HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-03-15-37q N, /? *Job Locaticn: Aeseseore tlap # 17 -OE - 36 - / 3 /3roOTc,z Iot # Subdiuision: Adtress: 31? il, 1? ?72/. "7s3€Pl"one Jon p 0cAsnet cito: S?FZ r>?7 {77 ,q,,t" RESIL;NTlAL" zz s North sth streeaPPLrcA, r,N /PERI/lrr SprLngfield" )regon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 SPFII^IGFTELD ryw Pla* at l-u- ru*frL{4"L " +a' El-w hf'LL ^t%4715 #29 do /, /L d s7.tz Date: Desez"ibe h'ork b4e4-68. t-l Date of AppL value 3 ,oo60o- ldl.iticn RentoCel Expires Phone CeneraL ELeetrica', l.lechanical DEI,IOLfircII OP :.!OW' Sanila1 saser capped et WoPertV lite Septic tank puryed e,d filled tith gra;;el Pindl - l',then abctse itens ote ccnpleted and uien Cqlclt tion is complete or stntc- hse noueC ad. prenn ses eleanei up. e llcnes Blocking otd 1et-up Plutnbing connections -- sal)e? od. aater Electrtcal Ccmnection - Blocking, set-uo anL plunbing cotnections m;st be dpprcted befote requesting el,eclt"tcal inspectiot Aecesso?i Building Fital - Aftar pcrel:es, skirtir4, Cecks, etc. @e ccmpleled. PqelofZ ?o be nade afterprtar tc set up of fomns. UNDERSLAB PLU!,EI:IG. ELECIRICAL & MECHAIIICAL: To be nade before any uotk is eouered, P))TING & E)U\|DA?ICN: To be rruCe ;ftez, tt frG;A*caated and forma are etected, but prtot to pout'Lng ccltcreta. DRAfilAGE: lo be na.de pilo? to fil-Lir4 trenchee. UIDERFLAOR PLAIBING & IIECqANICAL :@o7 fToor insuktion or decking. POS? AND B9ttl,t: To be nal,e prior to ffilGldoi J-Loor irculai;ion ot DRfiIALL iNSPil?fON: lc be made@-tr@ilt-ts in pta.ce, but prior to any taping. I,!.ASONRI: Steel Location, bond W$autin4 or uerticals in accordotce aLth U.B.C. Section 2415. hto0DsTc,,E:e,,aCA.After installation is After fornsto pouring conc?ete. SIDEIIALI< I DRI',EVA!: For aLL ean- Conslmtclion_lende!_ It ie lhe teepottaibility of tla penrit hodd b see tl'ot aL! inapection:, @e nad,e at itte pto?e? tisne, that acch addrees is ren)ah';e fron tlu atteet, and, tlwt the p*rtt eatl, ie Located at the ftotzt of the $opertg.*guildiq b|uiciott approt:ed plot shz.Ll remain on tha Buildtng Sile at aLL timee. PROCEDURE FOR INSPgC?rclt RIQWST;CALL726-3769 (z'ecordey) stdte Vol,Lr City l.esignzted job ntmber, job aiitess, laee-9f i.nspec:_icn @eadgforirapection,cof1tyactorsciasnerefia1eandplonetunbel.Peque8tsteceited'befcte7:c0anuiLL be nade the sane day, ?equests nade after 7:00 on urill be rmde the nect:xtkinX dag. Iour Citg'Deeigr,ated Job Nunber fs: LNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION: lo be rnade after aLL insulatLcn ed. required uqor banie?s de i.n place bat befcre ory lath, gXpsunt baud or tnLL couer.tng ia cpplied, atrd before ay insuiation is concealed, m ,I I K CURB & APPRCACE APPON: ee erecteC but prior deckin4. nwie attd @ptotteC. d7adDf ^ aF.ffi;c c"etenAfu-GtiA etreet mght- of-r.Ey, to be naCe aftez' aL'!