HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1985-03-21nf,Emfl@RAmuDumn CITY OF SPRINGFIELD To: From: Subject: March 21, 1985 4 Parking Lot at 1551 North 18th Street Chri s Larson , Councf 'lor Lorne PIeger, Plans Examiner ? In responsg to your Citizen Service Request dated March 12, LgB4, I conductedan inspection of the site on March 19, 1984. I met wjth the new tenants on thesite who informed me that_they had just entered into a two-yeir lease with theproperty owner, Jerry Miller. I questioned the tenants regarding the'ir intended use of the site and asked aboutthe recent site grading whi-h had-occuffed. I informed the-new tenants of the ZoningCode requirements for.paved, off-street parki!g glq toiaing i".ur, and followed up onthis conversation with a letter dated npi"it 19i tggq (iopv-uiti.h.oi.- 3ll:.-l:.:il]19^.the Ietter, the tenants called me and informed me that they had spoken Il:n":l: PloP:lty owner regarding the items mentioned fn my tetter, and were to]d'bynlm that he had no intention of paying for site improvemenis. The tenants told methat such site imprgyemen-ts as pivi.ng"and drainage'would be at tneir .ip.nr., inasince thev-were:t]]l movilg in'and ilving tJ eilaulish the urrin.rr at that tocation,they were financialiy unable to providir irle iii.'i*p"or.r.ntt"ii that time. They asked me what actions would.be.taken by the City, and if they could be grantedsome time to determine if their business wai going to succeed at the new'locationbefore the-y would be requjred to make the sit6 improvements. I then informed the newtenants of the Zon'ing. code provision for. pre-elirt:lg non-ionf;rmi;g ,t.r oi-prop..tv(coP{ attached), whiirrin.tt.n.. would uL ipfiiicable to a situation like theirs if wecould determine that their use of the prop.rty did not ir.ui.-iny ro". need for theparking improvements than had been createit UV the prior tenant. I told them thatunless we received complaints relative to th6ir iuik.t iii^ri,ii o, pur.d toading areas,the city wou'ld probably take no action to require the im[rovemEnts. The file folder for.this.property had been held in our,'action pendingneed could be established for the parking, or until it wis.itu6fishedneed had been created. files" until a that no additional Until this time?-no complaints have been received and no additional action has beentaken by the Building Safety Division LP:lc Attachments