HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-06-13.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorth stn s;'-reeAP?L;cAT r,N /PERMT! SprLngfleld' Ctla-gan 97477 Building Dit;ision 7 26- 37 53 SPF!INGFIELD ?ccet:: 4 Ddte /0 yo)"f* Zia-/u EI:g{Job ioccticn: ^,"""** '*J \cl D33t",Cf \=r:D Subdiu.)szcn: D"-U,Xu*pj-?ler: s*/ n igw SA,,/,rr:._Zai_/rLS ?.:C*ess: 7c/-tJ,zi.o: ?ZqZZci:y : ic:e of tppt;ea:;cn 6 ^ /3- 83 Deserlbe ilork: Vaiue fM,," J*,- L ;CCi:icn (zo /o.qo x ?otr/. t ?lmbina | llectriecl L Ditr1LrTi?:! 0R :.:c|/!) Scni'-a1 setet capped :t prc-oert1- Line 1eptic totk puqed etd. ftllei ui'bh gra:ei- Flnal - i'then cbcue it.ens aye ccznlecei m.C uhen Tqtclitiorz is ccntlete cr st:=e- ttt:e noueC al. ara:ises cleaned. ut. !,!obiLa tsLocking od Set-tg ?LunbinX ccnneccicns -- ea)e! el, uclet :crekes, skirting, Cecl'a, 1--^) Eleci;r"Jcal Cc*nection - Blcekin4, set..tt> an-i plunbr!.ng eontections r,;st Le cpptcxed. bei'ore requestlng elee'.ical ins;ec)io;': .4ccesec,g tsuiliirg Final - Aft.et -+^ l! is lhe responribili;y of th,a per:vit itol.d,er to see that aL! inapec?ions dre nad,e at :he ptoper tLne, i?,r,t ecch c,l&ess is v2a;ai,i2 :'rotl ti@ stteet, cnC:iut the pes*-r)t cad id Lccated at the frcnt of tl,e property.-truildi.y l!:ti:io:z agprcteti ptin s|=Z'!. relain on tke 3uii<iing Slie Zx zLL' t;nes.- ?20c39t}Pg i1R i:ts?inrcil R9?U|S!.'CALL 726-3769 (tecorder) state gour City Cesigaated job nw,ber, iob aCd.ress, type of it.spee=icn requesteci c:i uiea ilcu uiLL ce teciy for ir.specticn, Conttactcts o? A;tzers rane,td. plane wnber. P.equescs receit;ed befcre 7:CC ;-'-iLL be rade the sa,za icy, "equests nc*ie after 7:00 an vtLL be naie the nect.arking day. 83 i 7b? Constrtctica Leier Sil9 ;.','-(P5t::i;Y: To be na.ie ailer escac.tton, cut pricr tc se! ug of fcrms. UXj!?SL;3 ?'|::.8:IG, ?LEC:?IC,IL ) ;ECi;:jiC;L: to. be rcae ceiote cny FCCT:IG 1 !0t-';lDA?:a:l: lo be ::u.ie 4i;'- ! "-" c@z c q,s c t e <i ari fcnts cte ero-c:ed,, ,ui p"1cp Jo po,"s.rq ccnc?e'.€. you, City Desigra,ted Job lfunber Is: ITISULA?IOII /VN.POP EARRTER IIISPICTICII : To be naie after aLL insalati-cn ei reqtited tqor ba*ie?s @e in plaee bat before oty l.a,th, Wpsunl bcorC ct tnLL coueting is coplied, cnd. before a.y insulation is concealed. DRIuALL LIISPICTIC)I: Ic be naCe afcet aLL dtguall is in olace, but prtot tu any taVing. WSP!!Y: Stee!, Location, bondffijgrotttin4 or oertibcls in dicoriallce uith U.ts.C. Secticn 241 S. Aftet instalZation is CUPB ,! ,A?P9CACI{ A?.D.CN:Aftet forns*e ereeteC but pr)or to pcuz-)t4 cofl.crete. SIDgr,.l/.L;{ d DRf',EnA'!: For aLL catr- crece pauing aixh:.a st?eet rtght- oi--*!, tc be nale after aL! ezcc- Dating catolete l, fcr-a',:ork & cub- base ncter'ial in p7-ace. - u:tliRcpcry:t2 ?aL'tn:jt EEiz_a1r:?,tJ- Lir4 ;rer.ches, I u.v:g.qsacc? ?tu:si:tG t, i,iCl!.!trCA!:ttffiof f|.oor .!,nsui;ian ot 4eckino. i 1 -)OSA A;lD 3EA!,!: To be ncCe tr-or 2oi | lr.sralkt'-cn of 11oor irau'az?tcn o? Ceckitq, FCiC:J ?a'.Ilg!:!C. iaz79lCAa t ]!a':i-Ail!j.'