HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-094 .. RESIDENTIAL.. A? P L : C ;.: I O II /P Z ?.i[ : 225 )lorzh jth Stree*" Spz-.r4fiei-d., Creccn g74Zz truLLC2nc )atLSLan /aA-O/D.5 Constnc)ic-n Lenien I! is lhe rescottsibilit -u of tto Pemi 2 )puer to seeir-aet t;n stteet, cnl. lhat <a Date proper tLne, tl,et acch cd&esa is reahbie Saniias-L sa.ter eqtVed .t pTcp.r4_ Lir:e /Y\.R €, cra' /sSura.E /a ' a- /% 'cio /3. Septic totk y,rzed md. jllted. uith gzate! Ptncl - Lthen cbcue -iiz and ahen i *,.7: riZ "- i":: #i"i::;" :i?, " _tuye naueC aC avs;7;""" cl>,zre;;;.--..- SPFIINGFIEL.D F 26--3_769.(recorC,et) state lour City desigrated, ;obrrs.peccicn, contractcts on a-nrr" G"'ifr- ;lo^"aft* 7:00 et wiLL b" ,ade tlJLr*J"iT*, *r. iob ai&ess, lV?e^ of insoeclicny.equesrs receiteti befcre- Z:00 an .?uiAi-q appro"-ed c To be af!er forms. c pricr lc ae!u.o of io be cnyts ccucyei, To be :ro.ieate e-zcctated adfcnns cte etec:,,ei, but pz'Lcr ;oPoll:'Lrgl ?ro-per'Ea. nta,ber, n;,nber. yaur Ciq.Deeigra.ted. job uwber is: 8ZZ a 2t ND the penit lan sicl ! renain on the cail. ia Zccated na to L- tlnt aL! inspecttans 1t .9h.q frott of tte ,EuaLding Stte at aLZ oe na<ie at .-he I l I #!!DJ4!: - ?o 'ce rece przor ,-o";:i?.;;:='"" cr rlcor i;";i;;;; or d.ecking. r w;"i:;LX:ouc ?tLo? to cny taping. $:t Ste.e! Location, bond l1?r,. gro-ulin4 or uertiLats in tr;?:*,"" ,,nth a.ts.c. section '#ffiffi'*ollil,fi*" ###{#',,X:": "":l r.ri:-:I:"f!, tc be ncde aflen aZ! eccc_l1:t"S eanoZete d ,"oA ,;ork j eub_oase rcterial in p-Z.aee. cranckee of NW After instal:ation is Blockz,ng od. Set_upf,Loor ;Aa ?lL:.,!3:,",c 41 .'liCilAJ:CAL L !.JC:9!:;; P!.anbing connectjcza -- s€L)e? d, 6a22y Electyiccl Ccnnection g,ti p i*,it n]- ;;;;;;L: Btockins, s e t - u, berbien"q"Lul:ns-ZilZi'nZitr;:o?"lri:i.ro Accessc,A Buikjrq )a- ?P-t-'!i.w, t^.^L - E;Ei "';::,:7 teqtes.tec q,a22v b-z t iioi.iiZl? ?I{o,"s, eiectr)_ raeirs a "iiii,,- alr_moilrq IrwZe-=o,i -;^"::': 1te' -tsc be,:;.LF:: -rhis inspec*;; ;";;-r.c c?orpueC. iiT' ;"';4i::1:" "' s k*xtns, cec)s, -'5rtrf,9.. tlhez conolate __ *^,1.,;-,r:i:i."" nouab Le, "" t,:o""' tii"il t ?z::e 1 ol l iob bcaticn: Aaseslo's :!aD I 11--7Q-eoo# Strtdi';: a: cn. );nen: .ldd-ess:Phone: qY{Y Descrtbe h,ork: icte of AppL fiVoir" I ACC'Jticn ?azaCeL toittcato!s CeneraL 'ALL :tA:ttt7ais AttD cL1Ailoals :tus? 3!.lCciss:aii,.1D,IIS?."8.\:! !0 3i :ti,:!? lt? i^g- ?C ,l?y I i.oc=.-- t =Zese -.r;cec=!c)naie czd, =pp-iii.'*''s qa:e iz* ffi' ",ii;i"; r:i;a i;;:l_ il'*r:::,"";;::ff "'"j:,ri,,yi::::.:::.*,":;;r;E;:n?;;*.ri","*.,. ;{':::,W'n '*L;il:l ii:J!tr*,;',;3:,22tr;02",:;i:",,::,t:e, ,he ?i..cl pz,n!i,,s )--.9 JOB NO lpt Sq. Ft1. 7 cf lct Ccrtetega_ I of Stor)es a^+ -7 t -.' -;?Lu9ar..ct9.tc ?ogogrqhg ?uilding ?ertr-t State fo+.c.L Claages ;t0. Plunbiag Pernit State Swc itotae Perntt Issuatcz ,',lec'raniccl ?efif;'t soLAR ^CCEss REQ.- f i4 ?Ec Inteticr Cor.ne? Pcniundle Cul-<ie-sac /Cor-sx L-COG+ Seircons Building Vqlue & Permit Thispen*tisgranted.onlheeryressco:d'iticnt|tatthesaid.eonsxrlc;ionslall, in ell reseects'-.oit\"i'to th-e ctdinance edo-a-ted'eig the Ci'l-^1i- !pi).gi:"1i, Jncl-itng' lhe'3ontr'g ct'dit'"atc.e, regulctir'g the ccn, t?'t,t"cn ia ,"oL of iu..tiitr,gs,- o"a iy be';ut!.e,ieC oz' rivckei at d* t':n2 u?tn 'Lc-Lai'ton o7; 'ny prcuisions o! saiC Criirances' Date ?atd Reeeipt # SigteC: * Plumbing Permit No perscn slall constzact, ins!al!'