunction with circular and block failure modes. The circular failure search was allowed for all depths, while the block failure search was limited to the zone extending beneath the tank and assumed a failure surface through the interface between the colluvium and residual soil. A nominal uniform pressure of 2,000 psf was applied on the ground surface within the footprint of the tank to represent the load imparted by the tank (this load did not affect the results of the analysis). The output from the analysis is included in Appendix C. The results for static conditions indicate a relatively low FS for the circular failure mode, but only at very shallow depths on the steepest portions of the slopes. These potential failure surfaces are not a significant concern because 1) they do not extend beneath the existing tank and 2) are likely artificially low since the SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis November 18, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Protect 2131028-101 Springfield, Oregon 6. Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. analysis does not take into account factors that include higher frictional resistance at low confining stress and shallow root systems which provide additional stabilization. The results indicate FS greater than 1.5 for circular failure surfaces extending beneath the tank. FS greater than 1.5 were also indicated for block failure surfaces extending beneath the tank and through the interface between the colluvium and residual soil. FS greater than 1.0 were indicated for seismic conditions. Foundation Anafvsis Bearing Capacity. We estimated the bearing capacity of the existing tank foundations assuming the strength properties of the colluvium encountered in BH -2 and BH -3. Consistent with the slope stability analysis (seismic condition), we assumed an effective angle of internal friction 1¢') of 28 degrees and an effective cohesion 1c') of 200 psf. Our calculations indicate a nominal bearing capacity of 9,000 psf. This results in an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf with a typical factor of safety of 3. A one-third increase in the allowable bearing pressure (i.e., 4,000 psf) may be used in evaluating short-term seismic loads. Settlement. Any settlement due to soil consolidation from existing structural loads has already occurred. Therefore, any additional settlement would be due to mobilization of additional bearing resistance for short-term loads (e.g., seismic loads). Settlement from such conditions is expected to be less than Y2 -inch. Sliding Coefficient. The as -built drawings indicate the tank foundations are underlain by 12 inches of compacted granular backfill. A coefficient of friction of 0.45 is appropriate for evaluating the sliding resistance between the concrete footings and the underlying granular fill. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The slope stability analyses indicate the reservoir site is relatively stable for both static and seismic conditions based on the estimated soil strength parameters. Therefore, we believe the risk of slope instability is low. Certain factors could still affect the stability of the site, including future development of the surrounding area and other factors that influence ground water conditions. In addition, as with any development within landslide terrain, some risk of instability, though minor, still remains. VARIATION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS, USE OF THIS REPORT AND WARRANTY The analysis, conclusions and recommendations contained herein are based on the assumption that the subsurface profiles and ground water encountered in the exploratory borings and the test pit records provided in the existing as -built drawings are representative of the overall site conditions. No changes in the SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis November 18, 2013 South Hills Reservoir SupplamaMal Geotechnical Investigation Project 2131028-101 Springfield, Oregon 7, Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. enclosed recommendations should be made without our approval. We will assume no responsibility or liability for any engineering judgment, inspection or testing performed by others. