HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-08-01Job Iocation: ?ar Iot il /5t10 )Aecesaors MaP I Subdiuision: oAsner: IPhoneAddress: zip:City: S Deecrtbe htork edditicn ValueDate of APPltcatian r-l L l-.r- t .. RESIDENTIAL" ="",roFrELD- APPLICAT. 225 Nonth |th Street SprLngfield, 7regon 97477 Building Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 _ t/PERMrr Date: rac Ceneral P lurnb i nrca tr clanec t-l:ervSu Sanin-aty saset eapped tt property Lit'e Septic tank ptoaped atd filled trith gra;tel Pinal - hhen abcoe ttena are ccnpleted and uhen dq.alition ia canplete oP atrac- ture mooed atd prewiaee cleaneC up' Le Hcnee Blocking o'd 1at-:tP Plunbitq connectione -- aa1'e? otd aalen Electnical Connection - Blockittg' eet-up . and. olunbinq connectiona first be dPptoted iefolre requZeti.ng eleclrtcal inspec lio:t AcceBsor! fuiUittg Pinal - After pcrcheo, ekirting, decks' etc. are canPleted. Pnge 1 ol 2 tiona nade at the pfoper tine that each cddrees LS readabie It ie tha neepoaaibility of tlo permit |o.ld.er froor the lt?eet, ard tlnt tha -Per'nflt -c-ard 7'e'tBuilding Dirtision approt:ed plan thcLL Pemaln to aee thdt aL L inapec are t Lacated at the front Ldingl Site of the ptopertY L tines.on tlp Bui at aL ty deaignated job nmben job aCitees' tYPe Requestl recell;ea o'f inspec)LCn PR11EDURE FoR INSPECTI1N R!Q!!!!:CALL 7 eadY fol '*^iil be rmde the eane dcy, requeete nade 2 6 37 6 9 (recorder s tate yoult nwnbet'.befcre 7 inepection,Cott tractore or A)ners ncne and p hone aftet 7 00 @n ItlL L be nnde the nest wrking day Your ci tg Deaignated Job I,lumber Is 74ots I SITE INSPEC?ION: etcaoatton, but ?o be rmde after prtor tc aet uP of To nnCe a forns tequired oaPor but befote atY ban'riera are in Placelath, gYPeun board or ie applied, atd before is concealed. 1N\ERSLAB PLUMBTNC, EIFC\Rr-CAL e ffiil,wut; ro be nade befote anY rn Ti-i6rsered. Ln.LL. cooering inaulationotv FOO?ING & FOUNDATICN: TO bE NAdA ;6ffi6 are e.tcauated and 1or-" *" erected, but Ptiot' to Wurtng ccncrete. DRY,IALL INSPEffION: TC bE NAdE ;FerATAy,ntT-te .in Place, but Prior to cnY taPtng' MASINRI: Steel Location' bond tffigrouting on oerticals in oo.oidoTon Lltth u.B.c. section 241 5. 1NDqRGROUND PL\JMBTNGT SEt'tlR, .W.4TEi1. DRAIilAGE: To be nade PrLor Do JLL- Tf iFZnchee. utpERFLOOR PLU!.EINC q ME1HANICAL : To be nade orior to tffiiG€id of floon ineulation on decking' POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Prior to #taT6ffiTof ftoor ineuktion or TTOODSTOVE: After inatallation is e^pffifi. CURB E APPROACH APryN: After .formeate erecbed but Prior to Pourlng deeking. R\uGIt PLU\BTI\C. ELECART?AL A MEC\? ANICAL: No tnrk i8 to be cotet'ea Gif,Ttheee inspectiotts luue been nnde and approued. FIPEPLACE: Prion to Plccir4 facing,,8;;;l;l; and before fnafing inePec- tion. PRA|'|INC: ltust be requeoted after ffiTaL of rough plwnbing, electni- &L t nectanieal. ALL roofitlg btacing E chinmeye, etc. rtaeL be cowletcd. No lurrk ie to be cot- ceitea ufidl this i.nsPeotion lwa cotutete. SIDEIIALX E DRIWAY: Fon aLL con- diiiauW Ginin atneet right- of-rxu'. to be made aftet aLL erca- ,Zttnb- canplete