HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-11-07" RE5lE,;. .l'lAL" 225 NOrth Sth SIOE'APPLICATTON/PERMIT SprLngfield" Oregon 97477 Bu't, Ldlng DLuls?-on 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn: Aasessore Map # Svbdiot sion: Otmer: Address: t# SPFTINGFIEI.O 7"q 1?t\ _5Q t--t Descrlbe Hork: Value 6@ Ilea Additicn RenoCeL Date of App Licaticn GenetaL , l,lecltanieal I Consj"uetton_Lender ___ It ie the reepons.ibility o!the permit lolder to aee t eard is Located tlE L( 6o Cd, rL Date: Jton, *P.,"' the euiw:treett and, tlat the Dioicion apg,o"^ed p that all inspections ee nad.e at the ptoper tine, tl,at each ad,lneas is read^iie ?t -!hS. ftont of the propertyBuilding Site at aLL'yunes. ') state gout CitA designated job ntmbet,, iob aCitess tape of inspee:i,cnConttaetcrs oy, Oumers ncme and pitone nunber. Requests teceited befcre 7:0C axL be nade the eone dcy, tequests made aftet ?:00 an tiLL be nade t?v nect :,totking Iour City Desigr,ated Job Number fs: uhen uou €il, INSPIC?TON: e.acaoation, but fotms. trenchee. FTilAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAL LTECHANICAL PIIIAL ELE^-lICAL dau. SbotQ aNDERSLAB PLUttBINc, ELFC?RICAL &wct!uliat@ny .wtk ie couet,ed. FC)TIN} & F)UNDATICN: Io be maCeafter trenches are eacauated and forns. are enected, but ptiot, topout tr,g ccncrete.rr UNDEPFLOOR PLUTETilG & I4ECIIANICAL: '1'o De naa.e prio? to installatton of flooz, insulction ot, decking. f posr nto etul: To be nad.e priot, to|_J installaticn of floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLA BIIIG, ELEC?RICAL & MECH- ANT:AL : No uoik-ii-toE-Zd6i7Z-w:til these inspections lnue been ?o be nade aftez, pr.tar tc set up of prlor to TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn c.d.required oapor baviers @e in place but before any Lath, Wpsun boatd ortnLL eotsering is appli,ed, and befoneoty insulation is eoncealed. DRIWALL fNSPEC?f1N: Tc aftez' aLL CayuaLL is in be nade plnce, ?o but ptior to cny tapirq. IIASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerti.cals in aecotdance Ltith a.B.C. Section 24L5. VOODSTOIIE: &mpT;iA. After installation is , , made cnd aporoubd. , I FIPEPLACE: prlor to plaeira faeina| | mctetials ard. before lrontng Zn"p.L_tion, f pnu:tnc: Ituet be requested aftez,I apptoual of rough plurbing, eiectni-cal & neclnnical. ALL roofingbraeirq E ehitmeys, ete. nrast- be . cornpleted. lto ucyk is to be con_. cealed until this inspectiotz los'been made anC apptooed. CURB & APPR1ACH AppON: After formsee erecteC but prion to pouring coilErete. SfDEilALK & DRf|WAy: Fo? all con- cz,ete paoitq uithin street night- ef-tnA, to be maCe after aLL erca- oating conplete & forn uptk & sub- base natet LaL in place. !E!!E: When conplete -- prouiCe gates or notsable sectians through P.A.E. ALL project eonditions, such ae t?e i.nstallation of etreet trees, co,:aletion of therequited Landscapir4' etc.' tmtst be satisfied befote the BUTLDIN| FII|AL can be requested. FINAL BUILDI\I}: Tke Final Building. Inspection nruEt be requested aftet the pinal plwnbingElecttical, attC Meclnnical fnspectlow 'haue been nad.e- ard.'approrted. I :l l _l nel4nf T4fAit AD BUTLDi;;CS Scritaty saser eapped et propett! Lit:e Septic tank po-;ped and. filled urtth gra:sel Pinal - Ilhen abcoe itens ate ecnoleted. and uhen d.ezolition is eonrplete br s*ae-tut,e nooed cnd pterrLses cleanei up. tlobi e Hcmes Bloeking od, Sat-up I Plwnbing connections -- aanet otd, ualet EZecfu.iccl Conneetion - Blocking, set-uc and plwnbing connections m:st be apprc"^eibefote requesting eleetrtcal inspebliol Aeeessory- BuilCing Piral - After pcrehes, skinting, decks,etc. ee cornpleled. Page 1 of 2 L 726-3769 \ffi;A+- ,*;"rm60l Phote *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S NUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTII1III TO BE I,L4DE r'.? NO C}ST TO CIY I r T JOB NO.