HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-04-06city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A. SPFIINGFIEL.E'INFORMATTON: 726-37s3 lNSPECTtolrs: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLTCATION LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS)t5.5t /r1frt -:iI-,SPA, (P€ LEcAL DEscRrprroll i c OT'NER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS lor T cc 4e PHONE ZTP OIJNER OF SIGI,I (IF OTH.ER TIIAII PROPERTY OWNER)aT{EsL QmZ lclES 5T ADDRESS /55'tE9 NAME OF BUSII,IESS, rIRM, ETC. l. DEscRTBE TypE oR yATERrArs srcN rs OF t( . VALUE OF SIGN: . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}IINED IhE completed application forinformation is true and correc t and I further oFBUs**ssR, bdg#*E D.USE AI.ID CIIARACTER OF SIGN: ,C rnnHrrrv INCIDEIITAL DOUBLE FACE ,x srNcr.s racrl**rr-ro., PJADER BOARD BILLBOARD permitthat all and do hereby cer tify ha11 thaE allcertifywork oerformed s be done inaccordance with Ehe Springfield Sign Ordinance,che Uniforr,r S ity of ofoEher Ordinances of the Cicy of Spri::rgfie ign Code as adopred bvld and the laws of che cense with the Ci8-2-6 (3) andpermit. NA},IE (PLEASE Sori.ngfield and all che C Cregon percaln:-ng to t.:1e worli descrj.bed herern SEaEe field is i.n full . I further certLfvforce and effect as' that nv Slgn Cortractor I-i- 11 requesc a1I required sign insDecEi ons listed on Ehe aporoved reoulr ed by Springfield Codes . TYPE OF WORK: Xj*r., ALrER . RELOCATE OTHIiR B STP,UCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: MAROUEE UNDER I,IAROUEE OTTIER TREESTANDIIIG PROJECTI}IG ;E IIALL ,f,noor E.VENDORS, SIGN ERECTOR 23 .I.DDPJSS CITY LI ZIP CENSE IIWBER A-)4,EXP SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIT OTIiER T}IAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS .'Tt rn<kN t+Lf E DIl,lElrSIoNS, UISTALLATION & TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDT1I OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN GcoNsTP.UCTrOlr 6esrt-,- '/ G. 2a/ . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TI1ERE ANY EXISTIIIG SIG}IS?YES tro IN o ALL EXISTING SIGNS rOR. EUSINESS, ETC. TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPTIT DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOM PROPERTY LINE? -YESIT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE _6 H .I.[LL SIGN HAVE ELECTF.ICAL \TTRTNrj ND IF YES, !NiICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN -ILLU}TINATED (INDIPJCTffi LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COI{TPSCTORNOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE THAN 12"OVER PUBLIC PROPEPJY TPJ SIGN ERECTOR}ruST FILE I.IITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISIONCOPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PPOP-ERTY DA}TAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. ADDRESS LISC.NWBER 'SITE INFOF']{ATIOTI (LA}rD USE) -- EXTSTINC USE OF BUITDI}IG OR LAND (OR I^A,ST USE IF VACANT) INDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOOR I'ERCHAIIDISING ( Or--L H L-)2? C_zE: J /L<kezc/4C PB.OPOSED USE OTs4d/ f )d YID'J1&-\zbrr K IGNATURE 9-7- Ey of. Spring2O(2). I wi %r DA'-44 I OR : PLEASE READ 1)*w:AseparateaPp1icationisrequiredforeachseparatesignasdefined 2) Electrical: Any p-erzLit issued ":-g::.thls apprication will include wiring ]l or on sign srructure,EF-e =uPPE wires io"-;;";;;iio-., .,'r"c.be covlied-or "r, .r""tric.r p:ermi.r. - Electricar connecrionmusc be urade onrv bv a state iicensed rrecrircar-e.;;r;;;;r."iirliinaceg signs (both inEernarlvand externarlv) must """io',o tJ s..ri.""--i:ili'tai e-i5i-;;i g:i:iii or rhe springfierd sign or_,dlnance 3) Plans Reouired-: - Ttris application is to be submitted wlth two complete sets of plans showing di-r,e.Fffis-t;?-i'"igi,l--or-!i;;;-;a;".tising-me!i;;_." sign; locarioir of stgn on properry wrrh di_oensions to properEy linei, structuraf t.raii"-ofor consEru"tio:_ioi'"ie"-Lia"!i* ".'o"rure; elecE:il:i':rfl;H:lE'.:l'iilf.ilg,t:i::"*; i*""'.1:'""of existing signs-on pioperty fil Ehe same 6""iu".", all is required to deterainq comoriance withthe sPrinsrierd Sign ordinante (Arti"rE-7-"i-It""spiiieiiSia'EIIi'EJaii.--;i;;;:';tIi"tr," ro1low-ing lnforuration on-che plot pla; i;1;-"ri"*iri'iroierr! irne"-"rri iocation of signs): a) Show the rocatlon of arr exrscing stgn(s) as welr .as proposed sign(s).b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the buslness or bullding. For wallsigns, show rhe lengrh of the buildi;a il;;i;";". vr eurrsrng. ror c) show the rocarion of entrances open to the public and drlveways.4> $ii.:iili'if;":::e":;,if.3:":i";nlii";"iEi;; ::'il:ifi."9:i:::5: ::iii:.:l.:i:T,ff:i"!"olii_slon Office. s) 6) 7) 8) e) Plans of insufficlent clarity or detail will be returned to the applieant wLth no permit beingissued. signs must Eeet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the SpringfieldCoErprehensive Zoning Code. NorE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheaderectrical conductors ln excess of 750.roiis;-;;1;"; than 5 feet in'any direction fron overheadelectrical lines whrctr are energized at re"s'trr"n-756 ,ort" # i.iti i1 not lnstal1ed within 60 days after the date of issue of this peruit, rhe permir sharl Inspections: a) b) sice rnsoection - to be mode before the sign is placed. usuarly, the Footing rnspectionTI"--ajjEDIomayb-e,"a.-"i-tr.!-"",.tiileastri"-iit"Inspection.@-tion is to be made-after hore(s) r" .*"val.a,-'""'t-piior to the pracement of concrete.Final Inspection:- to be uade upon coryletion of all, work.c) lilectricat - all elecErical.signs nust be lnspected for electrical hook up after the slgnls erecEed and before the sign-is turned or.-'----- CAIJ. TOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 srcN DrsrRrcr @ TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ZONE DISTRICT C C-- srcN 7/tr REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: / I SITE/LOCATIOI{ Joo,,*. oR METHoD oF ATTACHMENT _ELECTRTCAT _?1iluar. -oilrr* '-- LLe*-leJ 6Z/ /<-/A. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSI]ED: APPROVED BY:DATE RE ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: TOIAL: DATE 47. STATE SURCIIARGE:\,.,/., C - JOB 2 c--> SIGN FEEPERMIT 1'O tu SECTION:PRINGFIELD SICN ORDINANCE .//OJ4/ 1551 I'lorth lBth Street Wheel People October 10, i9B4 #840254 I ,t{S,$". a ,C , t t..- a I aro Srout t4ac TAYIIIG' TOrt