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. Springfield Utility Board, and other design consultants for the South Hills Reservoir as part of the SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis project in Springfield, Oregon. Information contained herein should not be used for other sites or for unanticipated construction without our written consent. This report is intended for planning and design purposes. Contractors using this information to estimate construction quantities or costs do so at their own risk. Our services do not include any survey or assessment of potential surface contamination or contamination of the soil or ground water by hazardous or toxic materials. We assume that those services, if needed, have been completed by others. Our work was done in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. REFERENCES Burns, W. J., Hofmeister, R. J., and Wang, Y., 2008; Albany, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Interpretive Map Series IMS -24, 50 p. Hladky, F. R., and McCaslin, G. R., 2006; Preliminary Geologic Map of the Springfield 7.5' Quadrangle, Lane County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Mineral Industries, Open -File Report 0-06-07, 31 p. McClaughry, J. D., Wiley, T. J., Ferns, M. L., and Madin, I. P., 2010; Digital ;ounties, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Open -File Report 0-10-03, Scale: 1: 63,360, 116 p. OSSC, 2010; Oregon Structural Speciality Code (OSSC1: Based on the International Code Council, Inc., 2009 IBC, ISBN: 978-1-58001-955-2. SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis November 18, 2013 South Hills Reservoir Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Project 2131028-101 Springfield, Oregon 8• Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. AhL Profewoos! C�=Aww semc� Appendix A Figures Foundation Engineering, Inc. FOUNDATION ENGINEERING INC. VICINITY MAP FIGURE NO. PROM31ONAL GEOTECHNICAL EERVICM SOUTH HILLS RESERVOIR = NN COR11®L ANPx16 1 A CW=S.. OR 9r 45I> SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis eus (saq 757-7640 rex (wA ve 1... Springfield, Oregon FILE NAME: 1! �Y I r ` sir r I • rcE - SITE. - SCALE DATE J�Po 2!113 DWN..1GYL— Feef APPR.- 0 3,100 6,200 12,400 RENS. PROJECT NO. 2131028 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING INC. VICINITY MAP FIGURE NO. PROM31ONAL GEOTECHNICAL EERVICM SOUTH HILLS RESERVOIR = NN COR11®L ANPx16 1 A CW=S.. OR 9r 45I> SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis eus (saq 757-7640 rex (wA ve 1... Springfield, Oregon FILE NAME: w N w a w J rlE TC om W=�N6 Opmpj O_ D� �9�9ff��ffI 6 �� R91�og a 59H =, 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 OSSC 2010 Response Spectrum 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Period (seconds) Notes: 1. The Design Response Spectrum is based on OSSC 2010 Section 1613 using the following parameters: Site Class= C Damping = 5 Ss= 0.62 Fa= 1.15 See= 0.71 Sos= 0.48 S, = 0.29 F,. = 1.51 SM, = 0.43 Sol = 0.29 2. Ss and S, values for 5% damping are based on the USGS 2002 mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral acclerations for 2% probability of exceedence in 50 years. The corresponding peak ground acceleration on rack is 0.26g. 3. F. and F„ were established based on OSSC, Tables 1613.5.3(1) and 1613.5.3(2) using the selected Ss and S, values. Sea and Sot values include a 213 reduction on SMs and Su, as discussed in OSSC 2010 Section 1613.5.4. 4. Site location is: Latitude 44.034, Longitude -122.909. FIGURE 3A. OSSC 2010 SITE RESPONSE SPECTRUM SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis - South Hills Reservoir Springfield, Oregon FEI Project 2131028 $! -_- �� a _« ][ � m^ �! C \ §M O i f - $ } ! !I - ° >f ` -_ I\ ` §\\}\\\ �� - \ 9 -\ \ )/; \ /� • e R`§ / [/ I !! ( / . i . )/ ° %•� } }\«< )! ;l�4t 9 Ah Prafesstoaal Geotechnical Smices Appendix B Boring Logs and Rock Core Photos Foundation Engineering, Inc. DISTINCTION BETWEEN FIELD LOGS AND FINAL LOGS A Held log is prepared for each boring or test pit by our field representative. The log contains information concerning sampling depths and the presence of various materials such as gravel, cobbles, and fill, antl observations of ground water It also contains our interpretation of