HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-10-09Pcce !" RESIDEI*'-lAL" APPLICAII1Nt rtfrtulU Desctibe I'lonk: SPR'NGFTEI-I) i Not'th |th Street ringfield, 7regon 97477 ilding Dtuision 6-37 53 '-' 'aticn: )r5 l!.tP il ision: ,tdtli ticn 1b' .t L frr fte of APPL 1 ,,oorrn ,,r," icaticn q .qc)lo Date: Yalue lf r for .rnerlt l lA-l u)t luurb i.ng \\f\ Ic.s Iot ll s t:clttr tr i-cLt ]uc t- r i,r:tr I rt DL, rv tr ic iit n at *-he proPer tine, that ecch cddress is readabie 'ron the street'ttpproted P that the penrtt Llan sfu: card ie Located that aLL incPections are nade at the fnont of the--ProPet'tY' Building !iL: at aLL tlmes' t ia the resPonsibi Lity of the permt t hoder to see anC LL renoin on theBuildirui Nuicioz ALL 726-3769 (recordet) state yout' City Cesigra' nane and ,i{u f J eil ljott DL ieady for inspection,Contractors or Otmers ;t) \,natle the sane dcY,requests ncde after ?:00 an viLL be nade the ncxt ',nrking daY. lout' City Desigrated Job Nwnbet Is: ted iob nunber, i ob aCdreas, tYPe of insPec)icn pltone nwnbct', Pequests receir;ed befcre ?:00 ct totg 'rrlr i _l l l ! I',J',!: I tt.;t'ffl' I o! : LrxeiluJl iJn, but frnms. 'Io be nnde aftet' prtor tc set uP of dny be naCe arul to ted , barriers are in Pkce Lath, gYPstun boarC ot is applied, and before : is concealed, be naCe a L,A I,be t.r ,t' (s ,rutit'lrtg cCncletc rcquired vaPot but before anY tnLL couering ay insulation WOODSTOVE: cc-pT;tA, After installation is I'PON alv erec but priot' to 'l'tt be I^t.1 to ;m=;r##;" .ixiLx:"but Pt'ior to cnY taPtng' MASONRY: Steel location, borul'ffig*outittg o, oerticals in Lli"na"ir., r,vith u.B.c' section 241s. | ! it!!.!L l't'r:i.,1 t renches ,, " ", ,1;'1 t ttt1t-i!!!!EJ!!t-!.-rtFc!!ANrcAL: ' t', '.,tkle t;r[ot' to 'nitatTirton of i,', .',, ttr:iul';t ton ot' tlecking' llr: l .i,V/) ,E,rl,U.' To be natle .prio? tO ;,;r;, j'i,,;li;of floor insulation ot' , " , tt::t!-!.'lc, FI.ECTRI?A!' 't t'tflClt- .i.','r ' , \,';;t-l; to bc aotered ., t , , 'lL,':;, 'ins7eations hatte been 'r.,1 :rtl,tr:f'ro,e:1, r', I r/,lr'1.': Prior to p|-ccirg facing ,',.,r , r.r-:',; ,tul bclote franing inspec- After ,fonnspcurLng eoncrete. 'zi#;#;t;#ii'",12i'"f;10'nT-Z'f-ir', to -be nade after aLL exca--rlttib'"rrPtete & forn rrrk & sub- base naterial in Ptace' - | .1\t:;t be requectetl aftet' I ,,,,', .;; .'t' rough plrot;bing,--electt'i- ,',r'l ':\vttcal' AL! rooJ-trtg I r'r , r' "lttuottYs, ebc' trust be ..;r',1;. r, 1,..J. lto Dgr'k is to be eon- "',, ,', I i,nt il tlis insPection las '1r,.,', r,i. 'rrt,J aPPro'-ed' IENCE: h4ten conPl;te -- ProviCe #ffi' "" ;;,able sectians thnousl; P.U. E. AIL p ro.iecb conditiona rcd lantTsccPtt:g ' suck as Lhe installation of , mtst be sati.sficd beforerequictc stt'ee t trees, conolc tion of the the BUILDINC FINAL aan be tequested ;l !.'!i).i, ""i!:!i; FL1l,t! ',:: :' !".i;, requested' alter thc Final Plwnbing ard apProtsec.?INAL DUILDINC 'The ['inal Bttilding InoPection Inspections haoc be rm$t be en made t 4Ll, tl,lll!IAl't.<: Electrical, anC I''!echaricttl r---l I OR Sanilan1 seuer capped at proPePti L!"," .' rY^'t'r'\l'1il''ri:"f'd"'':rl i''' ;lr''r' Septic tank p:nped and filted vith gra"tel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are ccnpleted oid. uhen Cenolitior: is canplete- or stne- toii^or"a and. Premises cleaneC uP' Blocking crd Set'-uP Plunbing connections -' ai1)er and uaten ElectricaL Ccnnection - Blocking' aet-ut - Z;;;'L;;;"; eonnections rrust be aPPr*ed f, ilo'rl ilq"""eting eL eclrical inspec tion Accessor-; BuilCi.ng Finat - After pcr:c-hes, skirting' deeks' etc. are ccmPleled' Page 1 of ! ,,1N0 Ct,tiAttlu't!: !lttsT nt nccfif;stBLIi', AD,I usTlttilt TO gE l'l.4DE AT llo cgsr T0 ctlv 6{r.