HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1976-11-09DEPAIiTMF:NT OF PUBT.IC WORKS ():['r'"V- OI+ S]PI:LIhTGF'I]dI-,D :lt,t? tNc l--l ELD. oii F:GON 97 47 7 Noveinbcr 9, 1.976 345 MAtN STREET 7 47 -4221 Mr. Thomas R. Fox 425 North l9l-h Street Sprirrgf ield, OR 97 477 Dear Mr. Fox: At your reguest the Builcling Deparl-ment of the City of Springfield made a housing inspcction on November 8, L976, aL 425 North 19th Street, Springfield, Oregon- The following items were found to be in need of repair or rep).acement: 1. The bathroom and bedroom windows must open- 2- Additional ventilatj,on is reguired in the attic. 3. The header over the garage door is not J-arge enough to support the roof load- 4. There must be a fire protection provided between the connection of the house and the garage. 5. Electrical wires to l-he vlater heater must be in a flexible metal conduit. 6. All heaters mrtst lrcar a UL label. Al-1 necessary permits must be obtained before work is started anri all wo::k rmrst b'e cornpleted according to applicable codes and inspect-ed before a Cer:tificate of Compli-ance is j-ssued. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Springfield Buildirrg Department al 747-422L. Sincerel Y, Dan Smith Building Inspector DS: sm I J crrr oF SPRINGTIELD, oRECo', Butldtng DePartment CERT IF ICAT E OE CO}'lPLIANCE Ehlr errelflrr shrr she bulldtng end propcrBy,lccaBrd rE sbe en tnspect andof Springf{eld, Oregon. 425 I gth Eo comp rrl the ordlnances o t tEy Owners Name Addreee Same City eId Itema of epeclal conelderatlon are DaEe her 23.I 976 Dan Smith by SM,'u.rorng roffi