HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-05-26" RESIDENTIAL.. zts Nor.th rrr r,rr""APPLrcAT rov /PERMrr Springfield, ?t,egon 97477 Building Diutsion 726-37s3 J SPFIINGFIELD trll golt 0 5lt AdAi,ticn RenoCeL 9ddi"5- Liui"re, Q..t^.t-t [-l 0"t", 5-ZG -Y?le Home Date of AppL General ffit>tt0A ) vaLue ( ?cz Iat #Zb n bAesessoto Mao # ,rob Iocaticn: Ouner: addtess:3 Phone:I ,r*,S-n "rO,\iJ.\ Cf ,rr,9)q:-) Constmrction Lend.ey l_t ia the respons'ibility of tlze penrit hold.et to aee that aLL inapections ee nade at the prope! tine, thdt each addrees ie vsn.tn:^i.gfrat the street' anC that the pennit card ie L,ocated at the front of the orooertu.*Buiuing biuiciott approxed plbt shc.Ll remain on tlp Bunl,ding site Zt aLL' tihes." PROCEDUPE- Fo4 rNSPECrI)tt .410.W57.'CALL 726-3769 (recordet) state you" City designated job reQuested ard ahen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Cotttractot,s oi Ailers ncne md ptn e ., rtLL be made the sane dcy' ?equests made aftx ?:00 on urill be made the nect aorkirg d.ay.?tozqc nunbet,, iob aCitess, type of inspec;icn nwnber. P,equests receixed befcre 7:00 c:, Pomti no,4 T- on Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs / tr Er w SI?E INSP!C!I)N: ?o be made after etcavation, but pr"iot tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLU,{BING. ELECTRICAL & WCHq-|'IICAL: To be tade before ang wrk is eooeted,;E PCOTTNG & FOUTfiATI2N: To be npCe Af;et, tt errcAs az,e etcaoated and forns ote erected, but prior to pour.ir,g ccncrete..)/. )v: -',:U$DERGPOU:]D T-IT{EING. SEVEP, W,ATER. DRAIIIAGE: To be nade prior to fil-@'li6nche". /F rtkf Ui.IDEPFLOAR PLUI,EING & I|ECHANICAL : oy floor insulation o decking, P1S? AND BEAI4: To be nade priot, to installatian of floot insulation ot deckinE.-rr ROUGH +EIJIfrI-IIQ ELECIRICAL & T,ECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be couez,edffilTthese irnpectiotts haoe been nale and. approueC. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to plccirg facingmaterials and before franing inapee-tion. *',rk, Must be nequested. after approual of rough ptwr,bing, electy,i-cal & neci,wnieal. ALt roofiag TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?IOII : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn e.d required ucpon borie?s @e in pl.a.ce bat before ory Lath, Wpeum boarC or tnLL couez,ing is applied, otd before oty insulation is concealed. DEI.ICLITTOI] OR Scnita4 saser capped ct ptoperty Litce Septic totk p;nrped and fill.ed urith gz'a;tel Final - l{hen abcue itens aye ecnp1.eted and uhen Cenplition is conplete o" atrac- ture mooed and. prerrises cleaneC up. Ecmes Bloeking otd Set-tp Plwttbittg connections -- aare? otd. uatet Electrical Cotnection - Blocktng, set-up and plunbing connections m;st be apprcr;ed before requesting elec*-yical inspecliol Acceesor; AuilCing Fitnl - After pctckes, skirting, declo, ete. az,e eompleted. f-r-j| DRvT|ALL fNSPECTT1N: Tc be nadeI xl;fiA-;n@;;t-is in ptace, - but prior io cng taping. I,IAS)NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerti.cals in accotdotce tith U,B.C, Section 2415. 7 - _,fZ wooosfdtr:l-1) cc,p|;m. PENCE: When conplete -- ProuiCe gates ot, motsable sections thtough P.U.E. After installation is CURB & APPROACT] APPON:Aftet fortnsue et ecteC but prior to pourLng concrete. SfDEWALK & DRT',EWAI: ?or aLL eon- erete pattittg uithin street right- of-tay, to be nade aftet aLL ecea- oating canplete & forrn uotk & sub- base material in place. ,8 l 1 T I btacing €, chinmeys, etc. rrust be . eotnpleted. llo uctk is to be eqn-. cecled until thia inspection lws'been made anC approued. ?IIIAL PLU!,IBITIG TII]IAT I,'ECIIAIIICAt 4:6 FINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I'IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIIT TO BE I'INDE I.T NO CCST TO CI?Y lease t of z /e*J,lqr- Subdittision: )-' , _ .- _- llUesctn be ltork: Lisc. #Contractors Adaz,ess tr tr _-_ ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, con.oletion of tie , A. reqtired Latd.scqi,rq, etc,, rmtst be sati.sfied before the BUILDINC FINAL ean be z'equested. iL i /}- ffliA! BUftDfiV6.- The Einal Buildittg Inspection mtst be teqttested afte* the Fincl Plunbing \ / ELerctri,cal, ord Mecluri,cal Inspections -l*tte been made and approved' JOTAL AI"IOIJ]I? D|JE: r 4lqzaa -r1 1)Zone soLAR AC^ESS REQ.-roB No. tr u-co c* Beitoons Lot Faces - Setbacks Ileat P.L House Cd?aqe Aeeess llater, lleate" Not,th Rance East FirepLace South l,/oodstoue % cf Lct Coterage_ # of Stortes Intet ict, Corner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac LCr TWELot Sq. Ftg. Total Height Topography ilest -- Fees -- I?EM tiu x Va Building Vqlue & Permit This permtt is gnanted on the eryess condition tlnt the said-eonstruction slnll, tn all respects, confonn to the OrdLnance adopted 6iy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning CYdinance, r,egulating the ccnsttacticn and use of buildirqs, utd mey be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of ang prcoisions of said 0r,dir,ances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Puilding Pernrit I State -)Date Paid: ( #?otal Clnrges .68 Signed: NO.FEE CHAP,GE Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instaL!,, alter oz, ehange anA neln cr eristing plunbing or dtainage syste"n in tshole or in pa.rt, unless sueh pet,son is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunberts License, ercept that a pe"son nag do plt^onbing uork to p"ope"ty uhich is oumed, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. Fi.zttt,es Resid.etttial (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Penrtt :io.FEE LdAXl,L Res. Sq. fta 4/W4Nat/Ectend. Citcuits ?a '?'S? lanpcreg Setuice 22-SO ,?2 .U A D'FNC.FTP F\ttnaee PTU'S khanet Hood. /7{a> /.q.* _6o €o Electrico I Perm it Whez,e State Lan z,equires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Electr.ieal Contractor, the electr"[cal portion of this perrnit slull not be oaliC untilthe label lns been signed by the Electuical Contracto?. L Petmi'" ?otal Pertrat Issuance Mechanicel Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- _t{ Mechqnicql Permit Vent Fqt ilcodstoite 9ecat't Pernit Asbcut SideztaZk ELec Mobile Hane f HAW CAREFULLy EXAUINED t?e eornpleted application for pennit, and dc hereby certify that aLL infomation heteon is true and ebtreet, cnC ffut'tket' ee,tify that any ard aLL uotk perfoz*aed srull be done in aceor-dance rith the ordinencb.s of the city of bpringfieid, and, the L*;s of ther 1*_r_n_ oI _o-?gscn p-ez,ta_ining to the w"rk Cesc,ibZa t nnlii, "ra- tUt No OCCU_PANC, tnirl be nuce of any stt'ucture uithout permission -of tie suitding N-uision. r futthen .Z31rf^1 tn19 ;"1y-;;;rroctots aiid enplcgees uho az.e ineanpliance ui.th oRS 201.'0"5s uitL be"uiei on this pnojeet ffi a 2A Enerau Sources