HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-10-30CIETT CITY OF SPRI),IGFIELD SICN CONSTRUCTIO}I fu\D ELECTRICAL I}ISTALL\TION CO}I8 INATION APPL ICATION/ PER\IIT CF SPF,I}.TGFIEIJD 'PRINGFIELD' oREGoN 9-'4a-' INSpECTIox REQUESTS: 716-j:o9 INFORYATION:726-3753 LoCATI0N OF SIG\(.IoDRESS) LEGAL DESCR IPTIOX t .-.''2..< .'g TAX LOT ''1 PHONE i. i. I I OI{}iER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS ZIP I OIiNER OF ADORESS }iA.\tE OF BUSISESS, FIL\I, ETC sIc.\(IF OT}IER T}II\ PROPERTY OIII']ER)g TYPE OF BUSINESS PHONE I DENTITY PROJECTING INCI DE}iT.{L DOUBLE FACE ERECT RILOCATE ALTER OTIIER - NON-IDENTITY SECOND.\RY /rrn"rr r^r, _ }ruLTI.FACE TYPE OF SIG}I:lF rioRK "/waw:_ RooF _ }IARQUEE OTTIER FREESTfu\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD VTNDORS SICN A.DDRESS CITY LICE};SE :{I}.IBER EXP. DATE SIGN II,L\UFACTURER (IF 0TllER TItrL\ EREfiOR) - ADORESS EIJCTRI C.{L COITRACTOR PHONE NI.'}IBERADDRESS ToTAL HEIGHT .rAove Cruroe ,7 7' wnr ICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN 3 to4 HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF srGN-rZ O': DIIIENSIOX FRO}I 6RAD[ TO BOTTO:'I oF sr6N /o' z tl THIC}ilESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN IZ tf DOES SI6N PRGTECT BEYo)iD PRoPERfi LINE - *t lR IF YES, DII1ENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE I(OTE: IF PROJECTION IS:.:OR!, TIIIN 12'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIIE SIGN ERECTOR I,IIJST FILE I''ITII TIIE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUtsLIC LIABILITY A,\D P DAlt{GE INSURJ"\CE POLICIES.'R0PElrxy'rt GN ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLYLI6}fIED)rHILL SIGN }IAVE ELECTRICAL IVIRII,IG?NO IF YES, I{HICH APPLY? DESC.O.IBE TYPE OF }I.\TER,I.\6 516}I IS CO}ISTg.UCTED OF f.r\?--o L 7r<- srGN "4 O C PROVTDE uL NUITBER IF APPLICABL1 t :l ^-? ?(r7 -? vaLUE oF SITE INFOR.\IATION (LA.\D I.JSE)--EXISTING IJSE OF BUILDING OR LI"\D (9R I-AST USE IF YACA.\T) /'f)l-/P,'-22 F2- PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR IAT,iD: EXISTII.|G 516{5 (SIGN C00E): ARE T}IERE EXISTING SIGNS? -YES C}IECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: -6 IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXTST.IIIG.SIGNS. FOR 9l.lS.l,)ESS, FIR.Y, ETC. AI.L EXISTING SIGNS ON PRE}'ISES(SA.\IE TAX LOTJ:/u't fL/,* I HAVE CAREFULLY EXi\IINED the conpleted aPp lication for perroit and do hereby certify that a1l information hereon is true an<i correct, and I further certify that all rork perfonred shall be done in accordance wi th the Spr'ing f i eld Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adop ted by the City of SPringfield and aIl other Ordinances of the City of Springfi eld and the laus of the State of Oregon perta ining to the work described here in. I further cettify that Ey Sign Contractols License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Spr ions li.sted on approved perrui ty-Codes 9-7 -?O C2\. I rilL request P^rEJo-J?21 all required sign NP"YE(PLEASE PRI SIGN DISTRICT.T,\JT 5,rf t. SIGNATURE INSPECTIONS REqUIRED SITE/ LOCATION TOTAL SQUARE .FOOTAGE FOOTING OR |'{ETHOD 0F ATIAC}I.