HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-09-15.. RESIDEI--.'IAL APPLICATTON/PERIffT 225 North, ith Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRI]tlGFIEI-D .tob Locaticn:7HO /\-/. /07 3AaseasoPs llaD #aI Tcs tat il '.^Jne?: 5CAditess Phone / t 4*u-o/L 11*' Deseribe tr'otk: lt-1., ^ Sr,^,r, fze CCq4E& Date of Apc Acz]"esc ULSC. =,.c ]enerci. lLecxricaL -8or71a''s b3 -' o n s t rt e ti ctt L enri er : is tite resaonsibiLity of tie Defia! hokier to see that a7.7. inspecxion^s a.te nade at ihe:'on xhe atreet., anC xitat the oerrtit eatc is Lccexed. dt the ircnt of tiic orooert:.4 .3ui1az:4 Divi.cio- atprou'ed cl'an sh=L-; yencir o:: iic Zuilctn3 i:;; i: ai.i'tinas." '!3::r' ?, !a? i:lsPrc?rctt .,_2:.:':!sr;cALL 726-3769 (rceortier) state uour city iesiartted job 2otcsJea ct:c u.ien you utLi be ready fcr ins't:exion, ContTaccc?s cr G-mez,s nane crd ;iana :'--'L be nade xhe sor,e dc'J, ?eouesxs nacie c|tct 7:CC d:t t;-i,LL bc meie d.:e ncz.x torxir: i:--. Icup CitA Desiata.xed Job liumbar Is:?6obsZ:c.tine7 Trs^.^-:.l l eacaraxion, cut prLar tc se! up of ,l!'nrper rz =-tt,DTt'a =f -.4D7^.f oy.1--.tour.- - -e.'-J1t,Jt ---- - -.:vtta ai3Ct.l:;IC;-: lo oe nacie bei-ore cny uork is eouez,ed. I rl::.r.t'; ,, !ir-,::D.irrc::: To be naCe ---J "j r€: rte.e..,es are ezcilaxea ano. fcnn.; are eneexeo., bux ptior topourina ccnereie. N tttt^al)fc^t.t.- =tfttafti^ cri=t t:Arcr D?.AIllLCJ: I'o be na.ae prior xo fil-Lirg crenehee. l fo be fieae DrLcT xo of floor insulcxion or deckino -., - - L.:. - ; -., / 1 .4 !- ;' : r'.1.y.,1.-j-: l.'. :::j:I:.', .. tequined uaoor borie?s @e in place but before ory laxn, ggpsun bcard or rnLL couering is ooliea, and. before e,y insulation is concealed. a DR:'\iALL I\ISPIC?f1N: Ic be made alxer aLL erlluall is in place, but prior to cnA taping. t!AS)lll?!: Steel Location, bonC Deons, aroutino or uettieals in aceorci-otce LlLth U.B,C. Seetion WCODSTO'./E: ;;,rDT;;;a. After installation is Sanitary seser ea-pcei =t otopcr;y Lite Septic totk p'"rVea d filieC tith grete- lincl - hrhen abcoe itens ate cctpletei and. dten ietcl'-tion is cc-=Le:e or si-.-.- xuye hczte; a: preriaes cleanei u=- l.!cbiLe licres s:.:: -r.'.'-.-::' i::i.:'q^ i- -^;^ ----^- ,,atuAttTaAr 1 pcs: Al:D E!At!: To be nade Drio? tc ) T;sxai;;lc" of floor insuLat,ion or deekittg. -l Pnnltl Df tnt.T,,^ ?fE:Tlilci: 3 IECH_ I i.,t-tu: ro,io?ta Ls to oc cocef.cd. urtil these inspeetiors haue beennaie arui aporouei. 1 f**ucri Wio, to olceirn fecino) *ct;niais arul bcfore'frening iispe'o-tion. I fpl::f::c: !4ust be requesteci after J appr.""t of nouah pltmoing, e'Lectri-cal & nechznical. ALL roofir,g braeing C ehinmcys, etc- tntst be . eompleteci. llo wcrk is to be con- , cecled until this i,nspection lus' 'been made anC apptooe'd.. ] FrttAL pLu!.lBrnc ) rurut p{tcHA:trcAL f rutut, ELrc?prcAL l CLTRB 8 APPRCACU A.ppCN: Aftet fonns an'e erectei but prior to pouring coneT,ete. SIDEWALX I DRfi,Elrf,y: I'or aLL eon- erexe pauing uithin street right- of-MA, to be naCe aftet aLL ecqa- Datinq canPlete e fiya tnrk & sib- base nctertal in