HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-10-22tD -5- I .J Lane Count y Authori za,ttott for'|::*i:';'"g/a{-z ICE USE ONLY IOTIPARCEL BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY El€=ulaunti.r [-l rndustrial T commercial Publicapp DECI.ARED S VALUE ] eroposed *il-xistinq 4/.zzzersl,rpHoNr-Nu}4ernsADDRESS NUMBERAND S APPLICATIONCHECKED ,,/o DATE ,Cl-frl1t -20 coMPLETllD APPLIC4TTON POR in the propertr,$1rt., I work perfomea*6ai1 be I]nall rif oma hereonon 1 andtrue ctcorre thatandrloarrdhrertthatPERMITLviyTHECAREFUTLYEXAMINED!{AVEI t zedauthoriofrecordco!t rar:agentprrrchasinterestuthelegalfollow.ing of Statethe o OreOrdtDancegthcLaneoftheandLaws gonINdoneacordaur;e .wf Coutyandf!rtherI certi thatfy any fur-rct Llret-Ir thoutwa ttre ofm15 SAOn vlslonDiwi1nadebeofpeBuj- ldingherenthatandOCCUPANCYqh"NOtoworkthedescribed 70oRs 055 that t e basthe s foranforcefu11e ffect-and re xempt exempgithethBuilderBoardquiredbytherthatcertifyregistrationect.READIi,AVE ANDthWI70IORSWI055be11onusedrhiprojwhoesareadsubcontractorsAShereonnotedandIoyeenPthatonly YOUR Partition * Installation Soecifications: Tank Date : C L Gallon COMI.IENTS tr Use L../-S . L( B. P. *SANITATION: s. I. * o".., /6-Z?*EQ -4X, - !v."!u" Date: Installation Record Issued? ORIZATION I{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Parcel Size PLANS EXAMINAT]ON: COl,lllENTS fl pleNNruc,u zoNrNG: Mi.nimun Se COI,$1ENTS i,nterior rear Lineal Feet of l)rainfield l"taximum Depth of Trenches Parcel * READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687.4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE EOR INSPECTION INT'ORMATION C1lL..2\ Rt14 ZIP L, D tr Typ.- "to'nL UU*r- *U*"o ,-Oi"*OU UUUrUr,rrUUUrU*UU ,rt U* U*.UU6,T' ' - /e -ZZ--QQ a< L,ood Stove Perr,rit Application A PERMIT CANNOT BE APPROVED UNTIL A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IS SUBMITTED /(E//6 - ??og* NAME ,T ADDRESS FOR INSTALLATION ,. NAME 0F Acrh PHON CITY {t, E.noo* Natr'lfi+vti @Ef oRs # CIRCLE THE SKETCH I4OST CLOSELY RESEMBLING YOUR PROPOSAL ) nht1 .7 D t-* INSTALLER CONSTRUCTION: * A. The unit is listed by; t- 0ther (name) B. The floor protection is .' :- inches thick. (Material ) C. The walI protection wiII be: (l4aterial) * D. Type of chimney:Factory @fi.ron., (lined?ffi., flr.l +wrc<noil Mrcxe OHts t tlJsThLL/uq NsFRT ffi'flrceo rD LL E n otn.' Type o;f stove pipe : - l-lractory IzOgu (or heavier) ga'll. sht' mt1 . {vent connector) DI SIONS: (in 'inches) l. Side of uni t to protected wall-(unprotected wal l-- 1 2. Rear of uni t to protected wa1'l*(unprotected wal l ) 3; Floor protection at side of unit- at rear --in f ront .-- {. Length of wall protection at rear of unit rat side 5. Height of wall protection- 6. Edge of rall protection to nearest door or window- 7. Air space between wall protectlon and wall- 8. Diameter of chimney and stove pipe(vent connectofl-- NOTES: (t) gutside combustion air is reorrtred for all fuel burnin-q instal'lations-. A 7.Sq. inch (min. area) closabie vent loc ated within 24'of ttre firep'lace or app'liance on the floor or base of a wall' (Z) A copy of the approved manufacturer's installation instructions must be on Job site at the time of lnspection. In-' spection cannot be made with out these instructions.(3) Ti'eiApproved'plan/application shall be kept on the Job site for use at the time of inspection. l+i rfoi.ii'rriis al.e ii:pibreo for corner instailations oi reduced clearanceswith wall Protection. (Refer to manufac- tul i?"i,irlrlltll!*;tl, tr to be used-, i-t tus-t be-rined (lequired by Law) Exrstins flues must 5e approved by inspector - ,rioltguse. fou musf-Drovi4F accgss for tIIe insDector [Ol f, fi."pf..e lnsert is tJUJinstattiO, vlriiicatron or wal] header'location ln relationship lto breast of fireplace is requlred bY law. tZl iiripiiii-iniirts are not permltted rn factory-buirt or prefaDrlcated-mtal "0" clearance fireplaces, unless speciflcally tested and Ilsted,(a) Fireptace lnserts are not pemitted ln masonry fireplaces with existing heat form type metal fireboxes unless speclfically tested and'llsted.(g) Uir'ttstea units shall be lnstalled ln accord with the State l,,lechanlcal Code, utilizing the materials and clearances set forth ln Chapter 5, rl-' r1- trl-ll-lll l-t L LI:f l_ 3' faR r_---. t IF YOUR INSTALLATION DIFFERS FROM THESE EXAMPLES OR IF THE INSTALLATION IS A FIREPLACE INSERT, PROVIDE A PLAN AND ELEVATT0N DrAiJl.Uq !JITH DIMEN SIONS OF YOUR PROPOSAL. I l-i t-_,c-L4-32 APPROVED AS NOTED By /e-ZZ-AQDate l- PERMIT #4+og*8G LAND MANAGEMENT DIV. / PUBLIC IIORKS DEPT. / 125 E. 8th Ave., Eug. 0R 97401 (503)687-4051 I IA l/I,l I 1n 4eq n ALT.IVITY INFORMATIG..I SH EET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS lilILL BE REJECTED!6r: lI) /err) r br \j rcholeos EN l' t (le( L SS I 1rl:'/+ I ffi NE ffi HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( rF DrFFEnrnr rno 3 rvlap e PAFIeEL NTJMBEFT ( REQUTREp r NF0RFTATT0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement)t? a3 e(41 TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION a78m ZON I NG MINSFTP MNGE SEETI_on W MNTN-G- MTNSFIP MNGE SEETI-OII TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if appl icab'le) W ZON I NG ACRES LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (s;tate exactly what you plan to do)h/f 9a* 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: rnerfu 7? o u/h I Urn /q+iL*L {n /a(rl f /t ,<-, ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** 14-33 LAND MNAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE , OR 97401 / 687-406I (- I q/a rk -)-l-f '-* Z0NE/LAND USE,