HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-09-02(G \L-\7 ME\T \VP CoNSTRUCTIoN/PLAC PERM IT ilrtn rurs BLocK.PLEASE USE BLACK q INK D PRINT.COI{P FCR OFFICC USE ONLY AppIic Permit fl rwo a ti- Copics of Plans Irwo Copies of Piot Plans f llechanical Checkllst ! llumbing Checl'.Iist Plan Checli Info Sheet ffizU*"'-Tom:sHtt- / Z SUBDI\iIS I WATER BLOCKe ()FZIP 5 D{jlcsidenti a1 f| commercial i_l tnd,ustrial l--.Lj PuDrac Proposed Exis+-ing NUMBER APPLICAT 4-l -92 9 lGNATUREN}.MT e ase rcatand,)nLhnfr:n ro-l lollITdoandr1hcf;PNRMCATIONEORAPPLICOMPLETETIIEDEXAMINIiD l:e .J 1ofllLan e Cou tl)r.l l,aiv rtiLhhOrd i rancc9 obc1ndoneaccordanccfoshrmedaI lta1andworkpeanyrtiCEfy herurtDi.s tonrnrofC,n B,jthestruc turn t ho u1:1d ingthobeofmadep.lthatandOCCUPANCYanyNOdescrworkhereibed1ntheto ldfo()l r n()thatfba !,ithc cxem!t-i.e xrnrpt7CoRsoeandfeasct1SBoardfutnforcebyrequircdthwlBuithe1detthareg.istration cilE('r€DAl'ID TIIRErlDHAVE0wibeedUSrhionSoRswithProjec'10awho1nreracto r ssubcont complandhc reon thatand enpLoyeesQN1y L-j ,-rwrr.: fi.,,r..r..nt f,on"t'*. tr PLANNING ZONING:Zone ParLition # idc Parce] r Parc€l Srze c C II'lrlf mum S IN: n RU tr SAIiITATION: s. t. i lnstallation Specifications: ea "- w FLOODn flood area? fJ *o fl ves, see attached sheet ADDRESSING: (;RID COORDINATE N E Date: Date: B. P. #lnstailatiori Record Issucd? f v"t I s" Maxlmu$ Depth of TrenchesGal lon Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Coments: Date g6r,axs/EXAMINATION: rype V -Nl ",o,n M- I Use +kq Coments: CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY TH]S PERMIT Floodplain Fee Sq. Ft Subsurface Building F g .@Fixed Fee,/ Unit Cost s cr l-on Sewer/Storm Drain/water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical P1ans Check Fee State Surcharge rorAl FIjE 77.05 FEES PATD BY: $ C $ $ $ $ $ C TOTAL VALUATION $rewg By PERTqIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFF'ICIAL/;)ES 456.B05 DATE LANE COUNTy DEPARTITIENT Or PLANNING & COI'LUUNITY DEVEIOPMFINT / l-25 EAST EIGHTII AVENUE. EUGENE, oFEGON 9740I .o SBE REVERSE POR INSPECTION INFOIiMATION r:t flrr i l)-rrd Itr lre.Ircrl: (l lrlofI /: tI Ilance T tr tr tr I ISETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL M9!] gE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT,CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACIION ONOiNNICEI AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. I WHEN READY FoR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 HoUR ADVANCE NOTTCE FoR INSPECTTON REQUEST i{UST BEGIVEN' Have the following information r.aayr F..rii.rro.i,"ior uJarerr,';ff;i iispection, when .it wi.lI be ready,your name and phone number, and any special-d.irections to iiie.- BUILDING DIVISION: l) F0UNDATIoN INSPECTI0N: .To.Qg made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation@ob.wt,.""_ion...tefromacentra]mixingp]ant(common1ytermed.,tran5itmixed,,)istobeused,materials need not be on the Job. 2) CoNCRETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FLooR INSPECTI0I: To be made after a]l in-slab or under-floor building service equipment,.iii.;;.;;;p,.ni'ii",'areinp1acebutbeforeanyconcreteis.pouredor fioor sheathing installed, including tne su6ttdor: - - - "'r L qlrr uurrLrsut 'r PUurEu 3) FRAMING & INSULATIoN INSPECTIoNS: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place andsand-ventsarecomp1eteanda.lIrough6iectricitanapiumbingareapproved.A1.|walI insuiation and vapor barriei are in place. 4) LATH AND/oR GYPSUU.-E0ARDlllBEeflqN: To be made after a1l lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in placeo'o.to,egypi,,oou.d_;oint,andfastenersaretapedandfinished 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUIRED' No work shall be done on any part of the build'ing or structure beyond the poi.nt indicated .in eachsuccessive inspection without first obtaini.ng tjre'approval or-it..uuitaing oiiiiiir.