HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-05-20.. RES!DI"_ iilA[.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Sprtngfr,ald' 0regon 97477 BuildLng Di,uision 7 26-37 53 SPTIIuGFTEI.D { Date: t Locaticn: ;essors Map # bdioision: me!: ldtess: Additian RemoCeL Date of 1 ,ouorn ro^, Deseribe Wot'k: /1 . Szrrr<n &oL c--h4(.2,7- lP /.VALUE Ic.s Lat # Ph,one: GenetaL ELectricaL MeclwnieaL Constmclion_ledg!- rt ia the tespons:ibility of the penrtt lald* to aee that alt inspeetions oe nade at the Wopet time' t?.at each ,:ddress is t'eaCabl'e frut the at"eet, dnd that the petnrit catd is Located at-!h,e- frant of the-ptgpertA.isuilding D.itticiot c you*ed pLan shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. PR):EDUPE F1R rNSPECTr1tt R\QWST :CALL 7 eadY for 26-3769 (tecordet') state yottt' Citg designated iob nutber, inspection, Contractars or 0mez's none ind plnne nunbet'. job aCiress, type Requests receixed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 an '*iLL be nade the sone day, requests mcde aftet' 7:0a an rrLLL be made the nett uorking dag Iour City Desigr,ated Job Number fs:tsoilb Ppmti,roi Tnsnaefi.ans Page 1 of 2 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHn-ilfCAL: ?o be nade befot'e anY ffit-l6i6tered. forms. FOOTING & F)UNDATICN: Io be rnaCe Afti'$ffies are escauated artd forms ate erected, but Prior to Wut L?19 ccncrete. DRYWALL INSPECITON: Ic be madeAfi*ffi@atTis in pl-ace' but prior to any taPirq. I,IASINRY: Steel Loeation' bond Tffiigz,outi.ng or uerticals in accorddtce ttLth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'IE: ;crnpT;TA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: ee erecteC bu.t pt'ior con-c?ete. SIDEWALK & DRTIWAI: For aLL eon- ctete pdofr-;liffi street right- of-txA, to be made after aLL etca- oati,ng eotTrplete & fonn tnrk & sttb- base materLal in place. DEI.IOLTTIOT! OR Sartitaty seuer capped at propett:ri Lire Septic tank plr,:ped e,td filled trLth gratel linal - I{hen cbcoe i,tens ore ccnpleted and uhen d.enclition is cotnpLete or st"uc- tuve mooed otd prerLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloektng ord. Set-up Plwnbi.ng eonnecti.ons -- saie? otd uater STTE INSPECTION: ercaoation, but EIP.EPLACE:mat;frfi; To be rnade afterpriar tc set up of INSULATTON /VAPOR BARRTER TTISPECTIOIL: To be nade after aLL insulaticn cnd reqrlred oapor batrie?s 8e in Plaee but before otg la.th' Wpswn boarC ot tnLL cotsering i,s qplied, and before oty iwulation is concealed. TJND1RGPOUIID PLIJMBING. SEWER' WATER':{DRAIiAGE: To be maCe PrLoz' to fil- 7@-6inchee. I]TIDERFLOOR PLIJI,ETNG & MECI{ANTCAL : To-6;ffiA Wiot' to installation of floor ineulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Priot' to ZGlffiG{of floot' insulation or to inspections lntse been made cnd. approtseC. Prior to Placirq and before franingtion. ryAHllG: Must be tequested after app/,ou"l. of rough plirbing, electri- cal & meclnnical. ALL toofiztg bracLng & chi-nmeys, ete. rrust be . eompleted. llo uoy,k is to be con- . cealed until this inspection has 'been made anC approoed. FI$AL PLUUAINC FINAL MECHANICAL ?INAL ELECTRICAL After fornsto