HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-01-05.'RES'DE - IIAI. 2zs ltorth sth ;treeaPpLrcA?r0v/pERurrSpringfield" 7regon LZ4ZZBuilding Diuiston aa Phone: o Pcce-j '7t4 "tr\,' c-K + \6?Oq^ -^--r zo-6/it,7 Job lncaticn: .46sessorc ').tner: Addtess: Date of Apc .n7-r- 1-^n.- ?Lwnoing {} IS-t* 0 a3 * Deseribe h,ork: Vs,Bc,-|\". roow\ Q \<,..a s @ r'-+ - .o jeneral r )3 7 ,.,a^;*; ^-1 Constructioll Lendet t id the resoonsibility of the permit hold.et,y.-t-ry ar.?eet, and titat xhe petmtt cald. isEui4ing Diuiciotz arD?ov*ed pi^an sl,:LL ,.i^ii" to see that aLL insoections oe nade at lhe p?oper tine, tl.,at s44h arlrbsss is 7sa;-a'.Located qt -!h_e froni of tl.,e Dtope?tgon the Buildtng Site at aLL'tines.- f ?68 IDt # 'z.a'6A2-\ 'P'cclDUPg FCi? iltsPlclrcll RgQuls?:CALL 726-3769 (t'ecot'den) state you-? city cesigr,ated job ntnr,ber, job aiiress, tupe of ir:soec=icn'equesceci aiiiin-ioi ui-Eieady fo-r itsoection, c"i*""1i""-or atners-rrcnteLnd. pione nunber. p.equests z,ecei.xed. befcre ?:0g atLL be made the s&n cicg, ""ou""ii"^lo;n iitu z,oo oa trLLL ir" ^otrn;;;;';L,;;"i-;;'&r. Iour City Desia,a.ted Job Nunbey fs:*Yoeo SI?9 I:tS?!C?ru:l: lo be ma<ie after escalaDlor., but priar tc set up of lorns. u*Di Pil!''2,,iLU ? r :: c' E /.:v:.;.;--^,: io De maae DeJo?e cnauork is eorez'ed. -) reorr::c t Fou:rDATrcN: ?o be nnceI alter x!enc/?,es are esca;lated artd. forms. ate etected., but prioz, to pout>L?ig ccncrete. iilsL'LATIOX /VA?OR BARF,TIR ItrSprCTrOit :roE@ t,eouired oapor berie?s @e in pl-a.ce but befare ory Lath, Wpsun bcarC or rnLL coueying is c-oplied, and. beforeoty irnulation is concealed- l l l l 4 l l l fi PLUi,NINC ?o be xtencnee. POST Ai;) EEA!.!: instalLatt cn of deckirg. rriar prumrtG* FII;;L I!!'HA:IICAL To be nade prior to floot, insulation ot, DRYTIALL filSPICTfON: ?c be made afxer aLL cryuall is in plaee, but prior to ang topirq. I,!ASON!?I: Steel loeation, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in aecord.orce tith U.B.C. Section WOODS?O\/E: cctnpLeted. After instalT-ation is CURB & APPRCACH APP)N: After fornsate erecteC but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRf',ELt.Al: Foz, aLL con- crete paving uithin stteet right- of-twy, to be maCe after aLL ecca- oating canpLete & forn uoyk & sub- base material in place. IENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProoiCe gates o? mooable sectians through D II D ALL proiect conditions, suck as the i.nstaLlaxion of street trees, ccnolction of tie required Latdsecping, ctc,, must be sati.sfied bcfore the BUILDIIIC FfllAL canbe requested- PIIIAL BTJILDING: The Final Building Insoection mtst be "eouested cfter the Fi.nal Plunbing Elecxrical, anC tleclnnical Inspecttons heDc been made arui acprooeC. to I ulmp..zct?. pLU:pr:tG & t4EClrAnrcAL: -J 70 De ne.e prior xo installation of fToot insuiciion or d.eeki.ng. - ROilC| ?!!::31::C, !L!:!Pr:A! & tErH_.I A:;ICAL: i;o uo?k is xo be co,*ereci J -- .zuttil these insoectiors luoe been mad.e ata aorou'ei.-'tI FI-D.EPLAC-a: Prior to olccir4 fceinaJ mdtepiaLs anC bcfore froning inspee_tion. r\tj ;yU!