HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2022-08 02/22/2022 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 2022-08 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET #3 AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS; GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, BUILDING CODE, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER, AMBULANCE, BOOTH-KELLY, AND VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND FROM CONTINGENCY EXPENSE TO POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING EXPENSE. WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted the budget and made appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 through Resolution No. 2021-23 adopted June 21, 2021 and as amended by Resolution 2021-30 adopted September 7, 2021, Resolution 2021-37 adopted October 18t", 2021, and Resolution 2021-41 adopted December 6t", 2021 WHEREAS, ORS 294.471(1)(a)(b)(c) and (d) permit a supplemental budget to respond to an occurrence or condition that is not ascertained when preparing the original budget or a previous supplemental budget for the current year or current budget period and that requires a change in financial planning; a pressing necessity that could not reasonably be foreseen when preparing the original budget or a previous supplemental budget for the current year or current budget period and that requires prompt action; recognize funds that are made available by another unit of federal, state or local government and the availability of which could not reasonably be foreseen when preparing the original budget or a previous supplemental budget for the current year or current budget period; or due to a request for services or facilities the cost of which is to be supplied by a private individual, corporation or company or by another governmental unit and the amount of which could not be accurately estimated when preparing the original budget or a previous supplemental budget for the current year or current budget period; WHEREAS, the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget and appropriations to meet unexpected needs and to allow appropriations of new revenues pursuant to ORS 294.471(1)(a)(b)(c) and (d) as justified in Exhibit A, which is attached and incorporated by reference; WHEREAS, ORS 294.463 allows transfers of appropriations within a fund when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the governing body, stating the need for the transfer, the purpose of the authorized expenditure, and the amount transferred; WHEREAS, the adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget and appropriations include expenditure of any source of available funds for the purpose of demolition of a City-owned building that has experienced structural failure and constitutes an emergency under ORS 294.481; WHEREAS, this supplemental budget and adjustments to appropriations are being presented at a public hearing at which the public may comment on such requests; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget and appropriations, as adopted by Resolution No. 2021-23 and as amended by Resolution 2021-30, Resolution 2021-37, and Resolution 2021-41 hereby adjusted as provided in Exhibit A. Section 2: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 22ndday of February, 2022, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. ATTEST: City Recorder REVIEWED&APPROVED AS TO FORM Mary 3r d�FetSMith E: Fee r DAT20�� SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Resolution No.2022-08 Exhibit A, Page 1 of 7 EXHIBIT A FY2021-22 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 3 AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget General Fund-100 Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 1,531,860 $ 83,793 $ - $ - $ 62,000 $ 1,677,653 Development&Public Works 2,819,475 - - 1,350 - 2,820,825 (1) Finance 2,396,951 5,400 - - 9,600 2,411,951 Fire and Life Safety 12,302,070 80,324 - 52,558 - 12,434,952 (2) Human Resources 688,070 - - - 25,750 713,820 Information Technology 1,941,296 - - - - 1,941,296 Legal Services 777,086 - - - - 777,086 Library 1,902,711 13,240 - - - 1,915,951 Police 16,413,396 336,000 16,749,396 (3) Total Department Operating 40,772,914 182,757 53,908 433,350 41,442,929 Non-Departmental Transfers 1,172,619 811,185 - - 6,000 1,989,804 Contingency 1,000,000 - - - (439,350) 560,650 (3) Reserves* 7,431,484 476,175 7,907,659 TotalNon-Departmental9,604,103 1,287,360 (433,350) 10,458,113 Total General Fund S 50377,017 S 1,470,117 S - S 53,908 S - S 51,901,042 General Fund Commentary: 1.)Recognize$1,350 in unanticipated revenue from outside agencies and increase appropriations in the Development&Public Works Department,Community Development Division to support training expense in the department.The Historic Commission is putting on a training with Live Oaks Consulting to training the Commission and staff about decolonization and white supremecy.Springfield staff have invited members of Team Springfield to pay for some of their staff to attend. 