HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-08-05..RESIDENTIAL" 2zs ttorth sth streeaPPLrcATrcN/PERl4rr Sprtt,gfielC, Cregon 97477 Buildr.ng Tiuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEl.D ?.ceeitt ! Job bcaticn: Aasesoore :4aD l( Subdil;isicn: Pl.ane:qrf\;d&o-ss ort' -1 3a^, Va7.ueDcte of Applia,atcn 7 )eecrLbe t'lork:\ AClicicn GenetuL i,!eciunrtccL , Li -O'Lt - .cR ;.:cv!) tsuiLDi:ics Soi'-a4 seter cqced ct progerw* Lire Septic totk p'"iryed and. filled u[th gz,t:;zi Flnal - itthen cbcue itens are ecraLeted anti 'sher. Certclition is xmpleie br stt--:- tuye naual, ac pre-tises eleaned u7. tsLoekir.g dd let-tp PZuttbing conneciiotts -- sa)e? oll, aater Electrical Ccmt:ecx,lon - Blocktng, set-ut anl. -olrnbing coanections m:st ie 6:pD"co-ad before requeai,Jng eleclrical inspee:iat: Accesso?i tsuiZClng ?i,tzal - After pcrel..as, skirting, Ceci,s,etc. de cd'ole:ed. :-; io the res.oonsibi-Lity of tle penri2 itoll,* to aee that aL! incpectiors @e nad,e at lhe proper liile , tkat ecch cddress is ren;a:'-e ,'ran sli stfeet, crLC:hdt the p*rrit cod ie iceated ct the froat of the trooertzl.a3uiair4 tilicio-- aplrw^ed pbt shc,Ll ?eaa'!n on tlte tsuilding *te at tLL' fihes.' ?:?cC9gUP9-?04 iitSPEgIClt :|YWS?:CALL726-3769(teeorCer) stcte gour City Cesigr,eted job ntmber, job ol,&ess, t;gpe of inspec)icnre.qtested atti v.zen gou iLL be reatiy 1'or trspccxion, Conttactcrs ci A.ze:s-rwne -a,L phoie nunbct.- .pequests recei.led bblcre'7:C0 ,=t'itl be nacie the sanie Cca, ?equests naie aft-* ?:00 ott "rtLL be na.Ce tlze nczt:nrki$ d.ag. 83\q3{./ Conofirctig-!.nde!_ UJD!?SZA3 ?:L':BI:IG. !'!EP;J,11 } ,lECl!!:jli'?AL: ?o be natie beiore cny r;erk is eoueteC, 2? Atl li).t: .lO ur:--'- L i4ese P.dc.e .:va.:Dr")vec. r.suecJtaT,s .ite )eea, Pz*)or 'o llcetrg ard. before 7'rzrrtng LnaDec- Iour CitA Desigra,ted, iab M.tnbet Is: IJISLILATICN /I/APAP BARRIZR I]ISPIC?IAN : ?o be nade afler aLL insttlcsicn ei require-d uqor bo-,;-e?s @e in pl,aee btt bey'cre ay kth, Wpsan boarC or tnli couering is qplied, .md. before oty ir,,sulation is concealed. DRYTALL MS.DrCIi)ll: lc be nade aiter aLL ctAuaLL is in plz,ce, bat prior to any tapin4. J!ASO!\P!: Steel Locat:-on, boni beans, gzoutit4 or uet*-tccls zn aceordstce wLth U.ts.C. 1ection TCODST)'II: After instalZation ia anpleted. - CURB 1 APPR1ACE {P3CN: Afler fornsse ereeceC but prior to patrlng co?1c"ete. SIDEI|A.LX. 3 SRnTnA!: Fot aLL con-a?etei66;ffi; It"eet rt ght- of-,.t:y, lo be nale after alL ecca- uating 46nplete t :'orn uoz'k & eub- fuse ncterial in plaee. ,-l S;?S LYSFifIr.v: lo be rc,Ce afler LJ acAAS; bG pricr tc se= ui oi - i'ct-ts. i-l -vol::G t, ?ou:tDATIClt: To be :rpceI I Aetffii;;G-xcaated. anl. fctms c.re erecteci, but ?ia" topurtr,g ccncteta. - u:picpc :;::t ? :L'v3 ;!L_StfiL_?)!-!3,J Lir4 trenchce. 3 wczpsaccR :,Lt-t:.s::c t :,EC1A::IC:L:t-) ?c be noce pr.-cr :o tnstclktton cl ftoor insuia.xion or decking. 7t PCST AlfD 3Ei.!l: To be nace cr|cr to, i GiffiVoi J--oor insuitictz on Cecking. I t-aEr !,-=. I ;p-+.,1:lc: itus. be rec.tected aflen._) q?"coai cf rcugh plutrbing, eleccr!