- altet ot ctwn7e-ang neu.cr eristit''g iiri,ili ci d.rairase ,i;1;- i;-;iie or in patt' inless such petson is the Legal possessor of , rZ"iil'pi*i"i'" 1L"n""Z' ieept that a pe:so\:r'av co plunbing notk to poopn)'fi'r'nizi-;" i*na, Leasad or opercted bg the 'Q?Li- cafit. Electricol Permit Ithere state La,t requires ttu.t the eleetrical uork be done by an llectrtcal Co*z:aetor, the eteetiZoi'f,2*'"'iZ"- o7 ti';s -peiit stu'Ll roi be oclc untiL tl*" L"b;1'L; t"; si'g'ned ry tne Electrtcal conttccto"' Mecho nicol Permit Znetot Sources Setbaers !!ouse C.?aae i,zcessof llor'-h iiteo UaoasSou'.h ilest K '/aLue!!::t )bin Q=:ca- aA6.f ,,.f ||?|'J:,1i r/-)9r {s.D.c. 1.5 ; ?tb;res Residztttiel (1 bcth) SanitarJ Sez,ter Cii:,GE,,io ll -:t t / Ezt etd C it ani t s !rycrey Senice au t aaA"^ I ;??:!!.\ bhast HooC Vent ?c1 c)6,.ITcotisto:;e -tr7-15.." t: Pemrit DJlreJ! Sriesa!,k I -.t-^^ r a!t-- a.aV;'.4v.-. (act'tes r HAW cA.RziuLLy ixAYr:tED :hz eorrpletel-:Z, .\u"ot'"t'' iot petn'Jt' ai ca w#fsffi?/.:tcI vtli \ yce ol--"=i'rr";'; otls ccnzra T,l}il;"i" rf:;";r; 1"r1'j is i iil'o i us ed ce t"i s pt c i e cv !'lobile llcne Signzi :crAt ;.:'!1tJ:l? DU,:'tf.@ ?as. Sa. fta. (a anf sz Datel ' -/ SPRI]{GFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFTELD Department of Public Works August 9, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Ir{r. Dale Larson 821 North 18th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear !tr. Larson: The Spr:ingfield Building Code Administ::ative Code r"equines that, in onder for a p"o*it to nemain vatidr constnuction wonk authonized by it must begin wittrin 180 days from the date of pu::chase of the per:mit. If wo::k is suspended. or abandoned during the cou::se of const::uetion fo:: a per"iod exceeding 180 d,ays, the penmit will automatically expire. If a pe::mit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a per^mit to start or resume work may Le purctrased fon one half the fee nequir"ed for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/on specificat ions If a permit has not yet expined and a permit holder" anticipates the need fo:: more time to begin construction wo::k, the Supenintendent of Building may choose to gnant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon ::eceipt fi:om the pe::mit holde:: of a written request explaining why the extension is necessany. The attached form indicates the most reeent information in our ::ecords with regard to constnuction activity associated with your: pe::mit. Please advise this office of your" intentions with negand to the permit by ten(10) days f::om the date of this letter. Please dinect all inquires to the Spningfield Building Safety Divisionat 726-3659. Sincerely, Lis Hopper Building Safety Division attachment ch 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 a 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: g21 North lgth Street LAST ACTIvTT Jetn OTHER: D er 29- 198 JOB # i e,)??1 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERM]T: VALID: However, youls permit will expire on If you wish to nequest an extension of your penmit, pleasenotify this office in writing prion to ihe .io,r. mentioneddate. xx EXPIRED: Youn permit expired. on June 29, 1984 If you plan to stant or resume wor.k on the project, a newper"mit must be applied for. :!rf therrexoiredrrbox, abov9, is checked. and we do not hear from you byAugust L9' 1984 -'(t.n [io]-a"v" from the d.ate of this l-etter), weffifa11ne1atedinfonmationwithregand'tothepenmit. ch