2.)Increase Eugene-Springfield Fire and Life Safety operating expense in the General Fund by$52,558,in the Fire Local Option Levy Fund by$22,398,and in the Ambulance Fund by $6,910 in response to Conflagration deployments within Oregon from July 1,2021-September 30,2021.This operating expense increase is offset by corresponding revenue. 3.)Transfer$225,000 from Contingency to Police Department operating expense to support unanticipated,non-discretionary overtime costs due to low staffing levels and minimum staffing requirements.Transfer another$111,000 to support the full funding of the Police Office Supervisor positionassigned to Records.The position was partially funded due to a software calculation error in the budget preparation process. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Street Fund-201 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 56,570 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56,570 Development&Public Works 6,423,441 30,884 - 15,000 - 6,469,325 (1) Finance 55,075 - - - - 55,075 Information Technology 391,892 16,200 408,092 Total Department Operating 6,926,977 47,084 15,000 6,989,061 Non-Departmental Transfers 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Reserves* 1,410,332 680,184 2,090,516 Total Non-Departmental 1,560,332 680,184 2,240,516 Total Street Fund S 8,487,309 S 727,268 S - S 15,000 S - S 9,229,577 Street Fund Commentary: 1.)Recognize$15,000 from the River Glen Homeowners Association(HOA)and increase appropriations in the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division to replace lights in the River Glen subdivision which were failing.This request for services and associated reimbursement was not anticipated during the budget process or prior supplemental budgets. Resolution No.2022-08 Exhibit A, Page 2 of 7 FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Special Revenue Fund-204 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 38,230 $ 53,011 $ - $ 35;000 $ - $ 126,241 (1) Development&Public Works 93,345 488,576 - 4,701,745 - 5,283,666 (2-9) Information Technology 20,000 - - - - 20,000 Finance - - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 (10) Fire and Life Safety - 630,000 - - - 630,000 Library 84,154 71,662 - 43,125 79,500 278,441 (11-15) Police 134,000 176,342 25,709 336,051 (16-17) Total Department Operating 369,729 1,419,591 5,805,579 79,500 7,674,399 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects Z. 40,000 40,000 (18) Non-Departmental Reserves* 1,657,994 (1,063,768) 6,978,111 (5,580,000) 1,992,337 (1&4-10) Total Non-Departmental 1,657,994 (1,063,768) 6,978,111 (5,580,000) 1,992,337 Total Special Revenue Fund S 2,027,723 S 355,823 S 6,978,111 S 265,579 S 79,500 S 9,706,736 Special Revenue Fund Commentary: 1.)Transfer$35,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the City Manger's Office operating expense to provide appropriations to support Springfield's share of costs for a consultant to complete a firtancial analysis of the fimctionally merged Eugene-Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department.The purpose of the analysis is to help inform the governing bodies of each repective City of the cost/benefits of different potential future configurations of the department.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 2.)Recognize$76,800 in grant revenue from the Department of Land Conservation&Development(DLCD)and increase appropriations in the Development&Public Works Department, Community Development(CMD)Division to support the Comprehensive Plan Map Project.The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan Map Project is to create a property-specific Comprehensive Plan Map for the City of Springfield.This map will add greater certainty to ambiguous plan designations.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the State government. 3.)Recognize$79,945 in grant revenue from the DLCD and increase appropriations in the Development&Public Works Department,Community Development(CMD)Division for Natural Resource Protection in the Urban Growth Boundary Expansion Areas.This is a continuation of previous CMD work identified in the Comprehensive Planning Work Program.This fust phase of this project started in FY21,and was completed in FY22.This second grant will allow for additional consulting services and community outreach.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the State government. 4.)Transfer$2,750,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division to provide for Citywide legacy street light replacement using modern LED fixtures.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 5.)Transfer$45,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division to support an engineering analysis of the City Hall heating,ventilation,air-conditioning(HVAC)system.The purpose of the analysis is to inform replacement options and support the development of ascope of work and project budget for HVAC system and roof improvements.