\IENT .'ilrcrRlcrr T,FINAL orHER d Pt2,ZONE DISTRICT OF SIGN /{/. FEES TOTAL FEE FOR PER,\IIT d.t t 4nt / r i\-: STATE SURCH.{RGE:,qo SIGN PER}IIT C}IARCES: ELECTRICAL PER,UIT ,r/0.00d 3 z.to CIIARCES: -{NDOOR BUSINESS OUIDOORIIERCHtu\DISING l)Se r:te Si I i c'er ion seParsce jrgn Js e! tneo 3)P xn s ired: ThisseEs o plrns dreun govertising nessage on si gn; I-lSSg.iS"!: Any perrcir issued under this application ( rng rn.or on sign structure, Che supply wires for concovered on an electrical pernit. Ei;";.i;;l connecrionly [y a srare Licenscd br""tri."i-i;;;;;;;";: ';;i; ar{intern:rlly and e.rternally) must conform io seccions 99-7-lS of the Springiield Sign Orainance.- ER:.! "'1LtD.\TI0)a OF SPRINGFIELD Ciry Holl Springfield, Oregon Deporlment of Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT : A separare epplication is.,.^,,i-^f,in the Sign Code.eriV application is to be submitted Iscale, shorring dimensions and t 6.t location of sign on properrI details of support'framir: ring property lines and location of signs): Received For: o ,. 1-' Amount Received ,'\ 2) il0. B 5758G l9to properry Iines. st ructuf,fooc i s; neterials of con struction for s ign and sign i'uc Rtriceequipnenr and light ing; size and 1 ocation of exproperty for the sa.ne bu siness, all as required to detrdirh the Springii.elrt S r8n 0rdinance (Arcicle 7 of thelowing infornation on the pl Pri - ng I ( Code) .Also, show the i'oI sho a) b) c) Show the locarion of all existing sign(s) as well i .shg: lhe length of rhe streer frontage taken up by \ l"build ing. Shon the l,ocarion of enrrances open to the public a I{hen required. because of design, size, etc., engineerecaLcul.l,tions nusr be prepared Uy " ficensed engineer orto design srendards on r-if" ar lhe eriiJi"g Division 0f Plans of insufficienc clarity or detail will be returne,plicsnr 'rith no perniE being issued Signs nust meet corner vision clearance requirements asFig. e of rhe sprlngrield co"pr;h;;;;;l iining coau. I9Tt: lio sign-nay be erecred which is less than 12 feetor-vertic:lly fror.r overhead etectrj.cai conjuctors in excvolts, or less then s feet in "ny ai.""iioi rro. overhealines rhich are energitea at less tf.,"n-itO'voft=. . If.e si,;n is nor inst:lted rrithin 60 days after the datethis pernir. rhe pernir sha1l be void. (( (c 4) s) 6) ,) & \l B) e)In soec t 10ns: a) Site Insoect ion - to be made before the sign is place \ tthe l,oo'. r n ec t 10n (if applicable)roay be made attine as ire ect ion The Footing I nsPect ion ( BY AUTHORIZEO SIGNATURE SHELION.TURNAULL PRINiERS ' EUOEXE OR "'OI 5A 5! !.4 nade after hole(s)is excavat ed, but prior to the pla (,,concret e.(f b)Fin:I I r,soe ct ion E iEAO c) - to be made upon completion of alf *-ork. Flgctricel - Alr electrical signs ,irust be inspected for erectri_cal hook up:fter rhe sign is irected "nJ u";oru ttr",ign-ii--'turned on. CALL FOR TllE REQUIRED II,|SPECTIONS ON THE 24 726-3769. HOUB, INSPECTION LINE AT ! SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFOR\IATIO}I NEEDED BEFORE PENMIT IIAY BE ISSIJED: A-.:c;+72 .:.) ,." r!{,7t--,5 Z i'Stt -3 fit{ontfi+ e € llLotrl q PI,A,YS REVIEI{ED BY; 6 {: E u, c t)/ ,,-.J g &-o*-J- E{O{'/a. r* '-) ./ /* +!- .q fi.:, _-.,€r< ( ("" ,