HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1987-06-17I v of springfield ..-'5th street ! N FO R.MATtON : ?26-37: . tNSPECTtoNs, 726-37( 33r* A. St GN PERMI T APPLTCATION J V-.' o Io7 58 It th Springf i elcr ,oregon 9Z4ZZLOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) I.ECAL DESCRIPTION )ee att achecl TA)( LOT 7' OIINER OR PRoPERTY Schucks PHONE -228-B 0 ADDRESS OI.JNER OF SIGT{ CIF OTHER THAII PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS 98008 NAIIE 0F BUSINESS, FIRM,_ ETC. VENDORS, COMRACTORS: laPE 0r .BUSII:E5S D.USE AIID CPJ.CACTER OF SIGN: x IDEMITT INCIDETITAL -21_D0UBLE FACE . SINGLE FACE :{ULTI.FACE PEA BOARD BILLBOARD v 46 E. . T]!PE OF I{ORK: X URICT ALTER . RELOCATE _otEER .B STP.UCIURAL IYPE OF SIGN:. TIALL X FREESTANDIITG -ROOT PROJECTING MARCIUEE I'NDER I4AROUEE -OTITER c. Drr.IErrsroNs, rlIsrALLATrbu a TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE CR.ADE YEP.rICAL DI}TENSION Or SIGN BORIZObIIAL WIDNI OF SIGN DI}IEIISION TROM GRADE TO BOTTO:'T OF SIGN NIICKTIESS OR DEPT}I DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE rneil]iF OVER PUBLIC ?8.OPEP.fi Ti:E SI6N ERECTOR, I.IUST FILE WITII THE BUILDING DIVI'ION 99lrE9 OF HrS/lrER LrABrLrTy AND pp.op- ERTY DAI-tAGE I}ISUP"A}ICE POLICIES. --'-- Tnr 221 E. YES -ILNO CONSTRUCTIOII zd zo'nto*X,-a-- -J6.!!- DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED Or. astic Sheat Meta1 i.'luorescent t. . VALUE OF SIGN:K SIGN Z CITY LICENSE SIGN I,IANI'FACIURNR CIF OTIIER TIIAN ERECTOR) ADDPESS 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIIIIED theLnformaclon 1s Erue and correaccordance wltSoringfield !n Cregon oercaln cense niEh the8-2-6(3) and 9pernic. NA}TE (PLEASE PRIIIT) G. e*rs"r*c srcNs ARE fiIERE AIIY E(ISTIIIG SIGIIS? YES ALL EXISTING SIGNS rOR EUSINESS, ETC. H.I'ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAT I{IRITIG? \/? S J rr yEs, mtrcg Appr.y? xxElEcrRrci srcn {*LLrrrrNATED (TNDTPJCTE LrcriTED) ELECIRiCA;- COII,IPJ,CTOR n^^a^^ /, l*rLl DATE 'SITE INFOF]IATIOII (LAtrD USE) -- EXTSTTNG USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR I.AST USE IF VACANT) (:o'(__ BUSINESS _OUTDOOR I4ERCHANDISINc PROPOSED USE OT Ccst< l,< BUILDING OR I.AND h the Springfied all other Ord ,i ng ro Eile worli CiEy of Spring-7-20(2). I wi r completed-applicarion lor permit and do hereby certtfy that allgt' and r further. certlfy tlrar a].1 work oerformed shali be done inld sign oldinance. the unlforrn slgn code'as adopced by che cLcy ofinances of rhe ciEy of Sprinqfield and che laws'of chl stace oidescribed :1erer-Ir. f further certl.fy that mv l1.ln Contractor Ll-field is in furl force and effecc-as-reo,rireir uy'3'pri"giiuia-coa""Il requesc all required slgn i"ip""rio"i 11"cud'oi'it" apgroved SIGTIA Gc-. ^G L) SPF|INGFTEIJD - -/no LISC.NTJMEER PICIIE - \1.!