HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-06-25..RESIDtrNTIAL.. ,N/PERMIT t SPFINGFIEIJ'-APPLICAi 225 Nonth |th Street Spningfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26-37 5s Date:.9 It ia the reoponoibility of tle pernit lolder to aee that aLL inopectione ate nade at the proper tine, ihat ecch cddress ia realabie tron the at?eet, ard that the pornrtt oard ie Looated at the front of the propenty.t9uild.in7 D,loicion approv'e<I plan sfu:ll renain on tle Building 9itc at aLL tines. P11CSDUPE Fon INSPEqIlONEglgE!:rCalU726-3769 (recotder) atate youn City deoignated iob nunber, iob aCdteaa, type of inspeelictt eadyfoninepeotion'cont?aoto?8oia,n","-,,c,,,eZndploienwibcl.Requestareeeti.edbefore-?:00g:twi.tl be nade the eane dcy, pequelts nade aftet ?:00 an tiLL be tnde the nctt :,ntking day. lour City Deoigrated Job Nunber fa:2ae? Pamti.roil fnanonlo' ano Blooking and Sat-ztp Pltnbing connecttona -- aal,e? and aater Electrieal Ccnneotton - Blooking' aei-up and plwnbing eonnections nrJst be apprcr:ed befotc requeating elec|rieal inspecliot Acceasor; BuilCing Final - Aftar pcrch.eo, okirti'n1, decks, etc. ate canpleted, DETTOLITIOII OR BUILDI;ICS Sanitaty eetset capped at property Line Septic tank y,tnped and filled t'rith gra:tel Final - !{hen abcve it@ns are canpleted and uhen dqolition ie oanplete or attuc- ture noued and pnemisea cleaneC up. Job [.ocation:'2 Tc,t lot fllloaeaaons lilap t aa Subdiuision: Phone:Addness: ztp:ci Irs FzrcVzzryc/>Brfu?zzrozr.. 2eB /aFA€ QZc-?.//=. x Descrtbe h'ork: Nl,+ t-l Neu t-l t*D-2'_Value rit r Date of App Licatian tilditicn l?emoCeL Ceneral Plumblng l.lec a tilec t r Iilec t- r ctitnuSt)e w UNDERSLAD PLU|'{BIN0. ELEqIWCtL E ny utonk is covct,ed, FOOTIiIC 4 FOUNDATICN: To be rmCetfi6'6fr666iixcaoat ed and forns are erected, but prior to puning ccncrete. UNDSRCRoUTD pLUM9rNg. S91,/,ER, W.[TER, Tlfi-dinches. UIIDENFLOON PLUTIBING & MTCflANICAL: o1 floon inaulction or decking. ' ?QOr_AWlqAN: To be made priot tofriTitliffi{o1 floor insulation on decking. nouct pr,un r nc ffilili c urcn: ANICAL: No uonk is to bc aotened u l'these incpectione have been nade arul appnoued., F|?EPLACE: Prior to plccirq faaingnnteriala arul before frani,ng inapec- tion. FRAI1INC: lhust be requeoted after approval of nough plunbing, electri- cal & neclnnical. All roofiryj bracing I chinmcys, etc. mtat be . conpletcd. No r,sonk ia to be con- ' oecled until thio inspeotion lllo,a'been nnde anC approled. SITE INSPECIION: To be nade afterAatn;lon;-fr; prtor to set up of forms. FIIIAL PLUTIDIIIG PINAL MECIIAIIICAL FINAL ELECfiICAL I NSULATTON /VAPOR nAnRrEn IISPfiC:IrON : To be nnde after all ineulaticn ad ncquired oapor batniera are tn plaae. but before any Lath, Wpoun boatd ortnll aoueri-ng ia applied, atd beforo ory inaulation is concealed,. DnYhlAr,L il,ISPECAION: To be nadaafrifiiT6y,,ntTta in ptace, but pnior to any taping. MASONBY: Steel location, bond iffijgrcuting or uerticala in accordance utith U.B.C. Section 2415. W)?DS\1VE: After inotallation is empleted. CUR\ L APPfiCACII AP ON: Aftet formsale ere;ted-Et p;I;; to