HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-06-16.. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBTNAYTON APPLI C AT TAN /PWMTI 225 North ith Street Springftell., 2regon 97477 Btilding Dttsision 7 26-37 53 sPRINGRELD ra tat # 9400 Svbditision: iob Locaticn: 579 North L9th Street Alsesoo?s ttap tl 17 -03-36-L3 Housing Authority 6 Community SCiVIces Afene[ oilane County"Asnet: A&ess: 172 East Sth Avenue Phor.e: 687 -4114 citg: Eugene, OR zip:9740L Datc of Appliatiar_ DeecrLbe llork: e'ar!. $800. 00 Additi,cn [-l ,-, "it p Date: $ 8.00 .32 5. 00 .20 $13;9 Building Permit 49o Plumbing Permit 4% Ccttezzl !,!echa.ical Conatntcti.otr Lada. Ib is ttB rcspanetbility of tlr penrit l@Ud b eec tlut aLL inapectiorB de rudz at thl p pd t*ne, t\,.at 2aft .',1,1-Ess is readabie fz.rcr,t tfu s:areex, @td, tttat the panit al, ie L&ated. at trte f:rnx of tlu pzopqtZ.tBuiUi,H Diuistbtt aqroud plan sfu,Ll r.analin g. t)E h.|Ubtg Sitc at aLL- rttaee. PilO D E POR IIISPECafOI REQWSa: go77 l#Lacoilel atate your Citg deaig?Etd. iob turber, iob addteae, t@e of ilopeetic.n @aayfonhopeccon,cottlacbleotra,,,,",".,o,,".-aei,o,i-.,*a..-.2eqlsetercLeii.edbb7cle.7:00o:tltill b,rodo tlt eaac d4, requ.ats nafu afta 7:00 an vtLL be nad. tlt4 next .ntking dag. Ke2 50>Peouired lnsoecf,iens lN Ciq Dtaigatd, Job lhtrta Is:. S@riraj aosa cqgei :t Fcp*i Linc Septb to* ptped d, inlied sith gmtel Final -,t{hen aimte ita:ta ee c*,tpleted cd, uhen Cottciitz.cn ia conckte o! stzne- tute toocti ou pranLa:s ci.eoez ug. Blocking od, Set-'"tp Plunbing corunecticna -- aa)e? al. ualer ElecLzical Ccmectipn - Blockirq, aat-uD otd, pltnbing connectians nriat ie e-ztasei before ?equea tLng alectrical irspectiot Acceaeory tui'iting skirting, decks,Einal - After pctehee, etc. @e oataleted. ?o be INSIIT,AIION /VAruR BARRJ3R IIIS?1C?IO II : ryuild uqot b*,rl':icrc oo in placc htt befotc @w kth, lgpsu,t boa4, ot raLL ooebq ie qglid, od befoteoq insul^atian ia coteu,Ld.. p?io"bactqof fotm. l B E lltl ANDERSLAE PLANBIIIG. EI,ECRTCAL A MECEAilfCAL: Io be nd,,t bcfote oqwrk ia eoo*d,. FeOfnC & F)UNDAIICil: To be ndl @eacaoatud,@dlano oe et€ct.d,, but pr,or tapuring ccrtctat.. UIIDSFGPAUIID PLTIMgING. Sg11T3. V,I|?ER. Lirq trenclua. TJflDE9FLOOR PLWIBIIIG & !,TEC1ANICAL:@o7floor insuktion or d.eckitrg. P2 l AND BtAI'l: To be mdc pri,or toffiiu,Lffiof floor ittstta;iot on deckittg. lOUCE PLIIITBI:IC. ILECIRrCA' d :IECE. ,r* theee itapec;ior.s hane be*t Mde old. qrcvel. 1I9E?LACE: kbr to glccirq fcctqtcteriala od. beJ'ore frafuq iaepee- tion. ?PAEffiG: Ltust be reatestd. aft*qtoual of tough plutr,bing, electri- a,L & nechorical. Al! twofittg bzteLq ! chitmega, etc. nar,st be onrpletad. llo oo?k t)s to be con- cecled, LtrtiL thia inspecftca lus beqt nadz od apprcved,. l- DRYTIALL IilSPECMfr: Tc be tmds l@te.inota,ce, - irut prtor io aq tqing. !|A,i0NRI: Steel Location, bond, ba ns, gzontittg ot oetiuls in a*otdoue LrLth A,8.C. Secttba 2475. |fr0D910,/E: enpLeted. Afta iwtall.atiot ia CURB E A?PRCACE AP.