HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-02-28Date ,O Generu.L PLobin-t .. RESIDENTIAL.. Zzs itorth stir streea?PLrcA?r0N/PERIET S.or"ngfield, 2regon 97177 Buildirq ?iuision 726-37 53 sPtln.GFtFr n Job !.oczzicn: Aacesoors !t@ I lcs bt # Subdi'r.sicn: C-ten:/r) _5 CL/6y1L PVona;d*ess: zip: Deecznbe Hork: z-Lr-Sq oosVaLueData of App Lia.'-icn t lrxlA&iCcn i.lecltariccL I^! ia 2he reegonaibi-Lity of the penti? hold* b see thct aL! iaspectio?1s @e nade at ;he p1opel tue, tl,:ct ecch :i,lness is v2a;n'^',iy.-tJ" scl.ect, cnC tiat the p€itt; cad, ie L,xated at the frati of th.e p?ope"ty. '2uiui-q ?)ui:io- rt=roued plb sr:cil tafl,'-n on tla Builcinna site 'at aLL' tthes.' ??OClgUPs ?oR iusPEfrlClt RIQIIZST.'CALL 725-3769 (recordet) state gout City lesig:r-tted iob@eady jor ir"spectiott, contractctd ci a-nrs" rr-r,. "*rd il-;"'-ill be rmie tlr aane C.cJ, reqlte;ts naie cfti ?:00 an urill be ns,le the neslt.,nrkiq'da".. 84ors-B ' ntt:be?, iob o&tess, type of inspec2icn nunbet. P.equescs reeeixed befcre 7:00 ,=t youa City'Desig7ated, Job Nwtber Is: SI79 I:lSXen!: ?o be acantcticn, but p,tia," +-c 1'otms. mD|RSLAS ?:L':/gIXC. ZL1C?IC,IL '|EC!!.J||ICAL: 7o be nntie beiore argtprx is coucted. .YClliiC t ?0A|DATIC:I: lo be ta.Ceal':ei i;enc;as 6;-e.ccuated ard. fcrns are erecxeci, but prio" ..o purirq ccncreta. w1z?c?cwD ?!Lu3tic. s*aP, ?.1!9?. DPAillACi: lo be tr.te pr-or zo ;iL-Lirq -.renciee. uilDEPlaccg ?tui.3 !::c 2 :lccSAttIc;L :@o1fbor iraukciot or decking, I$SULATON/VAPO? BASRI?R TilSPlCTlOil : ?o be nad.e after aLL btsukticn ei requ|red uqor beie?s @e in place bat before ory |a,;h, Wp€1tl bauC or unLL ouering is qgli,ed, otd. before ozy itoulation is concealed,. DRY,IALL I!|S?!C!O!: Tc be tmde aJ'ter aLL Ce4saLL is ut place, but prior to cny taViry. W.SON?I: Steel Location, bod. beonc, gzouting or oerticals in azcordotee nth U.B.C, Section Soi'-ar1 se,ter eap>ed, :t ptogertg Lite Septie totk V"qed &4 fiLLeC uith gtj.-ei litra,L - nhqt cbfle itens ate ccr,aletedci uietz Cencl'-tion is ectplete bt sttr^c-hse noool. oi pte*ises cleaned up. l-e ;lctes tslocking od, iat-:tp PhnbinX coTv'Lec.acats -- Barrev otC. uatet Etectrtccl Ccniect:Jon - Blocking, set-,t= and, glmbing ecir.eciions m:st be qptct:eC before reqaee!'),4 el-eelrJeal instee=io- Accessoni BuiHing 9et aJ':et u? of T u rr tlOODS?1'Ii: After installation ie etoleted. t a nst .a:to il*t: 76 S2 roie pr)cr to; | ffi|oi 11oor iwuLa=ior, cr&ckitg. R1ncF: ?aTBf:!c. ?!!:9!a:t 2, !.tzc1- w.=:-L ?hese ir-scec;ior,s h.zuo- !eq.rcie sd. ??rtia. t !.:].JLALa: j,i.ol. 't )LCg-72 'Ca1/teffi; arti before'frmit4 in"p.L- tiot:. iP,A.!IilC: i,hts; be rectected afler cVprcuc! of ratgh phrr.cir4, alectrJ-cal J neciuntica!. ALI rcoi-Jngbrairq ! chitmcys, etc. r:t:tst bea;gletcd. !!o .scr?, is to be cdt- . cu,led uttal, :his insoec;Jor i,ad 'br,ca ta,le anC cVpmued. I E Aftet fornsto poarlng@e coflctete. SfDSitALi( & DRf;'.TnAl: Eor aLL cctl- c'rete pauiry utthtn stleet right-of-rxg, to be naCe after aL! ezca- uatirg cotple*.e t fon usork & aub- inse naterial in place.?inal - After etc. oe ca-ro .i7_"-"rk" ", sli rling, d,eci,-s, ,-l I:l _l !!NC!: 'then conplate -- *oviCe gates o" aouable sections th.rough P, U. E. ALL pro;ect ccntii:icns, suelz as che ;..nstallcttcn of sal.eet irees, loftlexicn o;'*ereqired ictd.scccirg, .tc. , mtst be sacisiiei beiore the ilfiLDIilC lfllAL :an be regested- ?:llAL AAILJI:IC: Th,e Fi.nal 9uild.in4 fns-oection rust be ,equestxi z;'ter the Findl Pknbiryileccrical, ,t'ti ],lecitaniccl insceceicns i,,zue been nad,e ard accrouzl. 