HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1986-07-25SPRINGFTELD
Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department
July 25, 1986
Charles Cash Ramsey
744 Crooks
Selma, Oregon 97538
Subiect: Hansel and Gretel's Secondhand Dealer's License,1551 North 18th Street
Dear Mr. Ramsey:
The Ci ty of Spri ngfi e1 d wel comes your new busi ness . I woul d 'l i ke to take a
moment of your time to inform you of some of the requirements the City of
Springfield has with regard to building and zoning.
1. Should you decide to install a sign(s) advertising your business, the Cityof Springfield requires you obtain permits. Permit fees are based upon
the va'lue of the sign(s) you propose to install. The City also has a Sign
Code which regulates the number and size of signs you can have.
Please contact Sa1'ly Johnson for further information regarding signs.
The Buildfng Safety Divfsfon can perform an Occupancy Inspection of yourbuilding. This inspection is not required, however, fs encouraged as the'inspectors will insure your structural, p'lumbing, electrical and
mechanical systems meet the minimum requirements for your proposed use.
There is a $35.00 inspection fee.
3. Shou'l d you decide to make any structural
mechanica'l a'lterations or addftions to the bui
plumbing, electrical or
ding, you sha11 be required
a. Apply for building related permits.
b. App'ly for site p'lan review prior to submitting building permits ff you
deci de to expand your buf 1 di ng by 500 square feet or more.
4. The Springfield Development Code, Article 18, Section 18.110 (7) requiresthat "The actfvities of auction businesses, flea markets, tiquidation
out'l ets, second-hand stores and pawn shops shal I occur enti relyindoors,...". This requirement applies to your business and prohibits any
outside display or storage of merchandise, and your anticipated comp'liancewith this Code provisfon is appreciated.
225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753
Si ncerel y,
thia L. Harnpn
Permit Coordinator
cc : Sa 1
'ly Johnson
Address File
5. The Springfield Development Code requires that any change in use oroccupancy of..u^ nl:lding that has been vacant foi more lhan 30 daysinvolving_multi-family residential , commercial , pub'lic and semi-publ.ic i"naindustrial uses receive a Mainienance tnspettion to ensure that al'lparking and plantings have been mainta'ined in accordance with standards
appl icable at the time of development
A maintenance inspection of your property was conducted today and I feltyou should be advised of your parking iituation. The prio-r tenants ofthat building were required to pave tfie graveled/weeded area behind the
s|top !f they intended to park upon it. The paving has not been completed,therefore, ro parking will be permitted in the rear of the building untiiit is paved. Please call me if you want to dfscuss this matter furlher.
6. Th9 Springfield Development Code a1so requires that any change in usecategory of any existing multi-family residential, conrnercJal, puOlic andsemi-public or industria'l structure apply for site plan review. paving ofrequi res si te p'lan review.
Should you wish to obtain further information on the information listed above,please feel free to call me at 726-3759. And again, welcome to Springfield.