-: ,:;o rzrr, :-s ac ae coletecGT:7.csa'-rsc eczicr.s'a:re ! eetr mace a"d. :2grc:ie!. F!?!?!.;Ci: Pr)or '.o plcc:.r4 jaetng nc=er)als cd before irair4 instee-liot. WJlt: iAst be "ectes?eC cf:er apgrou;L cJ' r;ugir piuri"Jnq, elec:r"J-cal I necianice':,. AL! rcoiir4 brceirg 3 chintcys, e!c. =ts= be cctwle=eci. :1o ,cr| ia tc be con- . cedied lctil :his insoeeicn i.a,s'beea tode cni cp-oro,-ei. 'lCCDS!t'/e: - T I II -] II|IAL PLU:,!91:;G FiIAL :,IECIAX|CAL -?rrA f -" -^.d r.-. . !!tlC?: ;rlhen eonoT.ate -- *ouiie @G or novable sectians tltrough P, U. E. ALL croiecx ca.iiio)ons, suci cs ,.le;-.nscailcticn cf s:reei ttees, :crylecicn ci tne required Laniscctizg, ctc, ' flust be saxisiied beicre the SUiiDIilC F!)'AL :cn be reqtested. IINJL tsUfLDillC: Tne Flnci Buildi,4 lnscecticn i?r6t be recuested ziler tha ?iztl ?lunbingileccrieal, ai ]leeiut:'Jccl lnspecc'-ans i.atc been teCe eyd ::crcuac. .ALL I,IA:II|CLES AIID CLEAIICUTS lrUS? BE.lCCCS,i7Li, .TDJL'57:!i:;T:O 3J:.!.Li/S lI IIO C3S? TC CI:I ?:1e 1 oi 2 General 7 ,,or-,r, ,"*u T tr tr 9---, JOB No..bt 1G1 soLAR xccEss REe.-L-CO G+ 3ecvcons :nt Sq. F.-g 7 cf lct Case:age_ I of Stor-es a^+-7 , -: -'-- r"eos,q,) 2,,.'1 S: -- )--' - State ?olcl CT,ztgee Me:izntccl ?ermit _ in-xer"!.or Comtet _ Paniuntile _ CUl-<ie-sac Reeeipt #: Si$ed j Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt is g'ranted on the e+r.ess eond,iiicn tt@t the said conaxntc:ion s_hall, -in-til.:.es-pe-e.ts, lonfcr.n :o the Jydirance adop2eC'r:, th.e CitT cfSpr'-tgi'-e!:i, inclitng :he icning CrCirar.ce, tegtlctit.:g :ke ecns---_ti:-.cz stci.use oj cu:-L,l.LnEs, cnd aty be suc=etnieC or reuckei a,t c.t:! tine .;;ctc ulc-Lat:.cn cf ..t.y prcuisicrs of saic 2riirances. Mechqnicql Permit i,iaoistove )r !^., - ^ iot ?eces - r-t1'Y TaZue 1 Ia=:qe 70!.11 TILC' S.D.C. 1.5 : { k Plumbing Permit No- pereon shall cor.shact, ins+.al!, alter or eiun4e 6nA nea cr ecistingqlwr2iry cr dtainage systez in uhole or in pott, unlesb sueh. petson is- theLegal.possessor of a uaLid plwnbet,s License, 2lEcelt that a pLrson nay dopltnbing uork to p?ope?t! ulrtch is ot"zed, Leased or apercted by the *pti-cant. ?L'anbing Peftit Lr-1iita 6.d o oo Resi^lznti.a,L ( I bcth) Saset Electricol Permi t llhere sfz.te Lan requires tlnt the eleetn)cal uork be done bg ot llecty1calCont"ecta", the electrical porlion of this pettrit shall tot be ua'Li.C, urtilthe Label ius been sigzed by the Electrical- Contracto.. ;io tlas/Eztetd, C*,euits Set llce ?.