HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-22I ,, RESIDENTIAL,, I I i,yoytlt i th streeaP?t'icAlr0iv/PERtlrr a. LSpnngfteZd,, Cregcn 97477 Euilatng Di"'ision 7 26-37 53 SPFI,,VGF'EI-D R ,J iob Loccticn: Aesessore !!ap rl Tcz Lot # Subdiu"istcn ,L-ne?: Adtbess Phone:*tr. Ci.tA \,.-)eoct Slove- Descz'tbe llot k: VaiueDate of App IreftnK\il\) , ))-' L-' ^- RanoCeL General L Scnita"l se,ser cqped :t pt'cper1i Lire Septic tank p'"rped ard' ftlled ''rith graLzi linal - i!1tea abcue itens ate eat'pletei a.d uhen le.:cliti.or is eattclele cP stz'uc- tute naueC srui crenises cleanei up' Blocktng ad Set-ttP ?Lunbing conneciaclra " se1)e! ad' aatet Electrteal Ccnnectao'n' Blcckit'4' set-uu - "i ilr iL"o eonr'ections rnist be qprctei i"ior" rcquZsting e!-eetrical inspeelict Accessc,g 3uillit4 Firal - After :crev-es, skirting' decTs' etc. 8e eatclelad' ?4e1oi2 Cons@g*cn-lpile!- I: ia lhe reaconsibili'.y of tlu Permi'!te'et, anC tilct the permtt V)uicion :pProt:eci Ptcn sh,ci t holder to see that aL! inspeetions @e nade at '.he proper ti'ne, that eech ;ldtess is z'eaiabie ;ron,2,,.' the s card. is Located at the ftvttt of bhe ptoDerw. -11 .;---L reaain on the Bu:-Ldrng Site ai ?!?OcsDtJP, F1R MsPirrctt .E_I1WST;CALL 7 @ uiLL be reciy for*it ite nade the sane ticy, reouests natie 26-3769 (recorCer) state your City CesigT.,a,ted i'ob nlsibet,, job aiiress, type of inspec='Jcn LnSpectlon,Conir,actcrs oY A;ner:s nane ad pTone ni,nber. P.equesis receiued befcre 7:00 a:i after 7:00 an aLLL be mad'e the nest '"nrking day YotE CitA'Desigra,ted Job lhnber Is: I escduatia\, bu, ?o a1'ter u? ofpn-cr To aftet, forms required bez'iers de LN pLace ut39?sL;.3 ?:1',:.!3::tG, !LZi:?Il,1.L t ;.f:'r::sic;;t io ce na<ie ceiato- anY 6i{ii-i'.terei. before dlu '.th, gypsun bcaYC cr cpplied, cnd before , concealed. L cooez'ing @'a .-nsu Lation FCcii:tG 1 FOU;\DAT:CN1 76 i12 taCe Gt"" tr"";ies a"e ,:cstated anl fo*os "te erectei, bui Priar to pour)r,g ccncreta. DRYLA-LL I:\SPICTICY: 72 i22 raie 7f : er-iT@;;tfi s .in Pl,ac e, but Ptiot to dnV td?1-t14 ' \IASC\\RY: Steel Locatian, bond iffilEroutiry or uetticcis i'n o".orld&"e ,ith u.a.c. section 'il1CDS!7'/E: After installation is e,,oT;t€4.. - u:tDtRG2ttJ:tD ?al':.t9t:;c,. ss{tP, ti.1Ti'1' l. I D?A;:IAGE: ?o be iv..ae pr'ar to r'LL- lirq crznchee. I wltpv:coa zTsctc t :ti:vr4-:tt-c-.4L' ^--I I :2 be nsie pri.cr io ansccLLatlon oI f|.oor ineulcxion or deeking' POS? AitD 3EAL\: 76 !2 n'cCe PrJor to ffi;|ffi;"f floor itsul'ztion ot Ceckittg. CUPB ,t APPRCACIT AP?.aN: Aftet .fornsdi eteexeC cut Pr':az' to Potr'ng concrete. "r.ru)r,;( t )RI-,Ei!.!: FOr ali ccn- .r."*, ;GE; st?eet right- oj'-',E!', tc -be ncCe ailzr aL! exec- "Ltl"a' :anolete I lcrn ';otk I cub' base ic'-erial in clace' e couelec Ltu,X ';hese irsceetiox,s 'naue bo'er' meze crd. tggruved. Ei?!?LACZ: Pr'at "o Plccirq fac:-ng ffii;G cnd before irartrg insPec- tiot. lk.jli:tc: l4ust be tecuesteC af:et * L of rotqh Plwr,bir4, 3lectr|- tilL a neci'anicai, - ALt rooilrq btcc':.rq 3 chirncys, etc. tust be io,nleted. ]lo ';crk is to bz cct"- ""il"d LLnti-L ih:-s insoeciian ias '66d na&e cnC aPoto"-ed. ?tNCl: 'ihen conolate -' ?rctside fr#' oo nottable- sectl-ans thtough -p. u.a. al ,] i:l ALL oroiect eoniitions, suc':^' rcquired T.anCseoizg' ctc' ' astheins'callactonofstxeet'aaes'3'ap.leticncftie nwst be satisfiec a";oirn" tnZ-luitci";l FrlitL ccn be requestei' FIIIAL PLUiNI:iC EI;IAL :,IECHAIICAL ii:IAL .LNC*ICAL IINALtstflLD.;llc:TheFinclBuild,ing.rnsoectionlustbe,n?"_o-!.:,.1ijer=he?inal?!.,atbir-i( ) ;;:;;;"iZ'"1".'')'l tr,"ho""cl inspecc'-cns-hate been qade anl ==ot'cue='\-' |ALL i4A:\HCLTS AND CLEAIICIJTS I'!US?BE ACCISSItsLZ, '4DJ!l5T:9:;l ?O 3S:tlDE !1'l nO:3ST TC Ci7! )nrt$ 5, \q{N\ (tL zip: q141] n t-l CO I 2 L-co c SOLAR . 'C-ESS REQ.