- such approval shall be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made of 6ach trli"isire-step in the c6nstruition as indicated by each of the inspectionsregui red. N0TE: Al1 building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not rimited to:A' BL0CK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is_in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. Th.is inspection isrequired for each bond beam pour. There will be'no approval until tfie"piumbing and electrical inspectionshave been made and approved. B' t't000 ST0vE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when .installation is comotete.hstallation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu-facturer's instal lation .instructions. C. I4OBILE H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobiie home is connected to an approved sewer or septicsystem for: setback requirements, block'ing, footing connection, tiedowns, slirilniii inO-pirrUingconnecti ons. (l) Footl'ngs and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommendedby the manufacturer.(2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be cert'ified when required by a floodplain management Ietter.. (3) t4obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspectionwithin at ieast 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be instilled per'enclosure. REQUIRED I NSPECTIONS D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when poolis instal led. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I,JORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I',ILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN IIUIry ]gg qAYS, OR IF tllORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN ]8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT t.lAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOI'IPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I,JILL DO SO AT HIS OI^IN RISK (r ) (2) SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon conpleting the.construction for which a pqrmit has been issued the permit holder shal1 notify the DepanBnerlt by sqbmitting.the.instal-lation recbrd fprtn. The Departtnent shali inspect the construciion to determ.ine i.f it compliei with the rules contained in this divisi6n. li tfre construction does comply vrith sqth,,:ytileq;lth€.Department sha'll issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permit hollei. If theconstruction'does not comply with such rulqs, the Department shpll notify the pepmit fioider and shall requ.iresatisfactory completion before issuing,the rcertificat€. Eailqr:b,to.meet+ the risuJredtents fon'satisfactory- completjgn-ryithip a reasonable time constit-utes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and thii iule. Setbacks - -iibsulface Sewaqe Disposal From:Interi or ;property- I ihes Edge 0f, .r.odd' r.i Eht-of-wayBuilding foundation Hells, other water sources Septic Tank Drai nfi el d -T6T-l0' 10' I 00, i0' t0' 5' 50' i L -t I I 6 8 t0 t7 t4 t6 t8 20 27 24 26 2E 30 32 u 36 3t 40 1' a4 a6 48 50 52 5{ 56 58 50 52 64 1 - i j; e = t2 n IO L I 6 4 }J a I I iJ' -l *:. n. la' rrl !q I r--r!\ f t-: ,: j.{ }" .[El f'f t_, t--_ a. lone comty PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS I^lILL BE REJECTED! 6ll' - -. Pnnt Tr,rcrtI ,. v/g J evt S€-Vt PERSON MAKING REQUEST 36A 3 A.tlu i-- z{rz -JU. zo+^ MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS a,z[o/ )re ?z vzl {e 2 z vt) CITY STATE ZIP CODE ?26 - Z) '{ ( 74G - Yf6{ 7zL 37 '/ (ffiffiffi HOME TELEPHONE # 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS(IF DIFFEnEUT TRO 3 nnap e PAFIeEL NIJMBEFI ( REQU r REp I NF0RI4AT I0N ) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement)t1 _o3 _alJs TOHNSHIP RANGE STCTION !