*-^- )tf l, e bt@/st llooC Tent ?qt -- :,iu: _Ac.r..::.; - - - Sect*.1,'-21 De:csi: Stotaoe ./-.'a- 4-1. i lctcl thc.rces : llobile llcne PLCrz JasnLnez, f HAW CARE?ULL:I ZXAIEIIED t!"2 eon.olated cgplicaxion fot perni:, cnrj do hereby ceriify that ali itcfc:nalton heyecn is ..tae ard. cbrtec--, ar,l, i fui'.ket celtiJi that anA ad eit ;ork :eriotned slull be do:te ia ecccr- dance ''rith the Ordinanees of the Cifu cf Sprtngiield, ad, ;he La;s of theState of 0regcn .oertaining to the uork Cesc:ibcC herein, cnC :)tct :i0 CCC!.)- P/.:lCy vila be rm.de of c?ry sc?uccut,e aithout tenrlssb* of the 3uilding ):.-uision. f f,tz,th* :ettif! tist only ccntTlc?-c?s cd *.wloyees ,;ho ,=Z iacctglianca uath CRS 701-7sS vill be used cn thia prcjzcy 72TA3 ly+l1UltT ?Ul:'Io LIO Signz<i Da 'Jcoiszo.-e ?oicl CTctces Stata ?eni: issu.s,.ce ?enee iZec=r.Jcal i.clel SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFTELD Department of Public Works November 19, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Dale Larson 821 North 18th Street Springfie'ld, 0regon 97477 Dear Mr. Larson: The Springfield Building Code Admini.stnative Code requires that, in order fo:: a penmit to ::emain valid, construction wonk autho::ized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or^ abandoned during the course of construction for a per"iod exceeding 180 days, the per:mit will automatically expine. If a penmit has expi::ed and suspension and/o:: abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a penmit to start on nesume wo::k may be pu::chased for one ha.l-f the fee nequired for" a comparable new permit, pnovided that no changes have been made in the oniginal plans and/or specifications. If a penmit has not yet expir"ed and a per"mit holde:: anticipates the need for" mone time to begin construction work, the Supenintendent of Building may choose to gr"ant a one time extension of the pe:'mit not to exceed lB0 days upon neeeipt fnom the pe::mit holden of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached fonm indicates the most recent information in our neconds with negard to constnuction activity associated with your penmit. Please advise this office of youn intentions with negar:d to the permit by ten(to; 6"r" fr"om the date of this letten. Please di::ect all inquines to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. J ene1y, Building Safety Division attachment ch 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS:821 North 18th Street JOB #: 831767 LAST ACTIvrty Jarn: OTHER: Z4 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRXNT STATUS OF PER]'IIT: xX VALID: However, your pe::mit will expire on November 24 1 984 If you wish to request an extension of your permit, pleasenotify this office in writing pr"ior to the above mentioned. date. EXPIRXD: Your: permit expined on If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a newpermit must be applied fon. :'sIf the itexpiredrr box,above, is checked and we do not hean from you by(ten [fO] aays fi:om the date of this letten), we will clear our files of all::e.Lated information with::egand to the per"mit. ch