_a.L I nechznieal. - AL! rcofing bnae':.nq I chirnegs, etc. r=:tec beanoieted. :lo ,ct< is to be con_ - cealed untal ihis insoec?ictt ha,e'been no,l.e ani aVprsved. ?!NCl: rlhet eonplete -- ?touiCe gate6 o" nooable sections through P. U.E. ALL g'o;eet ecndi;tons, such es the installaticn of sareet crees, co-cle-,ion o;' lie neqaired Lctdsccoirq, ltc.' ntust be satisJ'ieC before *.e SUiLDIjlC lI)isL :cn be teq-uested. lIilAL tsUILDI:IG: The ?inal Euild,-n4 fnsoec.-ion ntst be reouestei .ftey ;he iinal ?l.tnbinglleccrical, oti !,lechantccl insoeet:-cns 'iraue been nacie ami'cactouei- 1ALL,,.IAJIICLES AND CLEANOUIS:!US! 9E.4CC3S3!312, .IDJUS?:!::I! lO 3','.!lDI ,'.! ::O::5T TC CIIY ffrt*t pLt):.$r::c ) mt ;lECrlA:trcAL a rut zazc:pr:;L l -z:c - v: o tI- )-aa 9 JOB NO !ence soLAR. ;CESS REQ.- Crovt: L-CO G+ 3ectcoes t Sigted: Plumbing Perrnit ilo person sitall ccnsimtct, 'tnatal!, alter or ciwn4e cnJ r':ea cr esisting plwnbing cn drainage sAstqt in altole or in pant, unLess sueh person is t|,.e kgaL possessor of a ualid olwtbet,'s License, escept tlzt a pelson nag do pknbing work to p?ope?t! ahich is ouned, Leaeed or ooerated by the appli- @tt. Electricol Permit llhere State Lan requires tl.at the electical uork be dcne bg an gleetr.tcal ContTv.ctor, the electr"ical portion of thb petnit sha,Ll not be uaLiC until the Label las been aigned bg the Electy|cal Contractar. PLanHrq Pernit State Sutcl^ange Pevnii Stcte !otal Penm)t fssuctca !4eci.anical Penn|t -- ailcR2ACii:.!r:!? -- Mechqnicol Permit Dla;nd,^n f EAW CARE?ULLy |Xil,lfilm tie eotno'!.eted application for vnnit, ctui Ca hereby cettifA that aLL infotnaiion hereon ia trae anC ccrtect, amC f f"other eer+.ify that ury ard aLL uork periotmed slall be done :"n ecccr- dance :,rith s.he 1ydinsnces of the city of 3pd.ngfieLd, anl the Laxa of the State of 1regon per.rainino to the u)o"k Cese--Lbc<i hereln, cttd :hat Yo 1CC:.i- F.4XCI 'tLlL be nade of @ty stractule aithct.- permisaicn cJ' the 3utiding Di-tision. f f,trther cert.Jf'1 ti"-at onlg eontvactot,s and, arylogees uha ote i;'t canpl'tance u:.th CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on tlris project BaA B -5.83 bt Sq. FLg. I cf Lct Caterage I of Stories Total leight Iopogrybg LCr iv?E _ Intericr _ Corder _ Panhzruile _ CUl-de-sac leat !-ecess e 2r iouse ?eo Lot Faces - -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pennrt ic gtanted on i:he espress eondition tlnt the said eonstruction shali, ln tZL tespects, conlcrn ,o the Crdirance ad.octed by the Ci:1 of Spr.ngf;.elC, ')ncluding Jhe Son"Jna CVdinc:nce, reeulctir.g ,ke ccnstr-tctacn suC use of bu:-i,Lings, a,C ma:g be suapend.eC or reuckei at cr.y t.Jne upon uic- Lctton of any prcxisions of sa,iC OrCinanees. VaLue fafraf trAf ttd :72;r4 Cheek ria 2a? !n^14- Building PenrLt lotal Clztges State !i.ztt*es Resid.zttial (1 baih) Sanitarl Sanen ,lcte? )i0. Pes. So. fta. Neu/Estend, Ciradts lanOotcg Seroice :tc. tu?fice :.t'u '5 *hatat HooC Vent ?a ,o6) (\fi\f\O )oo ll ).o" a Stortae Vcintencrte Si.da,talk :CTAL I:"',!AUIT DUE:'\8:1r Mobile ilcrne signedpa_*, l';pe/Ccr.st: T'.l'?v Total Chc:aes t!:,! t? r, LOCtfa-Cd L : ,. ne L