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 6.)Transfer$450,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Dvision for the roof replacement.at.the Springfield Justice Center.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 7.)Transfer$200,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division to install a comprehensive security camera system at City Hall to address security issues.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 8.)Transfer$950,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division to support the City Hall Library remodel.The project will address the need for modernized and more accessible meeting/programn tng space along with improvements to the teen and children's area.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 9.)Transfer$150,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division to increase security in the Council Chambers.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 10.)Transfer$1,000,000 from the American Recovery Plan Reserve to the Finance Department operating expense to provide for the pass thin of$1 M to Willamalane Parks and Recreation as agreed to by City Council.This request recognizes unanticipated revenue from the Federal government. 11.)Increase Library appropriations by$29,653 in order to recognize grant revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget.The Library received additional funding from LCOL libraries to purchase downloadable books($3,295).The library received a Lane Arts Council grant for our Dia de los Muertos progranrtning($960.23).The Mills Davis grant was awarded after the budget was complete for the year;because of the size of the grant,we did not budget for it until received($25,398). 12.) Increase Library appropriations by$2,971 in order to recognize grant revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget.The department budgeted$7,000 for funding that comes from the State Ready to Read program that supports youth literacy for Springfield residents.Instead,the department received$9,972 this year. 13.)Increase Library appropriations by$3,000 in order to recognize grant revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget.This fiscal year the Library anticipated a $7,000 grant amount but was awarded$10,000.These fimds support the hbrary's sumer reading progranrtning. 14.)Increase Library appropriations by$1,000 in order to recognize donation revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget.A comunity donation of$1,000 was received in FY22 that will be used for printer replacement/repair in the museum. 15.)Increase Library appropriations by$6,500 in order to recognize grant revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget.The Library was awarded two grants from the Network of the National Library of Medicine administered through the University of Washington. The Collection Equity Outreach Award will be used to increase the current health collection(in both English and Spanish)and the Technology Equity Award will be used to purchase equipment and software to add adaptive technology to aid in providing services for the blind and/or developmentally disabled population. 16.) Increase Police Department appropriations by$2,957 in order to recognize donation revenue not anticipated during development of the adopted budget.The funds canbe used for up to 50%of the cost of a bulletproof vest meeting award requirements. 17.)Carryforward Police Department appropriations from the prior year totalling$22,752 for replacement of equipment approved within the FY21 budget not complete until FY22. Equipment availability and supply chain issues delayed receipt of red dot sights until August 2021. Equipment selection and staff resource impacted the delayed purchase of Forward Looking Infra-Red(FLIR)equipment.Both equipment purchases were approved using forfeiture funds in FY21. 18.)Increase the Development&Public Works capital expense by$40,000 in order to recognize $27,000 in grant revenue from the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA),and a$13,000 contribution from Lane County to support the preparation of an Emergency Action Plan for the 42nd Street Levee. Resolution No.2022-08 Exhibit A, Page 3 of 7 FY22Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& F122 Transient Room Tax Fund-208 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budeet 3 Adjustments Revised Budeet Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 233,162 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 233,162 Development&Public Works 24,909 - - - - 24,909 Library 264,048 264,048 Total Department Operating 522,119 522,119 Non-Departmental Transfers 750,000 - - - - 750,000 Reserves* 866,491 468,322 1,334,813 Total Non-Departmental 1,616,491 468,322 2,084,813 Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ 2,138,610 $ 468,322 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,606,932 Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Community Development Fund-210 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 2,071,567 $ 48,509 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,120,076 Finance 