the all conditions between samples. The final logs presented in this report represent our interpretation at the contents of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examinations and tests. Our recommendations ore based on the contents of the final logs and the information contained therein and act on the field logs. VARIATION IN SOILS BETWEEN TEST PITS AND BORINGS The final log and related information depict subsurface conditions only at the specific location and on the date indicated. Those using the information contained herein should be aware that soil condillons at other locations or on other dates may differ, Actual foundation or subgrade conditions should be confirmed by us during construction. TRANSITION BETWEEN SOIL OR ROCK TYPES The lines designating the interface between soil, fill or rock on the final logs and on subsurface profiles presented in the report are determirsd by iaterpalotian and are therefore opproximote. The transition between the materials may be abrupt or gmduol. Only at boring or lest pit locations should profiles be considered as reasonably accurate and then only to the degree implied by the notes thereon. SAMPLE OR TEST SYMBOLS SH -3-4 Sample Number S - Grob Samples Boring ar Test Pit Number SS - Standard Penetration Test Sample (split -spoon) Sample Type SH - Tlea,olled Shelby Tube Sample C - Core Sample Tap of Sample Attempt CS - Continuous Sample Recovered Portion A Standard Penetrotioa Test Resistance equals the number Unrecovered Portion (large of blows a 140 Ib weight lalling 30 in. is required to drive circle Indicates no recovery) a standard sp6l-spoon sampler 1 ft. Practical refusal h —Bottom of Sample Attempt equal to 50 or more blows Per 6 in. of sampler penetration. • Water Content (R). UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS FIELD SHEAR STRENGTH TEST G - Gravel W — Well Graded Shear strength measurements on lest pit side 5 - Sond P - Poorly Graded wolfs, blocks of soil or Shelby lube samples M - Silt L - Low Plasticity are typically made with Torvone or pocket C - Cloy H - High Ploslieily penetrometer devices. Pt - Peat 0 - Organic r TYPICAL SOIL/ROCK SYMBOLS 1 Sond Silt ® C® Clay ;o_q Grovel LaJ 80solt sAstone WATER TABLE d Water Table Location (1/31/00) Dole of Measurement fJ Piezometer Tip Location (If used, vROPE25 A1011AL ION Em t�sNHNrcRiNS lcrs SYMBOL KEY pYOPew"M° . BORING AND TEST PIT LOGS eDFV— ae Ir.a0-1519 M. (so) 9 wa, FAX tel) '/dv-teea Explanation of Common Terms Used in Soil Descriptions Undrained shear strength Term Cohesive Soils Granular Soils Field Identification Damp Soil has moisture, Cohesive soils are below plastic limit and usually moldable, SPT Si," (tsf) Term SPT Term Visible water on larger groin surfaces. Sand and cohesionless silt exhibit dilatoncy. Easily penetrated several inches 0 - t < 0-125 Very Soft 0 - 4 Very Loose by fist. High Plasticity > 30 Easily rolled and reralled into thread. Easily penetrated several inches 2 - 4 0.125-0.25 Soft 5 - 10 loose by thumb. Con be penetrated several inches 5 - B 0.25 - 0.50 Medium Stiff 11 - 30 Medium by thumb with moderate effort. (F Frm) Dense Readily indented by thumb but 9 - 15 0.50 - 1.0 Stiff 31 - 50 Dense penetrated only with great effort. Readi!y indented b lhumbnoil. 16 - 30 1.0 - 2.0 Ver Stiff > 50 Very Dense Indented with difficulty by 31 - 60 > 2.0 Hard fhambnail. 1 1 Undrained shear strength Term Soil Moisture Feld Description Dry Absence of moisture. Dusty. Dry to the touch. Damp Soil has moisture, Cohesive soils are below plastic limit and usually moldable, 0 Grains appear darkened, but no visible water. Silt/clay will clump. Sand will bulk. Soils Moist are often at ar near plastic limit. Wet Visible water on larger groin surfaces. Sand and cohesionless silt exhibit dilatoncy. - 15 Cohesive silt/clay can be readily remolded. Soil leaves wetness on the hand when Medium Plasticity squeezed. "Wet" indicates that the soil is welter than the optimum moisture content and - 30 above the plastic limit. Term Soil Structure Criteria Pi Alternating layers at least 1 inch Plasticity Field Test Nonplastic 0 - 3 Cannot be rolled into a thread. Low Plasticity 3 - 15 Con be rolled into a thread with some difficulty. Medium Plasticity 15 - 30 Easily rolled