#o TAX LOT(S) ON PARCEL # ZONING TOhINSMP A;A-NGE SMT-ION W Z0XTNG MTNSE]F RINGE SEETMN ffi ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION ( if appl icable)BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exact'ly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE , -/ oK. T _/U <qte 4 M ln 4o -b ^** FoR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: NUMBER DATE -{n a,t', -.1l- BY : _ DATE:_ TIME IN:--- OUT:_ PROPERTY OWIIEN r fl\, - CON STRU CT ION/PLAC E M ENT PERM IT CO}lPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. FCF. OFI]CX L]SL] ONLY AppI j"cati I4*dLPerr,iit # Ir*o Copies of Plans Irwo Copies of Piot P]-ans f, t.lechan ical Checklist fllumbing Checi:Iist fle:-an Chec}: rnfo Sheet TOIfNSHI}'/7 FAI'lGE SECTION r/ri f-or ICUI' oI' LOT.,/PARCEL BLOCK LCCAT'I(-)N .\DDR-ESS STREET CITY ZIPfi" ()a ,ffirsidential I commercial n rncustrial ! rutrtcS TRL--L'RES CURI.EI'ITLY Otr* PROPE RTY DES.-RIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK 5 VALUE T OF BEDROOMS i Oi., STORIES + OF EMFLOYEES WATER SUPPLY Proposed Exl s+.ing {q'f ,l-' I L-,: ., .'.Ll:,- TELUI'IJO]IE N"U J\|iJ,1'R !-rl lvl-r!N 5 U5h r DIBECTIONS TO SITE .? :/- # to the work described herei.n, and thaE NO OCCUPANCY will be Mde of any structur. wi.thout- thc- pcrmission of the Building Division. I furth.r erriifl' that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force atrd effect as requ-ired by ORS 701.o55, that if exempt the basis for cxenlticrrr iei ni)t'd hereon, and that only subcontractors and enployees who are in compliance with oRs 701'055 will be used on this project. I HA\'|E REID AllD CIIE(:f'ED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. L /r'4 #,/'/-*,-b0NA-ME (!lease prrnt)9lGNATURI Parcel size /i #PLANNING ZONING z zane Partition t Parcel : in te ri orCllrrrlmum Sctbacks: L, .frcnt c ILrlL. slde Ccmlents r I rr,ooopr,arN: fl nunai, AppRESSTNG: I sasrrArroN: In flood hazard area?n r" fl v"s, see attacired sheet ()RrD COORDINATL N E Date: Date: Date: S. I. #B. P. #lnstall,atiori Record rssued? [ v.. I n" 1nsta1 lation Specifications: Gal lori Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfi.eld Maximur Depth of Trenches Coments: Date: 66mr'rs,/ EXAMINATION: rro.V -l"l Llsa___ i ,' " t reGroupM* Coments A n FFr IL Date li CONSTRUCTION AUTHORfZED BY THIS PERMIT Fixed Fee/ Uni-t Cost Floodpla Sq. Ft ?ap *To.rin Fee Pl*rbN*, Subsurface Fees Building Fee . Sewer/Storm Drain/water Plumbj-ng Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge l.ac-au Descript j-on w{r,t ) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 'o4' ,l 4n o ) TOTAL VALUATION $ rorAl FEE 7{.C5 $ .,'C-'h --'-': FEES PAID BY: I cnecX f] casrr 'wIru6+52.o5 By: Date ?/z/EL PERIIIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICI,CLIDESIGNF;E (;.'Jr ORS 456.805(}))DJ\TE I,ANE COUNTY DEPART!..1ENT OF PLAIiINING & COI.UIUNITY DEVEU)PT1!]NT / L25 EAST EIGHTH AVT:NUE, EUGENE, OF€GON 9?4Oi SBE RtrVERSE FOR INST,ECTION INFORMATION I _-'I-I'IT,}i,s NL^4I AND ADDRTSS 4 fr/fr T tr tr ir I.A Ll /)/ t-1/lt Vtbl*W .<'24 E -- SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT,cITATIoN UNDER PRoVISIoNS 0F LANE CoUNTY'S INFRACTToN oRDINANCE, AND/OR 0THER REMEDIES ALLOuED By LAt,|. !,IHEN READY rbR tusprcrt0N CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM oF AT LEAST 24 HouR ADvANcE NorIcE FoR INspEcrIoN REQUEST MUST BEGIVEN. Have the following information ready:. permit number, job address, type oi inspection, when it witt le reaay,your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIiSPECTIONS l) F0UNDAIIoN INSPECTION: -To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundationare delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed',) is to Ue ri.j,materials need not be on the Job. 2) C0NqRFTE S!A? 0R UNDER-FLO0R INSPECTIqT: To be made after all in-slab or under-ftoor bui'tding service equipment,ci1lary.equipmentiiemsareinptaie-outbeforeanyi6nciete_ispouredor floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3) F8$MIryG & II!:ULAII0N INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof, al'l framing, fire btocking and bracing are in place andsand.ventsarecompleteania.