-l( PLEASE READ la. --, 1)a e St lic tion : A separate applicaElon ts requrred for each separare sign.as definedEnetn Plans of Lnsuffieient clarity or detail will be returned to the appll.cant with no per::r-it beinglssued. ::ff"ffi:rT:'ii:il"E":::t"" clearance requiremenrs as described in Figure 9 of rhe sprinsfield N9TE: No sign rirv be erecEed which is less than 12 feet horizontalry or verticarly frour overheaderecc=lcal conducEors in excess of 750 roir";--;; i;""--;h";-3-;;;;*i;'";y direccion froa overheadereccrical lines whrch are ."u"gil.i a! ress than 750 vorts. bt: i.ilT t: l"t installed !'ithin 60 days after rhe dare of issue of this pe:air, rhe peraic shall 2) Electricgl: Any peralt lssued "1d:: thls applicaclon,irl lnclude wiring in or on slgn scrucrure,-'' t'ne suPpLy wires for connecEion rmrsc-u.-cor!l;e-;" an erecrrical_p-ermic. Erectrical conneccionurusc be nade oni'y by a State Llc"ns"d g1""cii.Ir con.raclor. rlrln.inared "ic.,.,: (boch incerncllyil"o.::::*ar1y) urust conform;;-a;;ci";i-ilili'tr.) &-iji-;;i g:7:rL or Ehe sprlngfierd sign or- 3) Plans Required: Tttls apprication 19 9o be submltted wlth tswo corrpleEe secs of plans showin3 di-mens\ons anci heighc of iign; advercisi"g r.t""i!'on sign; rocaEion of slgn on properEy uirh di-mensions to propercv linei,'"iirr.r.rror f"r"iii'.t ""pp8ii f;;;i;;; bracing and foorings; narerialsot conscruction for-sign ana "ig" sEructure; electrical-equipmeni'and righclng; size and rocaEionof existins tiqn: o" pi"p".ty-Io. the same busienss, all js i."qrir.a to dereraine comnrlance with' the SprlngiielE sii" 6;;I;;;:.^terircre-i-"i-i[i"springrierd cicy code). A1so,.dho, the forrow-lns lnforn'cion on-che ploc ;i;--(;i;;-"h";i";";ro!errj unes inh iocarion of signs):a) show rhe rocacion of arl exisring stgn(e) as well as proposed sign(s).b) show the length of the street frontage taken up by the busg.ness or bullding. For wall. signs, show ihe lengrh of rhe t"iiJi;; ;;;;;"g.. , ' or Durrolng. !o: c) Show the locacion of encrances open to the pubrrc and d,rr.veways.4) when reguired' because of design,.sLze, etc., engineered drawings and calculations En.tsc be pre-pared bv a ricensed enginet. oi iu"ri-io"iJ=i lo'a."ign sranaa;e; ;" ftle ar rhe Buirding Divi-si.on Of flce. s) 6) 7> 8) 9) fnsoeerions: a) lite rnsoection - to be mad'e before the sign is placed. usualry, the Footinq rnspecEicrTIGIiEa5E,,",-u"-o..i!acthesanetif,easihesicerniiect1on.@.Eion is co be made-after hole(s)--is-.-"""ii"al"a,l'J-pii"-; ;;"';;, pracemen. of concreEe.b) Final rnsoeceion:- to be aade upon couplecion of all work. .c) Ylectricar - all electrical.slgns uusr be luspected for electrical hook up afcer rhe signts erecEeo and before che sign-is curneci on.- &UT FO3. TIIE REQUIRXD INSPECTIONS ON T118, }4ITOTIR INSPECEON LIIIE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISIi.ICT I ,t ^1A<, ZO\E DISTB.ICT Lr,C, TOIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OP SrcN D REOUIRlD INSPECTIO}{S: -- FOOUNG OR I,IETIIOD OF ATTACIEIENT "FUIAL SI:E/LOCATION --€LEc?.rcAL OTHSR i i- lct 8rl SPECIAL COiIDITIOIIS TO BE SATISTIED BEFORN ERECTION OF SIGN: 5€€*r) ^bo,tQ , c ?t io 53g?r ADDITIONAL INTOR}IATION NEEDED BEFORE PEEMIT MAY BE ISSTJED: / DATE ?'* ELECT?.ICAI PER}TIT FEE: -(}.-- /6- / /-f-= REcErpr 47. STATE SURCI{ARGE: TOTAJ.; DATE -5- CLERK JOB * 3r.sD SIGN PE$fIT APPROVED BY: -SPRINCFIELD,_SICN ORDIIIA.IiCE 1675 North l8th Street Golden Sp'ike Pizza October 2, 1984 #840462 il I rrrnv orv II rurs rro I I rs"pnrr lsrlrml Ir-cr ptrcrgn ogv sll 9s fr ,ti'o."s TSIITIS sJ J; ,'- lt