HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1980-05-22CIItr-Sf OF SPF,II$GFIEI-D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 May 22, 1980 223 NORTH A STF.EET SUITE O 7 46-9621 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CERTIFIED,RNTURN RNCEIPT REQUESTED I,1r. Floyd Koch P. O. Box 54 Dexter, OR 97431 Re: Housing Code Violations at 308B North 19th Street. Dear 1"1r. Koch: This office has just received a copy of the letter to you dated *"v 20, 1980, from Roy Bordeaux, Plumbing Inspector, Department of Public Works, City of Springfield. We have reviewed that letter and determined that the conditions set forth therein certainly constitute potential health hazards to the occupants of 3O8B lqorth 19th Street, ds well as to the surrounding neighborhood. This office endorses a conclusion by Mr. Bordeaux, that the com- pf"t" drain and waste system serving this unit must be repaired, ..ff pfrr*bing fixtures must be connected to the sanitary Sewer, and all raw exposed sewage cleaned up. If these measures have not been taken by June 4", 1980, approprj-ate lega1 action will be in- stituted to ensure your compliance with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Thank you for your anticipated courtesy and cooperation- Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY .) --,-,'-\ Joseph J. \L tr Ar\ Leahy JJL:bkkcc: Roy Bord.eaux mflEmfl@mAru@uma CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Octobe'r 27 , 1980 TO RE Laurie McAdam, City Prosecuting Attorney FROM: Attached are cgpies of letters from the file of Mr. Floyd Koch, owner of the rental property located at 308b North L9th Street, Springfi.eld, Oregon As of September 22, 1980, no action has been taken by Mr. Koch to correct the drain and waste system of the house. Please initiate rnunicipal court proceedings so that the potential \y haz. ardous violations existing on this property may be corrected as soon as possible. Please refer to the attached copy of the May 20, 1980 letter from this office to Mr. Koch for the appropriate code sections of the violations. attachments sJ/ 1j Sal1y Johnson, EUEnvironmental Inspector 0 508b North 19th Street - Housing Code Violations 1@ ( C" ( /.-ir,47'i l: xc.trst ori s - /o.t i7;,zu pART t, . )-0, tf ADMINISTRATION Title 10.1 This ordinance shall be known as the "Uniform Plumbing Code" and will be referred to as "this Code" herein. Purpose L0.2 This Code is an ordinance providing minimum requirements and standards for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. Scope 10.3 The provisions of this Code shall apply to the erection, installation, alteration, addition, repair, relocation, replacement, maintenance or use of any plumbing system, except as otherwise provided for in this Code. Existing lnstallations 10.4 (a) Any plumbing system lawfully installed prior to the effective date of this Code may have its existing use, maintenance or repair continued if the use, maintenance or repair is in accordance with the original design and location and no hazard to the public health, safety or welfare has been created by such system. (b) The owner or his designated agent shitl be responsible for Umil*J;;;".:";; ihe plumb-ine sysiu. in a sare a'no sanitarv ] Authority to Abate i0.5 (a) Any portion of a plumbing system found by the Adminis- trative Authority to be insanitary, as defined herein, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. (b) Where a nuisance exists or a plumbing system is maintained in violation of this Code or any notice issued pursuant to this section, the Administrative Authority shall require the nuisance or violation to be abated and, where necessary, shall seek such abatement in the manner provided by law. Administrative Authority 20.L The Administrative Authority shall be the Authority duly appointed to enforce this Code. Duties and Powers of the Administrative Authority 20.2 (a) The Administrative Authority may appoint such assistants, deputies, inspectors or other employees as are authorized to carry out the functions of the department and this Code. Right of Entry (b) Whenever necessary to make an inspectron to enforce any of the provisions of this Ccde, or whenever the Administrative Authority or his authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises. any iondition which makes such building or premises unsafe as defined in this Code, the Administrative Authority or his authorized represen- tative may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times t., t/ r+rreer+ry;lF!.