HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-12-24.. RESI-ENTIAL.. APPLIiTTION/PERILIT 225 North |th Street SpringfieLd, )regon 97477 BuiLdLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFI1{GFTELD Asseeeors Map # /')*O 3- "y"- /3-Tos Lot #t/ Job Locaticn:-/q Subdiuision: Phone:1/z- 7a-Za Asner: Address:4!z -ZoJrlzl44-zttp: /ryqzZCity:// DescrLbe llotk: tdditian RenoCel t--t NeD f-l t-t ValueDate of d / a -e r/-r7 0 ao Pcge 1 of 2 2t# QW'l Date GeneraL L Mecharieal Ramtt'.nor:l Tn I^t i8 tlte teaponeibi-LilV o7 tne pentrtt lto?.d* to aee tlnt alt inspeetiotts ee nade at tle prope" tine, that eaeh add.rees is reaCqhi.e fron the at?eet, and that the permtt eatd is Located at the frcni of the orooertu.*Building Dioisiot cpp?ou*ed pLan shc.Ll yemain on t?e Bunldin-q Sitc Zt aLL' tikes." PROCEDUPE;FoR,IySPECTI)N,IE=Q7EST;CALL726-3769(reeorder) state Aou? City Cesignated job ntmbet,, job aCiress, tgpe of inspee=icnreQuested a-rd' uhen 2iou uiLL be readg fo_t'inspection, Contractars olr a,mers nctne Lnd p1nie nzonber. Requests rec.llZa bZ1cye'7:00 antiLL be nade the sone day, ?equests nade after ?:00 an urill be made tke nect wtkiS day. F zo?z /Ioux, Cifu Desigr,ated Job Number fs: qT4? T^tQDoanf4il. e*eau;il;;; but ?o be made aftet, pr.ioz' tc set up of INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IT\SPECTION Io be made aftet, aLL insuLaticn and DEi.IOLTTIOT OR I.1OW) BUILDI|IGS Sanitaty seuer captped tt properQi Line Septic tank pr,itped and fi.Lled trith grauel Final - L4zen abctse itens aye ccnroleted and uhen Cq,nalition is complete Zr sttuc- ture noued and. pretrises cleaneC up. Le Blocking ord Set-up PLunbing connections -- sa)er otC uatet ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNC, ELECTRTCAL & WCHA-IIICAL: ?o be made before ang tlork ie eoueyed. !:1)!ING & F)UNDA?ICN: To be naCe @;F t"e?tcG; ar;-eacauated and fotrns ate erected, but ptiot to pour"ing ccnerete. .r ; U N DER GPOUTI D PLAW IN G'SfrEH W.AT E R. DRAIIIAGE: To be maCe-ffor to fil-@-iJnehee. AIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EIilG 8, MECHANICAL: of flooz, insulction or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade prior to fistdTTatGn o7 floor insulbtion or decking. ROAGH PLIX,,IBII'IG, ELECTRICAL & MECH-ANICAI,:ffi ut:tiL these inspeetiors haue been nade ard. approueC, FIPEPTAC.E: Prior to placirq faeingma-terials and befot,e fratning i-nspee- tion. FRAIIIING: l,lust be requested after appz,oual of rough plwnbing, electri-eal & nec?wnicaL. ALL roofing btaeing E ehimneys, etc. rntst be eonpleted. llo tscrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspeetion Lss'been nade anC appz,oued. --v\.JtIYI FTilAL PLIJMBIIIG fozms FTNAL MECHANTCAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL t,equired uapor bawie?s @e in place but before oty Lath, g7pswn baarC oz, tnLL cotsering i.s 6pplied, and. before ay insulation i-s concealed. DRYWALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be nade -. after aLL dtyuall is in pl,ace, but prior to any tapin4. ILAS)NRY: Steel Loeation, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in accordorce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOllE: ccttpT;T;A. After installation is CURB & APPROACT| APPAN: ue erecteC but prior After formsto pouring eoncrete. SfDEWALK & DR|VEWAY: Eor aLL ecn- erete pat;ittg uithin styeet z,ight-of-tny, to be made after aLL erea- oating complete & fonn tny,k & sub- base materiaL i,n place. Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and pltnnbing conneetions rntst be appr.cxed before requesting electz"tcal inspeetion Accessory BuilCing Firwl - After etc. are contps pct ehes, skirting, decks, Le'ued. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProoiCe gates or mouable sections through P.U.E. ALL project condLtions' such as the installation of styeet t7ees, conoletion of tierequiz'ed LanCscaping' etc., rmtst be eatisfied before the BUILDIN:G F1NAL can be requested.. FrNAL BUTLDING: The Final Building. rnspection mtst be requested aftet the Pinal plunbingElectrical, cnd Mecltanical fnspeetior" "hqun been nad.e- ard'ippro,und. *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAS?!{ETII TO BE 1,L4DE I.? NO COST ?O CNY /zr.** %:4 l T tr u tr JOB NO.oq7 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Ileat Df House Caraqe Access North East ll lirepLace South il Woodstote West l LCT TWE _ Interiot _ Comer _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - Bedtooms % of Lot Cooerage_ Lot Sq. Ftg. # of Stortes Total Height Topogrcphy a^^^ This pennt is granted on the erpress eondition that the said-constnrction slnll, in all respects, eonform to the }rdirwnce adopted b;y the City of Spz,ingfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinanee, regulcting the ccnsttaeticn qnd. use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of dtA prcoisions of said 1rdirunces. SQ. FTG TOTAL VALUE ITEI,I x Value * Building Vtllue & Permit S.D.C. L.5 c Bui,Lding Perwit ?otal Charges State Date Paad-: Signed: Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No person slnll consbuct, instalL, alter or elnnge anA neo cr ecisting plwnbing oz, drainage systan in u?tole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessot' of a oalid plumber,'s License, eicept tlwt a pe"son nag do plutnbing uork to p?opertu uhtch is oaned, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. e?Plunbing Pernrtt I?EM NO.FEE 2c -g Sani Seuer Firturee Resilettti.al (1 bath) Electricol Permit Were State Lau requiz'es ttwt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractot,, the eleety,ical poz.tion of this pernit slnll not be oalil until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractoz'. Permii ?otaL ,( Nau/Estend. Circui,ts Sem.tice IT!M FEE CIIARCE Mechq nicql Permit bh.anat Hood t'lcodstotse Vent Fot PermLt fssucnee Meelnnicel Permtt f HAW CAREFULLY EXAI,ILNED the cornpleted application for permit' and do lereby cettif7 that aLL inforrnation hereon is ttue and correet, cnl f furtket, certify that any ar"d aLL uork perfoz'ned stnll be done in accoz'- danee,"rith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Laus of the* State of }z,egcn pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed herein, end that N0 )CcU- PANCy wil,L be nade of any structuz'e without permission of the Building Di,- uision. f fw,ther eertify that only contt'actors and enplcyees uho ate in eonpLiance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect -- ENCROACHMENT --/?27-a> IataL Mobile Home ,/?.d4r7 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:* Da€e Perwit DateSignedfo Clzbeut Sideutalk Vatat State St*eh.arge Total CTnnaes Sec"u,itu Deposit Stora4e Maintenance Pence Electrical Label