|trougn6iectricatand[1umb.ingare"approved.A.l1wall insulation and vapor bamier are in place. 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in placeorbeforegypsumboardjoinisana-iisieneriaretapedandfinished. 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any pant of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in eachsuccessive inspection without first obtaini.ng the approval of the bui'lding official. -Such approval shall be given oniyafter an inspection shall have been made of each sutcessive step in the c6nstruction as inailitea Uy eacrr ot ltre inifettlonsrequi red. NOTE: AI1 building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BL0CK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspection isreguired for.each bond beam pour. There wilI be'no approval unt'iI tire-piumbing'and electrical .inspect.ions have been made and approved. B. t'100D STOVE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comotete.lnstallation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu-facturer's instal lation instructions. C. I,IOBILE H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons . (l) Footings and piers to comply wjth State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer.(2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter.(3) l4obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shail be installed and ready for inspectionwithin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when poolis instalIed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT l.lILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN I.IITHIN]8O DAYS, OR IF I,IORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT tlAS ISSUED 0N rHE BASIS 0F INC0MPLETE 0R ERRoNEoUS INF0RMATIoN. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS O[,IN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEHAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder sha11 notify the Department by submitting the installation record form. The Department shali inspect the construction to determine'if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply vtith such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion.to the permit holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and sha'lI require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable tjme constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal (r ) (2) From Septic Tank Drainfie]d -T0'-Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Buiiding foundation Wells, other water sources t0' 'I 0' 5' 50' 'I 0' 'I 0' I 00' LJ I.ir LANE COUNTY I NSPECTI ON RECORD PNAME C E NHftt L A EQU I RE FRONT L SiDE I NTERI OR REAR I,J,O AUTH R Y PERMiT DIRECTIONS TO SITE ? ESITEn r-O-OTiNG I FOUNDATION INSPECTI Approved Correcti on Di sapproved-Da te ON OR MOBILE HOME SET UP ]NSPECTION I nspector C-O[CRETE SItrB / UNDER-FLOOR INSPEC ION Approved Correctjon- Disapproved-Date_----I nspector UXDEFSLAB / PLUMBING Approved Correct'ion Di sapproved Da te ROUNDI^JORK I NSP ECI I ON I nspector n-_ouGli FlUI'lg I NG I NSPECT I O N Approved Correct j on Di sapproved-]Date I nspector FRAMING INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on-Di sapproved Date i nsp ec tor mffi BARRIER INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved D ate I ns pec tor LATH / G Approved YPSUM B OA RI] INSPt CTION Correcti on Di sapproved Date.=---.-_-...--.-I nspector FINAL PLUMBING INSPE CTION Approved_=---.Correction- Disapproved Date----_-i nspector FINAL I^IASTE D]SPOSAL SYSTEM INSPE ION Approved Correcti onr__Di s proved Date I ns pector PE ON BUILDIN proved Correction MOB I LE sapproved Date ,- I ns pec tor CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANC Y TEMPORARY CERTIFICA TE OF OCCUPANCY Approved__ _--Correc t i on-.=--.-D Inspector Form Cl4-197 1 Sapprove d_--___Date tl I -?-r IN