HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-06-29city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPFlTNGFIELEI lN FORMATtoN ! 726-3753 INSPECTtoNS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLTCATION /L?s ^/ /ru te-r lor * A ..4 / I Z I PHONE L ga t. rYPE OT BUSIIIESSt /?ZSfuB"utf 8 -53 6{ (? u) 7p- .LOCATTON OF SrcN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTIOI'I oI.rNER 0F Slcr'l CIr oTHER THAtr pROpERTy oWNER) BUSII'IESS, FIRM, ETC. O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS ADDRESS NAME OF . TYPE OF I.IORK: L/sP;crr ALTERl*""o.orf- OTIIER B STP.UCTUBAL TYPE OT SIGN:/,/ _ttALL .rt'nEEsreuorlrc ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE O:rHXR c. a\ USE AI{D CIARACTER OF SIGN -IDENTITYINCIDENTAL v/- DOUBLE FACE -SINGLE TACE MLTLTI-FACE r/ P.EADER BOARD BILLBOARD D. ztP - X. crty LrcENsE rn r'rBER E..-/ EXP. DATE . .J.DDPJSS SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER THAN EPECTOR) ADDP.ESS VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR ARE IHERE ANY EXISTIIIG SIGIIS? X, YES NO lTul{BE9.FTG G. u*rrrr*c srcNs AIL EXISIING SIGNS rOR EUSINESS, ETC. DU,IEIISIONS, I]ISTALI.ATIO}I & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE /b, VEP.TICAL DI}4ENSION OF SIGN TurcKnEss oR DEpru lL" - DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LrNE? _YES _KNOIT YES, DII'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE t*- 1f OTEx- puer.rc pRopEpJy rrn srGN EREcroR }ruST TILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PPOP. ERTY DAI.IAGE IIISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. E IL, 4' HORIZONIAL WIDTII OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN 't[LL SIGN HAVE ELECTF.TCAL l,rIRIIlc? yE, LISC. NTJMBER H 3eRr15 TED IF YES, TT{ICE SIGN -ILLT]I{INAELECTRICAL ADDRISS 'I HAVE CAREFULLY E)GIIINED Ehe completed application for permiE and do hereby cerrify that a1linformation i-s Erue and correct, ind t fuither certlfy tirat all work performed shali be done inaccordance with the Springfield Sign Oldinance, the Uiliform Sign Code-as adopted by che City ofSoringfield and a1l other-ordinances of the City of Sprinqfieli and rhe laws'of th6 Srare oiCregon pe-rtalning to t:1e worl< <Iescribe<l irerern. I fuither cert{-fv that mv Xlgn Contractor.r-i-cense wirh che Ci!l _gI Springfield is in ful1 force and effecc as' recuired by-Sprin6field Codes8-2-6(3) and 9-7-26(2). - r will requesE all required sign inspecEioni lisred'on Ehe approvedpermic. . VALUE OF SIGN: JI S7ffL ?A(IMEY; ?LAsrte F/+cE o-9-K 1, DA 6 \)A/UF. s NAl,lE (PLEASE PRrNT) . SITE INFOF}TATION (IAIID I]SE) -- EXISTING USE0F BUILDIITG OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) Oo .14 ht eeci4L Rtrsfo<A^,.r DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OT. V ruooon BUsrNEss _ourDooR rrERcHAr{DrsrNc PF.OPoSED LrSE 0F BUILDINC OR LAND:_ _94.atE G o Loeu o9arrZ o / 2? L:2/A' u -\_-a__ PLEASE READ 1)ififfi:AseParaEeaPP1icat1on1srequlredforeachseparates1gnasdef1ned E-lectrical: Any perurit issued under thls application will include wiring in or on sign structure,Ehe supplv wires for connection musc u. cov!i"a;-; "i."rii""r-p=";;i;: Eleccrical ionnecrtonmust'be made onrv by a state Licensed srectricar-i:o.,r.."to.. rlrlminare.d "1g.,1 (b_oth interna).ly:l_d-:I!"t"alty) irusi conform io-5..ri""r-i-1:t*-?+i-I-tii-;i g:7:iii-"E-ir,. springfietd sign or_olnance. 2) 3)P1 uired: TtrLs apPsi lica tion Ls to be submitted wlth two courplete sets of plans showing di-advertising message-on sign; l-ocatioir of slgn or, pioplrry wtth"di-tructural details of. supgort fraoing, bracing and- fobtings; marerlalssign strucLure,; electrtcal equipmenE-and ligEtlng; slze and locaEionfor the same busienss, all as iequired to ieteriline comolrance withe (Article 7 of the sprlngfield ciry code). erso,. sto"--i["-I"rr"":"lan (plan showing prolerrj lines ani localion "i-iie""l: mens an tof gn;mensl.ons to ProperEyEion for s line S, Sof consEruc ign andof existing signsthe Springfield S on property Ordinancl8ning inforuracion on the plot p 4) s) 6) ?) 8) e) a) show the locatlon of ar1 existlng slgn(s) as werl as proposed slgn(s).b) Show the. lenglh of the st.reet frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show rhe length of the buildiig trontatl.-'c) show the locarion of entrances open to the public and driveways. when required, because of design,-size, etc., engineered drawings and_calculations E11st be pre-pared bv a ricensed engi'neer oi itratt conform r;-a;;ig" srandarEs o"-rir. at rhe Building Divi-sion Offlce. Plans of insufficlent clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit beingissued. signs urust uEet corner vision clearance requiremenls as described in Figure g of the springfteldComprehensive Zoning Code. NorE: No siqn nav be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontalry or vertically from overheadEEtrical c;nduciors in excess--oi-zso "oii";--;; i;";-rhan 5 feer in any direcrion frou overheadelectrical lines whlch are energizei ar less'ctran-750 vorts.rf a sign is not lnstalled within 60 days after the date of issue of this perrait, the permit sharlbe void.. . tions : a) Site rnspection - to be nade before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footins rnsEction - (if appriciElf, Tar b-e uade at the sa,e tiile as the sire r".p."iioi"- ffififfi rnspec-tion is to be made-after hore(s) ls ercavaEe<i, bur p;i;; ;;-;h; placernenr oi-"onE."r..b) Flnal rnspecrr.on:- to be made upon coqletion of all work.c) Lilectrical - all elecErical.signs utrst be lnspeeted for electrical hook up after the signIs erecEed and before tfie Jign-i" t"r""a-o;:-'--'-- av! -'seur CALL FOR TIIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIIE 24 HOT'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT " ZONE DISTRICT TOTAT SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN .'- REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _SITE/LOCATIOI'I -FOOTING OR ME:rHOD OF ATTACHMENT _ELECTRICAL _FINAL _oTIIER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISUED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT }IAY BE ISST]ED: APPROVED BY:DATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT TEE 47. STAIE SURC}TARGE: TOTAI.: DA RECEIPT JoB # SICN PERMIT FEE:- SECTION:SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE -b r5-?5 # North 18th PIZZE,RIA -rtl A, LI/ tt\ t-TIA