HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-09-16.. RESID-ENTIAL.. APPLICAT ION /PERILIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfieLd, 1z.egon 97477 .Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 -J SPFIIHGFIEL.D Job Locaticn: Assessore Map #-1 Tcs bt I Su.bditsision: A,met: Addtess:Ptone Descmbe h'ork: Additicn RemoCeL lle) Date of App ,"LA '5Do General i4eehan:iccl DEI1OL|T[O!! AR, Scni2azy serter eapped ct propett:g Lite Septie tank y"qed cil filled uiih gratel linal - i{hen abcue itens ote cc-,,aleteC z'ri 'shen dq.tclitiotz is canplete bt s*.;e- tute noued od. pnerrLses ele,znei :tp. Iicnes tsLocking otd, Set-ug 1 Plunbing connectians -- sa)e? d. uaaet final - After rcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. ue conpZe:ed. Electr,)ccl Ccr.neetion - BLocking, €et-u, cnd plwtbing coniections nr;st be apprcved. before requestlng el.eclrieal t)nspeetiol Aceessory SuiLiing Pcge 1 oi 2 It id lhe respotsibilitg of tle permir hodet to ede lrut aL?. inspections, @e nade at :he p"ope, t*ne, tl,.at ecch ,zddzess is reos-7ie fron the street, otC tilct the perrn)t eatd is l,ocated at the froat of th* DtoDe?at.tluildir? Viuicicr- qptoteci ptn sitc.i'|, z,emain on tig Buiicinra Siu Zt aLL' !ii,es.' PROCSDUPE.P1R, filSPgnICN RIQAES?;CALL726-3769 (reccrdet) state gou! City d,eeigrated job nwrber, job oiiteas, tgpe of inspee--icn requested a-iuhen lou uiLL be ready fcr ")r.speetion, Conttacia?s c? Afie"s nsne and pione runbc". P.equests receiued befcte 7:00 an '.iLL be aade the sane dcg, requests mad.e aftel ?:00 dn uLLL be nsCe the nezt -xrkinE da.g, Constt gJia_lenig, qT-d Tlt<)?ar-nit. 6^ \^ *)^cfter mcardtion, but prior tc set up of forme. AIIDERSLAB PLUI{BIIG, ZLECTRICAL & i,ECi!.t-iliCAL: To be marie before cny wt,k is couered. FCCifltG 1 FAUilDA|I1X: To be rnCecfter trettches erZ -*eaated and fotns ate erected, but prior to pou*tng ccncrete, UNDERGROUID PLUUEII\C, S1W.?, Y.4Ig3. DRAIIIAGE: 7o be maee pdot, to fil-Tfr-$-enehes. UTIDEP?LCCR P'UI.EiIG,3 )IEC\IANTCAL:@o1 floor insulation or decking. P2ST AND BEA1,!: to be naCe o74o" tcffiTG[Toi ftoor insuttion or decking. R1t.tci! ?LuRr::G. !!E:?P::AL I ilEcg- AIIICIL: llo uork is to be cc"^eretiGlTihese insceczions i.,rsa- been nade azd aggroued. F!?.EPLACZ: PrJor to pkctrg facingnctet ials arui before franing inspec- FRA!'!I\|G: lhtst be requeated afler approual of rottgh plmbing, eleetri- u.L & neclanical. ALI rooiing btacing I chi:rmegs, etc. trust be . eompleted. llo aork is to be ecn- . cealed until this inspec?icn iaa 'been nad.e anC appro.^ed. ?TilAL PLUI/;BIIIC FI\IAL I4ECIIANICAL 4frtAr ?rea40fa, f. -atdu aguvL.a-w6p you! Citg Desigra.ted Job Nunber fs: TNSULA?IAII/I/APO? BAERIER IIIS?ICTICN : To be maCe after aLL insuLaticn ed tequired uapor bcrie?s a?e in place bat before otg Lath, ggpsurrl bcayC or rnLL couering is applied, ard. bel'ore otg ittsulation is ccncealed- DRYIA.LL fiSPXC?ICN: Tc be ncde after aLL eVuaLL is in pLa,ce, itut prior to any taping. llASOitRY: Steel Location, bcnd. beonc, gz,cuting or uerticcls in accordoee ,,,Lth U.B.C. Section 2415. Aiter irctallation is CURB t APPRCAC,I! APP1N: After formsee ereetei but prior to pcuiry conc?ete. SfDEilALK 'i DRf',EIIAI: ?or aLL ecn- ct et;Vaofu-fril; st?eet right- of-Dc!, to be maCe efter all. esca- oating conplete & forn wrk & sub- base naterJal in plaee. Ir rI 70005!)r,ry:ffi. 