HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 4/1/2022Pre -Submittal Meeting Development and Public Works Department Reem 61 PRE -SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. DPW Conferenee Room 616 Pre -submittal (Subdivision Plat) #811 -22 -000086 -PRE 811-17-000047-PROJ Marcola Meadows Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL: 1803 Address: Marcola Road and 31" Street Existing Use: vacant Applicant has submitted plans for 49 -lot residential subdivision Planner: Andy Limbird Meeting: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 10:00 — 11:00 via Zoom VICINITY MAP 811 -22 -000086 -PRE Pre -submittal Meeting 17-02-30-00 TL 1803 Marcola Road and 28`h /31n Street Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision SPRINGFIELD W 0#/ Application Type (Applicant. diteck one) Partition Plat Pre -Submittal: LlSubdivision Plat Pre -Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: ❑ ISubdivision Plat Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Neigh rh LLC Ph one Please contact consultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax:Pleasewntactconsultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Chris Goodell Phone: 503 563-6151 Com an :AKS Engineering and Forestry, LLC Fax: (503) 563-6152 Address: 12965 SW Herman Road Suite 100 Tualatin Oregon 97062 Email: chris aks-en .co Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Nei hborhood LLC Phone:Please wntactcomultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: Please contact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 ASSESSOR'S MAP 140:17-02-30-00 1 TAX LOT NOS : 1803 Property Address: North of Marcola Road, West side of 31st Street Size of Property: ±5.7 acres, ±250,150 sf Acres ® Square Feet Proposed Name of Subdivision: Marcola Meadows Phase 3 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: 49 lots for single-family detached dwellings Existing Use: Vacant Undeveloped Land I Tentative Case #81 1-21- 1 -TYP2 # of Lots Parcels: 49 Av . Lot Parcel Size: 5,105 sf Densit : ±14 du/acre Si natures: Please si n and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next pace. Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: Pre -Sub Case N 811 -22 -000086 -PRE Date: 04/01/2022 Reviewed by: AL Case No.: Date: Reviewed b A lication Fee: $ 428 Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ 428 PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 10.14.13 kl 1 of b April 2022 A K ENGINEERING &FORESTRY Andy Limbird City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Marcola Meadows Phase 3 Subdivision Plat Pre -Submittal Checklist, Local File Nos. 811-20-000225-TYP3 and 811-21-000130-TYP2 Andy Thank you for reviewing the Marcola Meadows Final Phase 3 Subdivision Plat. This letter and accompanying information address each condition of approval, as required by the Subdivision Plat Pre - Submittal Checklist. The list of conditions of approval are shown in italics, with the Applicants response directly below. Marcola Meadows Type III Final Master Plan Modification - Conditions of Approval Local File No. 811-20-000225-TYP3 1. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shallprovideformonitoring the TIS improvement thresholds associated with number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips, as applicable, for full construction of V Street through to its intersection with Marcola Road. 2. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of the Pierce Ditch at the time of collector street extension southward to an intersection with Marcola Road to address the threshold number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips as determined by the applicant's TIS. 3. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of Pierce Parkway between 31st Street and V Street, including the crossing of the Pierce Ditch concurrently with construction of Phase 3. Alternatively, full construction of Pierce Parkway between 31st Street and V Street, including the crossing of the Pierce Ditch, shall be completed prior to Phase 3 if required to address the threshold number of dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips as determined by the Applicant's Pierce Parkway Connection Trigger Analysis Memorandum dated January 26, 2021. 4. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of V Street between the intersection with Marcola Road to the Pierce Ditch crossing concurrently with construction of the Church Phase or with construction of the School Phase, whichever comes first 5. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule and phasing boundary map shall provide for full construction of V Street concurrently with Phase 2C (or equivalent if phase is renumbered) to the back of curb on the south side of the street or to the curb return tangency line at the intersections, with the exception of the segment between 30th Place and 31st Street which shall be constructed to an interim standard as depicted in the applicant's submitted conceptual design dated January BEND, OR I KEIZER, OR I TUALATIN, OR I VANCOUVER, WA www.aks-eng.com 16,1011. Final completion of the V Street segment between 30th Place and 31st Street shall occur prior to or concurrent with construction of Phase 3. Response: The conditions above are understood and were addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Further action is not warranted (at this time) by the traffic generated from Phase 3. 6. The modified Final Master Plan sheets PO -03 and PO-1OC shall clearly show a single, shared driveway access located on the boundary between the southeastern edge of the public school site and the adjoining neighborhood commercial site and multi -unit residential site. 7. The applicant's modified Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for full construction of the public sanitary sewer system necessary to serve each successive development phase, regardless of the order of phase construction. 8. The Final Master Plan shall provide a representative cross-section detail of the Pierce Ditch channel for the segment between 31st Street and V Street that shows a minimum 10 foot separation distance between adjacent residential property lines and the northern top -of -bank and adjacent multi -unit residential and institutional property lines. The linear pathway shall be included within the 10 foot separation area that runs parallel with the southern edge of the Pierce Ditch, as generally depicted on the applicant's Master Plan Sheet PO -03. Response: The conditions above are understood and were addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Further action is not warranted by the Applicant, at this time. 9. The segments of Pierce Ditch to be improved and dedicated within Phases 3 & 4 and the Church Phase shall be shown and described in the modified phasing plan and table. 10. The segments of the Pierce Ditch shown within Phases 3 & 4 shall be reviewed and approved at the time of tentative subdivision approval for the applicable residential phase. The segment of the Pierce Ditch shown within the Church Phase shall be reviewed and approved at the time of Site Plan Review. Improvements to the Pierce Ditch shall include but not be limited to removal of invasive vegetation and flow obstructions, removal of silt and debris, and replanting with suitable vegetation including trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants. Construction of the Pierce Ditch improvements shall be done through the City's PIP process. Response: The Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing nomenclature was modified and approved through Local Case File No. 811-21-000299-TYP2. The phases referenced above are renumbered as Phases 4 and 5, as shown on the recorded phasing schedule. Therefore, the conditions above are not relevant to the Phase 3 Plat area. 11. The Final Master Plan shall provide for installation of a water quality manhole upstream of the neighborhood -scale infiltration ponds serving Phases 3, 4, and 5. The manholes must be sized per the manufacturer's recommendations for the expected flow to be treated at that manhole location at full buildout and must meet the requirements for pretreatment as determined by the Washington State Technology/Assessment Protocol — Ecology (TAPE) program. Response: The condition above is understood and was addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Stormwater from Phase 3 flows through the water quality manhole to the Tract C stormwater facility. The condition is met. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase 3 Subdivision Plat— City of Springfield April 2022 Pre -Submittal Letter —Local File No. 811-21-000130-TYP2 Page 2 of 6 11. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for secondaryfire apparatus access to Phases 3, 4, and 5 in accordance with the requirements of the Springfield Fire Code. Response: The recorded Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing schedule provides secondary fire apparatus access for Phase 3. The condition above is satisfied. 13. The Final Master Plan and modified phasing schedule shall provide for installation of fire hydrants that meet the spacing, distribution, and coverage requirements of the Springfield Fire Code. 14. The Final Master Plan shall provide for fire apparatus access to all single -unit detached lots that meets the 150 foot distancefrom the furthest point of the building as required by Section 503.1.1 of the Springfield Fire Code. Alternatively, the Final Master Plan shall provide for building sprinklering for all single -unit detached lots that do not meet the 150 foot distance fire apparatus access requirements of SFC 503.1.1. Response: The conditions above are understood and were addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. Specific fire hydrant locations will be determined through the PIP process. 