E forn urrk & sub- fuse l,nteiial in PLace. IENCE: I{hen comPlete -- Prooide @G on nooable sectiona thtough P.U.E. I 'been nade anC approued. ILL proie'ct eon&itione, such aB the instal-Lation of st\eet t:?e-?.' conpl-ct'ton.of the required Lanlsccpttcg,'-Lu., nust be "oti"TiZiL,ifone- the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested' FrNAL BItrLDil,lG: the Final Building rnapection naet be requeoted aftet'the Firal Plwnbing \J Electri.cal' attd Mechanical rnspecbionc hattc been made and approoea' TALL I,IANIIC;,ES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, AD,IUSTIIENI TO BE I'LADE AT NO COST TO CITY (,1 M r FilIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ETNCIRICAL tr - JOB NO. Total SOLAR A CESS RE a.- Bedrooma: L-CO G+ S- [ot Faces - Receipt fl: PLdn ElcnLner I HAW CABEFULLy EXA!,\INED the completed application for permit, and do iereAy certifg that aLL infonntion heteoi'ia true and correct, arui f furthZr cert'iiy that any ard aLL uork parfor-ned elnll be done in aeeon- 'dance vtttr the-OydinanoZe of the City of Spningfield, and th-e Lcae of the state of oregon pertaining to the l'irrk ceecribcd here'n, cnd llat N0 occu- pANCy uitl b"e ,rnie of any" etructure vttlout permisaion of the Building D.i- uiaion. I further cbrtii.:l that only contractor7 and ezplcyeey uho afe in canpliance -u'i.tn ons 701.05s uiLL be uaed on thia project Signed Eneray Souncee \!e - lleatSetbtzcks Vater llaatcrP. L.Itouse Caraee Accesa, North FireptaceEast- Woolctoa,South lrleet Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooerage I of Storiea Total Height Topography IfrT TYPE fnterior Co"ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Feea -- Building V<llue & Permit This permit ia granted on the eipress cond_ition tlnt the sail.constmtclion "i).LL', i, alt rZspects,- con\irriio the ordirance adopted $iy the city of springfi.eld, inctuding' the Soning crdinance, regulatilq the ecnstntcticn ;^d. ";; of buildi.ngs,- and nay be auapended or teuokeC at ctty time upon uic- lation of any prouisiona of baid. ordinances- ?OTAL VALUE Date Pa:.d: Fee: FTG x VatTEt't t ,t {Signed S.D.C. 7.5 r Buildtng Permit ?otal Clnrges State Plumbing Permit No pe?aon ahall conattact, inetall', alter or change -cny nei.cr eaisting ptthttng or 4rainage eyetan in ohole o,r in part, unlees eueh person is the iegol pLeeeeron o1"o u\Lid pl*rberts Lic-ene-e, en-cept tlnt a pe"lon "n! 41ptirnt;ig uork to proper!;y iht"h iu or,med, Leased ot operated by the appli- cant. CHARGENO,ITEM Eistwee Residenti.al (1 bath) Sani Seuen PLunbing Pernit State Total Electricol Permit l{hene state knt nequiree tllat the electri.cal uork be done by an glectrical Contnactor, the electrical portion of this permit slull not be ualiC until the Label hae been eigned by the Electtical Contractor, Total ITEM * Neu/E*end Circuite Sentice klnnat ltood DCp CIIARCEITSM I Mechonicol Permit Vent F@t tlcodstooe Pet'mit Isauance Nechanical Perwit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Secarita Deposit Storage llaintenance Permit Cut bcu! Sida,talk Pence ')o Mobite llaae yt".lL AM^"':- [rUE:. Dxte 7