$N:et etected but prior Aftat fornab pouring FTIIAL PA ruBTfrC FIIIAL I,IE'f,ANTCAL ?TEAL ELEC!,+TCAE ,unEaete. SID$IALK & DRITEIAI: Eot all eon- crete ptitq vixhi,n atteet rtght-of-tzy, to be nalt after aL! ezca- uatt-ttg caapkte E fa n wk & cub- fu,se rct*[al in plee. ENCE: "{hen unotete -- fuoolCe ffi o" aovable sact'i,orta xito'ttgi". Dil? ---ALL Wiect condiCone, s@h dD tlu iaatallation of s*eet tteea, ccryl;:iott of ie requi*d ?ad.scqirq, etc., iaat be aatisfied befote tla BA|LDIIC F!!|AL :ot le neoueated. a"-\ rril.4L EUrLDrNc: The Final BuiTting Inagection ruat ba reqteotad aller lhe Final ?Lunbing \l/ Electricalt old llecitcical fnspectiona hspa been nade od aoproued. *AU !,IANECLES AND CLEAI|)W, \MSA 8E ACCESSIBLE, ADJUfiME\E !0 3E M4DE ,',.T N0 C0S7 r0 :ry F1elofZ )bale llcnea r T T -t Pcge 2 Jcb Nwber:d0 Zone: Iot Sq, Ptg. % cf Lct Cooetage # of Stories Total Eetght iopogzqhy Pairtt Stote Iotal Chatgea Referer,ee llwnbers:L-COG #: Bedtoone: L0! twg _ Inte*ior _ Corn* _ Panhotdle Cul-de-eac Building Volue & Permit ?his pernr[t is gzanted on the ecp?esa condition ttut thle said. constntetion sltdll', i.n aLL r:espects, eonforrn to the fu'dinance adopted by the Ci,ty 2fSprtngfield, includr,ng- *he Zoning Cvdittotce, regalating the ccnatmtcticn dd "ib of buildi*gs,- otd mcy be suspended or tetsol<eC at ory time upott rtic- Tation of oly prcvisions of eaid )vdir'oeee. * Lot Pa.ces -Enerau Soureeg TuDe Setbacks !eat DT House Cayaqe Accesa.,lflte? llantP.r North EirepLace South Weet tlooastooe ITEU x Value tbin Geace C@ott Accesao?u $soo. oo?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x NA 8. 00 8 Receipt #: D--') . Si.gred: ITEM N0.FEE 1Fi.shpee Resid.qtti.a,L (1 bath) S@titary Saret i{dtd Plumbing Permit flo petaon stnll conatznot, inatall,, aLtet ot cltoqe-ang r1'eu-c? ez'isting pi;iblttg ot dtainage sustat in ulole ot'- in pot' unleee euch peteon ia ths iegal p-oaaea"or oia ,tlaLid plw,be,t'e Licensb, escept that a P?*o! na7 *.pl,tntiltg uonk to Wope?ty ihich is ottned', Leaaed or operated by the qPLi- a nt. t Planiing Penrtt I ,*n r*or^rn 1 Total Clcraee Electl,ir€l Permit Ithete State La't reqtitee ttnt the electtical aotk be done by_ot glactrical contru,eto?, the elictm*al pottion of thi,s pettnit eha,Ll not be oalil tmtil tle Label taa been aigned bg tlte ELecL:tLcaL Cont"dcto!. I N a,t /Est ertd, Circtt t a Semsiee Eehatst HooC Vent Fan Mechq nicol Permit Pefitit fsetnnce Mechani,cal Pendt f HAW CAREEULLY SXANINSD the conpleted qplication for pertnLt' @d do lerebg ce*ify that aLL infot'nation hercon ie tnte atd correct' od I f"otkbn ce*ify that ang ard aLL uotk perfot:tred alatl be bne in aceot- dance ''rith the- Ordinancba of tle city of SprtngfieM' @1d *.he Ia'ta of the* state of }tegcn pertaining to the aoyk ceeet'tbed hetein' atld tlwt N0 )cca- pANCy till bb naZe of ang etracbtre vttlout permieeioa of the BuiTding Di- oieion. f fiuthet c:ertqg that otly eont?actors od enplcgeee uho ee in calpliaree uith oRS ?0L.055 urLLL be used. ort thie ptoiect 3-tL-82 Mobile Hane 6-,6-k ?CIAL A|,OUW DUE:'$ 13. s2 Date Petnrit Total Date Pf,<nl Ecaninet Qrbe* Sil,a"alk ( oeLue)