15. The Final Master Plan shall provide for underground electrical system connection(s) between Phases 1C (or renumbered equivalent) and/or Phase 5 and the EWEB right-of-way. Response: The condition above has been met. 16. Prior to approval of the tentative subdivision plans for Phases 3-5, or prior to approval of a site plan review for the Multi -unit Residential Phase, School Phase, or Church Phase, as applicable, the applicant shall prepare and submit certified wetland delineation reportfor the subject phase. The review and approval of required wetland mitigation measures and determination of wetland setbacks shall be completed through the tentative subdivision plan and/or site plan review process for each development phase. Response: The condition above has been met, as applicable to Phase 3. 17. The Final Master Plan diagram and phasing plan shall be revised to eliminate gaps in the alphanumeric subdivision phase sequencing in accordance with Lane County Surveyors office requirements. Response: The condition above is understood and was addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. 18. The applicant shall record the modified Final Master Plan document revised plans and phasing schedule, and conditions of approval against the parcels comprising the MasterPlan area at Lane County Deeds & Records and provide evidence thereof to the City. 19. The modified Final Master Plan document, revised plans, phasing schedule, and conditions of approval arising from Planning Action 811-20-000225-TVP3 shall supersede the prior Master Plan recorded as Document #2018-038501 and the modified Master Plan Phasing Schedule recorded as Document #2020-071248. Response: The conditions above are understood and were addressed upon recordation of the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase 3 Subdivision Plat- City of Springfield April 2022 Pre -Submittal Letter -Local File No. 811-21-000130-TVP2 Page 3 of 6 Marcola Meadows Type II Tentative Subdivision — Conditions of Approval Local File No. 811-21-000130-TYP2 1. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Plat for Phase 3, the paved panhandle driveways and private utilities serving Lots 224, 225, 261, 262 and 263 must be installed from the public street right-of-way to the pan portion (i.e. building footprint area) of the furthest lot. Response: The Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing nomenclature was modified and approved through Local Case File No. 811-21-000299-TYP2. The phase referenced above is renumbered as Phase 5, as shown on the recorded phasing schedule. Therefore, the condition above is not relevant to the Phase 3 Plat area. 2. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Plat for Phase 5, the paved panhandle driveway and private utilities serving Lots 418, 419 and 420 must be installed from the public street right-of-way to the pan portion (i.e. building footprint area) of the furthest lot. Response: The Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing nomenclature was modified and approved through Local Case File No. 811-21-000299-TYP2. The phase (and corresponding lots) referenced above was renumbered as Phase 3, as shown on the recorded phasing schedule. Therefore, the condition above is relevant to the Phase 3 Plat area. The paved panhandle driveway and private utilities will be extended from the public right-of-way to the pan portion of Lots 199, 200, and 201, as shown on the approved Phase 3 PIP plans. The condition is met. 3. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Platfor Phase 3, the segment of public street depicted as "SStreet" must be changed to'TStreet" or an alternate name acceptable to the Lane County Road Naming Committee. Response: The Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing nomenclature was modified and approved through Local Case File No. 811-21-000299-TYP2. The phase referenced above is renumbered as Phase 5, as shown on the recorded phasing schedule. Therefore, the condition above is not relevant to the Phase 3 Plat area. 4. The developer must construct full street improvements along all frontages and internal streets as shown and described in the MasterPlan for Phases 3, 4 & 5, including all required collector street connections and bridge crossings of the Pierce ditch per the approved traffic study. Response: The condition above is understood. As described in the approved Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing schedule, full street improvements are provided in the Phase 3 Plat area. The condition is met. 5. The applicant must construct the required public sanitary sewer system improvements for each phase of the development using the City of Springfield Public Improvement Project (PIP) process. 6. The applicant must design and construct all stormwater improvements, including areas required for maintenance access, for the Phases 3-5 subdivision areas using the City of Springfield Public Improvement Permit process. 7. As part of the PIP process for the Phases 3-5 subdivision areas, the applicant must submit a vegetation plan that meets the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM for the infiltration basins, detention ponds, and any other vegetated AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase 3 Subdivision Plat— City of Springfield April 2022 Pre -Submittal Letter— Local File No. 811-21-000130-TYP2 Page 4 of stormwater treatment area. The City of Eugene stormwater management manual may be referenced for design. 8. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of the City's MS4 permit, the applicant must maintain the vegetation in the stormwater treatment areas for the 2 -year warranty period after acceptance of the PIP. Response: The conditions above are understood. The PIP plans for Phase 3 have been approved by the City. 9. Concurrently with recording of the Final Subdivision Plat, the applicant must execute and record a separate document to dedicate any tract area that is part of the constructed public stormwater system, including sufficient area for maintenance access, to the City of Springfield. Response: The Phase 3 Plat does not contain tracts. Therefore, the condition is not applicable. 10. The applicant must provide for the installation of all utility lines and associated infrastructure as part of the City's PIP process. Response: The condition above is understood. The PIP plans for Phase 3 have been approved by the City. 11. The applicant must provide for the installation of all required utilities in the public right-of-way or within utility easements and coordinate the placement of utilities with the affected utility providers to prevent conflicts with public and private subdivision features including but not limited to driveways, sidewalks, curb ramps, and street trees. 12. To meet minimum separation requirements for installed utilities, the applicant will be responsible forensuring that buildings and structures are not placed within 10 feet of vaults andjunction boxes and relocating utilities that are found to be in conflict with new or proposed driveway locations within the subdivision area. Response: The conditions above are understood. Utility coordination with applicable agencies has been completed and the PIP plans for Phase 3 have been approved by the City. 13. Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision PlatforPhase 5, the applicant must construct a secondary emergency access driveway for the Phase 5 subdivision area that meets the access spacing requirements of the Springfield Fire Code. The secondary emergency access driveway must be depicted on the PIP plans for Phase 5. Response: The Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan phasing nomenclature was modified and approved through Local Case File No. 811-21-000299-TYP2, Therefore, the condition above is relevant to the Phase 3 Plat area, as shown on the recorded phasing schedule. 14. Prior to issuance of Building Permits for any lots within Phases 3, 4 and 5, the applicant or builder must demonstrate that the subject lot meets the applicable off-street parking provision requirements of SDC 4.6-100 and Table 4.6-2. Response: The condition above is understood and can be met. AVO Marcola Meadows Final Phase 3 Subdivision Plat— City of Springfield April 2022 Pre -Submittal Letter —Local File No. 811-21-000130-TYP2 Page 5 of 6 15. The construction plans for Phases 3, 4 and 5 shall include groundwater protection construction notes as outlined in Finding 78 of the staff report and decision on the Phases 3-5 subdivision tentative plan, Case 811-21-000130-TVP2. Response: The condition above is understood. The PIP plans for Phase 3 have been approved by the City. 16. Prior to initiation of any stripping, grading or construction activity within delineated Wetland C or the Pierce ditch wetland channel, the applicant must obtain wetland fill/removal permits from state and federal agencies and provide evidence thereof to the City. Response: The condition above is understood and does not require action by the Applicant at this time. Thank you for reviewing this information and please let us know if you have further questions. Sincerely, AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC +us Chris Goodell, AICP, LEED AP, Associate 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 503.563.61511 chrisg@aks-eng.com Enclosures Marcola Meadows Phase 3 Subdivision Plat Pre -Submittal Checklist Supporting Materials: Exhibit A: Staff Reports & Decisions [Type II Tentative Subdivision Review and Type III Master Plan Modification] Exhibit B: Final Phase 3 Subdivision Plat Exhibit C: Title Report Exhibit D: Closure Sheets Exhibit E: New Easement Exhibit F: Consent Affidavits Exhibit G: Reference Documents and Plats Exhibit H: Supporting Documents AVE Marcola Meadows Final Phase 3Subdivision Plat—City of Springfield April 2022 Pre -Submittal Letter —Local File No. 811-21-000130-TVP2 Page 6 of 6 AK Exhibit B: Final Phase 3 Subdivision Plat NARRATIVE MARCOLA MEADOWS PHASE 3 5UT 10F2 �AL�OFF LANPERE o w®M®'G A,� AMRIwNoTHAT U A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF PARCEL 3, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 2022—P3052, l2P.0013DED a LMo PPYnw PUT cs xuwxrr wauxrrns oma PAR. -P ,'l-lem'.xD 'IT am.w.n.uma LOCATED IN THE SEI/4 OF SECTION 24 AND THE NEI/4 SECTION 25, eLwl Ds PHASE 1 , LED .mD n. r.s FI. m'YMDv mumrcuXN MEADDINS PHASE IES 1 IXUxr! MDgE.