'a4tez ccnplate -- ProtiCe cr norsable eections through DilA _-- ALL pto;jeet eotdi:ions, suck as the :Jnstallacian of s!"eet t?ees, cctclexion o;' t'ae tequired Lanlsccpitg, etc., trwst be aattsi'ieC before the BUfLDfilC FfllAL ccnbe requesxed, ?filAL BAILDING: The EinaL Build,in4 Insaection nust be requested cftet, the liral ?Lurnbir.g \J ElectricaL, otL Mechar,-ccl inspecttons hate been nade and apcrcue!, *ALL T|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSi3LE, .4DJUSi:E;I! ?O 9E !,!ADE .T.? lIO C35? lO C!!Y .,\) tF- f1 ,,ouorn ro," Eritir, z s Phon2 PLwbing ElectricaL Reauiz. ed lnsc ecticrzs _ll l :l:ll l l r T soLAR CESS REQ.- Da-^ t - Ja.L-CO G- Sedtoons i: Plumbing Permit No person sinll constrwct, instaL!, a'l.ter cr ci,an4e dv.g nea cr ez:i.sting pltnbilq or dz,aznage systan in ahole or in part, unless auch pez,sotz is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber's License, ezcept tlcct e pelson nay do plunbing uork to properq uhieh is otned, Leased or operated by the appli- @nt. Electricq I Perm it Vlvte State La,t reqtires tl,a,t the eleetrical uonk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit slull rot be ualiC until the Label ltas been aigned by the Elect;r'ical Conttacxor. Mechonicol Permit Zcne: Pltnh)ng Pertit State Surcl"age Total PettrLt fssu,otce Meclnnictl Pelnrtt lotal CTarqes 1 Pl.an Esatrit,er ?atal Chcraes I EAW CA-REIULLy !:OLAINED tle completed aoolicaticn fon perwii, qtui dc hereby certify that aLL ilfotnatibn hereoi is trrue o)C "Zrr""t, ,r*C t fi"th.er eertif,; that ary and aLL 'sork aerformed siull be done it accor- dance ,,tith the 1y'dinoces of the Citil of Spr-ngfield, and. the Lc";s of the State of )regcn pertaining to the ,no"k Cescr.Jbcd herein, cnd. tllat NO )CCA- P!.IlC:l ttill be rru,Ce of' anA €truc:u"z tttho."tt permiseiot of the SuilCing Dt-tision. I furthet certii'y that otly cont?a.cto"s o:1. *,tplcgees u'ro are in cqtol:.ance u"Jth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project JoB *o t Lot Sq. Etg. 7 cf Lct Cauerage tcr Ty?, _ Inte?tc" _ Cortter _ Panhand.Le _ Cul-de-sac I of Stortes !'ocaL lleLgnt Topogrqhg Lot Faces -inerau Sourees Tuoe Setbacks :leat or ilouse Cdrdoe Aceess i(ater 1eate?llorril East ?,)reoLace South i,/ooasrote "./est Jq.rju x Building Volue & Permit This penn:.t is granted on the eqress ccndition that the said-constrtctiott shall', in all rLsceets, confcrn|o the Crdinance adopted. b:y the City o-f Sptingf;.eli, ineludtng '-he Zoning Crdinance, tegulcti;lg tke ccr-strtct'jcn axi use oi buii-,i.in4s, a'td n=y be sueperuieC or ro-uckei ct ar.y tine utcn oic- lction of any prc,tia'tors of saiC SrCiranrces. TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Euilding Penr.t PLan Check ?ee: Sta.te n-+^ 2-"'S. ?otal Charges 5i4r.ed: FEE CIiAP,CE Restd.ential (1 bath) Satti Saner )i0.:u7 a!.1 :a? N€u,/Estetd. Circuits laroorag Senrtce ;!zt't xc.? l,,t =a? Fltntzee ?TUtS bhatst HooC Veat Fot llcodstote -- illcR1ACHt4Ei!? -- Secartty Deoodit Storqe ,'4a.)atencr-ce Pefirit SiCaralk /K,q) ZLectrteal LabeL MobiZe ilcnre ?CTAL &t'lCUllT )UE:.DLgleA !ence idie-