HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-10-30 (2)'il I:{FORI'|,\TION : 726- 575 J CIETT OF SPH,I}TGFIEI-D sPRINGFI ELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRIXCFIELD SIC:{ CONSTRUCTIO}I AND ELECTRICAL INSTALIITION CO}I8 INAT I ON APPL ICAT ION/ PE R\IIT I.r-SPECTI0S REQUESTS : 736- jtog LOCATT0x 0F SI6x(AoDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIO:.I OIT:{ER OF PROPERTY 2'o 3 -J ADDRESS TAX LOT T oo PHONE afo OhliER 0F SIG:\I(IF OTHER TtLlu\ PROPTRTY OhNER) ADDRESS rvl }IA.\IE OF BUSISESS. FIR\I, ETC TYPE OF BUSI}JESS ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OlTIER IDE}iTITY PROJECTI)iG INC I DE}iTAL DOUBLE FACE ._ NON-IDENTITY SECONDARY /rrnrr, ,^r, I'IULTI. FACE IGN I.IALL ROOF t'!{RQUEE OTHER. FREEST,T\DING PROJECTIN6 READER BOARD BILLBOARD !EtiDo SIGN ERECTOR ADDRESS CITY LICE\-SE !itX.l8 sl6ll }IA.\UFACTURER (IF OTilER Til.L\ ERE ADDRESS PHoNE 3*Z-t7bn EXP. DATE PHONE Ellfi RI c.{L Co.VTR"\CTOR PHONE LICENSE NI.'}IBERADDRESS roTAL HETGHT ABovE G&\DE ' 7 ' VERTTCAL DIIENSIoN FRolr ctuiD[ To Borrort oF srcr___lo I Ltl DOES SIGN PRC'ECT BEYOI:D PROPERfi LINE YES 2G DITENSION OF SIGN r{rDrH oF srcN-jo 1 THICK}iESS OR DEPT'I.I OF SIGN / Z Tf IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERfi LINE I\.OTE: IF PROJECTION IS:.|ORE TIT"\ 12'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY T1IE SIGN ERECTOR I.iIJST FILE IVITII TIIE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OFHIS PUBLIC LIABILITY &\D PROPERTY DA}AGE INSUR.ANCE POLICIES. rllt sIcN ]lAvE ELECTRICAL IVIRING? y'rt -No IF yEs, hHICH Apply? Trrr^ru, sr6N , ILLU]ITNATED (rNDrRECrLy LrGI{TED) DESC.D-IBE TypE cF y-\TERr.{rJ slri}l Is co}rsrp.ucrED og Hea4L + P e *rTL PROVIDE UL NUIiIEER IF APPLICAELE VALUE OF SIGN SITE INFOR.\ATION (LA.\D USE)-.EXISTING I'SE OF BUILDING OR LAr\D (OR I.{ST USE IF YACA.\T)..-, i. PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LN.\D CHECK ONE IF LE EXISTII{G SIdS (SiGN COOE): AXE T}IERE EXISTING SIGNS? YES : _INDO0R BUSINESS _0LITD00R I\!ERCHA.\DISING IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL ETISTn;G.srGNS..FoR !llS,l.-\ESs, APPLICAB -6FIF.Y, ALL EXISTING SI6NS ON PRE}IISES (SA}IE TAX LOT) :/r/OlV€ I iiAvE CAIEFULLY EXi.\liNED the completed application for pernit and cio hereby certify that all infor:aaticn hereon is true andcorrect, and I further certify that all. rork performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield S ign Ordinance, theld and the laws of License with the Lzl. I will request Uniforrn Sign Code as adopced by the City of Springfi.eld and al1 other Ordinances of the Cit), of Springfie the State of Oregon aining to the work described herein. I further certify that ny Sign Contractors City of Springfield Pertis i n full force and effect as required by Spr ty Codes 8-2-6 9-7 -20all required s NA.YE(PLEASE PR ign ections listed on the approved pernit I GI{ATURE SQUAXE .FOOTACE OF SIGN rElo)3O-dP/ 5IGN DISTRICT AN/T. SI/'ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED S I TEl LOCATI ON F0OTING 0R IIETHOD 0F ATIACh\IENT -'ELECTRICAL *-FINAL FEES TOTAL FEE FOR PER.UIT C {). c1a STATE SURCHARGE d .49 DA' :2 OTHER SIGN PERMIT CH,TRCES:A +-/ .1, ELECTRICAL PER.TIIT: C}IARCES: PLEASE iETO 1) Seperrte Siqn Aocl ic:rion: A separare applicacion is required for each separrre jrgn rs.retrrrcci in the sign code. I2) Electrica[: Any permic issued under this applicatic r,' ing rn or on sign strucrure, the suppiy wires for cc covered on an electrical per:nit, Electrical connectonly by r Scate Licenscd Electrical Contractor. Ill .nainternlrlly lnd externall.y) must conforro to Sections 9-7-lS of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 5) Plsns Reouired: This application is to be submitted ,ch P E R:.! ",\LID,\TIO)i CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CitY Holl Springlield, Oregon Deportment o[ Public Workc OFFICIAT RECEIPT No. B 57586 l9Dote seis or plans drcrn to scale, showing dimensions andvertising nessrge on sign; location of sign on propeto property lines, structual details of supporc franfootings; nrterirls of construction for sign and sigrtritrl equipment rnd lighring; size and location of , property for the sane business, all as required to druith the Spri.ngfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of thrCode). AIso, show the following infornation on the Ishowing properry lines and location of signs): a) Shov the locarion of all existing sign(s) as well b) Shov the lengrh of the street frontage taken up t bui ld ing. c) Sho,; the locacion of entrances open to the public 4) l{hen required, beceusc of design, size, etc., engineecalcul:rions nusr be prepared by a licensed engineerto desi.tn standards on t'ile at the Building Division 5) Plans of insufficienr clariry or detail will be retur, plicant Hith no pernir being issued. 6) Signs lnust mce! corner vision clearance requirementsFig. 9 of rhe Springfield Conprehensi.ve Zoning Code. 7) N0TE: lio sign nay be erecred which is less than 12 fror vertically fror:r overhead electrical conductors in .volts, or less th3n 5 feet in any direction froo overllines yhich are energiled at less than 7SO yolts. 8) If a si;n is nor instelled rrithin 60 days after the dathis pernit, rhe per::rir shall be void. 9) Insoections a) Slte Insoection - to be made before For Amount Received AUAHORIZEO SIGNATUiE 3X'L'ON.TUIX'ULL PRINT€RS ' EUGEXE OA '7'OI d (he (, (.. t" ( {the sign is pl \d. e) nay be made otj.ng Inspecti prior to the ( upon conoletion of ah *r.^. BYthe Fooirnr: Inspecrion (if applicabl tirne as the Sl.te Inspecrion. The Fo oade after hole(s) is excavated, but conctet e. ----7e b) Fin:l Insoection - to be ruade c) Electrical - All electrical si.gns rnust be inspected for electri-cal hook up after the,sign is erected and bctbte the sign is turned on, CALL FOR THE REQUIRED I.\"SPECTI0NS 0N THE 24 726-37 69. HOUS INSPECTION LINE AT SPECIAL CONDITIO.YS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN UAIE ADDITIONAL INFOR\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I,IAY BE ISSI.JED:F u, L i)/ ^-j .i E(c{-A)CZ-P ,D i ry'€.7\-)S z o-7tt -9 f4CINft) e € yiLOA,"Q /lL '. /'9 r' , At* ,f>b*H PI.ATYS REVIEhED BY:DArE .,' /* 4 - .a / ( ( (. ('