-xr 0p\ it0 ut'e lirr?l,s at'e erected' u T i'l|;'l'l' tt "t!''11l' L-c()(, I SOLAR PCCESS REQ'' BeCroons ','.one Building Permit State ?otal Clnrges Plwnbing Pernit State tat Facee - -- Fee6 -- Fi DaLc Patcl t ll: Sig:'ted ue Building Volue & Permit Thi.s permi.t ie granted on the erprees cond,ition tlwt Lhe s'rr'i shall, in all reepeets,- conform'to the lrdinance *loS't"'l l'1 t)1 Spri.ng|ietd, including' the Zoni-ry1 Crdinayc.e, regulcLitrq Llt': "": "ila "liZ of Luild.lngs,- and may be suspanrTed or retokcr] at ':t"t' t; lation of any prouisions of said Ordirutnces' , ' i, rl Fee ,t Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttact, inaiallr- alter or chantge G'IIJ neD-'j' {rrl:';l'1ri"' olrf^ili or drainage ey,tel in uhole or in part, unless such per:;ott ir; 11" iegol p"osens"on o7"o ullid plurbor's Lic-ens,e, ,tcept that a.pe:.:'ot1 tiltl:t titt pti.,nt1ig uork to property ,ihi"h i" o,ned, Leased on ope,atcd l>y t'ht 'ti';'i i cant. Plant Ercntner DaLe 7o f ilAVE CAREFULLy EXAI'IINED the completed application for permit, and do ini:nti cerltifa thaL aLL info:mation heneon- ie true and conrect, anC I furth'er cert|"1y that any ard aLL uonk penfotned ehalt be dote in accor- E"Li-Atn thZ-Ondinanc-ea of the CitA of Spfingfield, and the tc;e of tha Site o7 1regon pertaining to tlp aork Ceecribed herein, cnd tlwt NO OCCU- u.iil i:ttt t', *2n of any structure uithout permi.sdion of the Buildingl Di' rttision. I further certiiii thet onty contrac'toPs ard enplcyees ul.o are tn cmpliance dith cRS 701.0ss uiLL be used on thia project ) JOB NO 3llouseP. t,.% of Lct Cooetage U)T TYPE _ Interior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Total Height I of Stoties TopograPhY VaXt luTTEI'I A TOTAT, VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c NO.EiE CHARGE Flir.tures Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani NO. Na,t/Extend Cincuits Set uice Electricol Permit Weye State Lan requires tl".at the electrical uot'k be done by an ElecLrt':tl. Contrr.tor, the el)ctrical portion of this permit shall not be ualiC uttti'L the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor' L Petmit , Stcte Total CIIARCEITSMFgE klunet llood Vent F@l llcodstore State a Mechqnicol Permit Permit fssuance llechanical Pemrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- itSectrt Pcmit Cutbeu! Sida,taLk L Mobile llane ,I0TAT, AI'IOUNT DUE:I oo * &tlir - 2'€o yfu b1ctl-lL COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CIfi OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION \ DArE lo 3- g b ADDRESS OF TNSPECTTON 3n3 il, n IL PHONE NO. PHoNE No. 1'/l-SI l1 OWNER ADDRESS 74b-/f3c RENTER STGNATURE 0F oCCUPANT (RENTER)4n*N FoR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NT,MBER U4O-q,/g TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MA,]OR PROBLEMS: fr DUPLEX n MULTTPLE tl t o/s/+ o ,Zr)z s 5 a?z l*F y' e^t ''lh A', P l-y a<-' Fe-''^ 0 n ot;"- tu 1n GLecL't/\\-t/'/o )(4\ 6 o JZL C ar-vz FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspec tion Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To Owner Date For Conpl ].ance Comp liance Obtained - Date yfu blct"LlL COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) BUILDING DIVISION \CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS OF TNSPECTTON 393 il, n b PHONE NO. PHoNE No. 1'/ry-51 I qRENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER)4n*oa /no/r* ) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NTMBER ',7r/',7-,cry/g frTYPE OF DfiIELLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX D MULTIPLE I] BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To 0wner Date For Comp liance Comp liance Obtained - Date -ah