HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1991-06-07C'TY 225 FIFTB STREBT SPRINGBTELD, OREGON 97417 INSPBCTI0N BBQUBST. 726-3169 OFPICE: 726-3759 1 OF INSTALI.J\TION IJGAL DBSCRIPTION JOB DBSCRIPTION 2. COIITR/\CTOR INSTALI..{\TION ONLY Electrlcal Contracto Address P. Permlts are non-transferable and expirelf vork Is not started vithln i.BO daysof lssuance or lf vork ls suspended for 180 days. BI.^BCf,RICAL PBRHIT APPLICATION ciry Job xunt>er 7/OS?Z COHPI,ETB FBB SCtrEDULB BBLOV Nev Residentlal-Single or l,lulti-Faml1y per dvelling unlt. Service Included: Items Cost L500 sq.ft. or less g 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portlon thereof $ 15.00 Each Manuf 'd llome or -Modular DwelIlng Servlce or Feeder $ 35.00 Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Cireuits included). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps - | - 40L amps to 600 amps _601 amps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/vo1ts Reconnect Only 5ID]IINGFII:LT) One Circuit Tvo to ten Clrcuits Each Addt'I ten or portion thereof 5I State Surcharge TOTAL 3 A B C. r, $ 3s.00 $ 60.00 $ e0.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00 ioO,t Cl ty Phone /rf l-AAA6 Supervlsor License Number lb86s Exp lratlon Date o - l-q*' constr contr. lluriuer 03 849 ExptratlonDate q-l-ql s of Supervising Blectrician / Ovners Name Address Temporary Services or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon Over 401 to 600 amps _ $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see rrBrr above D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Panel ci Phone OVNER INSTALINTION The installation ls belng.made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. 0vners Signature: DATE: RECBIPT *: Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not lncluded) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 36.00 Sign/Out1ine Lighting_ $ 36.00 Slgna1 Cireuit or limited energy panel_ $ 36.00 SUBTOTAL Of ABoVB (ro, OO +l-i - Ass,t $ 3s.00 $ s0.00 $ 1s.00 3,oo b3, cto RECEIVBD DY: 5