pourtng El,eetriccl Ccnnection - Bloekin4, set-uz and plwnbing connections rntst be apprcued before requesting eleelrical inspeetion Aecessory BuilCing facing inspee- Firal - After etc. ee eonp ' pcrckes, sklrting, decks, IENCE: hthen eompLete -- Prot:iCejfiei or nortable' sections thraugh P,A.E. ALL project condttions, such as the i.nstallatlon of street trees, co'tpletion-of tie reqiircd Landscaping, etc., ntust be satisfied before the BUfLDING FDTAL ean be requested. FINAL BUfLD\NG: The Fi.nal Build.ing fnspectt)on mtst be requested after the ,qinal Plunbing Electrical, anC l4eelnnieal fnspections hqoe been made ard approoed' *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI{ENI TO BE I,I4DE !.T NO CCST TO CIIY _l ?L @ il u-co C JoB *o.6fA SOLAR <CESS REQ.- Bedroons Zone: tou"e -- lees -- Building Volue & Permit Ilri,s permlt is granted on the enp?ess eondttion tlwt the sai-d eonstruetioa sLtaLL, in-a-ll -r,es_pe_c.ts, gonforn to the Crdirnnce adopted 6:y the Ci,ty ofsp1-ngfiel^d, i.nc_luding the zoning cndinanee, r,eguLating th"e ccnstntcticnyy,uo. of buildirg.s,. and may b-e- suspended o, reuokeC at crry time upon oicLatlon of crlA ptcuisions of said Ordinances. /t Building Penrit State Iotal CTnrges Plutabing Perw[t * Date Paid # Signed: Plumbing Permit No person sha.ll construct, install., alter or ernn4e,ana ne, ct, existing 4l*2lr,s o, dnainage sa2tq inuhole or in pant, "unles"s ii"n-p"ion is the !1?:!.p_1""-n"1or,. of a ualid ql.u4bltts Licens-e, eccept that a pZr"on nag d,opLwbLng Dork to propetty which is ormed, Leased or opez,ated by the ai;pli,-cant. * uate TotaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMI\E\ tle eompleted application for petnit, and. d.ohez'eby certifg that aLL infotmatibn het,eot +s irul ":ra-.Z"ii"t, ""a r fuz,tkez, .cettlfU that ang ard. aLL aoyk perforned sluil be i;L- i, oooro_dance urith the ordinencb.s of the cttg ofbpringyieid., L"a-tn" La,;s of ther Zt1"_?- ol -0:9oon p_et'taining to the uoik 1eszribza t"nilli,-oni- tt-t No occa-PANcy urLl,L be rmce of any structut,e uithout pernission -o7 tn" Buitding DL-oision-. r further ;ftt?l that only eona,actot,s a"a aoptcyeis uho are ineonpliance aith ORS Z01.0ss uiLL be-used on this pooj".'t "--- ) Lot Eaces - Setbacks Caraqe AccessHouseP. L. North South West % of Lct Cooe?age # of Stortes Total Eeight ?opogrqhy LCT TWE _ Interiot _ Corne? _ Panhand1,e CUL-de-sac .t;u ValuerTEMx Lot Sq. Ftg. Main G@aae Carpont Accessoy,t"t TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c - CEARGENO.FEE Fiotut es Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seaer J5,oolto/.oo Electricol Permi t whe"e state Lan requires that the eleetrical uork be done by an ELect,tcalconttaetor, the electrical poz,tion of this permit shall noi be oalid. untilthe Label lns been signed lg the Electz,ical'Cont"actor,. lotaL -- ENCROACHMEN? -. FEE CHARCE ,+ Mechqnicol Permit Nau/Extend. Citcuits Setoice bhanet Hoo,L Vcodstole Vent Fa't Petmtt fssuanee Meehanical permit Sec4ritq 9t9oog" Maintenance Permit Cvrbcut Sida,talk ?enee Mobile Hone TO?AL AMOTJNT DUE: *& 6.oo Signed Date PLon Etanlnez, Firep ?6.oe ELectrical Label