*t"rrs,.Gfc#.if ( ( (_ ( GENERAL REGULATIONS 27 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS GENERAI TNSTRUCTTONS AND REQUTREMENTS . Section 30f - Disposal of Liquid Waste It shall be unlawfur for any person to cause, suffer or permit thedisposal of sewage, human excrement or other liquid wasies, in anyplace or manner, except through and by means of an approvedplumbing and drainage system, installed and maintained in accor_ dance with the provisions of this Code. Sec. 302 - Connections to plumbing System Required All plumbing fixtures, drains, appurtenances and appliances, usedto receive or discharge liquid wastes or sewage, shall be connectedproperly to the drainage system of the building or premises, in accordance with the requirements of this Code. V, S€c. 303 - Sewer Required (a) Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed shall have a connection to a public or private sewer except as provided in subsection (b) of this section. - (b) .Wf.e! a public sewer is not available for use, drainage pipingfrom buildings and premises shall be connected to an 5p[roveOprivate sewage disposal system. (c) ln cities and/or counties, where the installation of building sewers is under the jurisdiction of a department other than the Administrative Authority, the provisions of this Code relating tobuilding sewers need not apply. Sec. 304 - Damage to Drainage System or public Sewer(a) lt shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, by any means whatsoever, into any plumbing fixture, floor drain, interclptor, sump,receptacle or device, which is connected to any drainage iystem,public sewgl, private sewer, septic tank or ceispool, iny isnes,cinders, solids, rags, inflammable, poisonous or explosive liquids oigases, oils, grease or any other thing whatsoever which would, orcould cause, damage to the drainage system or public sewer. (b) Roofs, inner courts, vent shafts, light wells or similar areas having rain water drain, shall discharge to the outside of the building or to the gutter and shall not be connected to the drainage system unless first approved by the Administrative Authority. ( ! is*al#sE $ ffi ( ) ) ) GENERAL REGULATIONS 29 purpose of making connections thereto, and no cast iron soil pipe shall be threaded. (c) No waste connection shall be made to a closet bend or stub ofa water closet or similar fixture. (d) Except as hereinafter provided in Sections 613, 614 and 615, no vent pipe shall be used as a soil or waste pipe. (e) No fitting, fixture and piping connection, appliance, device or method of installation which obstructs or retards the flow of water, wastes, sewage or air in the drainage or venting systems in an amount greater than the normal frictional resistance to flow, shall be used unless it is indicated as acceptable in this Code or is approved by the Administrative Authority as having a desirable and acidptable function and as of ultimate benefit to the proper and continuing functioning of the plumbing system. The enlargement of a three (3) inch (76.2 mm) closet bend or stub to four (4) inches (I01.6 mm) shall not be considered an obstruction. (f) Except for necessary valves, where intermembering or mixing of dissimilar metals occur, the point of connection shall be confinedto exposed or readily accessible locations. (g) All valves, pipes and fittings shatt be instalted in correct relationship to the direction of