}ISIW DA2 E uE I U UXa MET, I"' A u A LAN PRESSE Ir D.r T.175., R.3.W., W.M., CITY OF ARCH Fl, 2 LANE COUNTY, OREGON .r a UNES ARL PE"n u°NE SOrrIY FLL`T Laos. WE 'AR. Mr DATE: MARCH 30, 2022 MEMD"DATA INR<RaMMrsrons Pur. N PLA"1MMD PINKN1RONN, u.o DATA MfY SPO u1PLmA IEW%5 Xf XD2 Rf� f6 YIND Id1S Of REM. WE AME AS R LdrMMEN. ® DFLAP ,A.1Pi AS PENDMEN NORTH„ T"RE M+:E 1. ExE 1 �c mE Ym ewnD.wr "ATLEE PARK , EE ,,, 74. 9d�E 17 16 Sp, xs, w ffi 18BONA M 19 EU E WADI Delo D£emisa w s & pl'YT3Y'E 6�� ne 213 . ?Oe k•209g ielo°. Oil 212 N,` '30? OCA INm01 MEADOWS PHgg IB PIMNT ma' a2 w20]B RM R rs00 'g v. C 2028s 2038 2048 aero a qss 8 %� $ °° < E awD N 4 „Y L.;yx n TRACT c a•seDD ass. _ m 199 W200 201 kFAR"=3bs.. N 6 M,3HP SFeF °'l.Ns _� N➢r ,py w— � 9AM°1. � EESYT]1491.Si 53 54 Xwmr. ur �� — wm m A 184 ,r ly, s wsr "4'ptl roar u 1� x 18] 186 %kn 185 %¢,Sms g I 8,� 215 y� p § E 189k %g aero 4� Gm0 sv. 15 x �ss. $3 55 — Fglmmowu kAD `'�vn 8 1914 im�o B. aem 4�asssr. 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ARM ISPEAREAREW .41* AM 7NME in� PUMP 166 165 EMON ill, LANE wulry PUT XScww 5p1'eTNM REMAINDER Lf X Rm �xrwl®L�MwnP PARM3 .xPE—owe VARY ] A '"- w`+ s] se LEGEND 16911 Ng,, "am ax 1� ia70m 8'� m o FOUND sA' Iron Duo wm'vLT PLu,lc em NER Ism 9x � � 9 1]2%w sse �$1 %k 1I %.asro$ PNI g vA XUREAPPE.N. s,mU� wLss1N.... $ 175 9 171 r. "� NE�[IgoO 11Z IMx MD PR X. MANN. OMR, mm g 177s 176%8 Naos 8�1. -$sr. ssI'm gpgL3 DO P�NroDE IB' ��TS MD' XO)�`� 5. 'MARCCUO %1. QS °°0 6NOR 1NNx SURVEY DID NIF $ e Na 5/a' GP FAIgRf F UP 3UF PERO AUXIN PMn SOUV"' LE 74, M!c w I 166 165 EMON ill, LANE wulry PUT XScww 5p1'eTNM REMAINDER Lf X Rm �xrwl®L�MwnP PARM3 .xPE—owe • gffPo ED AW IMM MO MM.LLPN PLbOe GP kW0.' N IS Pb' .-MONAMPir➢ RF06rFRFD gpef55p1YLR xxc wmL `1 • s am M I-. xD wm.m .Iae sn Io° N�s N fR D ISA e�xn" ME Mwl"., m �'.D7O�FDp�� .xm RUMem nNa RNS OR "''DNUMeP wawmm XF PREPARED FOR Y.I.MY-DIG[W MEMO M NFlt4M5 aRAWN 8Y a@ RUN PIAMUD wpm . dwiss CYtt OE`PRINGFlEW BANNING NO BII-II-000111F1W1 PRM MVATE°M1FPARAPET ..I IF LDR •1 3]. SMN"PMhWAr AK -PURSDA A. EyEgERD, g.ryEHlfi.M.rypALRYOypag ASSESSOR'S MAP 17023030 TAM LOT IM W 'A. 1. SNM'. 1.1 CWNtt Iur NE. R9S,XME. m1 R+°+° Ln/ RWSIRY'PIIMIe.iWID9CAPE IRMEVIORE oammw ro.: MARCOLA MEADOWS PHASE 3 %ITT 20'2 A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF PARCEL 3, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 2022—P3052, 1R6CUMID NgaMxn vRT�rrns oma LOCATED IN THE SEI/4 OF SECTION 24 AND THE NEI/4 SECTION 25, m„X,YCLARK T.17S., R.3.W., W.M., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON RY DATE: MARCH 30, 2022 110I:I[dtlD1d: SES 4X3 MAT Y.RCM A'. IW6 .. AN W ME LAND STUART PERSIAN ANDINTE OPTIONs XAH�2lPoMeio I:IAilli uwNiAxnPli aFK.IF's [FPIIf1Bn¢ rw nns uuseD MEWX THYSED TO UP 5 SNR MM3RORYES AND A PRO ALL IMA NFFER IN O OF M pEIBt,6 4pYlHIM THE PARREASHENTS OF � I'"ENCENI TALL RUSTS to.. AX INEPECTEMENTS OF NER M'S ui.m SAM a and RAT AND MUTEa4slgET AN ... XWND DRS IF 1 CREPT THE 1.W FOUNT I%91L MY.IVMOM. AS NAMMOR MARC. NAMPAS NEIGHBORHOOD FLY ACKNOWLEDGMENT .I �R MR MONUMENT .1 I.N.A. BEFOR IL M. PAYS' . Do— BvmIwXM IAA MM OF Ncw.w.BAnon�on MUNI 11. AN OREcCH M ADEMY F.M. - QIFN' YY Cp 1 .W . CONSENT AFFIDANTS M4 A�A� BEMEOT CONSENT .1. TOCTUR TwT NI1MBY BULDENTS CMT.TAmewo, ANAs. RSfSSm M Doo.VXl N.B. VIE .UP DEEDS Mu REIPDi HANmRAWPUMP RX DOCUMENT MURRAY A]FYTie." FEE PREPARED. INS HM =5 AMDDONEWE."wiCOx ...f WE A LCOIN9N PLAT CONSENT ADAMANT BY DR. NOUN PC,_pTAp, A THAT TRYarUIEXTORARYY DA IX4LMENT "UNSER TNI-OyBsl NAS fi.WE .1 AMID RESTRACEI LTY OF S'RIXGEELD PLANNING N0. 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AtER IYI Q.IIE LEMS M'O THISMAT RAYMOND 111PRY EW, PER FFICESWNUSST NUM&ER MbO%WIN LINNEE STORY �E WD Mf(� M BE .UP MMMT IS SUBJECT ID MY APPLICABLE C® MRICMIS DOCUMENT DWENT NUMBER NIB-0A'A2 41E .THIS 16EMBTMYMYW PA9E RED RESTRICTIONS AN aSWENI MURDER AI9-0EW>WE HANDS IN, Ta MI IS AB[CI MY THE DEED RECTRIUM PER DOCUMENT TURNER mM4m]%, IAIE LpNM1 C®S AND HI II. �5 AAII ISNLCT N MR E DEED NTRUCH RpF N WWE MURDER Atl-0H150. E CARRY E ITS MAP IS CURRENT I MY APPLICABLE TERMS MIT PARTABROME OF THE MUNI MEACROADU FARM NASCER PWIAMC MI PER SOCH I MURDER 202PRI WE COUNTY DEER AND 13 THIS R T IS EXPERT MY THE APPLICABLE TERAS MY MUMMERS UP THE MARCULA "ASTER PLCO IG O[gN111 NUMBER .11.704, LAM YOUNI IRDS YB RNWN Mf00DXS PXX 14 THE POUCH UP THE TEMPORARY FIRMS SAMOAN Oo-OM 11NLt A{IECR INS MET [MERCURYSENSE ROLL AND WO TME RAYMOND Of MRECORDED AS ES . R SRYROD MING MESIO DARE WE OYJM RUNS TIXWISA'HERS DACE POST MONUMENTATION CERTIFICATE EYPWI A ROSIENED iP6E1YMLL Vltl SIXKYIP IN THE STAR V pEt9{ uL SHARON ON MTI, W IIRSBY gAVY Tut m ME -I V MY MM FM NO CA MAD . UP EN III AN All ED TO SEJ RNR I IX em HAS DAYS Aww ME ¢VP31PN OF THE STREET YFPOHIdR. N" POST MONUMENTATION COMPLETION NOTICE MEET WUNENTATOX 0t ME COINER WAS COMPLETED M T[ _MY 9 WE.. BEEW AND NEUFOAS o¢IYEm xO. M PREPARED FOR ATHORAME 21111 SI IMANN DANE VAI DN WPIC Name: Property : Plat Boundary End North: 885477.1817' East: 4267315.5121' Segment #1 . Curve Length: 89.89' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 68.4018 (dms) Tangent: 51.23' Chord: 84.61' Course: S54009'48"E Course In: S01030'03"W Course Out: N70010'21"E RP North: 885402.2074' East: 4267313.5477' End North: 885427.6445' East: 4267384.1045' Segment #2 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885440.8410' Segment #3 . Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885223.1401' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885227.5597' Length: 91.52' East: 4267474.6681' Length: 220.00' East: 4267506.3905' Length: 30.65' East: 4267536.7202' Segment #5 . Curve Length: 6.28' Radius: 4.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 4.00' Chord: 5.66' Course: S53017'26"E Course In: S08017'26"E Course Out: N81042'34"E RP North: 885223.6015' East: 4267537.2970' End North: 885224.1763' East: 4267541.2577' Segment #6 . Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885129.1796' Segment #7 . Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885072.0791' Segment #8 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885220.5116' Segment #9 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885222.0040' Segment #10 : Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 96.00' East: 4267555.1003' Length: 396.00' East: 4267163.2386' Length: 150.00' East: 4267141.6097' Length: 10.35' East: 4267151.8515' Length: 90.00' North: 885311.0634' East: 4267138.8741' Segment #11 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 300.00' North: 885267.8055' East: 4266842.0093' Segment #12 Line Course: S01058'02"W Length: 16.09' North: 885251.7250' East: 4266841.4569' Segment #13 : Line Course: N88001'58"W Length: 150.00' North: 885256.8741' East: 4266691.5453' Segment #14 Line Course: N01058'02"E Length: 222.68' North: 885479.4229' East: 4266699.1894' Segment #15 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 609.56' North: 885567.3172' East: 4267302.3793' Segment #16 : Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 91.09' North: 885477.1792' East: 4267315.5138' Perimeter: 2570.12' Area: 249337.91 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: 535011'08"E Error North: -0.00250 East: 0.00176 Precision 1: 827164.52 Name: Property : 169 North: 885224.1796' Segment #1 Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885129.1828' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885122.5499' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885221.5049' East: 4267541.2459' Length: 96.00' East: 4267555.0884' Length: 46.00' East: 4267509.5691' Length: 100.00' East: 4267495.1498' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 11.35' North: 885223.1415' East: 4267506.3812' Segment #5 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 30.65' North: 885227.5610' East: 4267536.7109' Segment #6 . Curve Length: 6.28' Radius: 4.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 4.00' Chord: 5.66' Course: S53017'26"E Course In: S08017'26"E Course Out: N81042'34"E RP North: 885223.6028' East: 4267537.2877' End North: 885224.1777' East: 4267541.2484' Perimeter: 290.28' Area: 4596.57 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: S53017'26"E Error North: -0.00188 East: 0.00252 Precision 1: 93438.71 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 170 North: 885122.5499' East: 4267509.5692' Segment #1 . Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885116.7822' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885215.7372' Segment #3 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885221.5049' Segment #4 . Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885122.5499' Length: 40.00' East: 4267469.9872' Length: 100.00' East: 4267455.5679' Length: 40.00' East: 4267495.1499' Length: 100.00' East: 4267509.5692' Perimeter: 280.00' Area: 4000.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 280000000.00 ######################################################################## Name: Property : 171 North: 885116.7822' East: 4267469.9872' Segment #1 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885111.7354' Segment #2 Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885210.6904' Segment #3 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885215.7371' Segment #4 Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885116.7822' Length: 35.00' East: 4267435.3530' Length: 100.00' East: 4267420.9337' Length: 35.00' East: 4267455.5679' Length: 100.00' East: 4267469.9872' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 3500.