HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1984-06-22Job Locaticn: Assessote Map #?cz lot # Asnen Addtess: Phone Addition RenoCel Date of Applieaticn (o.00a,Value (L fLwul Descz,ibe llotk: Genez,al .. KEJIL ,\ I IAL" 225 NOrth lth SIIZ'EEAPPLICATYON/PERMITSpringfield, 1regon g?4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Co ns_ mrg,li on__! en lpr It ie the SPFIINGFTEL.D Date: f"on, the s*Building respotzsibility of tle permit:le?t,. anC that the pez,nritulrlcaot approxed plan shcl t hoder to see eazd ie LocatedL yemain on the that-all. incpections are nad,e fri,ri1:*[1Tr![,'?rroiix,tr?. at the pyope" time, that each _,t4ress is t,ea4.Aie of inspec=icn befcte- Z:00 ci 26-3769 (z'eeorder) state youz' citg desigrnted job nwrber, job ac&,ess, typetnspeetion' contvaetcrs '* a*)"i'rr\lZ"z# enor" nunbez,. pequests z.eeeit:ed.alte? z:00 on viLL be nade ti"-)"rli"i;;,g *r. q47fnsoIan, Cifu Desigr"ated Job Nunbez, fs: ?o be nade pt ton tc se! after up offotms ?o after aLL insu Laticn a,.dtequireduapot, bantiers oe in p7.ace\", +before .oq Lath,Sani larA seue? ccpped at propercg- Lire e Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- s€ue? od ualet Ele-cttical Cannection - Bloeking, aelu_upand^ plwtbing eonneetions m-st bZ- qppye"*'sS Deio?€ requesting eleetz,ical irspee:ion Accessory- BuilCing nD l.nrfr^ couering ittsuLation L8 concealed,Septic totk pu:ped ard filled trtth gra,_ei Fin3.L-- h1ten abcue dtens ote eotpletedand uhen Cqnolition i,s oo,r,pintZ"r;-;Z;"_tuz,e mooed and. premises .LZ";;eip."-*- tnL7,Ls app Wpsutn boarC orLied, and. beforeoty F)_)TIilq & F?UNDATfCN: ?o be naCea-JEe! t"enches a?e e.scauated altd.fotms ate ez,eeted, but ptioz. topou?Lng ccncrete. DLYHALL-INSIECTION: Tc be madealxe? aLL d.z,lJuall is in place,but pnior to anA taping. UAS2NRI: Steel Location, bondbeansr- gzouting ot: uez,tieals inac.co?ddtee tfith U.B.C. Section241s. W00DST0,/E: After installation isecmpLeted. CU.RB & AppR.)lCH App.ON: After forms@e erected, but pt ior to pout-in4ancrete. To trench.ee. FINAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL toratDFRFL1)_! pLutp ntG e MEC1\ANTcAL :ro be mad.e prioi-io-friiiTTEioi nr flooz, insulction or decking. P_0. ST 4ttP ,a,tau: To be nade prior toinstalZaticn of floon insul)tion oraecKl|tg, tu7:t-il these inspectiors haue beennade and. approuei.. FIPEPLIICE: prior to plaeirg facinomcterlaLs and befot,e franing inspeZ_ x1,On. FRAI.|ING: ltuet be requested aftetapproual of rough plinbing, eiectni_cal & meehanical. ALL toofing bz,acing &- ehinmeys, ete. nast be . comPLeted, !1o ucrk is to be eon-. cealed unti-L this inspectton lws'been nwde anC approted. final - After-pctc-kes, ski,z,ting, d.ecks,etc. ee e.crnpleted. IENCE: When eomplete -- prooiCe gates oz, nooable sectians thnough P,A.E. ALL project conditions' such as the installation of street trees, co:pletion of the required Landscapirtg, etc., rmtst be satisfi-ed before the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDING: The ti,nal Buildirq Inspecti.on rmtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, and Mectnnical Inspect'i.ons haoe been made atd appnoued'I FINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS llusT BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITENI To BE !44D8 Ar Il0 ccsT T0 cITv Page 1 of O q, Grc Bedtoons: Lot Faces -Ileat HouseDT West Iot Sq. Ftg- % of Lot Cooerage # of StorLes TopograPhY LCT TWE Interior Cor.ner Panhnnd.Le CUL-de-sac ValuexFTGITEM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Date Paid: Signed: Building Volue & Permit This permit is goa'tnion the erpress eondi'.tion tlnt the said'consttaction shall, in atl nespeeti'"';'i;;Z;i;"^tn1-oi7ti"ce tdopted 6v the citv of springfield, including the 2oning c'd"non"-u'liLi"iit:t"g thle ccnstracticn ' and use of building.s'.'*';^;"t;'.": "-iip.e''ded o" rbookec at ata time upon ot'c Lation of ana prctsi'sions of said )z'dinances' Building PernrLt ?otal Clanges State CHARGEFEENO Pistwes Resiletti,al (1 bath) Seuer No pereon stn\.L constraet, inst'al1"" altel--ot' tY"S?- 'l"t"lril7o""" arliiage svsta' in uln|e on in part' un iZl:"t"'ir""L""3" of " ':ZLid pl*'bn,ts Lic,ens,e' eccep plunbing LnorK to pnopn"ty inl'ch is otned' Leased or eant * th,at a Pelson ' operated bY the tmrePInmUbIPg c7l eiLs tingneaana thesuchLessperson domaatappli.- Plwnbing Perrri,t State Nau/Esterd Citcuits Sentice Electricql Permit Were State Lan requi,es tb'at the eleet*ical uork be done by an Eleetri-eal contractor, the eleetrzZoi'lzotiln- oy *rts -peill.i zt-tt ,oi be oalic until ii;; L"b;1' t " "' i "L" s isnei cv ttrc EL ec tt'ical c ont,acto"' L Stete Total nu ADrlNC,otF Esl@.lst HooC Vettt Fot llcodstooe Mechqnicol Permit Permlt Issucnee Mectwnical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Penrtt Cutbcut Sida'talk Mobile Home ReceiPt #: uaxe I HAW CAREFULLy LXAI,IINED the completed- application for pertnit' and do hr;;;; iiiTa-lni;-"Li-1"i;,'*tibn hereoi is ttue art'd cbrrect' and' r furtker eertify tnat ory ii aiL uo.nk pez'for+ned slnll be done in aceo?- a""Zi":*li tLL" o"at)"i.iZ; "f |i" city of bprinsfieLd, and' the Las of the \t""t""Zf 6rlg""-p""t"i7;,ig-'to- tt n uoik Ces'cribbd herein' cnd tlat No occ!' pANCy LyLLL be made of""u" "ti"Ziure uithout pennission of the Suilding DL- tsision. r fat'then "";;1fu-;;,- i71y oo"-t'"ctons and .enpLcyees uho are in ZoiplLon""'u'ttt, cas ?01-'0"5s uiLL be- used on this ptoiect Vf,an Eroniner TotaL ?O?AL A]4OUNT DUE: *Signed