- ecea- oating sqnplete & font wk & sttb- base raterLal in plaee. these been tu"Lor to placirq faeing and before fradng inspec- tion. lRAi.lftlc: ltust be reqrested aftet, approual of rough plurbing, aLectri- caL & neciunieal. AL7- toofing btacing E eh*rmeys, etc. rrust be . eonqleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- . cealed until this irapecttcn has 'besn nade anC apptoued. FTilAL PLUWEIilG FINAL MECHANICAL .qNAL ELECTRICAL llhen conplete -- ProttiCe or nouable seetions throaghllNc!,gates ?TNAL BAILDING: Electrical, od P. U. E. ALL pro;ect eotdiiions, suck as the installation of street trees, ccnpletlon-of the reqttired T.attd.scapitg, etc,, mtst be satisiied be1'ore the BUfLDIilG FINAL can be neqttestei. The Einal Buildinq Inspection mst be requested aitet the littal Plunbir,g Meclw:ical fnspections iqtse been nacie and, aopt'oueC. *ALL It.AIIECLES AND CLEANOI]TS MUST BE ACCESS|BLE, ADJUSTII1TIY TC 3E I.IADE I.T lIO C'ST TC CilY v40 /5-0 0 ./r0 .rn 3-tr- Cont?actorB Addtess L1.ec. 7) ostt 40hranDd lnQhb^fr.ra I:l l lll l l T a D-aa 9 JOB NO L-co csoLARAr ESS REQ.- EeCtoons Lot Faces - !!eat D th # of Stories lotal Har.ght !opography fntericr Cor.ner Panha'nd,Ze Cul-de-sac LCT TYPErnt Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lot Couetaga r!st4 ian Va TO!.4L VALUE S.D.C. i.5 c oa 2 2 Building Volue & Permit This pennt t is g"ranted on the e@ress condition that the said constmtction s_i"a,Ll, -.-n_t-lL.rZspeets, confcrm -to the Ordinu"ee zdocteC by the Citl ofSpz,ingfieT.d, t)nclud.ir,.g the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg thb ccnstzu,-cticnqnd.uae oi buildings, atid m=y be suspend.ed or rbuckec -ot "ry tine uton uic-lation of my prcuisions of said Crditances. Building Permit ?otal Chatges State Sigt:.ed CHARGE Fi.ztu.res Resil.entia,L (1 bath) Seuet Plumbing Permir No- person shall eonstTact, inatall, alter oz, ciun4e cnu rlca cr e:isting EL*9irrS or dtainage s!s_t? in ulole or in part, inlesb such person is the Legal .possessoz. of a oalid ql,unberts License, euce?t that a pZtso, ^og dopltnbing uork to property ahich ie ooed, Leased or operated by the oppti-@tt. PLunHng Peztrit State Nan/Eetend, Citeztits Seruiee l!!t4 F9E E hast ilooC Vent lat 'tlcodsto:se -- EIICRCACSMEN! -- Pet*it Sil,and.Lk Elec L TO?AL AMOUNT DIJE:* Reeeipt #: Totdl Pexnrit Issu.otce Mech"anical Per,ftit Electricql Permit tllete state La,t re_quires tha,t the electr.ical uork be done by ot Eleetrtcalcottracto", the electriezl portion of this pernit stnll not be oaLic untilthe Label las been sigzed bg tne Electtical'Contrdctor, Mechonicol Permit 7-zg-x--Dffi- r EAw 1A-REEULLY ExANr_yEq the eonpleted apclieation fon permit, and. d.olerebg cefiify tllat aLL irfoxmatian hereoi ia trre ":ra "Zi"iti o"a tfather .??"t?fA tha.t any ard. aLL uork perforned. siull be d,one in o""on_dznce ,lnth the o?dind@es of the ctty of spr4ngfield, and. the Lc,;s of ther 2tat-e_of -o-regon pertaining to the uoirk cesLr.Jbira lr"iLl.i,-*a-tl;-t tto occa-PAItcv tiLll be na,ce of dta stzwctttre vtthout pennisei9n cf the Buitcing N-,ision. I further catiili that only eonh,aeyors a"d. orpic,leis ako are incmplianee uith 1RS ?01.058 aiLL be- ueed on this pz,oiecll 4 Lr 7/4 { /t cl MobiT.e ilome Date 1ey