HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1989-08-21uets/se,R,D -7 Lane County Authorization for'FOR OF'FICE USE ONLY 3Permit * Applica **arrn/ ? RANGE o 3 f SJBDIVISIONAARTITION (if applicable)r-orTnenenr, 'BI,oCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY X[ Res idential [-l commercial fl rnaustriat Public ) DECI,ARED S VALUE WATER SUPPLY ] eroposed([existing TELEPHQNE NUUBER'-."4 -.., -- u ). \_ Z?_ AND ADDRESS rer,epgtftp NU!,IBER,fu CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLT {-tz,;!?ry that Ore9on I fur- AND ParceIParcel * Date: I senrtetrou, Usea& COI4}lENTS: Date rearor ) c, B. P. *S. I. * ZATION I{AS BEEN BASED ON TI{E FOLLOWING CONDI TIONS: Installation Record Issued?fl v." flN" spe cifications: -Tank READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. I pleuurnc,zzoNrNG: Minimum Se cotd\ENTS Installation Gal10n Maxinum DePth of TrenchesLineal Feet of orainfield Partition *- c Ll IGNEE (oer ORS 456OFF 125 OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DlvlsloN,6874061' 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401LANE COUNTY SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION cr4-25 R* I GrouP tr SETBACKS AND OTHER COf,-DITIONS OF APPROI,TAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED, VIOLATION CAN RDSULT lN REVO- C,i?ION OF ?IIIS PERMIT, CITATIO:J UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUITYIS INFRACTION ORDIN.qNCE, AND,/OR OTIJER REIIEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN REiDY FOR In*SPECTION, CALL 68?-1065. A !11Nllluil OF AT LEAST 24 IIOURS ADVA:{CE NOTICE FOR INSpEC-TLI-TEn!-EffiI,TSI-EEGTVEN. H;rt.he following information ready: perniL number, job address, rypeof inspecrion. when it will be ready, your name and phonc nun5er, and any specj.al. Cirections to sit!. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IT.SPECTIONS : I. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when allhaterials for the toundation are delivered on the job. l,there concrete from a central mixing Plant (comonl'y termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2- Concrete slab or under:aloor rnspection: To be made after all in-sIab or under-fIoor bullding;E;tle equipmqr,-Eqafic, p+i;A-e;ressorres, and orher ancirrary equlpnent irems are inpl'ace but betole any concrete is poured or floor sheathing instaJ-1;a, -iniluaing the subfloor. l. -:*+:9 !_1n:+:+:+ r-I:Ps:!l!r., ro.be mdde after the roof , arr trani.ns, fire btockins, andoracrng are 1n pldce and arr pipes, fireptaces, chimneys, and vents are iomplete and ali roughelectricar and plunbing are approved. air wali insuriiion ""a ""i". barriei u.. i; pi;;": 4- =+^3I91-_q4+! Board rnspection: To be nade after all larhing and gypsum board, interioranilexterrorf-is-T:qceTuIE-9'9 any prasterins i" .ppri.J"iri r..o.. sypsm board joints. and fdsteners are Laped and finished. 5' Final rnspection: To be made after the building is conprete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REoUTRED' - No work-sha1l be done on any part of the buirding cir structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspectj.on wichout rii.i "tt.liiig--ii."Ipi."".a of the buifding offlcialSuch approval shaIl be gi.ven cnly after an inspection shalL have U"an.i.Oa of each successive stahin the construcrion as indicared'by eacn ot irr!-inspectior"..quii"i. "'-ue or eacn successlve st-H NOTE: AlI building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to:A' B10ck warr: To be.mace-after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. Thisi'i-peclio is required for each uona beii pour. There witr be no approvar until. the plumbinqand e.l.ectrical inspections have been nade ind approved. B. Hood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation iscomprete' rnstaLlation sharr be i. ...o.d.n.. witi an "piior"J,-rutionaJ-ry recognized testingagency and the nanufacturer's installat.ion instructions... c' Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved:;l::t;;,":i."!,iliiil ::l^:::?:;:."quirements' blockine' ;;"1;'; connection, tiedivns, l' Footings and piers to compry with state foundation requirements for mobi.le homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. 2' Xi:ii"^*:;.il:lt'i:r::l:"" rloor erewation shalr- be certiried when required by a rlood- 3' )lobile hone taedowns,.when required, and skirting shalr be instarred and ready for inspec-;::t"X:i::1.:t reast 30 davs iilnt-6"!"p.n"v. riedowns una "rirtinq shall be instarr.ed D' ###r-*ir"liiiXult'ot when steer is in place and before concrete j.s poured. Above srade APPR0VED Pr'ANs !'lusr BE oI-11! JoB srrE AT ALL TrMES-DURTN*c woRKrNG HouRs. rHrs pER.r,rrr rrrll ExprRErF woRK D.ES Nor BEG'N wrrll.rN-rao oavi,"on"ii 16'"* ,t suspnr,roio-on iiiiriio*so FoR noRE rHAN r'o DAys.;x;::ffii?i-:" R'EVocArloN i4Ay occuR ii-iHil "i*ii, ,os rssuio o* ;;r";;;ft oF TNCoM,LETE oR ERRoNEous ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIIT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: l. perm.its shaLl be effective i"*;.*,* the Cate of issuance.2. Upon completing the construction for whi.ch a pern_it has been issued, the pernit holder shal"Inotj'fy the Lane county Departrent "r o-iunning.ona comuniiy o"JIiJi..ra by submittinq rheinsralrdrion r"""r_o,.ii:^: - rr." o.p.i*"ia"in.rr ir"o.ct rhe constri:crion ro detcmin; if ircompries with the rules. containea'ln tnis Iiri.ion. rr the consliuction does compry with suchIi'ti; "tii"?i3:iH;',t^:1"11 i""."'"..iiiicate or .uti.r..toiy-"oiprution to rhe permiti horder.horder and "',.ii-,"el?ii '::.::?::1":i'l"i;il.l:]";:r::: ?aaii$lt-srrarr 'Jiriv-.fi"'piii"ilT:::":':,'8H.,,;;T:;;; ::',;i:);l;jji;i,#:jiji;; ;:;;i; j'::::3""'li.'iiji'llili;."i::,:.;,:: Setbacks _ Subsurface Sewage D.isposal From;Interior property Iines :o9:.9t road rrqhr_of_wayBuiJ.dj.nq foundationwells, other water sources l0l l0l 10 '100 ' Scptic Tank t0,I0' 50 | Drainfield Please complete all lines inside white boxes, tf possible. ?" t7-f?ltrr--- -{#ffa 7"=.;,- ou737- ' '(i(''i' *;- f,y L CITY DaFtFl- l) OWNERS ADOBESS (ll not 3tma lr abova) Llccn$ I .4en t Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Prop.9ily I-l House E Barn E Garage E i/ohile. Homel-t Shed JEPTIC INSTALLEDEl Yesl-1 l.lo Water District RAt* F0 u-t Dlrectlons to site from Courthouse F ut( I 0-E .{As*f 77t l)aArx fa l-o/nod"D E45r I g/ uz To ld€tr 5 t Df' { €aztT4 Yt 4 TO MAP, PARCEL NUMBER J+ +#j#.iA##"'Yi#il1 ffiil E"il- ffi rF5iiiii -C-bi- 'I6.*;ffi- -6Gc- S;iio-- tffiEii6i- -fiifo-t- SITE A 5 ztP Bedrms- nse #- For PI No. Brand Home Only Year Size € €f MAIL PERMIT TO: Land Management Dlv. stalf can not be held resPonsible for evaluatlons or recommendations based on false, lnaccurate or lncomplete lnformatlon ztP