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 270000000.00 ######################################################################## Name: Property : 172 North: 885111.7354' East: 4267435.3530' Segment #1 Line Course: 581042'34"W North: 885106.6886' Segment #2 Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885205.6436' Segment #3 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885210.6903' Segment #4 Line Course: 508017'26"E North: 885111.7354' Length: 35.00' East: 4267400.7188' Length: 100.00' East: 4267386.2995' Length: 35.00' East: 4267420.9337' Length: 100.00' East: 4267435.3530' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 3500.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 270000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 173 North: 885106.6886' East: 4267400.7188' Segment #1 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885100.9209' East: 4267361.1368' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 100.00' North: 885199.8758' East: 4267346.7175' Segment #3 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885205.6435' East: 4267386.2995' Segment #4 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 885106.6886' East: 4267400.7188' Perimeter: 280.00' Area: 4000.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 280000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 174 North: 885100.9208' East: 4267361.1368' Segment #1 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885094.4321' East: 4267316.6071' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 100.00' North: 885193.3871' East: 4267302.1878' Segment #3 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885199.8758' East: 4267346.7175' Segment #4 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 885100.9208' East: 4267361.1368' Perimeter: 290.00' Area: 4500.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 290000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 175 North: 885094.4321' East: 4267316.6071' Segment #1 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885087.9434' East: 4267272.0774' Segment #2 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 100.00' North: 885186.8984' East: 4267257.6580' Segment #3 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885193.3870' East: 4267302.1878' Segment #4 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 885094.4321' East: 4267316.6071' Perimeter: 290.00' Area: 4500.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 290000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 176 North: 885087.9434' East: 4267272.0774' Segment #1 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885082.1756' East: 4267232.4954' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 100.00' North: 885181.1306' East: 4267218.0761' Segment #3 . Line North: 885181.1306' Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885186.8983' East: 4267257.6580' Segment #4 . Line Area: 3500.00 Sq. Ft. Course: S08017'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 885087.9434' East: 4267272.0774' Perimeter: 280.00' Area: 4000.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 280000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 177 North: 885082.1756' East: 4267232.4954' Segment #1 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885077.1288' East: 4267197.8611' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 100.00' North: 885176.0838' East: 4267183.4418' Segment #3 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 35.00' North: 885181.1306' East: 4267218.0761' Segment #4 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 100.00' North: 885082.1756' East: 4267232.4954' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 3500.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Ids EFi S Li E f'?L'I I I IS I I CSz: ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 178 North: 885077.1288' East: 4267197.8611' Segment #1 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885072.0821' Segment #2 Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885171.0370' Segment #3 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885176.0838' Segment #4 Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885077.1288' Length: 35.00' East: 4267163.2269' Length: 100.00' East: 4267148.8076' Length: 35.00' East: 4267183.4418' Length: 100.00' East: 4267197.8611' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 3500.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 270000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 179 North: 885316.8344' East: 4267178.4462' Segment #1 Line Course: 508017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885227.7749' East: 4267191.4236' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885222.0072' East: 4267151.8416' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885311.0666' East: 4267138.8642' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885316.8344' East: 4267178.4462' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 180 North: 885322.6021' East: 4267218.0282' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885233.5427' East: 4267231.0056' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885227.7749' East: 4267191.4236' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885316.8344' East: 4267178.4462' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885322.6021' East: 4267218.0282' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Ef'ZIIIIISIES%: ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 181 North: 885329.0908' East: 4267262.5579' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885240.0314' East: 4267275.5353' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885233.5427' East: 4267231.0056' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885322.6022' East: 4267218.0282' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885329.0908' East: 4267262.5579' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 4050.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 270000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 182 North: 885334.8586' East: 4267302.1399' Segment #1 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885245.7991' East: 4267315.1173' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885240.0314' East: 4267275.5353' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885329.0909' East: 4267262.5579' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885334.8586' East: 4267302.1399' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Id�EFiSLiEf'ZSIIIISIICS%: ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 183 North: 885341.4915' East: 4267347.6592' Segment #1 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 86.00' North: 885256.3903' East: 4267360.0598' Segment #2 Curve Length: 6.28' Radius: 4.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 4.00' Chord: 5.66' Course: S36042'34"W Course In: S81042'34"W Course Out: 508017'26"E RP North: 885255.8135' East: 4267356.1016' End North: 885251.8528' East: 4267356.6765' Segment #3 . Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885245.7967' Segment #4 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885334.8561' Segment #5 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885341.4890' Perimeter: 270.28' Length: 42.00' East: 4267315.1154' Length: 90.00' East: 4267302.1380' Length: 46.00' East: 4267347.6573' Area: 4136.57 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: S36042'34"W Error North: -0.00252 East: -0.00188 Precision 1: 86987.10 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 184 North: 885405.8122' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885341.4915' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885334.8586' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885423.9181' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885426.9462' East: 4267338.2866' Length: 65.00' East: 4267347.6591' Length: 46.00' East: 4267302.1398' Length: 90.00' East: 4267289.1625' Length: 21.00' East: 4267309.9430' Segment #5 . Curve Length: 39.27' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 25.00' Chord: 35.36' Course: S53017'26"E Course In: S08017'26"E Course Out: N81042'34"E RP North: 885402.2074' East: 4267313.5478' End North: 885405.8095' East: 4267338.2903' Perimeter: 261.27' Area: 4005.87 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0047 Course: 553017'26"E Error North: -0.00279 East: 0.00374 Precision 1: 54757.45 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 185 North: 885329.0908' East: 4267262.5579' Segment #1 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885418.1503' East: 4267249.5805' Segment #2 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885423.9180' East: 4267289.1625' Segment #3 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885334.8586' East: 4267302.1399' Segment #4 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885329.0908' East: 4267262.5579' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Ef'ZSIIIISIES%: ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 186 North: 885322.6021' East: 4267218.0282' Segment #1 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885411.6616' East: 4267205.0508' Segment #2 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885418.1503' East: 4267249.5805' Segment #3 . Line Course: 508017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885329.0908' East: 4267262.5579' Segment #4 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885322.6021' East: 4267218.0282' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 4050.