HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-11-16..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT* N /PER\4IT 225 Notth |th Street Springfteld, )negon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26- s7 53 Recetpt ll SPFI'NGFIEL.D- lz7 8( tllwt 11 ,) Date: I t -c-g General - O-Lt_,,_ta_L* Plwnbing EL ceL Constmtetion Lender PROCIDUPE P)R INSPECTI1II RIQUESTTCALL 726-3769 (r'ecorder) state yout City Cesigrnted job nequestcd ard ahett gou uiLL be ready fot, inspection, Contractcrs or Asners nctne cnd phone '*'iLL be made the sone Ccy, ?equests nade cftet, T:00 an uiLL bc nade the ncrt uotkinE day. Iout, City Desigtwt.ed Job Nwnbet" Is: It ia the responsibiltty of the permit holder to see that aLL inspeetions are nade at the proper tine, that eech eddress is readab)e frorn the street, anC that the permtt card is Located at the front of the property.tBuilditq D.)uicior appz,ou^ed plan sfu:Ll renain on the Building Site at aLL times, 'nutr:bet,, job aCiress, type of incpec=icti nwnber. Pequests receiu*ed befcre 7:00 r, 7g / 03t Qomtt' na,.l f*onon*i rn o W /?fuJob Locaticn: Qo3 7 (v CAesessor.s l,lap #?ar Lot ll Subdhtision Atmer: Addrese:3 K-7qA - b?a^oPlionc zip: €Z f ZZci ft* ; rt-u).*/"; Describe Ltoy,l< /" u-'.-' Value "( 6aDate of App Licaticn ll- lb * Le llone Additicn RenoCeL l-'-1 SITE INSPEC?I)N: To be nade after | | er"auano,r"-r;; pricr tc se! up of - fonns. i-a uN0lacpoulo pzuwruc, swep. w.qrm, L l onanect: To be naCe prior to f[L- Lirry trenehes, UIIDERFLOOR PLUI.EING & I4ECHANTCAL : o7 floor insulction or decking. POST AND BEAI4: To be nade priot' to Zis ta-|,-T;rl;; o f f Lo or i ns uL a t i on or decking. RO|ICH PLU!,IBI\IC. EL,ECT!?TCAL & \4ECH- nUtCai: Ni ttork is to bc cou-ererl dlTTthese inspectiotcs haue beer nade ard aoprot-ted.. Priot, to plccir4 facittg and before froning inspec- UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHAIIICAL: To be nade before any aonk is couered. PC)?ING & F)UNDATICN: To be npCe after trenches a?e and fotns at,e erected, but priot, to Wut tltg ccncrete. 'been nade anC approted. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICTION : To be maCe aftet' aLL insulaticn avtd required oapor bam,iers d.?e in place but before any Lath, gApsun boatC or rnLL cooeying is appliecl, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYI.IALL INSPECTf0N: Tc be made afi e" dT-fiyiatt-l. s in place, but prior to cny taping. MASONR!: Steel Loeation, bond 666ilgrouting or' ,terticals in accordcnce r)'ith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI|E: ccmpleted. After instaLlation is CURB & APPRCACI| APPON Aftet fornsue crecteC but p"Lor to pcuning concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRIIlEl'lAy: Fol' aLL eon- crei pauing uithin street right- of-uag, to be made aften all- exea- oating complete & forn utork & sub' base material in Place. 0R :.10vEt Scnitaty saser capped at propez,ty Lire Septic tutk p"ir,rped and. filled aith graLz| Pinal - llhen abcte itens are ectrpLeted and ahen Cenol1tion is complete ot, st1ni3- tuz,e noueC and pramises cleaneC up. Mobi Hcnes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing conneetions -- sal)er arl. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-u: and plunbing eonneetions tn;st be appt'cu^ei beforc requesting elec*-r"ical inspec)iot Aceesaory BuilCirtg Final - After etc. are comp pcreV.es, skir.ting, decks, Leted. FRA||ING: thtst be requested aftet' apptroual of t'ough plwr'bing' electri- cal & neclanieal. AL! roofing bracing & chirmeys, etc. rntst be completed. llo ttcrk is to be con- cealed until this inspeetion has Aates P, U. E. 'a4ren conplete -- PnouiCe or nouable sections through AIL t4 red ect condt'-ions, such as the "j.nstallation of etteet trees' conoletion of the Landsccpirg, ctc., m.tst be satisfied befole the BUILDINC FINAL can be requestedFITIAL PLUIIBIIIG FINAL INCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL IINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested aftet' the Fi'nal Plwnbing tLni"ir1""|,-aiC ueclnrical rnspectlor" itaxn been made and approueC' *AT , I4ANIICT,ESi,4N[) CLEANL)I,]TS MI}S'T RT ACCESSiBI,[:, AD'IUS1'lii:iIT TO 3E I'T'ADT I\T IlO CIST TO CTTY Lisc. flL'ontt,actors Addz,ess ESS REQ.-G^JoB ruo.E€J4€a SOLAR AC L-CO Bedroons: Zonc Lol; Faces -ne Lot So, Ftq. % cf Lct Ccoenaae LM TYPE Intericr Iteat P.L House Access I of Stoz'Les Corner Pan?wndle CuL-de-sac il^.-1 u^: -L+!uvuL ttvvttrtu TopograPhY th st es -- ITEM SQ. FTG x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on the etittess condition that the said'consttaction shall, in atL ,especti,"';";;Z;i-"-lLn-b'au*"ce edop-tec biv the citv of springficld, 'Jncludtng' tLL 2onl'"g crd.ina.nc.e ' regulcti.ttg Lhe ccnstr't:l:-":.'^ ;na-i""'" oiLrrld-Lng","o''d-"y a""t""P.end'ed or reuokec at ctry tlme upon uLc- T,ation of any prcuisions of satd o"d'Lnatrces' Main c TOTAL VALUE DC S. D. C, Building Penfit t5.o0 PLan Fee Date Paid State 7 ?otal Clarges /g ?Sigtzed: NO.FEE CHARCA Plumbing Permit No person sha-ll.consttact, insiaL|". al'ter ot clwnge -GnA ned.cr eristing plwnbirq c" dralnage "ir""tl"- ii" "noin o' in part' Lnless such person is the LesaL possessor of " r:"i;2"p7:,;;n"n-,2 1t.L"t2, e&cepb th.ot a pb:'son na,1 do plmbing uot'k to p"tp"iiy*intZi"|-" )*"a' Leased o'r operated by the appLi- cant. Firtt*es Resi.dential (1 bath) Sani Seuet' Plunbing Pernit State Tctal NO.Electricol Permit where state Lan requit:es tl".at the clecttical uotk be done by an Electrical Cortio"tor, the elictriloL portion of this _permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label'ltas been signed by the Electrical Contractor' Nau/Eetend Circuits Seroice Stcte Total pcr CIlARCEITEM Mechonicol Permit Esharct HooC ETUIS Vent Fa1 Ilcodstote Pet:mLt Issuance Mechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seaaritu Depoett Storaae Ma'Lntenance Permit Cutbca!. Sida,talk Receipt ll: PLan Eraniner TotaL Fence Mobile Hone f EAW CAREPULLY TXAMINED the completed application fot pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornatibn hereon is true and eorrect, and f furthbr certily that any ard aLL uork perfotned ahall be do:te in accor- dance rrlth th-e- ordi.nancbs of the City of Springfield, and the Lans of the State of 1regon pet'taining to the wrk Cescribcd herei-n, cnd tlnt No occu- P/,NCy aill bb nade of any structw'e uithout permisaion of the Buitding Di' uision, I further certiiy thct o:tly contractors and enplcyees uho are in conpliance aiLh cRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project %*--izz%"--l/- tt,-38 si.srcFi<')"AL AM1UI|T DUE: ^ Date Uorth Lln:: t ffrT,ode Cornort Accp.ssol'1) TTEM ilelan Chrtroe,s W *