'AiL:.!A:tEC!iS AND CLSANOWS ltUS? 9E.4CC3SS:91|, AD|ASTI!:]! lO 99 i'/.Dt:t!::O::St ?C Cry ?zie 1 o1' 2 10 ol n-qf,D,l.,q- V ,,ourr" r*" Cons:@ Lcndg!_ I tr rr FT;:A3 PLU:.R!::A II;IAL |lEiAilICAL ?7.t-tf =?=4dt-. ?. -.,^s -&!.. auA! JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.- ?c:t=cnet 'ir;t> L-CO G+ Secrocn:6 420 e ;oL'e Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt ic gz,cnted on the eqress conditiott tlut the saiti constmtction si,a.Ll, ^i.n-all.tes_te.c.ts, ionicrn ,:o the hCinaxce cd.ogte,i. i2;y the Ci;y of Spmng."zelC, '.nclucitng )he ioning Cydirance, reguic:ir.g ehe ccnst-t:t--cn ctd.use of bu:,iciings, qtd n=y be susoend.ed ot reuckei it cng tine u2an n.:,6-T,cticn oi ,zty prcuistons oi' aaiC CrCtr.tnces. Euildirg Pemit lotcl lha:gea Pl:nkng Perrit Sr-ct€ lotal Reczipt #: Plumbing Permit No_ gereon sha_ll 9onsimtct, instal!, alter ot change cnA reu ct e=istir,g ylwnb_ina cr dreinage systal in uiroZe ot in part, unlesb such person is- thc le-gal .poasessor oJ'a oalid glunber,s Licensb, e.ecept th.ct a gb:sot r,ay doplwbinq uork to p"operq ulich is ooned, Lacsed oi ogetzted by the qpli- @tt. Electricol Permit l{heze Stute Lan requi*es tf.dt the electrlcal uork be Ccne by qt gleetrieal Contla,ctor, the electrical portioa of this pemrit shzll rat be oalil, wttilthe La,bel lae been siyeL by the tlectr.!.cal Conttacio?. Mechq n ic o I Pe rm it ,ot F..ces - .ie: ;ccass iio!t n I ?ant Eas? Sa;zit bt Sq. F2i. Z cf ,*c Caser<qt-._ lnxeticr _ Corne" ?anicruile CUL-de-sac ::z:t ,(7a ! of Stor)es iotcl !a'!gh: loooryhy st !.Ein 1=cce :.!.T,L YALUE S.D.c. ,.5 = t"c !?ly L,--4--1J L ftitzres ?esd,ztttia.L (1 bcth) Sotit;rt Se.ser i:cte? -- a-: ?es. So. f'-a. fl a.t / E:t, end, C irsti c s ldrrJc"q Senice alt r aa? - .7c. Ftr.-:ee ??Ut5 *hc/st HooC Ve t P',t vcoCsto:te I ts?o " (oO lS,bo Pe*ltt fssuancz !,leciznicsL Per+rjt -- z;tc:cAc:1:.:::!7 -- 1 a PLctz EtatLne?ucz2 I i. yobilz ilane f EAW CLWiaLLy lX$qitED the cornpl,eta-d apolicaticn for penni;, cnli da herebg certify tlot aLL irfo:natioa heteon- is tmte anC ccrreet, otC fflt the" .certnf.; th,at ang crC aLL aork gerionted ahalL be Coze ia crc.cr- dan.ce .,rtth the 1rdinsoes of th.e City of Spn|ngfietd,, olC xhe La;s oi theState of 1regcn per*;intna to the aork Ces*Jbed herr)n, od, :i"a.t lt1 CCCA- F!-IC'I ''rtli be ts,.l.e of ary st;:Ltctura uithcut gernissiott cJ' the 3uiidin-o Di-vision. I furlher certif'r' th.et o':tly contractors c.l. xrplcgees xfo eZ in ca,alJance ulth CRS 701..055 uiLL be used on this project Secr:-)t't De:osit !znse I2?AL {-,.!CU}E DIIE:'/5.l"oD +ry )r lceessc:.t E !a Stor=se llCnteta:z 5Lc.e)AL,<. I t