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Ids Lid f3l'I PI PI I E l; ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 187 North: 885316.8344' East: 4267178.4462' Segment #1 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885405.8938' East: 4267165.4688' Segment #2 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885411.6615' East: 4267205.0508' Segment #3 . Line Course: 508017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885322.6021' East: 4267218.0282' Segment #4 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885316.8344' East: 4267178.4462' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 188 North: 885311.0666' East: 4267138.8642' Segment #1 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885400.1261' East: 4267125.8869' Segment #2 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885405.8938' East: 4267165.4688' Segment #3 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885316.8343' East: 4267178.4462' Segment #4 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885311.0666' East: 4267138.8642' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 189 North: 885311.0666' East: 4267138.8642' Segment #1 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885305.2989' East: 4267099.2823' Segment #2 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885394.3583' East: 4267086.3049' Segment #3 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885400.1261' Segment #4 Line Course: 508017'26"E North: 885311.0666' Perimeter: 260.00' Error Closure Error North: Length: 40.00' East: 4267125.8869' Length: 90.00' East: 4267138.8642' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 190 North: 885305.2988' East: 4267099.2823' Segment #1 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885299.5311' East: 4267059.7003' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885388.5906' East: 4267046.7229' Segment #3 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885394.3583' East: 4267086.3049' Segment #4 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885305.2988' East: 4267099.2823' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 191 North: 885382.8228' East: 4267007.1408' Segment #1 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885388.5905' East: 4267046.7228' Segment #2 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885299.5310' East: 4267059.7002' Segment #3 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885293.7633' East: 4267020.1182' Segment #4 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885382.8228' East: 4267007.1408' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Segment Name: Property : 192 North: 885293.7633' East: 4267020.1183' Segment #1 Line North: Course: 581042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885287.9956' East: 4266980.5363' Segment #2 Line Course: Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885377.0551' East: 4266967.5589' Segment #3 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885382.8228' East: 4267007.1409' Segment #4 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885293.7633' East: 4267020.1183' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 193 North: 885287.9956' East: 4266980.5363' Segment #1 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885282.2278' East: 4266940.9543' Segment #2 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885371.2873' East: 4266927.9770' Segment #3 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885377.0550' East: 4266967.5589' Segment #4 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885287.9956' East: 4266980.5363' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 194 North: 885282.2278' East: 4266940.9544' Segment #1 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885276.4601' East: 4266901.3724' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885365.5195' East: 4266888.3950' Segment #3 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885371.2873' East: 4266927.9770' Segment #4 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885282.2278' East: 4266940.9544' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 195 North: 885276.4600' East: 4266901.3724' Segment #1 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 60.00' North: 885267.8085' East: 4266841.9994' Segment #2 . Line Course: N01058'02"E Length: 70.58' North: 885338.3469' East: 4266844.4223' Segment #3 Curve Length: 34.79' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 79.4431 (dms) Tangent: 20.88' Chord: 32.05' Course: N41050'18"E Course In: S88001'58"E Course Out: N08017'26"W RP North: 885337.4887' East: 4266869.4075' End North: 885362.2251' East: 4266865.8006' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 22.83' North: 885365.5170' East: 4266888.3920' Segment #5 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885276.4575' East: 4266901.3694' Perimeter: 278.20' Area: 4579.72 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0039 Course: 549054'58"W Error North: -0.00251 East: -0.00298 Precision 1: 70630.77 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 196 North: 885293.4204' East: 4266792.8521' Segment #1 Line Course: S01058'02"W Length: 40.00' North: 885253.4440' East: 4266791.4790' Segment #2 Line Course: N88001'58"W Length: 100.00' North: 885256.8767' East: 4266691.5380' Segment #3 Line Course: N01058'02"E Length: 40.00' North: 885296.8532' East: 4266692.9111' Segment #4 Line Course: S88001'58"E Length: 100.00' North: 885293.4204' East: 4266792.8521' Perimeter: 280.00' Area: 4000.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 280000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 197 North: 885328.3998' East: 4266794.0537' Segment #1 . Line Course: S01058'02"W Length: 35.00' North: 885293.4204' East: 4266792.8522' Segment #2 . Line Course: N88001'58"W Length: 100.00' North: 885296.8532' East: 4266692.9111' Segment #3 . Line S01058'02"W Course: N01058'02"E Length: 35.00' North: 885331.8325' East: 4266694.1126' Segment #4 . Line East: 4266794.0532' Course: S88001'58"E Length: 100.00' North: 885328.3998' East: 4266794.0537' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 3500.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 270000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 198 End North: 885365.2810' East: 4266799.7494' Segment #1 . Curve Length: 25.90' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 19.4658 (dms) Tangent: 13.08' Chord: 25.77' Course: S11051'31"W Course In: S68015'00"E Course Out: N88001'58"W RP North: 885337.4892' East: 4266869.4102' End North: 885340.0610' East: 4266794.4538' Segment #2 . Line Course: S01058'02"W Length: 11.67' North: 885328.3979' East: 4266794.0532' Segment #3 . Line Course: N88001'58"W Length: 100.00' North: 885331.8306' East: 4266694.1121' Segment #4 Line Course: N01058'02"E North: 885371.8071' Segment #5 Line Course: S88001'58"E North: 885370.4302' Segment #6 Line Course: 588001'58"E North: 885369.2287' Segment #7 Line Course: S88001'58"E North: 885368.3492' Segment #8 Line Course: S49029'41"E North: 885365.2770' Length: 40.00' East: 4266695.4852' Length: 40.11' East: 4266735.5716' Length: 35.00' East: 4266770.5510' Length: 25.62' East: 4266796.1559' Length: 4.73' East: 4266799.7523' Perimeter: 283.02' Area: 4044.59 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0049 Course: S35032'42"E Error North: -0.00399 East: 0.00285 Precision 1: 57734.69 Name: Property : 199 North: 885485.3246' East: 4266739.6586' Segment #1 Line Course: S02002'15"W North: 885370.4273' Segment #2 Line Course: N88001'58"W North: 885371.8042' Segment #3 Line Course: N01058'02"E North: 885479.4207' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885485.3182' Length: 114.97' East: 4266735.5710' Length: 40.11' East: 4266695.4847' Length: 107.68' East: 4266699.1811' Length: 40.90' East: 4266739.6537' Perimeter: 303.66' Area: 4472.63 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0081 Course: 537050'29"W Error North: -0.00639 East: -0.00497 Precision 1: 37488.89 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 200 North: 885490.4545' East: 4266774.8633' Segment #1 . Line Course: S02002'15"W Length: 121.30' North: 885369.2312' East: 4266770.5506' Segment #2 . Line 17.1507 Course: N88001'58"W Length: 35.00' North: 885370.4327' East: 4266735.5713' Segment #3 . Line Course: NO2002'15"E Length: 114.97' North: 885485.3300' East: 4266739.6589' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 35.58' North: 885490.4604' East: 4266774.8670' Perimeter: 306.84' Area: 4134.65 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0070 Course: N32034'58"E Error North: 0.00586 East: 0.00375 Precision 1: 43835.71 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 201 North: 885496.3173' East: 4266815.0972' Segment #1 . Line Course: S02002'15"W Length: 111.70' North: 885384.6879' East: 4266811.1258' Segment #2 . Curve Length: 22.58' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 17.1507 (dms) Tangent: 11.38' Chord: 22.50' Course: S30022'34"W Course In: S50059'53"E Course Out: N68015'00"W RP North: 885337.4869' East: 4266869.4102' End North: 885365.2766' Segment #3 Line Course: N49029'41"W North: 885368.3488' Segment #4 Line Course: N88001'58"W North: 885369.2283' Segment #5 Line Course: NO2002'15"E North: 885490.4516' Segment #6 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885496.3145' Perimeter: 326.59' East: 4266799.7482' Length: 4.73' East: 4266796.1517' Length: 25.62' East: 4266770.5468' Length: 121.30' East: 4266774.8595' Length: 40.66' East: 4266815.0946' Area: 4915.33 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0038 Course: S43005'58"W Error North: -0.00278 East: -0.00260 Precision 1: 85923.68 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 202 North: 885503.8768 Segment #1 Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885414.8174' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885411.7057' East: 4266866.9753' Length: 90.00' East: 4266879.9527' Length: 21.58' East: 4266858.5982' Segment #3 Curve Length: 28.58' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 21.5009 (dms) Tangent: 14.47' Chord: 28.41' Course: S70047'30"W Course In: S08017'26"E Course Out: N30007'35"W RP North: 885337.4895' East: 4266869.4127' End North: 885402.3587' East: 4266831.7698' Segment #4 Line Course: NO2002'15"E Length: 96.95' North: 885499.2474' East: 4266835.2168' Segment #5 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 32.10' North: 885503.8760' East: 4266866.9813' Perimeter: 269.21' Area: 3673.42 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0060 Course: 581056'08"E Error North: -0.00085 East: 0.00599 Precision 1: 44840.