- JOB NO. ?eces lcraqe'icuse Nor'tn 'lest Lot Sq' ttg' LCr tv?t Ir'tet;'ar Corfle" - P-.,,ha"ile Cul-de-sac x cf Lct Caserage XoIa1. teig'nt Topogtd?h! x ValueM:.t :lcifl Cizace 4Ad1f rrlrtte en^1c- and use of butld.ings, and nay be susoeruieC az' reuokei at cry tine u2cn oic- Lattan of my ptcu.Jsions of saiC Crd.irances. L', in ,al CrCi t tremP&eVIoUnIdIIBUg Dructionthec0n6nututlatticntheThiseqressgnat.ted staL to the )xdinance theLal0aconfov,n edopteCrespecis ;t .tcnaflceL\.. "egufie 'o11d!uerng Euildtng Pernit Total Clanges State Plumbing Permit No petecn chall cor.stz-:,uct, instal!, alter or clur,.ge 6ny veu cr e;isting plwnbirq cr dtainage systan in tshole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a uaLid plwnbet,'s Lieense, .-scept t/",at a pe:son nay do plunbing aork to propert! uhich is otmed, Leased or opercted by the appli- cant. CAPGE: ! :l'l ltb,ges Resi.denti.a.L ( 1 bath) Seuer ?LurnbaTtg Perr,:Lt State Sutchanoe Electricol Permit l'Ileve state Lan re,quires tha.t the electrieal aork be done by an Electz'icaLcontrdctoz,, tlte eleetz.tcal pottion of thia petnit shall not be uaLic untilthe Label iu.s been eigned fy the Elec&"ical'Contraclor,. 1 :?i,u af;rll 1D?f tlau/Ezterd Circuits Sezttice :.tw.^^ 2rylt t e Ezltatst HooC Veat Fan Vcociscote I ,aao- tbW I '-s.oo I 3,bo Ree.Lpt #: Sr.gned Mechqnicol Permit Penn t fssu.ctce Mechanical pettit -- !:ICPCAC, *sbcu! Mobile llcne ?3!AI A,+!OU\U DUE: I I HAW CARXIULLy iXLAf,tED :ke conoLeteC coplteacion ;.c, peznit, erd ioY:_?r_""*ify.thct aLL.:"1-.i=ritii"-;Z;r;" ".s tnte zrt ecr,ec--, cr,,c, rt#::";,2":;!:r"*Z: any crd. aLL ;ork ;",.io,ned- ii,aila"-a""2-i,,,. 7c2o?-,*r;_;{r,|;:"":;:;ru:"f:n",;",;;"r}r.u"I"ii#iZ:i;l"Lr:y*;ry;i7r,;r, P!.!IC.! 'nill be nade of ny" scrrii""J- "it\J", petmisaion Lf tii iutuinE 9i_ulsLon. f fuz,*-her :e_tci;.g ikct only ""nrro"=orc a:d e::rplayees aro a' e incazpl:.anee utth CRS zol.'l"ss "i/Z-i","lZa "n -.;trs prcjeec /t->LEfizd Et Ta-7-PLai. =L ,1tr-trt a SPRINGFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Rrblic Works CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Andy Ryon 407 North 19th Street Spri ngfi el d , 0regon Dear Mr. Ryon: November 19, l9g4 97477 The spr:ingfield Building code Administr.ative code nequires that, in ordenfon a per"mit to remain var-id, eonstnuction work authorized. by it mustbegin within 180 days fnom the date of purchase of the pe'mit. ff workis suspended on abandoned duning the course of construction for a periodexceeding 180 days, the permit iitt automaticaliy expir:e. rf a penmit has expined and. suspension and,/on abandonment of work on ap::oject has not exceed.ed on" y"a", a penmit to start or nesume work maybe punehased fon one half the fee nequired fon a companabJ_e new penmit,provided that no changes have been made in the oniginal plans and,/orspecifications. If a per"mit has not yet expined and. a permit holder anticipates the needfor more time to begin constnuction wor"k, the Supenintenaent of Buildingmay choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 1g0days upon r"eceipt f::om the penmit holde:: of a wnltten request explainingwhy the extension is neeessa::y. The attached fonm indicates the most recent information in oun reco::dswith r"egar:d to construction activity associated with youn penmit. please advise this office of youn intentions with rega::d to the plrmit by ten(tO1 6"r= f::om the date of this letter. P1ease direct all inquines to the Spr.ingfield Building Safety Divisionat 726-3659. , Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division attachment ch 225 North Sth Street o Springf,ield, Oregon97477 a 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: 407 North 19th Street ,ros # | 82?562 LAST ACTI"" ,-O"'v 22.1 q84 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: OTHER CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: xx vALrD: EXPIRED fi Your penmit exPired on ' If you plan to start or resume work on the pr"oject' a new penmit must be aPPIied for' :'sIf the trexpiredrr box,above,is checked and we do not hear from you by (ten Iro] aay s f:rom the d.ate of this Ietter ) , we will clear oull iles of all related information with regand to the permit' ch However, your permit wiII expire on Novemher 22, 1484 If you wish to request an extension of your permit' please ""aify this offi.. in writing p::ior to the above mentioned date.