flow. Sec. 313 - lndependent Systems The drainage system of each new building and of new work installed in any existing building shall be separate and independent from that of any other building and when available, every'building shall have an independent connection with a public or privite sewer-. Exception: Where one building stands in the rear ol another building on an interior lot, and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining court, yardor driveway, the building drain from the front building mai Ue extended to the rear building. Sec. 314 - Repairs and Alterations (a) ln existing buildings or premises in which plumbing instal- lations are to be altered, repaired or renovated, deviations flom theprovisions of this Code are permitted, provided such deviations are found to be necessary and are first approved by the Administrative Authority. (b) Existing building sewers and building drains may be used in connection with new buildings or new plumbing and drainage work only when they are found on examination and test to conform in all respects to the requirements governing new work, and the proper Administrative Authority shall notify the owner to make any changes necessary to conform to this Code. No building or paft thereof, shall be erected or placed over any part of a drainage'system which is constructed of materials other than those approved elsewhere in this Code for use inside of a building. (c) All openings into a drainage or vent system, excepting those openings to which plumbing fixtures are properly conneCted or which constitute vent terminals, shall be permanenily plugged or capped in an approved manner, using the appropriate miterials required by this Code. W$L t/ ffi ) ) :l ) i ) CITTT OF SPF,INTGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97 477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Section Section May 20, 1980 The vater closet fittings are broken. The sever is plugged and draining on the ground creating a serious health ltazard. The shover stalI water vil1 not shut off The shower and the bathroom sink both drain onto the ground.. The kitchen sink d,rains onto the groqnd. 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERT]T'IED LEITER Mr. Floyd Koch P.O. Box #5)+ Dexter, Oregon RE: Housing Cod.e violations at 30Bb North 19th Street Dear Mr. Koch: At the request of the tenant, an inspeetion vas conducted at the residence located. at 3OBb North 19th Street, Springfield., Oregon. We understand that you are the ovner of this property. The conditions of the property are a potential health hazard. to the occupants of the strueture as vel1 as to the surround.ing neighborhood. The folloving is a list of viol-ations of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted. by the City of SPringfield: ) Section 5ol+ (g ) : ) Section 5o)+(a): 1 Z 3 )+ 50)+ (e ) : 50)+ (d) : 5) Section ,0)+ ( d) In summary, the eomplete drain and waste system serving this unit must be re- paired and all rav exposed sewerage cl-eaned up. A11 plumbing fixtures must be connected to the sanitary sewer. The drain and waste system must be repaired by 15 days from the date of this letter (June )+, r98o). l{r m; tI .e fr }4r. Floyd Koch Housing Cod.e Violations 308b North 19th Street Page 2. P1:mbing permits must be obtained. before work begins.. A11 vork must be i.n- spected and approved.. The dwelling sha1I not be occupied until- work is com- pleted and inspected. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 7264753. Sincerely, 1/r.rEZ;:,-->16. n7 6, Roy Bordeaux Plunbing Inpsector RB: SJ/IJ Rona1d B. Clark Superintend.ent of Build.ing Joseph Leahy Assistant City Attorney Sa1ly Johnson Environmental, { b U CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO RE December 26, 1919 PROM: Laurie McAdam, City Prosecutor Joe Leahy, Office of City Attorney Plumbing Code Violations at 30Bb North 19th Street, Property owned by Floyd Koch We are transmitting to your office, for prosecution, the above- referenced matter. Please find also enclosed copies of all correspondence to lv1r. Koch and other documentation which exhibits the efforts of the City of Springfield Building Division to correct this matter administra- tively. Mr. Koch has been in violation of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by Section 9-4-l of the Springfield Code. Those violations are AS r) 2) follows: The water closet fittings are broken. The sewer is plugged and draining on the ground, creating a potentially serious health hazard. The shower staIl water will not shut off. The shower and bathroom sink both d,rain onto the ground. The ki-tchen sink drains onto ground. 3) 4) s) Tt is our understanding that item *2 the above has been corrected. By copy of this memorandum, I am reguesLing that either Ron Clark or Sa11y Johnson provide you with a certified copy of the pertinent sections of the Uniform Building Code. Ir{r. Koch received a letter on October f 5, l-979, from Sa11y Johnson, which summarized those violations and reguested that the problems be corrected. This letter was received by Mr. Koch. A copy of the certified mail receipt is enclosed. On November B, L979, this office sent a letter to l'1r. Koch again requesti-ng that the problems be corrected. This letter was not claimed by Mr. Koch. The envelope indicates that he received notice on November 9, 1979, November L7, 1979, and November 24, L979. It is our understanding that Mr. Koch may have had in otherwise serious i11 health, which may explain a stroke or his failure is to hvl 0 A DRfiT December 26, 1979 Memo to Laurie McAdam Page 2 correct the problems. Nevertheless, the problems do exist and should be corrected. If institution of legal proceedings by your office is sufficient to compel compliance, you may wish to con- sider any physical incapacity of Mr. Koch in deciding whether a trial is necessary. As in the past, you will be working with Sal1y Johnson, Environ- mental Controller, City of Springfield, Department of PubIic Works. On the date that you initiate 1ega1 proceedings, please let us know so that we may obtain further documentation and/or photo- graphs of the condition of the premises on that date. I{e recommend that action be taken under Paragraph L-L2-7 "Penalties" of the Springfield Code. If this office let us know. may be of any further assistance to you, please J o>E fY\Jt eftH\l Leahy City Attorney Joseph J. Office of JJL: bdp Enc1. r8fl yg{jfl ilfrofifirAlr0tt CIT T OF SPF,I\TGFIEIJD CITY ATTORNEY P. O. Box Dexter, OR Koch 54 Re: Plumbing Code Violations at 30Bb North lgth Street The above-referenced matter has been referred to this office foraction. It is our understanding that you are the owner of propertyat 30Bb North 19th street, Springfield, oregon. prease find en-closed a copy of a letter dated October 15, 1979, from Roy Bordeaux,Plumbing rnspector, city of springfield. The letter contains alist of violations of the Uniform Plumbing Code which has been adop-ted by the City of Springfield. Those violations are as follows: I) The water closet f ittings are broken . '.,' '' 2) The sewer is plugged and draining on the ground creatinga potentially serious health hazard. 3) The shower stall water will not shut off. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 OFFICE OF THE November B, 1979 4) The shower and bathroom sink both the drain 5) The kitchen sink drains onto ground. 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE O 7 46-9621 ydF1oMr onto the ground. 3 2.1 I 0 Unless the corrected, l-ations and instituted violations of the Uniform Plumbing Code are immediatelyan action seeking to obtain the correction of those vio-your compliance with the Uniform plumbing Code will bein the Municipal Court of the City of Springfield. If you have any questions at al-I about the responsibilities placed upon you by this retter or by the letter which you previously re-ceived from Mr. Bordeaux, pfease contact Mr. Bordeaux at the Building Dear Mr. Koch: Mr. Floyd Koch November 8, L979 Page 2 Division, city of springfield (telephone number 726-3753). Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY Joseph Office JJL : bkk enc. cc: Iv1r. B Leahy City Attorney J. of *"",* PUBLIC WORKS CIItrY C)3- SPF,I}-TGIFIEIJID SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 October 15, 1979 0 346IVIAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER It{r. Floyd Koch P.0. Box #54 Dexter, Oregon Re: Plumbing Code Violations at 30Bb North 19th Street Dear N{r. Koch : At the request of the tenant, an inspection was conducted at the residence located at 308b North 19th Street, Springfield, Oregon. We understand that you are the owner of this property. The conditions of the property are a potential health hazard to the occupants of the structure as well as to the sumounding neighborhood. The following is a list of violations of the Uniform Plumbing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield:€eoh"a n 5 1) The water closet fittings are broken. TAfU 2) The sewer is plugged and draining on the ground creating a potentially serious health hazard. 3O,l 3) The shower sta11 water will not shut off. /e/ 4) The shower and the bathroom sink both drain onto the ground. V@l 5) The kitchen sink drains onto the ground. P I In summary, the complete drainage system serving this unit rnust be repaired and all raw exposed sewage cleaned up. A11 plumbing fixtures must be con- nected to the sanitary sewer. Plumbing permits must be obtained before work begins and all work must be accomp lished in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976 edition, as o-^oL a-ko %A'on / O o /ql {t4 <lt%nir{2rffl hb os)r1 dt C.o ,ilL,LL d<_4 tlozo"eatLs1( LLVA.b;t/+r(as LLS 4c Uni ?Lutvt-bi ,11 C-o d-* t"-y Mr. Floyd Koch Page 2. adopted by the State of Oregon. A11 work must be inspected and approved. The drvelling shal1 not be occupied until work is completed and inspected. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726- 3753. Sincerely, ,/1..ji./ rJ ,,{"g /1 ,>' 1'L<r't'w"/ i!'\ Y t Roy Bordeaux Plumbing Inspector cc:Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Building Sa1ly Johnson Environmental Inspector Joseph Leahy Assistant City Attorney RB/SJ:1j ,r;':t;h4&i+4;Ereflt,jlfl!rp?|:rf.',f''+iri{r{a}.t}-#q."?it:1c+(r4ift+ir:@*r4.1y,4-.i!-"**'l-;rn;a;;.tr&i;{*'!i.;i+ 3 - a l} :Jfr!m-lc,zu omi .-{umo q{m,m .o\=oC., m0 zo items l, l, md 3. addrcss in the "RETURN TO" space on o Add your The fol lou ing sen ice is rcrluested (check one) . EXXtuw to whom and dare delir.ered. .,.....!___:C f, Shou'to whom, date. and address of delir.ery.l ; 6 X RESTRICTID DELIVERY Show to whom and d.rte delivered. . _( N RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Sho*'to whom. date, and address of deliverl'.$_ (CONST'LT POSTN{ASTER FOR FEES) s. e-niicli -otsch r ir?orii REGISTEREO NO. I CERTIFIEO NO. I I | rca+szt I | (Alwayr obtsin tigmtuE of lddEsoo or afntl 5. AOORESS (Complore 1. OF it I have received a rt icleihe described above SIGNA TURE Addressee * cro; rlzl-lr:-rrz 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. Floyd Koch P.0. Box #54 E Authorized agent 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: OF SPRING SFtII'TGFIEIJD FIELD. OREGON 97477 October 15, 7979 346 MAIN STREET'726'3753 PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFI ED LETTER I'1r. FloYd Koch P.0. $s1 #5'1 Dcxter, Oregon Rr-': i'1u::rlling Cotlc V io iat ions ltt S()Sb Norch 19th Strcet a ,n I --rfta;r\-/-.1- -L -u Dear tlr. Koch : Attherequestofthetenant,aninspectiontvasconductedattheresidence located at s08b-Norir., leth strei.:";;;!;;;"ii,.o;;;""' I{e understand that .,ou are the owner of this prop"riy.