HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-04-19SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works April 19,1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. GLenn Packnett Mr. Ed Cole 1551 North 18th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Your Business at 1551 North 18th Street, Springfield, Qregon Gentl.emen: In response to a citizen service request referred to the Building Safety Division by the City Managers Office, I conducted an inspection of the business site at 1551 North 18th Street. This request was initiated due to recent site grading that had occurred. As I was conducting the inspection I met you on the site and learned that you had just leased the property for the purpose of operating a Craft Stove sales outlet and a bicycle sales, repair and parts shop known as Wheelpeople. You informed me that the purpose of the site grading was both to give the site a more conmercial appearance, and to provide site access to the rear of the building for delivery and parking purposes. You indicated that the site had previously been a residence, andstil1 retained the residential appearance. Your intention was to modify the site so people would be more aware of its use for your business. In compliance with the City Zoning Code Article 16 which establishes off street park-ing requirements, Iou,are required to provide a minimum of four (4) parking spaceson the site to accomodate your sales and service faciLity. You are itso requiredto provide one off street loading space in addition to the four parking rp"""r. The intent of this,Code requirement is to assure that adequate provision for suchuses as parking and loading is made on the site so that traffic use of the publicstreet will not be adversely affected by the adjacent business uses. A11 off street parking and loading areas shall have-a durable, dust free surfacingof asphalt concrete or Portland Cenent concrete, and shall-Ue'prorided with a ninimum6t' wheel stop near 1ot lines or buildings to protect abutting prop"rty. Since your site abuts residential property on the east and the south, any parkingin that portion of your site is requiied io be separated from the adjacent residentialpropertybyanopaquefenceorwa1lnotmorethansixfeetinheight storm drainage from the paved area is required ,o l^. intercepted in an approved catchbasin and piped to the city ttorn sewer system in l,th street. 225 North Eth Street .Springfietd, Oregon TZ4ZZ .503/728-37s3 For your reference, I have attached a copy of Article 16 of the City Zoning Code. PLease read the attached information and prepare a grading, paving and drainage ptanfor submittal to the City Building Safety nivision ior revieiv and-approval. " Questions regarding the above listed requirenents should be directed to me at 226-5669. Sincerely, ,/r*b,ruyrn Mr. Glenn Packnett Mr. Ed Cole 1551 North 18th StreetApril 19,1984 Page 2. Lorne W. Pleger Senior Plans Examiner cc attachment LPllh Jerry Mi11er, Owner 3330 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 ! CITIZEN SERVICE Date REQUEST rime To M'ike Kel lylDan Brown Departm Number 75 -94 March .l2, .1984 6:30 p.m. Publ ic Works Chris Larson, CouncilorRequest From Address: . Telephone:- ServiceAddressorro."r'on. Former health food store at about -iffittlatfi-id;t";iffis & Apts on scott Road) Request Taken By: JO DUhl in Department REQUEST SUMMARY Do th have a buildinq it for a rk'i lot ? It is now a re an a eou e spaces are required?Please respond back to CMO. ACTION SUMMARY date action taken date action completed signed CITIZEN NOTIFIED: yesE non da::- white copV-managers oflice yellow copy-department pink copy-managers off ice /q4 q 3?, ,/22 q.'4<:<e>L?? yil1z* /avuzfrY€- UYIU () . i.a )