HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-05-24..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLTCATIO;UPERMII 225 rtorth |th Street Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 5s SPFIINGFIELD t3q Aaaeooors Map tt l10US -2 Job tocaticn: tubdiuision Asner: Addrea s:,) N ets Additicn RenoCeL Date of Applicaticn. nLraccors Ceneral kGaTcr Lot ll Plione: CL orL ?:ip Deocribe L'orl:.: {n,tur*,a*y#" Vntr" #Data: os P lutnb lng I.lecltauica ecE.rica Sur;ervisin IIcc c r ( !il rr It ia the raaponcibility of tle permit holder to Baa that all inopec-tiono ara nada at the J'ron the atteet, aruC that the pei',mt oard ia- Lccatcd qt .rh.r. front of the -property.icu;ldi*J Nviciol upVrctued plbn sfu:Lt r"enaitt on Lhe Buildbtlt sttc at aLL titnes. plocSDUpE r.ot? rNipECtlg!lJ:9t)E!!;CALL 726-3769 (tccorcler) state your City Ceai.grnted io eadyfot.inspection,contraatorBol,asnersnanaandplane.*,iil be nacle the oune tlcy, requeata-ncde afier ?:00 on viLL be m.da the ncrt tnrking day, proper tine, that ecah addreaa ie neadab'.e b nwnbet,, job aCilrleaa, type of inspec)icn nwnbct. Bequeeta received befone 7:00 ct lottr City Deaigrnted Job Nwnbct' fo: Reorrired f n:;rtec ffi u.tasnc :?out!D pLuvs I Nc,-!!!E!,-JIA!!!,iYt--I ln DRi!4!!t -lto be ta:le pt'iot' to fil' - Tfftrenche". UNDERFLOOR PT,UT!1II:C,I IIECIIANICAL:llof floor inaulctian or decking. SITE INSPEC'II)N: To be nade after ;;;au;ncrr" b"t prict' tc set up of forme. UNDTRSLAB PLUI${IC- ELECIRICAL E igcttttlilcnt: 'lo be nade befot'e cny 6ii7i-i6ucred. FOO?INC 1 F)U,\tD,1'f ICil: To be taCe after trenchrJ a,.c excauated and fornt are erected, but ltriot' to pouring ccncyetc. POST AND BtAtl: To be radc iisialtatictr oJ- floot'LnSU deckinE DT ,t NECII- No Do urlt thcse inspections have been INSUt,A'l'TON/VAPOR BANRII:R IIISPTC'I'ION : fo tr" ,aa" aftei atl inaulaticn and rcquired vapor bat'riera are in pl.aoe bui before any Lath, gypltn board on rnLL couering ie applied, crd bafore ay inoulation is concealed. DI:\IOLITIOII OR Sanilaty aerset capped tt propenty Line Septic tork pwped ard filtad ttth gratel Pinal - l{hen above itens are ccnpletcd and uhan denolition ia oanplete or stttt:- tura noued ctd pncrrtsea oleaneC up. llob llcneB DRYILA{,[, INSP|CI'!0N: lo be nwda al\;t, etl .h:yunll io in place, but prior to any taPing, |')ASONRY: Steel location, bond tiiGlgroutitrg ot' vet'ticals in accorclance vith |J,B,C, Section 2415 . HOODSTO'/8: cc;nl;;A. After inatallation io Blooking od Set-up Plunbing connectione -' la/)al ard uater Eleotrioal Conneotion - Blooking, let-ue ard plwnbing conneotiona rrust be apprcued befoic requeating eleolrical inepeclion Aocessorii Buildittg Final - Aftat pct'ohea' skit'ting, dect<s, ato. a.re oanpleted. prior to Lation ot, cuRP l j!!!!l!ll_l!!9!: Aftet forna,r,;;""*cC 6ut Vior to pourtng conctete. SID!:ttAt,X ,t DRII'tlltY: Fot' ctll con' , r* t " -p"ri;;-;i7il; s tre ct right- of-rx:y, to bc naCe after aLL exoa' vating canplete & lotm wrk & eub' base rnterial in Place. to bc ao mnle aru| approte?