-'Th""tonditions of the property are a potential hearth n^'u'a to th; ;:l;P;;; ;;;;; structure as well as to the 'st rrounding neighborhood ' Thefollor.iingisalistofviolationsoftheUniformPlumbingCodeasadopted iy-.f't" CitY of SPringfield: 1) The tuater closet fittings are broken' 2)Tlresetverisplugged.ancldrainingonthegroundcreatingapotentially- -) serious health hazard' 3) The shorver stall water will not shut off' 4) The shorver and the bathroom.sink both rlrain onto the ground' 5) The kitchen sink drains onto the ground' In s.rmmary, the complete <lrainage system selving thistnit tlt: b" repaired and all ral./ exposed selage.r""i"a-irp.- lir piuiuing fixtures must be con- nected to the sanitarY seliier Plr.unbingperrnitsmustbcobtainedbeforer.iorkbeginsandall.workmttstbe acco*plished i.-r.."taenc" witfr-tf'"-Unifo'* pttt*ting Coa" ' Lg,6 edi.ion' as COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATIO}I (RENTER REQT'EST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DArE /-3o-ADDRESS OF INSPECTI CI\IIJER PHONE NO. .lDDRESS RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY . TELEPHONE NUMBER 7 4 / -o-s77 ^ Sre/ /q4 W zt/t-o<"2 TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: ffouvwx tl MULTTPLE tl a-. /,{t a-f Qa*L, 60 ? O?4 (1 M ti <.. Ld.<+' t CN,-\r e\.' d, \ r. r(\t\ ? No\ $t )c\iQ,. e--G- B\ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Insp ection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date For Comp liance Comp liance Obtained - Date ,7 Page 2. adoptcd by the State of Oregon. A11 rvork must be inspected and approved. The c1r,eI1i1g s6a11 not be occupied until ivork is completed and inspected. please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at'726- 5755. Sincerell', 1"- // *' , Ll,*"/ YIlr' Roy Bordear.rx Plumbing Inspector CC RB/SJ:1j Ronald B. Ciark Superintendent of Building Sa11y Johnson Environmental In-sPector Joseph Leahy Assistant City Attorney ) ) l9 PtJ- 149 SPRINGFIELD COMPLAINT FOzu'{ JOB #DArE: /0 -/O' CO},!PLAINT ADDRESS:c il. rqe COMPLAI}{ANT: tt dck ADDRESS, zo? i1 il.tq?<-1' 7.? L, E z-z; Q NATURE OF VIOLATION: / t-L /Ar^S t-cft e+'& PHONE ADVISED F/aqo €c,c 4 Zol,lE: K- iRES I DENT: OI\INER: PH# PH# ADDRESS PREVIOUS COI{PLAINTS AT THIS ADDRESS? YES NO INSPECTIONS Jhn/o-?1-2/u t tuy 0 1,+t tt-D , rt I lo du dN/&4+r,/ - Sza-.I ?D'/'(-(-' rt'*/ oro4r' 5?'t'/$n /b-/2-74- l^ /D * */ -/q' L/Lr /'9 ( tb plrt 6.e- for office use on1 1ST NOTICE AND ORDER: 2ND NOTICE AND ORDER: LETTER }:RON{ CITY ATTORNEY'S OFF 0uTC0l,1l }.,IUN]CIPAL COT]RT CITATION ? rynffi'T @ .,;4".-+_ni-&*. ,a CITY OF SP INGFTEI-D FOURTH ANO NORTH "A'' STREETS SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 PWUC WORKS P03 7ST 0'r? /., Mr. P.0. Dexter F Koch #s4 0regon t 1)\ \ ' CERTI MAIL IJ,J I 'J I cLArM cl€cK r{o. 647332 Er*r.o OAIE d,tcli S3o' attD t{oTtcE 6 iu,Zo' t->( ' rST NOTICE --{ t)gEEnm PSFo,m3D{g-{ t.o.}tg,8 'r+{\ <..t*'c*s*u:-l:A^t.' I rJ n 3 t ,ror ! .-{ I '.i1 ceo: r97g_272_ata €z0 Add your address in the "RETURN TO,' a space on t,2, I .The follou,ing sen.ice is requested (check one). XffiSto* to whom and date delir.ered .._C n Show to whom, date, and acldress of clelivery. ._( I RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered d E RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery. $_ (CONSTILT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. Floyd Koch P.0. Box #54 xter n CERTIFIEO NO.INSURED NO. 7970771 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. received the article described above. rE OF OELIVERY 5. AOORESS (Comptete onty il 1. POSTMARX I have SIGNATURE ! Addressee ! Authorized agent 6. UNABLE TO OELIVER BECAUSE:CLERK'S INITIALS *a--- obtain of L CITY OF SPRINGTIELD, OREGON A:blic Works -tB BUILDING DEPARTT,IENI PW_11 Inspector I s Memo ?as B ,1/i /v>! 5'r DATE ' , -/a '7 q TO:d wuEr? NOIE (r, nt. rt ,,/n/Al3 .fro frnrrru" Tprt,/J.w,4 - >77 r.,/ 0zr -fE we.e (--uccE D J f)r"4,,.-,t *t z 0 ,,1 6n-rr tt/-o - Sr..or, {}t o *Z a Wr+rZ .? b{l tcr- /V o -{u, dr,(2.<*r^, Ont Srryn atEr< +tr nl l3o -a rr,/ O/r/' &oy'te -AlurA*N.6a-rtp fl D*,n,I t Yr r4 ,4 lZ*ra)*rZ A 6*rr- o ;1 (r.rn *fllo ti4 o Phone 747-422L INSPECTOR