pouring conotete. SIDE\IALX E DIIIWAY: For all eon- orete woirrg-niin-A etreat right- of-tay, to be nade aften all exca- vating conpleto & form ll:nk E sub- base nnterial in place. AtL ptojei:t condibione, such aa the i.natallation of atteet tteee, cot:rplation_of the requited, Landsccping, etc., mtat be aatiefied before the BUIWI\IC FINAL can be nc4taeted. FINLL BUILDINC: Tlp Finat Duilding fnapection m;ot ba retpeoted alter tha Ftnal Plunbing \J Electrtcal, and Mechanical Inspect'ions hqoa been nade ard approued. TAI,[, I.IANIICT,E:; AND CLNANOU'I'S IiIIE'T M ACCESSTBT.E, ADJUS'IIIEIII TO t'I: I.IADI: IT IlO CL1ST TO EI':Y Peltc 1 of ! T u [-l rrrycr: ffhen canplete -- PtooiCeU Wr..r mouable' eectiono thtough n T e A.mer: 7 ,,ourrn 0,," SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- t: cJOB NO L-CO BeC.t'oons: !leat Access. tote t P, L.Houae Lot Faces -Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Corterage I of Stories Total lteight Topography ID? ?YPE _ Interior _ Co?ner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Feee -- Building Volue & Permit Ihis petwit ia granted on the espfess eondition tlat the said-conatntction iiiitt', ln all n"eepeete, conform'to the Ondirance adopte,T tiy the city 2fspring|ield, inetuding' the bni,ng Cvdinance, negulating the ecnstracticn ird uib of buildinge,- and mag \e suapended ot reuokeC at cng tine upon oic- lation of any prooisions of eaid ordiruneee. ?OTAI, VALUE Frc x Value ,t i s.D,c. 1.5 c ITEM I'bin Duitding Pemrtt ?otal Clangea State Date Paid: Signed: Reeetpt ll: Plumbing Perrnit No petoon slnll constract, inetall, alter or clwnge -cny nett-cr extsting ptrinbing or drainage syatez in ulale ot in part, wtleas euch person ie the Legal {oaeessor of a ootid pt*rbet"e license' escept that a P?"son ^o'l 40-ptinttig uork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant. CHARGEFE8 , Sani Seuer Resi.d.ential (1 bath) Plunbing Pemit 9tate Pi^rtures Electricol Permit l,there State Laa requires tlat the electrical uotk be done by an Electrtcal Contractot,, the electnical portion of this permit ahall not be valiC until the Label lwe been aigned by the Electrical Contractor. NO,FEE * Nas/ktend Circuits Senuiee Eehanst Hood. Vent Fdt lJcodetoDe FSE CIIARCE , A Mechonicol Permit Permit fsauatrce Meclanical Penit .. EIICROACHMENT .. Sec,*tty Depoait Stordge Maintet-nnce Permit Cvrba* sidet'talk lenee Electrical Ia.bel Mobile llone I IIAVE CAREFULLy EXANINED 5,fi2 lsnpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL irtformation hereon i.e tnue an'd' contect, anC f furth-er eeftify that any ard aLL uork perforned alall be done in accor- dance tith the- ondinancee of the ci.ty of Spningfield' and, the lan;s of thct State of 2regon pertaining to the wrk Ceecribcd herein' cnd tlat No occu- PANCY till ble naCe of dny structut'e uithout permiasion of the Building Di- tteion. I fut ther certify that o:rly contracto?a at;d enployees uho are in canpliance uith o4s ?01..05s ui.LL be used on thia pnoiect ?otaL 1., 2-5 - ?O 'rf trtta f Aunui,qt nttr, a ?3-6=Signed Date a llat on 6*25ea - ,t