-, FII?EPLACE: Prior to ytlccing facingmcterials and bcfore frcuning inapea- tion. FRA1IINC: ltust be requcoted afler ii@v"t ol rcugh plwnbing, eLectri- cal & neclanical. ALI roo|ing bracirul c chitmcya, etc. trust be cortpletcd. llo ucnk is to be con- cecled until thio tnspection llloo been nnde anC approved. !'ENC!.): hlrcn co:nPlcte -- ProviCejiii or novable aaotions thnouglr P. U. E. FIIIAL PLUI,:BTIIC FINAL ttECllAilICAt' ALL projecL <tond.ttions, urch as tlrc i.netallat'-on of atleet tree_a, conplation.of the' |,Lq4i*oh-'t",r,:u"ip:irrg, Ztc,, rmat be aatiofi.cd bcfore the BurLDrN? FINA\ can.be requested. FIN.4L BUI|,D\NC: l'he l,inal Builrti,ng Inapcction m8t be tequeoted after the Final Plwnbing Electt,ical, anC Meclwrical Inspectlona hqva been nade ard approrted Pagc ! ol 3 FINAL ELECT!?ICAL IAI,r. HANIICLTS ANt) CLI:^NOUI'7 III.IS'1'DE ACCSSSIDLII, ADJIISTI1EIII TO BE TL4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY r-l I ati I u tr tl tr Permit faeuooe l,techanical Pernit ta ?otaL soLA,'ACCESS REQ.-L-coGtr e L. Mechqnicql Permit i I'Latt Exan Lttcrl 7AZ,].- r llAvE jAREFUI'Ly EYAMINED the conplet,ed applieation for permit, cnd, dotyr{U certifil that all info:"nntion hereol,i ie trup, "i "brr"it', *ul t!\tnther ,cgrtyfV Lha.t any at:d aLL wrk parfotnod, atnl! be do:,te in o""on_aanc6 !,rLth the Or.dinince.a of tha City of Springficld, and. thc tc.,d of thos_tat-c o[ -0_rggorr p.crtaintng to tha unrk ceo'cribLd hcrLin, "ra :iit No occu- l!lc,! "ill- b^e rt1,le of any, atructure Ditho.rt penniocion of the Buitding Di_olalon. f furthar certif;i that otly conttdc-tor.s a;td enp-Lcyeee ut:o arb incanpliance DiLh cns ?01.7ss uill be-ueed on thie pro.iec't ^", [,ot l'acen -Ett llea t P, L.llouac Ca c Accc ss t.t Ra Lar:,t th tou e LOT TYPE _ Intenior' _ Cornet ' _ Panhandle LUL-Cle-nAC ot r?EN FTG x Val.uo ,1cc c s TOTAL VALUE s, D,c. t. 5 s Datc Patrl lleceipt ll Building Vqlue & pernrit Thia pcnnit i.o oranL*l on !.ho cr:pr.aos coruliLi.ott Llutf. t)n l,tirl concLntcLi_,:olnlL, -irt .a.ll. lcultcaLs, co,tJ'oyn Lo l:lrc Or<li.tt,tt;r:t: trloS.t:t.! 1,,1 lirn Ctty o!Spr,ingfie?.d, i.ttclrd!.nq Llrc !,,onin1 Ct.dinaw:c, ra:luL,;t.i.tr,r Lti: acnt;trucLtcnattd..ttcc of bui.Ldings, artl n.41 bL\.61.t;pcndcil or tia,okcc ,,t ,r,iy t=na rti,ot: oilaLion of atry prcut:iiot:n ol 'ectid Ordi.r:anccs. Building Penrit ?otal Chargea Stata Silyned: NO.FEE cilAncE Fistrree Reaidential ( I tuth) Sanita Seuer Plrnbing Penrtt State taL Plumbing Pern-rit Ng pctcort olnll concttwct, inolalf,, alter or clnnoc !;ny na) cr e:istitrgqlunlinO or drainage olloten i.n ulola or in part, L,:L,,;Z such p.J,so, is- th,.Legdl.po6ocs,cor of a uali.d plwnbcr,,a Lic*tse, c.,t.-cpt Ll:ct a pc:son na.:t doplunhing uork to pt,olterl:!J r,t-hich ic ounccl, Lcizcctl c'r opcrc'.e<l'by- the cp1.,Li-cant. ITEII Ito,F, ileu/Extend Circuita Set uice Electricol Permit llhere slnta Lail nequire:t r;\nt tha clectriaal uork be elotc by arr Electrtc,zl.Cotrtraclor, tho elec!;ri.cal portiort of i;his f,enni.t; aluzll not be ua|iC unt ttthe Label lna been aigned by the ElecLrical Co,tL,,actor, a t€ ?otal 'xM rFt cilAncE Ezhanet lloo,1. Vent P@l lJcodntoue .. ENCROACIIMENT .- Pcrmit 6urbcut sidanlk ELec Mobile llane ITAL t\tattuf illq:. JOU NO. Beiroon:s:Int Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lot Cotterage ll of Storiea Total lteight ?opography I /Y44fr--