HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-03-05SPRTNGFIELD
Department of Public Works
Helenr s Hea1th Products
1551 North 18th Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
tlarch 5, 1982
RE Sign at 1551 North 18th Street,
Springfi6ld, 0regon
Dea:: Sign Qwner;
In the planning stages for three years, the Spningfield Sign Ordinance is a pnoduct
of the combined efforts of a speeial sign subcommittee forTned by the Planning Commis-
sion, representatives of the Springfield Chamben of Commelrce' and the Spningfield Com-
mittee fln Citizen Involvernent. A numben of public heanings also occured fo:: fur:ther
eitizen input. Then, in Januany 1981, the Springfiel-d. City Council adopted the new
Sign O::dinance.
Section 9-7-22 (-3) of the Sign ordinance nequines specific violations to be conrected
by the sign o'*ner on lessor within one year of the date of its adoption. Potating or
mtving signs, signs with blinking on flashing lights, bannens, fIags, Posters, pennants,
::ibbons, str.am.ns., signs which a:re located too close to cvenhead pcwen lines ol? con-
ductons, and off-poe*ife signs (adva:tising a business or activity not cond.ucted on the
pne::nises whe::e thi sign is icoated) ane among the signs made non-confor"ming by the new
Sign Ondinance.
As a ,esult of the recent City-side sign sulrvey' the foll-owing violatioa was found on
youn propenty.nelative to the one year compliance time linit:
A flashing pole sign is located at the above referenced address.
By 1 L9B2 the above nefenencad violaticn of the Springfield Sign,
nance must be con:ected.Because the sign surYey was completed in JulY of 19Bf it
is possible you have ah^eadY taken stePs to correct on have completed ccrecting this
violation. If this is the case,please contact this office as soon as Possible.
225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753
Spningfield Sign Ordi,nance
Page 2.
The Building Boand of pppeals is. empowered to hea:: and grant variances to the Sign
O::dinance, tro'rided a w:pitt"r, app""l is subrnitted to the Supei'intenCent of Suitding
within 10 diys of the date of receipt of this letten. The Boa::d of Appeals may
g::ant a varilnce with negand tc the unusual size, shape, o:r dimension of a site or
f"".,r"" of existing stnuctures the::eon in ::elation tc a sign on its placement ' The
Board of Appeal= ,iy NOT gnant a vaniance based on economic handship'
For mone detailed information reganCing Sign Ondinance ccmpliance, pJ-ease contact the
Sp::ingfield Build,ing Divisicn at 726-g753. Per:mits, if needed, may also be applieC
fo= at the Spningfilfa Public Wcnks Department 225 Nonth 5th Street. Youn antieipa-
ted cooperation is aPPneciated.
Sa11y Johnson
Sign Inspector
Ronald B. Cla::k,
Superintendent of Building
Jcseph J. Leahyo
Assistant City AttorneY