|FY l4:tct be requested after-) atcroual of rougn plwnbing, electni-cal & nec-raniccl. ALl- roof*q braeirq E chinmegs, etc. tntst be . conrpletcd. llo ucrk is to be con-. cealei until this inspection ltas'been made ani aporove'd. a;,,1f l4T^11 ^a t'htE' Sanitaty seser eapped at propettg. Lix,e Septic tozk pti::ced and. fiTLeC tith gratei Pi-nal - ltrhen abcoe itens ate ec:alet,ed and ahen Cenclt tion is conolete or st:=i-.- xure mouei a,c pt,erises cl-eanei up. L e Blocking od. Set-up r Plunbing eonnections -- sa)e? otC ualer Eleetriecl Connection - Blocking, set-u. anC plunbing cor.neetions m:.st be cpptcxei befoz,e z,equesting eleciri,cal inspectio- Aecessory Buildirq Eiral - After lcrckes, skirting, decl<s, etc. are canpleted. Pz?e 7 of 2 ETrrat a?=^-a7^.'LlttAL et---.tlvhL IALL I,'AI]I.I3IES AIID CLEA},]OU?S ICS? EE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST:E:]T TO 9E I.14D5 1.T I,'O C3S3 TO CI?Y -l I AdCiticn tr L-CO G* SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO ?,ote :nt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Casercge t of Stortes ?otal lleight iogo-crqhY _ Intetict Cornet Panhandle CUL-de-sae So:.ttcosLot L'aces - ilauseDI t llest '. Ee7loons Building Vqlue & Permit This penntt is granted on the exp?ess condition t|lat the said'constntetion sLnLL, in all t'especti,-;";'ft;it tile ordinance cdop.ted bv the ii'y-1[- V w;"b f l" ta, ;)e fuatng' the 2oning cz'Cinanc-e, r e q ulctittg .the c c-1s-t-ru:l:-" :., ^-irl ,'"'n of 'buildings,- and ney be- susp.end'ed or teuokei at ct:Y tlne upon DLc' Lation of anA prcoisions of said )rd'irances' TOTAL VALU! s.D.C. 1. s 7o'-c7. Cintges Fec: ^-- ^ D^"') Receiot #: VaLucX .aeO r. b. ,bo r L: \, P Lt.:,f:a yen1-l; e+-- - e.,n^ Plurnbing Permit No pe?eon sl",all constzttct, lnstaT-!, al-xer. or ciwnge cnA neri cr e:iciit:c ptunoia or drainaqe systen in uhole or in part, utless sueh person as tl'.c iegal p:ossessoy of a u-o.Liri olr-bnr's License, eac€pt tiut a pelson na! c? plunbing uork to propetty uhich is oumed, Leased cr oDerateri by the cp2li- €oe.,.:"/€OL) , C,O Eiectricql Fermit Were State Lan reouires t\:ct tne eleetrical uork be done by an Electric:i Conttaetct, tne eleetical cortion of tnis petmit sitc.Ll not be ucii ut:.t;.i tize l.abel ius been signea by the Elee*icaL Contrsctot'. cal Petnit Total I\{echo nicql Fer!"nit'tyr,e.ee 9!lJ I -'-^,o+ Uaa) coCsto;te :'-nt eatzrS. :nit ,iaelk Pernit Issuale2 Mo-)--:--7 Dna*'r -- Livn-ALt1[-';.i', -- Tctcl Cncnces bize ltane Plant Lzontnev I HAW CAREFULLY EXNIINED the eonpleted acplication for permit, cnd dc hereby certify tltat aLL infomation hereon is true anC ccrrect, a'C. f funthet eerlif"- thet any ard aLL uork penfeyned. si,.ill be done i:,t cc:ot,- danee trlth the Oydinances of the City of Soringficid, and. thc Lc;s of thcstate of oregcn pcrtainina to the aork ceseribcc hcrein, cnd :in! ii7 ccc,,]- PANC.T uitl be rnzde of an11 strueturla withcut petnissiot of the 3u--idinq D;--tision. f further certifi; thlt olly eont"a3'tors a;d. enpicyees- ii.-o are ineonpliance uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this projec't S r:: I -. ! , rr^r'ri!.^u tu,J9.t-f B\Zo O