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 203 North: 885509.6446' East: 4266906.5573' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885420.5851' East: 4266919.5347' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885414.8174' East: 4266879.9527' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885503.8769' East: 4266866.9753' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885509.6446' East: 4266906.5573' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 204 North: 885516.1333' East: 4266951.0870' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885427.0738' East: 4266964.0644' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885420.5852' East: 4266919.5347' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885509.6446' East: 4266906.5573' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885516.1333' East: 4266951.0870' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 4050.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 270000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 205 North: 885521.9011' East: 4266990.6690' Segment #1 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885432.8416' East: 4267003.6464' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885427.0739' East: 4266964.0644' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885516.1333' East: 4266951.0870' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885521.9011' East: 4266990.6690' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 206 North: 885526.9479' East: 4267025.3032' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885437.8884' East: 4267038.2806' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885432.8416' East: 4267003.6464' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885521.9011' East: 4266990.6690' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 35.00' North: 885526.9479' East: 4267025.3032' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 250000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 207 North: 885532.7156' East: 4267064.8852' Segment #1 . Line Course: 508017'26"E North: 885443.6562' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885437.8884' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885526.9479' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885532.7156' Length: 90.00' East: 4267077.8626' Length: 40.00' East: 4267038.2806' Length: 90.00' East: 4267025.3032' Length: 40.00' East: 4267064.8852' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ######################################################################## Name: Property : 208 North: 885539.2043' East: 4267109.4149' Segment #1 Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885450.1449' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885443.6562' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885532.7157' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885539.2043' Length: 90.00' East: 4267122.3923' Length: 45.00' East: 4267077.8626' Length: 90.00' East: 4267064.8852' Length: 45.00' East: 4267109.4149' Perimeter: 270.00' Area: 4050.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 270000000.00 ######################################################################## Name: Property : 209 North: 885544.9721' East: 4267148.9969' Segment #1 Line Course: 508017'26"E North: 885455.9126' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885450.1449' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885539.2044' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885544.9721' Length: 90.00' East: 4267161.9743' Length: 40.00' East: 4267122.3923' Length: 90.00' East: 4267109.4149' Length: 40.00' East: 4267148.9969' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 210 North: 885550.7399' East: 4267188.5789' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885461.6804' East: 4267201.5563' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885455.9127' East: 4267161.9743' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885544.9721' East: 4267148.9969' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885550.7399' East: 4267188.5789' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 211 North: 885555.7867' East: 4267223.2131' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885466.7272' East: 4267236.1905' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885461.6804' East: 4267201.5563' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885550.7399' East: 4267188.5789' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 35.00' North: 885555.7867' East: 4267223.2131' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 250000000.00 ************************************************************************ Course: N81042'34"E Name: Property : 212 North: 885560.8334' North: 885560.8334' East: 4267257.8473' Segment #1 Line Error Closure: Course: S08017'26"E Length: 90.00' North: 885471.7740' East: 4267270.8247' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885466.7272' East: 4267236.1905' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885555.7867' East: 4267223.2131' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 35.00' North: 885560.8334' East: 4267257.8473' Perimeter: 250.00' Area: 3150.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 250000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 213 North: 885567.3222' East: 4267302.3771' Segment #1 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 91.09' North: 885477.1841' East: 4267315.5116' Segment #2 . Curve Length: 12.82' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 9.4729 (dms) Tangent: 6.42' Chord: 12.80' Course: S86036'18"W Course In: S01030'03"W Course Out: N08017'26"W RP North: 885402.2098' East: 4267313.5473' End North: 885476.4261' East: 4267302.7341' Segment #3 . Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885471.7759' Segment #4 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885560.8353' Segment #5 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885567.3240' Perimeter: 271.15' Length: 32.25' East: 4267270.8211' Length: 90.00' East: 4267257.8437' Length: 45.00' East: 4267302.3735' Area: 4054.63 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0041 Course: N62054'11"W Error North: 0.00185 East: -0.00361 Precision 1: 66131.71 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 214 North: 885440.8426' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885396.3129' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885383.3355' Segment #3 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885413.0220' East: 4267474.6606' Length: 45.00' East: 4267481.1493' Length: 90.00' East: 4267392.0898' Length: 30.00' East: 4267387.7640' Segment #4 . Curve Length: 15.10' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 11.3213 (dms) Tangent: 7.58' Chord: 15.08' Course: N14003'33"W Course In: S81042'34"W Course Out: N70010'21"E RP North: 885402.2075' East: 4267313.5478' End North: 885427.6503' East: 4267384.1007' Segment #5 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 91.52' North: 885440.8469' East: 4267474.6643' Perimeter: 271.62' Area: 4057.55 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0056 Course: N41026'49"E Error North: 0.00421 East: 0.00372 Precision 1: 48500.00 ************************************************************************ Length: 90.00' Name: Property : 215 East: 4267481.1493' North: 885396.3129' East: 4267481.1493' Segment #1 Line 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Course: S08017'26"E Length: 40.00' North: 885356.7309' East: 4267486.9170' Segment #2 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 90.00' North: 885343.7536' East: 4267397.8576' Segment #3 Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 40.00' North: 885383.3355' East: 4267392.0898' Segment #4 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 90.00' North: 885396.3129' East: 4267481.1493' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00°00'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 216 North: 885317.1490' East: 4267492.6848' Segment #1 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 90.00' North: 885304.1716' East: 4267403.6254' Segment #2 . Line Course: N08017'26"W North: 885343.7536' Segment #3 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885356.7309' Segment #4 . Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885317.1490' Length: 40.00' East: 4267397.8576' Length: 90.00' East: 4267486.9171' Length: 40.00' East: 4267492.6848' Perimeter: 260.00' Area: 3600.00 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: N00000'00"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 260000000.00 ************************************************************************ Name: Property : 217 North: 885317.1490' East: 4267492.6848' Segment #1 . Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 45.00' North: 885272.6192' East: 4267499.1735' Segment #2 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 86.00' North: 885260.2186' East: 4267414.0722' Segment #3 . Curve Length: 6.28' Radius: 4.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 4.00' Chord: 5.66' Course: N53017'26"W Course In: N08017'26"W Course Out: S81042'34"W RP North: 885264.1768' East: 4267413.4955' End North: 885263.6019' East: 4267409.5348' Segment #4 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 41.00' North: 885304.1735' East: 4267403.6228' Segment #5 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885317.1508' Perimeter: 268.28' Length: 90.00' East: 4267492.6823' Area: 4046.57 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: N53017'26"W Error North: 0.00188 East: -0.00252 Precision 1: 86341.94 Name: Property : Roadways North: 885267.8088' Segment #1 Line Course: S01058'02"W North: 885251.7282' Segment #2 Line Course: N88001'58"W North: 885253.4446' Segment #3 Line Course: N01058'02"E North: 885293.4211' Segment #4 Line Course: N01058'02"E North: 885328.4004' Segment #5 Line Course: N01058'02"E North: 885340.0635' East: 4266842.0019' Length: 16.09' East: 4266841.4495' Length: 50.00' East: 4266791.4790' Length: 40.00' East: 4266792.8521' Length: 35.00' East: 4266794.0536' Length: 11.67' East: 4266794.4542' Segment #6 Curve Length: 25.90' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 19.4658 (dms) Tangent: 13.08' Chord: 25.77' Course: N11051'31"E Course In: S88001'58"E Course Out: N68015'00"W RP North: 885337.4890' East: 4266869.4100' End North: 885365.2836' East: 4266799.7499' Segment #7 Curve Length: 22.58' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 17.1507 (dms) Tangent: 11.38' Chord: 22.50' Course: N30022'34"E Course In: S68015'00"E Course Out: N50059'53"W RP North: 885337.4917' East: 4266869.4106' End North: 885384.6949' East: 4266811.1275' Segment #8 Line Course: NO2002'15"E Length: 111.70' North: 885496.3242' East: 4266815.0989' Segment #9 . Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885499.2557' Segment #10 : Line Course: S02002'15"W North: 885402.3670' Segment #11 . Curve Length: 20.33' East: 4266835.2164' Length: 96.95' East: 4266831.7695' Length: 28.58' Radius: 75.00' Length: 21.58' Delta: 21.5009 (dms) Tangent: 14.47' Chord: 28.41' Course: N70047'30"E N81042'34"E Course In: S30007'35"E Course Out: N08017'26"W RP North: 885337.4980' East: 4266869.4127' End North: 885411.7140' East: 4266858.5979' Segment #12 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 21.58' North: 885414.8257' East: 4266879.9523' Segment #13 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885420.5934' East: 4266919.5343' Segment #14 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885427.0821' East: 4266964.0641' Segment #15 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885432.8498' East: 4267003.6460' Segment #16 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 35.00' North: 885437.8966' East: 4267038.2803' Segment #17 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885443.6643' East: 4267077.8623' Segment #18 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885450.1530' East: 4267122.3920' Segment #19 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885455.9207' East: 4267161.9740' Segment #20 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885461.6884' Segment #21 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885466.7352' Segment #22 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885471.7819' Segment #23 : Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885476.4322' East: 4267201.5559' Length: 35.00' East: 4267236.1902' Length: 35.00' East: 4267270.8244' Length: 32.25' East: 4267302.7374' Segment #24 Curve Length: 12.82' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 9.4729 (dms) Tangent: 6.42' Chord: 12.80' Course: N86036'18"E Course In: S08017'26"E Course Out: N01030'03"E RP North: 885402.2159' East: 4267313.5519' End North: 885477.1902' East: 4267315.5149' Segment #25 Curve Length: 89.89' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 68.4018 (dms) Tangent: 51.23' Chord: 84.61' Course: S54009'48"E Course In: S01030'03"W Course Out: N70010'21"E RP North: 885402.2159' East: 4267313.5506' End North: 885427.6530' East: 4267384.1073' Segment #26 Curve Length: 15.10' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 11.3213 (dms) Tangent: 7.58' Chord: 15.08' Course: S14003'33"E Course In: S70010'21"W Course Out: N81042'34"E RP North: 885402.2138' East: 4267313.5535' End North: 885413.0247' East: 4267387.7706' Segment #27 Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 30.00' North: 885383.3382' East: 4267392.0964' Segment #28 : Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885343.7562' Segment #29 Line Course: 508017'26"E North: 885304.1743' Length: 40.00' East: 4267397.8642' Length: 40.00' East: 4267403.6319' Segment #30 : Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 41.00' North: 885263.6027' East: 4267409.5438' Segment #31 . Curve Length: 6.28' Radius: 4.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 4.00' Chord: 5.66' Course: S53017'26"E Course In: N81042'34"E Course Out: S08017'26"E RP North: 885264.1795' East: 4267413.5020' End North: 885260.2194' East: 4267414.0813' Segment #32 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 86.00' North: 885272.6200' East: 4267499.1826' Segment #33 : Line Segment Course: S08017'26"E Length: 50.00' North: 885223.1425' East: 4267506.3922' Segment #34 : Line 885205.6447' Course: S81042'34"W Length: 11.35' North: 885221.5060' East: 4267495.1608' Segment #35 : Line Length: 40.00' Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885215.7382' East: 4267455.5788' Segment #36 : Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885210.6915' East: 4267420.9446' Segment #37 : Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885205.6447' East: 4267386.3104' Segment #38 : Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885199.8770' East: 4267346.7284' Segment #39 : Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885193.3883' East: 4267302.1987' Segment #40 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885186.8996' East: 4267257.6689' Segment #41 . Line Course: 581042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885181.1319' East: 4267218.0869' Segment #42 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885176.0851' East: 4267183.4527' Segment #43 Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 35.00' North: 885171.0384' East: 4267148.8185' Segment #44 Line Segment Course: N08017'26"W Length: 50.00' North: 885220.5116' East: 4267141.6097' Segment #45 Line 885240.0331' Course: N81042'34"E Length: 10.35' North: 885222.0040' East: 4267151.8515' Segment #46 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885227.7767' East: 4267191.4376' Segment #47 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885233.5444' East: 4267231.0195' Segment #48 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 45.00' North: 885240.0331' East: 4267275.5493' Segment #49 Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 40.00' North: 885245.8008' East: 4267315.1312' Segment #50 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 42.00' North: 885251.8569' East: 4267356.6923' Segment #51, Curve Length: 6.28'Radius: 4.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 4.00' Chord: 5.66' Course: N36042'34"E Course In: N08017'26"W Course Out: N81042'34"E RP North: 885255.8151' East: 4267356.1156' End North: 885256.3944' East: 4267360.0756' Segment #52 : Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 86.00' North: 885341.4957' East: 4267347.6750' Segment #53 : Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 65.00' North: 885405.8164' East: 4267338.3025' Segment #54 . Curve Length: 39.27' Radius: 25.00' Length: 21.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 25.00' Chord: 35.36' Course: N53017'26"W S81042'34"W Course In: S81042'34"W Course Out: N08017'26"W RP North: 885402.2116' East: 4267313.5637' End North: 885426.9531' East: 4267309.9552' Segment #55 : Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 21.00' North: 885423.9251' East: 4267289.1746' Segment #56 : Line Segment Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885418.1573' East: 4267249.5927' Segment #57 : Line 885394.3655' Course: S81042'34"W Length: 45.00' North: 885411.6686' East: 4267205.0629' Segment #58 : Line Length: 40.00' Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885405.9009' East: 4267165.4809' Segment #59 : Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885400.1332' East: 4267125.8990' Segment #60 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885394.3655' East: 4267086.3170' Segment #61 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885388.5977' East: 4267046.7350' Segment #62 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885382.8300' East: 4267007.1530' Segment #63 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885377.0623' East: 4266967.5710' Segment #64 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 40.00' North: 885371.2946' Segment #65 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885365.5269' Segment #66 Line Course: S81042'34"W North: 885362.2349' East: 4266927.9890' Length: 40.00' East: 4266888.4071' Length: 22.83' East: 4266865.8156' Segment #67 Curve Length: 34.79' Radius: 25.00' Delta: 79.4431 (dms) Tangent: 20.88' Chord: 32.05' Course: S41050'18"W Course In: S08017'26"E Course Out: N88001'58"W RP North: 885337.4962' East: 4266869.4205' End North: 885338.3567' East: 4266844.4373' Segment #68 Line Course: S01058'02"W North: 885267.8183' Perimeter: 2698.16 Length: 70.58' East: 4266842.0144' Area: 62069.18 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0158 Course: N52045'29"E Error North: 0.00956 East: 0.01257 Precision 1: 169908.86 Name: Property : Plat Boundary End North: 885477.1817' East: 4267315.5121' Segment #1 Curve Length: 89.89' Radius: 75.00' Delta: 68.4018 (dms) Tangent: 51.23' Chord: 84.61' Course: S54009'48"E Course In: S01030'03"W Course Out: N70010'21"E RP North: 885402.2074' East: 4267313.5477' End North: 885427.6445' East: 4267384.1045' Segment #2 Line Course: N81042'34"E North: 885440.8410' Segment #3 Line Course: S08017'26"E North: 885223.1401' Length: 91.52' East: 4267474.6681' Length: 220.00' East: 4267506.3905' Segment #4 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 30.65' North: 885227.5597' East: 4267536.7202' Segment #5 . Curve Length: 6.28' Radius: 4.00' Delta: 90.0000 (dms) Tangent: 4.00' Chord: 5.66' Course: S53017'26"E Course In: S08017'26"E Course Out: N81042'34"E RP North: 885223.6015' East: 4267537.2970' End North: 885224.1763' East: 4267541.2577' Segment #6 . Line Course: 508017'26"E Length: 96.00' North: 885129.1796' East: 4267555.1003' Segment #7 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 396.00' North: 885072.0791' East: 4267163.2386' Segment #8 . Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 150.00' North: 885220.5116' East: 4267141.6097' Segment #9 . Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 10.35' North: 885222.0040' East: 4267151.8515' Segment #10 : Line Course: N08017'26"W Length: 90.00' North: 885311.0634' East: 4267138.8741' Segment #11 . Line Course: S81042'34"W Length: 300.00' North: 885267.8055' East: 4266842.0093' Segment #12 . Line Course: S01058'02"W Length: 16.09' North: 885251.7250' East: 4266841.4569' Segment #13 : Line Course: N88001'58"W Length: 150.00' North: 885256.8741' East: 4266691.5453' Segment #14 . Line Course: N01058'02"E Length: 222.68' North: 885479.4229' East: 4266699.1894' Segment #15 : Line Course: N81042'34"E Length: 609.56' North: 885567.3172' East: 4267302.3793' Segment #16 : Line Course: S08017'26"E Length: 91.09' North: 885477.1792' East: 4267315.5138' Perimeter: 2570.12' Area: 249337.91 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: S35011'08"E Error North: -0.00250 East: 0.00176 Precision 1: 827164.52 129655W Herman Road, Suite 100, Tualatin, OR 97062 AKS Job N]]36 P:15031563-61511 www.aU-eng.com OFFICES IN: REND, OR - KEIZER, OR - M$kUTIN, OR - VANCOUVER, WA EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 2 MARCOLA MEADOWS PHASE 3 WASTEWATER EASEMENT Description A ship of land, 20.00 feet wide, located in the northeast one-quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being a portion of Parcel 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P3052, Lane County Plat Records, the centerline of said ship being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of "Marcola Meadows Phase 3", a duly recorded plat in Lane County, said point bearing South 88001'58" East, 30.00 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 196 of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 3"; thence South 01058'02" West, 109.48 feet to a point herein defined as Point "A'; thence continuing South 01°58'02" West, 191.14 feet; thence South 19011'44" East, 94.43 feet; thence South 45048'17" East, 139.10 feet; thence South 31039'04" West, 212.31 feet; thence South 12027'40" West, 64.33 feet to the northerly line of Parcel 1, Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972, Lane County Plat Records, and the terminus of this ship. The sidelines of this ship shall be lengthened or shortened as necessary to meet the southerly line of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 3" and the northerly line of said Parcel 1. INCLUDING a ship of land, 20.00 feet wide, located in the northeast one-quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being a portion of Parcel 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2022-P3052, Lane County Plat Records, the centerline of said ship being more particularly described as follows: Beginrung at the above described Point "A'; thence North 81042'34" East, 331.43 feet to a point on the southerly line of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 3", which point bears North 02018'13" East, 20.35 feet from the northwest comer of Lot 178 of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 3, and the terminus of this ship. The sidelines of this ship shall be lengthened or shortened as necessary to meet the southerly line of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 3" and the easterly line of the above described ship of land. 2/21/2022 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR EXHIBIT A PAGE 2 OF 2 LOCATED IN THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 25, T.17S., R.M., W.M., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ls7 ;011 1s5 1sa 1s3 lsz VARCOLA MEADOWS 198 25' 15' 179 180 1181 I REGISTERED )� PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR / "/ -20.00' WASPNATER EASEMENT /,3 DOC. NO. 2022 - OREGON `��•� JANUARY 17, 1995 GARY2698PAUL RENEWS 12/31/2022 7 '000PREPARED FOR S12'27'40'W MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC "164.33' 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE ADJUSTED WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 TRACT 1 PARCEL 1 DATE:2 21 2027 DOC. NO. WASTEWATER EASEMENT EXHIBIT 2020-028024 LPPN A 2020-P2972 12965�SW HERIMAN RD, STE 100LLC ��� CHo: W TUALATIN, OR 97062 AKS JOB: S88'01'58"E "'POINT OF BEGINNING I TREE T � VA ST_ - 30.00' g N FES _ _ -331.41 - - N PH ASE 8 42"E NO2'18'13"E ,3» 20.35' 81 POINT "A" $ 178 177 176 175 _ co I o REMAINDER OF N PARCEL 3 N f---10.00' LAND PARTITION j ll l PLAT \; N0. 2022-PJ052 SCALE: 1"=100 FEET 100 0 20 50 100 REGISTERED )� PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR / "/ -20.00' WASPNATER EASEMENT /,3 DOC. NO. 2022 - OREGON `��•� JANUARY 17, 1995 GARY2698PAUL RENEWS 12/31/2022 7 '000PREPARED FOR S12'27'40'W MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC "164.33' 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE ADJUSTED WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 TRACT 1 PARCEL 1 DATE:2 21 2027 DOC. NO. WASTEWATER EASEMENT EXHIBIT 2020-028024 LPPN A 2020-P2972 12965�SW HERIMAN RD, STE 100LLC ��� CHo: W TUALATIN, OR 97062 AKS JOB: EASEMENT Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17023000, TL 1803 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered into this day of , 20 , by and between Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC , hereinafter referred to as the Grantor(s), and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as Granteeast WITNESSETH: In Consideration of the acceptance by the Grantee, and for Grantee's use or holding of said easement for present or future public use, Grantor(s) hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, a temporary easement 20 feet in width, togetherwith the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described in Exhibit "A" for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and using a Wastewater Easement , which may hereafter be installed on the following described property, to wit SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said Temporary Public Vehicle Access Easement unto said Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, during the future phased development of Marcola Meadows. UPON COMPLETION OF EACH PHASE, EACH PART OF THIS EASEMENT COINCIDENT WITH THAT PHASE WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID, UNTIL ALL PHASES ARE COMPLETE, OR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEEMS IT UNNECESSARY. THE CONSIDERATION for this conveyance is IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals on 20 SIGNATURE: (TITLE & COMPANY) PRINT NAME: STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF I SS This instrument was acknowledged before me on Mi Notary Public for Oregon 20 by THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By: City of Springfield Engineering/Surveying Date AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ATTN: SURVEYING CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT &PUBLIC WORI 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 \sake-fsl\ .,JxlSy.jabe\]]00-]]99\]]36 Masala Meadmwa S,i r H\_HreuSVSwry\Pla[vSWmLLals\lsl Review\]]36 M5 2M0330 Maeob Wa4ewak:rd«a REVISED: May 2021 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO Builders Capital Opportunity Fund, LLC 5601 6th Avenue South, Suite 350 Seattle, Washington 98108 BENEFICIARY Builders Capital Opportunity Fund, LLC 5601 6th Avenue South, Suite 350 Seattle, Washington 98108 SUBDIVISION CONSENT AFFIDAVIT We, Builders Capital Opportunity Fund, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, assignee of beneficial interest recorded February 24th 2020, as fee number 2020-009040, Lane County Deeds and Records, of that certain Trust Deed recorded December 17th 2019, as fee number 2019-057710, Lane County Deeds and Records, hereby consents and agrees to the declaration of M"colaMeadows Phase 3Subdtvlston, and also consents to any dedications or donation of property to public purposes. By: Builders Capital Opportunity Fund, LLC, a Washington limited liability company as (pint name) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this day of 1 20_ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named as company and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said company, and does acknowledge said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR WASHINGTON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: D.R. Hotton, Inc. 4380 S.W. Macadam Ave. Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 97239 BENEFICIARY D.R. Hotton, Inc. 4380 S.W. Macadam Ave. Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 97239 SUBDIVISION CONSENT AFFIDAVIT We, D.F. Horton, Inc., beneficiary of that certain Trust Deed recorded June 18th, 2020, as fee number 2020-031184, Lane County Deeds and Records, hereby consents and agrees to the declaration of Mmcola Mesdoms Phsse 3Sub&vikion, and also consents to any dedications or donation of property to public purposes. By: IDR_ Horton, Inc. as (print name) STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this day of 1 20_ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named as corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation, and does acknowledge said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: D.R. Horton, Inc. -Portland, a Delaware corporation 4380 S.W. Macadam Ave. Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 97239 BENEFICIARY D.R. Horton, Inc. -Portland, a Delaware corporation 4380 S.W. Macadam Ave. Scute 100 Portland, Oregon 97239 SUBDIVISION CONSENT AFFIDAVIT We, D.R Horton, Inc -Portland, a Delaware corporation, beneficiary of that certain Trust Deed recorded February 1st, 2021, as fee number 2021-006957, Lane County Deeds and Records, hereby consents and agrees to the declaration of Ma co&Meadoms Phase 3Subdlvlslon, and also consents to any dedications or donation of property to public purposes. By: D.R Horton, Inc. -Portland, a Delawaze corporation as (Point name) STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this day of 1 20_ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named as corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation, and does acknowledge said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: