HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-11-195Vo 1}PFT GFI ELP -:s',eFttI$[\cNr\oN \nspec\\ons'. 7 2S'37 GS Ottice:72S.3?59 JOS N\\\AUU\\ ffir 225 r\\\\ s\tcq\ Spr\ng\\t{t, Orugorr $1 \11 LOCATION OF PROPOSE,D WORI(:\bz tq+h ST ,/ eb-brl}+PI.IONE: STAI'I]:7-lPi lb CITY: ADDRESS: OWNER: N DDITION DEMOLISI1 OTFIEN OESCRIBE WORI(; r.rEw } BEMoDEL ADDRESS [XPII:]ES PI.IONE IM CONIRACTOR'S NAME CONSI. CONTI1ACTOR / GENE,RAL: PLUMBING MECHANICA ELECTFIICAL: NOTICE: SQUnntl FOOT^GE: - OFFICE USE - Rn NG{:; __ QUAD AREA: , OF BLOGS: CONSTN. TY'JE: I.IEAT SOURCE:, LAND USE: // OF UNITS OCCY GROUP: , OF SToRIES: WATEB I-IENTER: ASSESSORS MAP:r-l a37q 13 A birt)TAX LOT: LOT:BLOCI(:SUBDIVISION:-- To rcqucst an lnspccilon, you rnust cirll 72G.3madc thc sanrc worl<lng day, l,.l:;pcctions rcq Tcmporary El cc tric Sitc lnspcction _ To bc rnadcalt.cr cxcavation, but prior toscttl,lO Iorrns. U.ndcrslab plunrbing / El cc f rical /Mcchanlcal - prioi ro cover. L::]l"q - A(rcr rrend.rcs arccxcava tcd. M.asonry - Stccl locatlon, bonclbcams, Orou tln0. Fo_u-ndatlon - Aftcr lorrns arccrcctcd bu( prlor to concrctcplacc,ncn t. Unclc.rgrourr<J plur:rbing _ priorto tllllnQ trcnclt. Undcrlloor plurnblrrg/ Mcclranical - yilor to Insulatlon or cJccl(ing, Post. and Bcanr _ prlor to lloorInsulation or cJccklng. Floor lnsrrltrtion _ prior tooccl(lnO. Sanilary Scv,rcr - prior ro llllingtrcncll. Storttr Scwcr - l)r.ior lo (illingtrcnclt. W-atcr Llnc - prlor ro Iillingtrcnch. Rouglr plurtrbirrg - prior tocovcr. 769. Tlrls ts a 24 llour rccordlng. All Iucstcd a(tcr 7:OO a.rn. wlll Uc maOc REQUIRED INSPECI'IONS nspcctiOns rc(ll.lcrstccl bclorc 7:00 a.rn. wlll f:cthc tollowlng worl< clay. Rouglr Mcclranical _covcr. Prlor to l]l Finat. Plurrrbirrg - whcn alt.- plunll)ing worli i, coniptctp. I Rouolr Elcctrical _ prior tos covct..r,(cut - Vr'trcn allworl< is corrrplolc. rrirl Elcc clcc trical Elcctrical Scrvicc _ Must t-leallprovccl to obtaill l)crrnancrttclcctrlcal t)owcr. lil:pl,o9" - Prlor ro ractngmaterlals anc,l (rarning lnsp. Franrlng - prior to covcr. [-l Wall/C'cllirrg lnsutirtion _ ltrrlor to - covcr. l--l DrYvrail - Prior ro raj.ririo. l-l woocJ stovc - n (tcr lnstailrriion lnscrt - Allcr Ilrclrlacc approvaland lnstallation of unlt. CurbcUt & Alrl.rroaclr _ nltcrlorms arc croclcd b(,t prior toI)lac'.)tncl.t I O( corrcrclc. Sidcwalk & Drivcyrly _ n,lcrcxcavalio,t is complclc, forrlsan(t sul).basc lnalcriill in yrl;rcc. Fcrrcc - Wllcn coltlplctcd, MOBILE I.IOME INSPESTIONS [l O]ochirrg ancl Scr.Up _ Wtrcn all.4 blr:cl<in11 is cornplclc. Plrrrrrtlirrg Conrrcctions _ Wlrcnlrornr: lras bccn coll,tccled tow;.ltcr r.r,r(l scvror. Fjnal 1l4cclurnical _ Whcn alln)ccllanical rvork ls cornplctc, Fin:rl UuilclinU - Wl.rcn allroqutrccj .inspcc Uons havc bccnap1:rovcd an<J builclinO is c ornplc t0d. [_] 5l::11,,:;rl Corrrrccriorr _ !A/11s4uroclo,,tlr. scl,up. artd plurltbinorr!.;pccli()ns llnvc l)cct.t opprori<'tanci tltc lrorn0 is conncctcd tothr: scrvicc pancl. {itroot Trccs - Wlrcn all rcclulrcdtrccs are plontcd. Firral - Altcr all rcquircdrtlspccilons arc approvcd andp-orc,llcs, :jl(lrling, dccl(s, andvcnilng havc bccn lnstailect. r r E E Cal:!l Lot faccs Lol sq. Ilg. Lol coveragc Topograplry Total hclglrt Lot 'lyg 'g - lnlcrior. --- Corncr -- Panlrarrcllc -- Cul-rJc.sac IS TItE, P}:IOPOSED WORI( iN TI.IE...I.lISTORICAL DIST'{'Cr. 'R ON T'-IE I.IISTORICAL REG ISTEFI'I - ll yes, this application must be slgnccJand approvcd by the Hlstorlcal Coordinator prior to pcrmit issuancc. BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECI( AND BUILDING PERMIT This pcrnrit is granlccl on thc cxprcss concJition tliat llrc said construction shall, in all respects, conlorm to thc OrcJlnancc adoptcd by thc City of Springticld, including the Dcvclopmcnt Coclc, rcqlulating thc construction and usc of truildings, and m;:y [>c suspcrrdcd or revol<cd at any tlrnc u porr violl tion oI any provisions oI said ordinanccs, Plan Clrccl< Fce: Datc PaicJ: Rcccivecl By: Plans ncvicwcd ljy Octc Systerns Dovclopmcnt Chargc is duc on all undevclopcd propcrtics v;i thin thc City linrits whiclt arc bclng lmproved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS / By slgnaturc, I statc and agrce, that I lravc carclulty examlned thc complctcd application and do hercby certlfy that all ltt(ormatiorl hcrcort is truc atlcl corrccl, and I Iurtl'rcr ccrtity that any ancJ all vrorl< per[ormccl slrall be donc in accordancc witlr tlre OrcJinarrcus of tlrr: Cily of Springllcld, arrcl lhc Laws o( tlrc St;rtc ot Oregon perlairring to thc v;orl< describcd lrcrcin. arrcJ tlrat NO OCCUPT\l{CY will bc rrraclc o( any structurc rvi tlrout ltcrtrrissiorr of tlrc BuiltJlrrg Safety Division. I Iurtlrcr ccrtity that only contractors and enrployecs who arc in cornpliancc'witlr ORS 70t.055 wlll bc used on thls pro jcc t. I [urther agrcc to cnsuic tlrat all rcquircd inspcclions arc rcquestccl ilt lho prol)cr tirnc, lllat cach address Is rcadablc frorn thc strcct pcrn.rit card ls locatcd at thc f ront oI llrc lrropc lrc alrlrrovcd sct oI plans v.rill rcmaln tlon.on tlrc si l.r0 c o SlOnat Datc VN LIDATION: RECEII)T NUMT]EF'I DA]'E PN ID Ir-11-11 N NIOUI.IT RECEIVED -d P.L.HSE GAR ACC N J E VN LUE (^) x $/so. r-T. Garage Carport Total Valuc Bullding Pcrntit Fcc State Surclrargc Total Fc'c BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. T:T. Main SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) FE,E (c) ficsldcntial B0tlr(s) l:l: .. Nn PLUMBING PERMIT Sanltary Scv,rer Watcr Stortn Scv'rcr Mobllc Hotnc Plurnblng Parmit Statc Surcharoc Total Cltaroe ITEM Fixtu res WootJ Stovc/ lnscrt / Flrcplacrl'Urti I Drycr Vcnt MECHANICAL PERMIT ts- lo, f,o{ f ,+S (D)Ec".sz No Mccltanical Pcrrnit I ssuanco Statc St,rclt:.ll'0c Total Pcnnlt Furnacc Exlraust l{ood Vcnl Fan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Hontc Statc lssuancc Stato Surclratgc Slcjcwall< - ft Curbcut -- ft Ocmolltlon State Surchlrgc Total Mlsccllancous [)crtnits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (oxcluclin0 clcctriclrl) (4, B, C, O, and E Corttbirrcd) ;) ,1 t all T.IE,CEIVE D DY .lv_... APPROVED: Ftccci pt N trntbcr:--.. //-/A-qq l:l'. FT.