HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-04-27od t> CITY OF SPR"VGFIELD,OREGO'V sPRlitu.FlELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS- iei n o p o ttrA N wAsr E wAT E R M A N Ac E M E N T 225 FIFTH STREET SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726 s753 April 27, L992 CERTIFIED LETTER Bill Spiller c/o Andrew HarvY 1973 N. 18th #3 Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Courtesy rnspection at |973 N. 18th, #16, Springfield, oregon Dear Mr. SPiller: At the request of your tenant, the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted an inspection of tU" property locaied at tfue "bor. address. The inspection revealed items which do not meet the minimrrm city Eousing code requirements and must be corrected. They consist of the following: Structural 1. An approved smoke detector shall be installed in corridors or other areas providing access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the above ..q,rir...nt, please contact the appropriate inspector noted below betu'een the hours of 8:00-9:00 8.8.r 1:00-2:00 P.D., or 4:00-4:30 p.m. at 726'3759. Sincerely, --( n.1 -Jr.1 lttu/\F Tom Marx Building fnspector cc: Dave Puent, Building Official ao,f L or.-+ BTTTIDING DIIISION COTJRTESY (RENTER REQUEST) CTTY OF SPRTNGFTEIJ) DATE: ADDRESS OF TNSPECTTON: OIINER: OIINER, S ADDRESS: JOB NUMBER: PHONE NUilBER: q#5q? )7t4nFq t-Rs REMER:t'htrs= PHoNE NUMBER: EiiXU<:STGNATURE 0F OCCUPANT (RENTER): FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY TELEPH0NE NUMBER: 14b ''-5 OtOrn TYPE OF BRIEF DESCRTPTTON srNctE FAMTLY m OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: DUPLEX tl IruLrrPLB n a FOR OPFICB USE ONLY TE: Y (