HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1986-12-23SPRINGFIELED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of CommunitY &Economic DeveloPment Planning and Development Department CERTIFIED LETTER 23 December 1986 Itlr. William SPiIIer ?800 SW Sagert #29 Tualitin, Oregorr 97602 STIBJECT: Repairs occurring at i9?3 North 18th Street, Springfield' oregon' rn'ithout a building Permit' Dear lvlr. SPiIIer; On 22 December 1986, Mr. Craig Perryman contacted thjs office and stated that repair.s to the subject property, as requested in the city's letter to you dated 21 Novenrber' 19tt6, were beginrring. l{hiie the City appreciates your action towards correcting the Housing Code violations v,,hich exist at your apartments, the appl'opriate building permits must be obtained before repairs can begin. Section 301 (a) of the Administrative Code of the Springfield Building Code states that separarte, appropriate buiiding pernrits must be obtajrred before repairs can begin. Section 206 (b) (c) of the same Codr: states the penzrlties for violation of the Building Code. f have included the referenced secljons of the Code for your convenience. Please obtain the required permits for repairs to 1.s1r" property before an-v work is begun. Please feel free to contast ure at the adclress or phone number below if you have questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, ,.?'**44erj/hz BiIl Schaub Housing Inspector CC: David J. Puent, Buildirrg Official; Dick Evanson, f)epul.y Fire Marshall. Enclosures 225 North Sth Street a Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3253 COTJRTESY TNSPECTION APPLICATTON (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRTNGFTEI,D = = = = == = = = = === = == = == = ==== == = = ==== === = = ======= BITTLDING DTTTSION = = ==== = = = = = = === === = ==== = = = = = = = === = = =DATE:.73 ADDRESS OF TNSPECTTON:/u/4 JOB NUMBER: OI/NER: PHONE NUMBER: OI.INER'S ADDRESS:2 1g*n fiAfrrtttt d>a RENTER, J { SIGNA TURE OF OCCUPANT ( FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY _ TE = = = = = = = = = == = = = ==== = == = ====== === = = == = === === = ====== = ==== ===== = == = ==== = ===== = = =TYPE OF DI.IE LLING:SINGLEFAMILY I I DUPLEX I I MULTIPLE \/ BRIEF DESCRIPTI ON OF MAJ tt\ PROBLEMS: J n \1/ !"n ,n \ IUJ r\I h .A FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE OF INSPECTION: COURTESY LETTER S NOTICE AND ORDER ISS DATE FOR COMPLIANCE: COMPLIANCE OBTAINED - DATE: 1 qPb? 1/, PHoNE NUMBER , p6 N/rf.- I OCCUPANCY NAME BUS, PHONE/8 Y4- BUILOING OWNEB CLASSA SPRTtilGF!ELDL PH. NAME PHONE ADDRESS N".17,ADDRESS /7te INSPECTIONFIRE VIOLATIONS cooE SECTION d et#o 0 -e.4-L @ *to t\) n I$\'^r'\t- *0 ar^& 4 {-oY- {-oL / hor",-e- dl^ d o.,n -#tn-<-, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO CORRECT THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS WITHIN OAYS. SIGNED:VIOLATIONS: Noted INSPECTOR ABATED D.y fq m*u/r.-(- co.DATE //ry NUMBER t