24,590 24,590 Total Department Operating 2,096,157 48,509 2,144,666 Non-Departmental Reserves* 823,665 (497,653) 326,012 Total Non-Departmental 823,665 (497,653) 326,012 Total Community Development Fund $ 2,919,822 $ (449,144) $ - $ - $ - $ 2,470,678 Community Development Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Building Code Fund-224 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budeet Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 21,742 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 21,742 Development&Public Works 1,266,115 97,500 - 48;000 - 1,411,615 (1) Fire&Life Safety 80,701 80,701 Total Department Operating 1,368,558 97,500 48,000 1,514,058 Non-Departmental Reserves* 3,017,754 140,829 (48,000) 3,110,583 (1) Total Non-Departmental 3,017,754 140,829 (48,000) 3,110,583 Total Building Fund $ 4,386,312 $ 238,329 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,624,641 Building Code Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase appropriations in the Development&Public Works Department,Community Development(CMD)Division by$98,000 to accommodate merchant fee expenses which have been greater than anticipated.The planting and development center has seen drastic increases in the number of permits and applications being filled out and paid for via credit card.This request is for an increase in the Development&Public Works operating expense of$48,000 from the Building Fund,$18,000 from the Street Capital Fund,and$32,000 from the Sanitary Sewer Fund. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Fire Local Option Lew Fund-235 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adlustments Revised Budget Department Operating Fire and Life Safety $ 1,589,299 $ 20,294 $ - $ 22,398 $ - $ 1,631,991 (1) Total Department Operating 1,589,299 20,294 22,398 1,631,991 Non-Departmental Reserves* 1,333,028 48,951 1,381,979 Total Non-Departmental 1,333,028 48,951 1,381,979 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 2,922,327 $ 69,245 $ - $ 22,398 $ - $ 3,013,970 Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.)See General Fund Commentary#2. Resolution No.2022-08 Exhibit A, Page 4 of 7 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Police Local Option Levy Fund-236 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budeet 3 Adiustnents Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 687,452 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 687,452 Legal Services 89,700 - - - - 89,700 Police 6,839,951 6,839,951 Total Department Operating 7,617,103 7,617,103 Non-Departmental Reserves* 1,953,525 583,665 2,537,190 Total Non-Departmental 1,953,525 583,665 2,537,190 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund $ 9,570,628 $ 583,665 $ - $ - $ - $ 10,154,293 Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Bond Sinking Fund-306 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Non-Departmental Debt Service $ 4,012,785 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,012,785 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance* 518,185 59,638 577,823 Total Non-Departmental 4,530,970 59,638 4,590,608 Total Bond Sinking Fund $ 4,530,970 $ 59,638 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,590,608 Bond Sinking Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Development Assessment Fund-419 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Non-Departmental Reserves* $ 722,812 $ (2,800) $ - $ - $ - $ 720,012 Total Non-Departmental 722,812 (2,800) 720,012 Total Development Assessment Fund $ 722,812 $ (2,800) $ - $ - $ - $ 720,012 Development Assessment Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Development Projects Fund-420 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects $ 305,892 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 305,892 Non-Departmental Interfund Loan $ 1,500,000 $ - - - - $ 1,500,000 Reserves* 3,884,656 (240,079) 3,644,577 TotalNon-Departmental5,384,656 (240,079) 5,144,577 Total Development Projects Fund S 5,690,548 $ (240,079) $ - $ - $ - $ 5,450,469 Development Projects Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund-433 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 1,132,000 $ 2,010,000 $ - $ 536,700 $ - $ 3,678,700 (1) Total Department Operating 1,132,000 2,010,000 536,700 3,678,700 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 21,700,000 3,016,723 24,716,723 Non-Departmental Transfers 23,172 - - - - 23,172 Reserves* 63,194,374 1,258,101 (536,700) 63,915,775 (1) Total Non-Departmental 63,217,546 1,258,101 (536,700) 63,938,947 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund $ 86,049,546 $ 6,284,824 $ - $ - $ - $ 92,334,370 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development&Public Works operating expense by$536,700 to increase the budget for Screw Pump Wet Wells concrete rehab work with a corresponding decrease to the Capital Reserve.The Screw Pump Wet Wells rehab project was completed in July 2021,and the expenses were budgeted in FY22,so the budget is being carried forward. Resolution No.2022-08 Exhibit A, Page 5 of 7 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Street Capital Fund-434 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adiustnents Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 148,026 $ - $ - $ 18,000 $ - $ 166,026 (1) Total Department Operating 148,026 18,000 166,026 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 219221354 4,973,400 955,000 8,850,754 Non-Departmental Reserves* 7,368,537 (3,474,623) (18,000) 3,875,914 (1) Total Non-Departmental 7,368,537 (3,474,623) (18,000) 3,875,914 Total Street Capital Fund $ 10,438,917 $ 1,498,777 $ 955,000 $ - $ - $ 12,892,694 Street Capital Fund Commentary: 1.)See Building Code Fund Commentary#1. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund-611 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 81,550 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 81,550 Development&Public Works 4,852,271 - - 32,000 - 4,884,271 (1) Finance 53,109 - - - - 53,109 Information Technology 375,942 15,300 391,242 Total Department Operating 5,362,871 15,300 32,000 5,410,171 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 9,296,600 1,700,000 10,996,600 Non-Departmental Debt Service 1,707,800 - - - - 1,707,800 Reserves* 23,308,457 (1,603,311) (32,000) 21,673,146 (1) Total Non-Departmental 25,016,257 (1,603,311) (32,000) 23,380,946 Total Sewer Operations Fund $ 39,675,728 $ 111,989 $ - $ - $ - $ 39,787,717 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: 1.)See Building Code Fund Commentary#1. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Regional Wastewater Fund-612 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 15,777 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,777 Development&Public Works 20,471,365 121,008 - - - 20,592,373 Finance 181,869 181,869 Total Department Operating 20,669,011 121,008 20,790,019 Non-Departmental Transfers 10,550,000 - - (136,616) - 10,413,384 (1) Debt Service 4,110,375 - - - - 4,110,375 Reserves* 10,802,255 2,331,026 155,727 13,289,008 (1) TotalNon-Departmental25,462,630 2,331,026 19,111 27,812,767 Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ 46,131,641 $ 2,452,034 $ - $ 19,111 $ - $ 48,602,786 Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase$19,111 in beginning cash,with a corresponding increase to operating reserve.Decrease the required loan reserve for MWMC SRF loan,this was budgeted as$186,616 but was reduced to$50,000.As the loan reserve decreases,the offset is to the operating reserve.Both of these items were presented to the MWMC commission on 12/10/2021 and approved on MWMC resolution 21-10. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Ambulance Fund-615 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Fire and Life Safety $ 6,681,492 $ - $ - $ 328,631 $ - $ 7,010,123 (1-4) Total Department Operating 6,681,492 328,631 7,010,123 Non-Departmental Reserves* 737,000 737,000 (3) Total Non-Departmental 737,000 737,000 Total Ambulance Fund $ 6,681,492 $ - $ - $ 1,065,631 $ - $ 7,747,123 Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1.)See General Fund Commentary#2. 2.)Recognize$7,721 in unanticiapted revenue from Lane County for COVID-19 vaccination clincs and increase appropriations in the Fire and Life Safety Department for additional spending authority. 3.)Recognize$1,021,000 in unanticipated revenue from the Ground Emergency Medical Transport(GEMT)program,increase Fire&Life Safety operating expense by$284,000,and increase operating reserve by$737,000. 4.)Recognize$30,000 in unanticipated revenue from the medic standby staffing of special events and increase appropriations in the Fire and Life Safety Department for additional spending authority.. Resolution No.2022-08 Exhibit A, Page 6 of 7 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Storm Drainage Operating Fund-617 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office $ 81,991 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 81,991 Development&Public Works 6,652,919 250,000 - - - 6,902,919 Finance 53,110 - - - - 53,110 Information Technology 284,421 13,050 297,471 Total Department Operating 7,072,441 263,050 7,335,491 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 615171370 300,000 6,817,370 Non-Departmental Debt Service 551,643 - - - - 551,643 Reserves* 17,391,341 (1,825,812) 15,565,529 Total Non-Departmental 17,942,984 (1,825,812) 16,117,172 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 31,532,795 $ (1,262,762) $ - $ - $ - $ 30,270,033 Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Booth-Kelly Fund-618 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 503,822 $ - $ - $ 250,000 $ - $ 753,822 (1) Total Department Operating 503,822 250,000 753,822 Total Development&Public Works Capital Projects 190,000 190,000 Non-Departmental Transfers 80,651 - - - - 80,651 Reserves* 1,184,293 273,327 (250,000) 1,207,620 (1) Total Non-Departmental 1,264,944 273,327 (250,000) 1,288,271 Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ 1,958,766 $ 273,327 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,232,093 Booth-Kelly Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase appropriations in the Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division by$250,000 from Booth-Kelly Operating Reserves for a facility assessment and possible demolition of the Carter Building.The building has suffered a significant structural failure impacting the roof and building structure.This request responds to a pressing necessity that requires prompt action. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Regional Fiber Consortium-629 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Finance $ 211,150 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 211,150 Total Department Operating 211,150 211,150 Non-Departmental Reserves* 454,345 8,047 462,392 Total Non-Departmental 454,345 8,047 462,392 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund $ 665,495 $ 8,047 $ - $ - $ - $ 673,542 Regional Fiber Consortium Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Insurance Fund-707 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Human Resources $ 735,379 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 735,379 Health Insurance 9,334,875 - - - - 9,334,875 Property&Liability 1,058,895 - - - - 1,058,895 Worker's Compensation 950,180 950,180 Total Department Operating 12,079,329 12,079,329 Non-Departmental Reserves* 10,646,682 869,247 11,515,929 Total Non-Departmental 10,646,682 869,247 11,515,929 Total Insurance Fund $ 22,726,011 $ 869,247 $ - $ - $ - $ 23,595,258 Insurance Fund Commentary: -No current activity. Resolution No.2022-08 Exhibit A, Page 7 of 7 Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 Vehicle and Equipment Fund-713 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adiustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 2,144,200 $ 329,163 $ - $ 44,750 $ - $ 2,518,113 (1-3) Fire&Life Safety 139,900 1,095,700 - - - 1,235,600 Human Resources - 4,000 - - - 4,000 Information Technology 775,704 - - 254,500 - 1,030,204 (4-5) Library 8,000 - - - - 8,000 Police 307,000 127,487 434,487 Total Department Operating 3,374,804 1,556,350 299,250 5,230,404 Non-Departmental Transfers - 27,500 - - 27,500 Reserves* 8,376,051 (117,159) (299,250) 7,959,642 (1-5) Total Non-Departmental 8,376,051 (89,659) (299,250) 7,987,142 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund S 11,750,855 S 1,466,691 S - S - S - $ 13,217,546 Vehicle and Equipment Fund Commentary: 1.)Increase Development&Public Works Department,Community Development Division operating expense by$38,250 for technology replacement.The techonolgy replacement includes: a copier/printer in the SE Quad of CMD failed before it's expected date,several laptops that were unable to be ordered last fiscal year due to supply chain shortages that are ready now,and a small scanner. 2.)Increase Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division operating expense by$4,100 to allow for the purchase of a laptop.Laptop#01374 is past its usefid life and. needs replaced.It was determined by the IT department that the computer was not repairable and needed to be replaced. 3.)Increase Development&Public Works Department,Operations Division operating expense by$2,400 to allow for the purchase a new laptop.Operations has created a new safety and training coordinator and now needs to purchase a laptop for this position. 4.)Increase Information Technology Department operating expense by$250,000 to allow for the replacement of server hardware which supports the function of the City's network.This server hardware should be replaced on a five-year cycle and the current hardware is six years old.Due to staffing changes in the IT department the need for this replacement was not known at the time of budget development. 5.)Increase Information Technology Department operating expense by$4,500 to allow for the purchase of Stancil software that is used to record telephone and radio communications for Police Dispatch. The Stancil software must be integrated with the new Mitel telephone system to adhere to City HIPAA requirements.Details regarding this requirement were unknown during budget development and more research was needed. That research is now complete and the Stancil/Mitel integration work has been scoped. Appropriations FY22 Supplemental Supplemental Supplemental Transfers& FY22 SDC Administration Fund-719 Adopted Budget Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Adjustments Revised Budget Department Operating Development&Public Works $ 412,155 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 412,155 Finance 39,222 - - - - 39,222 Information Technology 69,604 450 70,054 Total Department Operating 520,980 450 521,430 Non-Departmental Reserves* 224,205 66,140 290,345 Total Non-Departmental 224,205 66,140 290,345 Total SDC Administration Fund S 745,185 S 66,590 S - $ - $ - $ 811,775 SDC Administration Fund Commentary: -No current activity. TOTALRESOLUTION S 352,130,510 $ 15,049,148 7,933,111 1,441,627 $ 79,500 $ 376,633,896 *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. Resolution No.2022-08