HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-08-12.441
:l!{; ill lil :;llil L l
(503) 7!6 s75s
At your request, the Spritrgf ic.ld
rnspectr on of the trui Idr-ttg ( s ) at
inspection was to cletermine the
proposecl use as r nd r cit ted .
lluilding Safety Division cottductt:tl all
the above ;rcldress. 'l'he purposo ol' t.lrer
-srritabllity of the builclinE(s ) tor t.ltr:
CER'TI}'IED LTiTTER August 12, 1992
Robert Carev
P.O. Box 2492
Eugene, OR 97402
Subject: Occupancy lnspection at 1675 N. 18th Street Spring,f ield, Ot't-'gott.
Proposed Use: Churclr
Dear' !h'. Carey
llasecl on t5e pr-opo.se<l occupancy! the exrsting con<litions wlticlt itt'tl
mentronetl trelon rlo ltot lneet. t.he minimrrm Brril<lirtg Salety Co<lr.'reqtlil'emolrL-s.
Corrective measures mu.st ba taken prior to occul)ancy to in.stalI, t'ePair,
replace or modify tlre following items in orrler for'[lre lluilding to conIornt
to applicable safetY cocles:
1.'l'he Occupancy Group Ior t.lre proposerl use w.itl be A-3 with;r m;rxintunt
occupalt load of 299 occupants i.n the mltin .sanctttary al-ea. A<ld i ti ott;tl
occuplnt loacl may be allowecl in ottrcrt' al'()as ol tlre tlui lding, tlased ot'l yottl'
tinarl buil.dipg plerns to be submitted to t.hi.s of.fice. 'l'lre bttlldirtg,
Constr-uctiol 't'yp" is Il-N. 'l'lre builrl i.ng musl- mai trl.ain a mirtinttrrtt 40'
setb;rck trom att propertv Iines or the center line of atli;tcettt stt'ect.s in
orcler for the exterior wall.s ol'the builcting t<l remain utttrrroter:ttlcl (not
f rre-rated ) .
A mininlun of tHo approve<l exi.t.l; are t'e(luir'ctl. 'l'lier t.rxlts IlttsI ltavtt .tn
etggregirl-e to bal o;ren i lrg r.li <l l-lr oquitl f o t lte l.otlt I occttpan l- -l o;t<l .sot'\'t'(l
rli.vi4e<l by 50. 'l'lre exits must be.separ:tlett bv a di"stltnce ()(lu;lI to IttlL
.[ess tlrarr orre-lr;r.l I tho I engIh oI tht-. ntax.i mum ot,eral I cliagonal rli metts iolt o I
the builrling, measurerl in a "straight line between l.he exits. l'ani<;
Robert Carey
August L2, L992
Page 2
hardware shall be prorir.ded on alL exit <loors except tltat the main exit. may
be provrderl nit.h a key-Ioc:krrtg, derrrce providerl tltere is a readilv rri,s.ible
durable sign adJacent Lo Lhe <loor staLing "'l'Hl S DOO[( 'l'O RUllAlN UNLOCKEIJ
DURING BUSTNESS HOURS". '['he sign slrall lre 1n letters not less than 1"
high on a contrastrng background.
Exrl. colrrdors servrng an occup:rnt [oa<l of 3u or more shall be of one-hourtrre-resrstrve construction an<l shall not. be less than 44 in width. Door,s
and wrndons trom rooms accessing tlre corrldot' sh;rll be f ire-r'ated (doors
to ZlJ min. rated ttre-resrstrve assemblies, windows to fie wire-glass in
sLeel lrames t . 'l'he exit narthex may open drrectly into tlre selr)cLuarv
wit.hout protectron when the narthex is "separate<l from the exit corridor
system r.;itlr 2U-minute rated f ire door assemtrlies.
Exit signs and exit illumination ^shall comply wittr the requirements of
Sec. 33f 3 and 3314 ot ilre StructuraI SJrecialty Code.
Access for the physically <lisabled shalI be pr"oviderl tor at lea.st one
entl'anr:e t.o tlre bur ldrng. 'I'lre threslrol rl at that entrance shal1 be no
Iri"gher than l/2 rnch alrove the height of the floor or landing on bottr
srdes oI tlre doorr,ray. 'l'he door slrall compl v r,r.i th Sec . /+ . f 3 of the
American National Standard for buildings ancl facilities - providing
accessibility and usabilitfi for physically handicapped people. (ANSI
A117.1-1986 ) .
Provide at learst one par:krng space tor the physically disabled [or. each 25
requr-r"ed parkrng spaces ol portron tlrereof.. 'I'he total number of parking
spaces requrr-ed lor the proposed use will be determilred as par-t. ol theSr[e PIan Hevrew .process. Spaces tor disabted person.s slralI be marked in
accor-dance with the UlNIltlu0l S'I'ANDARD t'OR STAI'E IIIGHt^lAY SYS'l'Ell DISABLED
PERSON PARI(ING SPACb' r'equirenents ( attached ) .
This of fice also recommends that aII. provi.sions of the t'ederal AI'IURlCANShl'fll DISAIIILI'l'fES AUI'be met,;rltlrouglr the Act is not yet a part of thepresent tlurlding Code requirement.s. lnlormation about the Act may be
obtarned trorn:
U.S. Archltectural and 'I'ransportation Barriers Compliance tsoard.Sulte 501, 1111 LSth Street, N[,rl
Washington D.C. 20036-3894.
Plrone 1-SUU-USA-ABLE (Voice or TDD)
Churches havint an occupant load betneen 2U1 and 300 occupants shall have
.separate restroorn facilities tor each sex reith not Iess tlran four toilets
and three larratorres et,enly divided between the sexes. A minimum of oncdrrnkrng tountarn shall be provicled r-n the lruilding. At leash one toiletfacility for each sex shall be equipped to provide for the physically
5 Provide one 2-A,108:C rated
area . 'I'lre maxl tnum drs tance
fire extinguisher for each 3000 s.f.to an extrnguisher from any location ofin floor
t(ob€rt Carey
August L2, L992
Page 3
building shall not exceed 75 f eet. Coordinate placement requirentenl.s witlt
the Crty l'rre Marsltal's of frce.
Prorrrde mechanrcal ventilation capafile of providing a minimum of five
cullrc teel- per mlnuLe of outside air per occupant witlr a total circulatecl
of not less than trlteen cubic feet per minute per occupant in aII
portrons of tlre lruilding durrng such times that the building is occupiecl.
Toilet rooms shall have a mechanicalllz operated exhaust system capable of
provrding a compleLe air change ever'-v fif teen mi.nutes, unless approved
windows or gravlty ducts are provrcled.
'['lre alrove iterns are requirements for tlre ex]sting structure ottly. Otlter'
items such as parkrng, paving, site improvement.s, sidewalks, etc., have
not been adrlre.ssed as part of thrs rnspection, and may be required.
Please contact the Planning Division of this office regarrling any
necessary lmprovements to the site.
Please submi.t plan"s to thrs office for ttre portr.ons of the building you
nrsh t.o rebrrr. [rJ, r'eplace, moclr ty or expancl pri or to commencinli
construcLion on the proper-Ly. Your plans w1lI be reviewed for conlormanceto tlre appl,rcable requrrements, lrefore Ure required permits reill be issued.
If you have anyplease call the
Don ltloore
Structural Inspector
questierns or need claritication of the above requirenents,tlulldrrrg Safety Division at '726-3759.
Dave Puent, Building Of f ic.ial
Dennrs Slrew, lirre Marshal
Greg Mott, Development Code Adminlstrator
AIan Uvans, Prichard & Uvans, 975 Oak St., Eug, OR