into thread. High Plasticity > 30 Easily rolled and reralled into thread. Term Soil Structure Criteria Stratified Alternating layers at least 1 inch finger thick - describe variation. Laminated Alternating layers at less than Moderate 1 inch thick - describe variation. Fissured Contains shears and partings pressure. along planes of weakness. Slickensides partings appear glossy or striated. Blocky Breaks into lumps - crumbly. Lensed Contains pockets of different soils - describe variation. Term Soil Cementation Criteria Weak Breaks under light finger pressure. Moderate Breaks under hard finger pressure. Strong Will not break with finger pressure. FOUNDATIONaEtIflicZaNS w00i COMMON TERMS °ep n LeM°A'An SOIL DESCRIPTIONS fa".. ae .-.All &16 (Sal 13f-1615 PAX (.0 lbr-IGSY Explanation of Common Terms Used in Rock Descriptions Field Identification (meters) UCS (psi) UCS (MPa) Strength Bedding/Foliation < 006 < 2 (Hardness) Indented by thumbnail. RO < 100 0.25-1.0 Extremely Weak I fl. Close Thin 0.30 (Extremely Soft) Crumbles under firm blows with geologicalVery Rt 100-1000 1.0-5.0 Weak hammer, can be peeled by a pocket knife. 3 ft. - 10 It. Wide (Very Soft) Co. be peeled by a pocket knife with difficulty, shallow R2 1000-4000 5.0-25 Weak indentations mode by firm blow with geological hammer. (Soft) Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife, specimen R3 4000-8000 25-50 Medium Strong can be fractured with a single blow of geological hammer. (Medium Hand) Specimen requires more than one blow of R4 8000-16000 50-100 Strong geological hammer to fracture it, (Hard) Specimen requires many blows of RS 16000-36000 100-250 Very Strong geological hammer to fracture il. (Very Hard) Specimen can only be chipped with R6 > 36000 > Y50 Extremely Strong geological hammer. (Extremely Hard) Spacing (meters) Spacing (feet) Spacing Term Bedding/Foliation < 006 < 2 in Very Close Very Thin 0O6 - 0.30 2 in - I fl. Close Thin 0.30 - 0.90 1 ft. - 3 ft. Moderately Close Medium 0.90 - 3.0 3 ft. - 10 It. Wide Thick > 3.0 > 10 ft. Very Wide Very Thick (Massive) Vesicle Term I Volume % Stratification Term Description Lamination <0.39 in, thick beds Some 3 - 20& Fissile Preferred break along lomingtigns Highly 20 - 509 Porting Preferred break direction Scoria > 50% Foliation Metamorphic layering of minerals 25 - ROD % Designation ROD X Designation 0 - 25 Very Poor 75 - 90 Good 25 - 50 Pao, 90 - 100 Excellent 50 - 75 Fair Rock Duality Oesignafon (R00) is the percent Of a core run with intact lengths greater than 4.0 in. excluding breaks caused by drilling. QROe�IONAL GEEOTDCNHNICAL SSERiVCES COMMON TERMS °"0 NXC0pN°•"` ROCK DESCRIPTIONS meveus, oa aron-'sr' ei9. full 'et'.. PAC (earl M-nuir Depth Soil and Rock Description Eley. ♦ SPT, • Moisture, Installations/ and Lob Samples N-VRevalue Feat Comments Depth O Recovery ® ROD., Water Table 98263 0 co 100 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, (t5 inches). . Capped with 1 _ _ _ _ Dense CRUSHED GRAVEL, (37 inches); grey, damp, I . 0.4AC 9916 2 131-mch minus, (base rock). J ". t0 patch and _ Stiff sandy CLAY to sandy SILT, trace gravel; brown, ♦2 grevel 3 iron and manganese-stained, damp to moist, medium sst4 Backfilled 4 plasticity, fine to coarse sand, fine, subangular gravel, Win (colluvium). bentonite 5 59-1-2 Al • chips 6 7 -- ------------ seat - a Verystiff dayey SILT; light grey, Iron and 7.0 ♦. • 8 manganese-stained, damp, medium plasticity, 531-3 24 (residual soil). 9 10 ------ ------ ------ 952.5 •:..: Extremely Weak(RO) TUFF; light grey, ironstainetl 10.0 55-14 64 11 decomposed to consistency of hard sill 12 1 •.. 13 i"./ S&I-5 66 F 14 15 __ _____ 977.6 • EMremely weak (RO)sandy SILTSTONE: grey to 15.0 5S16 16 brown, Ironstalned, decomposed, fine to coarse sand _ _ 17 18 19 _ 20 Becomes blue-grey and high to moderately weathered SS-1-7 5 21 below 320 feet. _ - 22 _ 23 —_ 24 25 Becomes very weak(R1), slightly weathered to fresh SS14 _?3- 26 below 325 feet — C31-1 Very dose to moderately dose, planar to Irregular, 27 rough, open jointing. 28 —_ 29 0 30- 31 31 —_ 32 _ 33 34 35 =—Z 957.6 BOTTOM OF BORING 35.0 Project No.: 2131028-101 Boring Log: BH-1 Surface Elevation: 992.6 feet (Approx.) Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Date of Boring: October 9, 2013 South Hills Reservoir ARh Foundation Engineering, ITIC. Springftefd, Oregon pie, or, Depth Soil and Rock Description Elev. ♦ SPT, • Moisture, % Inslallationsl and Samples N -Value Feet Commends Dem El Recovery ® ROA.,% Water Table 967.7 0 W 100 Soft to medium stiff silty CLAY to clayey SILT, some 0.0 Moms 1 and. trace to some gravel, scattered rubbles and monument boulders; brown to red -broom, iron and set in 2 mangaoaseatained. moist, medium plasticity, fine to A Is - concrete 3 coarse, subangulargravel, (fill). sS24 :5'. Bentonite q chips 5 662-2 '.. 3 6 nch I.D. ] PVC 8 _ 0507 SS2J - 6 1 " harayey SILT, soma sand, trace to Very stili to d cl 8.0 9 some gravel, scattered cobbles and boulders; brown - to grey, iron and anganestaineti, moist, medium me-sto 10 high plasticity, fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, ss2<71 11 subangular gravel,(colluvium). x18 -Inch diameter boulder encountered from 311 to 12 12.5 feet. • 13 SS2-5 19 14 Colorado 15 �8 silica sand 6x26 16 Ground 17 water level 18 19 0.010 20 ♦ is '. machine slot 39-2-7 7 23'. screen 21 22 23 Ground 24 - - water level 25 p0 (10-16-13) SS2A 26 27 Bentonite 28 chips 29 30 _ - 937. Extremely, weak (RO)SILTSTONE, bIueSrey, slightly 30.0 55-2-9 15 wea[heretl. 935. co'6 BOTTOM OF BORING Project No.: 2131028-101 Boring Log: BH -2 Surface Elevation: 967.7 feet (Approx.) Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Date of Boring: October 9, 2013 South Hills Reservoir h Foundation Engineering, Inc. Springfield, Oregon Page 1 of 1 Depth Soil and Rock Description and Feet Comments 7 Pdamp, 31_5 -inch minus, (fill)(39 inches),____ 2Sbff gravelly CLAY some send brown to grey, moist, medium plasticity, fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, 3 subsngulargravel (fill). 4 Soft CLAY, some sand, brawn, ironstained, moist, 5 medium plasticity, fine m worse sand, (fill). 6 7 Stiff tory s vetiff santly CLAY, trace gmyel; broom to 8 light grey, iron and manganeseshimed, moist, 9 medium plasticity, fine to warse sand fine, subangulargrevel (colluvium). 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Very stiff sandy CLAY; light grey, iron -stained, damp 21 low plasticity, fine to coarse sand (residual soil). 22 23 24 25 Exbemely weak (RO) TUFF; light grey grading to 26 blue -grey, ironstained, decomposed to highly weathered. 27 28 29 31 Project No.: 2131028-101 Surface Elevation: 960.7 feet (Approx.) Date of Boring: October 9, 2013 Foundation Engineering, Inc. Mw Boring Log: BH3 Springfield Utility Board (SUB) South Hills Reservoir Springfield, Oregon Installations/ Water Table Backfilled with bentonite chips of 1 Elev. a. SPT, • Moisture, % Log Samples N -Value Depth C Recovery ® ROD., % 960.fia o 50 15 959..4 0.s • 5531 13 M.7 4.0 • S 2 b - 953.] - 7.0 5533 15 • 553-0 9 5535 9 ...._ • S55fi a Boring Log: BH3 Springfield Utility Board (SUB) South Hills Reservoir Springfield, Oregon Installations/ Water Table Backfilled with bentonite chips of 1 Foundation Engineering, Inc. South Hills Reservoir SUB Reservoirs Seismic Analysis FEI Proiect 2131028-101 M BORING: BH -1 BOX 1 OF 2 25.0 FT TO 33.0 FT Photo 1. BH -1 Box 1 BORING: BH -1 BOX 2 OF 2 33.0 FT .TO 35 FT Photo 2. BH -1 Box 2 ARk Professional Geotechnical Services Appendix C SLIDE 5.0 Output Foundation Engineering, Inc. s U LL q 0- 0 O N QU) m o c d' 0O O O O N U N C N N LL O N =[n mU v o ) (n U U vJ N '> U o d 0 0 a M 1 L V U LL O _ 6 d O y w N C O 0i y U N C y 2 U) `m 0 0 L N O U U) C) U) in C t_ s s U . O _ N U Q t N � N ' O i 'N- (nU U(A Y a 0 U l g m � v 0 0 N fL 000 G 00 N N �'^ O O O O .1 .i .y .y N N N N N til nl m c c c c h ✓1 ✓1 N V N N y E £ U Z 0O OIL a L s i Q 0 ¢ c N CO o d' O 0 .0 N U = C x n Li L) �- m Y N U U O Q O (n U o] (n E 0 U o O- N / N 4J N ' �' VV L _ N C O N W O M + O Y T Y v A N woe oe az o6z 01 IL os O C N a O N C t N � - U LL yNYE s U N o o n O O . O N coUgJ m �I o o U N N � N O V N N O N N K � 4 J o Vl bo �"o oo o.i .i .�i nNN rvNmmn nav mm mmmm T W N ose z a z o ao� os a L M U V) LL m N c OC a LL' O O O O m O N SU�w O N (n) U) U U CO a^_ w 3 ✓OQN � T N W E N 0 y N000 O N O N L 0 � ` m N x N O co d O N O m @ _ (n U J U U cooUc](n 8 A O n � N a N - �` 11 X00 O o n N T D N a. b Op 0 Z L GOL I a 'U x y Ile