^*L, Zone: SOLAR I ^.ESS REQ.-L-CO Beiroons lleat Access th DT House Lot Faees -Lot Sq. Etg. Z of Lot Cotserage # of Stortes ?otal Height Iopography b.teriot Corner Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac LCT TWE -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This perrn".t is granted. on the erp?ess cond.ition tlnt the said,eonstmtction slnll, in all respeets, eonform to the fu'dinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inelud.ing the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buildings, and may be suspen-d.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of dnA prcoisions of said 1vdinances. FryT TO?AL VALUE Date Paid FEE NEI'I x Va NO CHARGE S.D.C. 7.5 e Building PesrLt Iotal Clnz,ges State Ftbtutes Resil.enti-a.L (1 bath) Sanitaru Seuer ,late" /t!/D?lFEEii2. Res. So. fta Nas/Ectend Circuits I@c"@g Serwiee .IJ A DTF Mechq nicol Permit bhanat HooC Ilcodsto;te Vent F@t Permit Issudtce Meclnnical Perqdt -. ENCROACHMENT -- Sec"ritu Dzposit Storage Mdinteflanae Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pe?son sltall consh'"uet, install-, alter ot chc/tge,any neu-c? ezisting ph,irn*,g or dtainage systa"n in uhole o-t in patt, unless such person is the iegal p"osses"on oT"o rrLtid pl*rbnr's Lde-ens-e, et-cept that a !?'"?n nay 49ptiiti"g uork to property ihi.h i, or,med, Leased ot' ope,ated by the appli- cant. Plunbing PertrLt State Iotal I Pemit ?otaL Asbc'u! Sidasalk tnicaL Mobile Hone Electricol Permit Wheye State Las reqrtires tlwt the eleetrLcal uotk be done by,an Eleetrieal Cifractor, the elietrLcal portion of this permit shall not be oaliC until the tabel lns been signed by the Electrical Contracto?' I HAW CAREEALLY ExAlLfNED tlte completed appli'eation for permit, cnd do t*iiAa iertifa that aLL infortnation hereoi- is true att'd co,r'ect, anC I furtkb eerti"n that any ard aLL uo-rk perfotned shall be done it aceor- "dance ,,rith th-e- Ordinenc"es of the CitA bf Springfield, and th_e Loo;s of the state of oregcn pertaining to the uotk cescyibed herein, cnd tlrat No occu- peiCy ,iitt b"e nw4e of any" structute uithout permissi_on of the Suilding Di- ttision. f fulther c-e?tiiy that onLy eonttactors at;d e:nplcyees uko are in eonpliance -uitt, Cns 707.055 uiLL be used on this ptojeet PLat't Esoninet' //- 7-s/ uaLe * TOTAL AI,IOUI]T .. : *16-,@ Signed Date htnnna Pfll'S Stdte Su?elr.crqe Total Charoes ./ u7-/ir{-tu t;-c:TOE -fM 45 DEGREES CORITER CLE.ARA}ICES:Not Allowed - REDUCED CLEARANCES:lione UTTrIHU}T AL@IIE SIZE tlQ @I{BUSTIBLES: }tin imum he i tht of Alcove ceilitg, 7 feet; Hinimum width of Alcove, 48 in.; I'laximum dept,h of Alcove, 4 feet. NC,ifE: Excluding the rear waIl, the Alcove side wa]ls are both to be protected with a minimum L/2 inch Homasote BoardTll installed per listing with 1j-nch air spacing covering a maximum,/minimum wa}I height of 4 feet up f rom floor line. (Any listed wall protector equal to l/2 inch homasote board may be used. SPECIAL NOTE: Night Eawk & OwI models are not apProved connections. Residential and I'lobi1e for horizontaL flue Home ; P1 PE Should further information be required, please contact our office. Be advisedr ro specific test data may be released without prior written consent of the manufacturer. Thank you. Authorized Signature: Ray Downey Safety Lab Director/llanager Page 3 of 3 I