place. ?EllCE: hhen eonplete -- ProuiCe gates o? mooable seetions thnough P. U. E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, co-olction of ilerequired Lanesccpir:g' etc., iust be satisfied bcfore the BU7LDI1;C FIlitL can be req,uested. PIIIAL BUILDfNG: The final_ Buildittg. Inspection mtst be ?equestei cfter the linal Plw:bir4Electrical, od. Meciunical Inspeet.tons iave been made arui aopnoued.. Pltnbing connections -- sa)er sL ucler Electriccl Ccnnection - Bloekirp, set-u= and plutnbing canneetions n:st be asctc-ei beforc requesttng e -eetrical inspe'c'=io- Accessory Buildtng Final - After pcrcLes, skirting, decks, etc. are conpleled. Bloeking ozC Sex-uo Pa3e 1 of 2'ALL trA!:llcLES AND CLEANOWS ltUS? BE ACCESSIBLi, ADJA7:!:X! rO 3E tt4Dt r.? t:o c!s? To cry __l tr JOE *o 86D k::SOLAR ACA€SS REQ..r--co * '-one:Oecuaaneu G?ot,/Cor-st:Be:iroons::ot Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Ccueraqe ; of Stories :otal lleight :opogrcphy LCT ?WE _ Interior _ Cor.ne? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac hea; LACC [,ot Faces - k.sotHouse /,ccess. th toxe -- Fees -- TOTAL VALAE :. D. c. 1. s , t'""u" Building Vqlue & Permir This -permit -is granted on the eiptess eondition ttnt the said eonstruction ""Y!.,_:-;:\.,111.1._",p",..t", eonform to the ordinance "e;et;l ti-tnZ-ciry of :p\LnlILeL^d: tneludtng th-e Zoning Crdtnance, nequleiittg thZ ccnstnteticn 7:r::. ^"J' building.st. aad m_ay b.e- suspended ot, reuokeC ot "ry t.;.me upon uic-Laxlon oI dnA prcuisions of said Ordinances. x VaLuc Building PermLt State Iotal Charges esiiential (i bath) Seuer Phnbtr:3 Pen:it Date Patd Reccipt fl: Siqted: ,1;r.r!':^a' Plumbing pernnit No persoi bhali consttact, instal!, alier or ei.nnge .ny neD ct" e:istir:cplu'nbirq o, drainage systen in uhole or in part, -unlesi "r.a ,nrlol-ii= tirnLegaL possessot'of a ualici pzunberts License, esceDt tt"a.t a D'e:scn naL ccolunbing uork to p"oDe"tu unic7z is otmec, Leased o, oonri"n"'r;-;;.;rr1;_cant. *)O. oo 8o ao.go I I I ea :;/Z=tenc Cireutts :Va*t HooC oisto;se LK ile Hane Permit Issuxnee Meeianiczl Permtt -- LhuhJALill:L::i -- Total Cncrocs tabel Electricol permit ii-nere stete Las reouires tiut the electric<tl uork be tione bu cn lzectyteciC?n'c\a?ta?, the elect.tcal torxiotz of this "n;i; ";*ii'i""'"2 t,;"-; ur::ritize i.a.bel ius been signei by tiie Eleewical Conzyccic!. '-;:: -', - .t>&/iechonicol Fermit -- PLeni,vmLne?,- r EAW 1AREFULLy DxLt'tr-yED the cotnoleted aoolication for pernit, cnd dchereby eertify that aLL infotr:.:ati'on hereo'n is ttue arui e'cnree=', aroC ffut ther cerlif o- that any ar:d aLL uork perforned. shall be done ;.n n""on_cianee '"rLth the oriiinence.s of tne city -of springfietd, anc thc Lc;s of thcstate of. oregon pcrxainina to the uork ieseribcd henein, cnd. :)zt ilc cccrJ-PAilcy uill_ b^e n?de of anta st?ucture uithout permissiot of the 3uitdinc Di-Dlston, I tu?thep certifii that only cont?actops a:id ezplcyees uho ar'e inconpliance uith oRS Z7j..7ss uiLL be used on this projee't ?-tq -ge D IAL A,|OU\E DUE:' Qc.8o * Date l,lo"til