HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 3/8/2022AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616/ MS Teams Staff Review., Tuesday, March 29, 2022 8,•30 —.9.,00 a.m. 1. Subdivision Tentative 811-22-000057-TYP2 811-21-000070-PROJ Liana Leung Assessor's Map: 17-02-35-00 TL: 2700 Address: 7399 Thurston Rd. Existing Use: vacant Applicant submitted plans for a 10 -lot residential subdivision Planner: Melissa Carifio Meeting: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 8:30 — 9:00 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.aov/weblink8/browse.asi)x VICINITY MAP 811-22-000057-TYP2 Subdivision Tentative 17-02-35-00 TL 2700 7399 Thurston Road Liana Leung 'City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision SPNINOFI� Application Type (Applicant: check one) Partition Tentative Pre -Submittal: LJSubdivision Tentative Pre -Submittal: Partition Tentative Submittal: Ll ISubdivision Tentative Submittal: x Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Liana Leung Phone: Company, Fax: Address: PO Box 2231, Eugene, OR 97402 Applicant's Rep.: Katie Keidel, Associate Planner Phone: 541-302-9830 Company: Metro Planning, Inc. Fax: Address: 846 A St., Springfield, OR 97477 Property Owner: Same as Applicant 7:7112hone. Company: Fax: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-35-00 TAX LOT NOS :02700 Property Address: 7399 Thurston Rd. Size of Proa 2.03 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Thurston Estates Description of if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: 10 -Lot Single family Residential Subdivision Existing Use: Private Residence - 1 Single Family Home # of Lots Parcels: 10 iota) acreage of parcels/ allowable density: 2.03 acres Proposed # Dwell units 10 Signatures: Please sign n and print your name and date in the aDDrooriate • Required - Associated Applications; box on the next a e. section)1 aG -�ryauw� CSU-M��cILv�s,$ Si ns: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: L�--(�00(�S—i Z. Date: 3Z Reviewed by: Application Fee: ILA^I Technical Fee: $ -7Zs-6 0 Posta a Fee: TOTAL FEES: J '-1 O -60 I PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 kl 1 of 10 City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attn: Melissa Carho February 11, 2022 Re: Incomplete Items - Pre -Submittal Checklist Case Number:831-21-000285-PRE Type 11 Tentative Land Division Thurston Estates 10 -Lot Residential Subdivision 7399 Thurston Road Map & Tax Lot Number: 17 -02 -35 -OD -02700 Melissa, 846 A SFREET .'-s11GF1ELD, OREGON 97477 15 4 11 30298 3 0 /+W W.METROPIANNINQCOM The following addresses each of the City of Springfield Pre -Submittal Checklist incomplete items for the Thurston Estates Tentative Subdivision Plan, The Proposed Tentative Subdivision Plan written narrative and drawing set are updated to meet completeness requirements. City of Springfield Pre -Submittal Checklist Note items are indicated below in blue text and italic typeface; applicant responses are indicated in black text and plain typeface. City P/annina Completeness Item Notes 1. At Submittal, be sure to include a title report dated within 30 days of application submittal for both the tentative subdivision and final plat. A recent title report dated 11/24/2021 is attached. 1. 8' PUEs within the subdivision proposed. 10' PUES along Thurston Road? 8' PUB within the subdivision remain. A 10' PUE is proposed along Thurston Road between roadway and the new proposed Water Quality Detention Pond - Tract 8 within Lot 1. A 14' PUE is proposed along Thurston Road for the remainder of Lot 1. 3. Dimensions are provided far each lot both on the plans and in the narrative. However, the approximate dimensions of each building site, indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale are not shown. The approximate dimensions of each lot building site, including the top and toe of cut and fill slopes, to scale, are now shown on the Proposed Tentative Plan drawing sets. See specifically attached Sheet C —1.0, the Grading & Storm Drainage Plan and Sheet C-2.0, the Wastewater Utility Plan. 4. Please show the location of existing and required traffic control devices (e.g., no parking signs). A Stop Sign and a Street Name Sign are both indicated at the southeast corner of Thurston Road and proposed 74`h Street. An End Sign is indicated at the end of proposed 746 Street. No Parking signs will be placed on both sides of the interior streets — proposed 74th Street and proposed F Street. Further details are to be finalized at the time of PIP process. See attached Sheet C-3.0, the Paving, Lighting and Street Tree Plan. 5. Show size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip within the subdivision and the Thurston Road street frontage. Four street trees are indicated along Thurston Road. Twenty-two street trees are indicated on proposed 74" Street and proposed F Street. Street trees shall be planted no closer than 20 feet from street lights, and no closer than 5 feet from driveway approaches and utility features. Street tree locations, type, and size details are to be finalized at time of PIP process. See attached Sheet C-3.0, the Paving, Lighting and Street Tree Plan. 6. Has applicant been in touch with SUB Water & Electric already? Applicant has been in touch with SUB Water & Electric. Additional City Planning comments not related to the completeness of the application: • Note TOT -7 on plans. Completed. See A&O Engineering Sheet C-1.0, Note 15. • Full street improvements needed for the Thurston Road frontage. Full street improvements are now proposed and indicated on Tentative Subdivision Plan written narrative and drawing set. • All utilities provided to serve the subdivision will need to be placed underground. All utilities are proposed to be underground. See A&O Engineering Sheet C-2.0, specifically Notes 2,3,4. • 10 -lot subdivision on less than 2 acres meets LDR density requirements. Lot 1 must take access from the new total street, not Thurston Road. Lot It, access from Thurston Road or shared driveway? Lot 1 is proposed to take access from proposed 74`h Street. See A&O Engineering Sheets C —1.0 for proposed preliminary driveway placements. Exact locations to be finalized during PIP process. Future Development of Lot 1b is designed to accommodate access from new 74" Street as a panhandle driveway. • Will Lot to be considered a duplex corner lot? No. Noted. • Please be aware of new state legislation regarding middle housing (HB 2001). There are still criteria for Block length under SOC 4.2-I05.4. Written Narrative has been updated to address SCD 4.2-105.4. Public Works Engineering Completeness Item Notes 1. Subdivision is in the 20 Year time of Travel Zone. According to the City of Springfield Wellhead Protection Area Map, the subject property is located in the 20-99 Year Combined Time of Travel Zone. See A&O Engineering Sheet C-1.0, Note 15. This item is complete. 2. Geotech Report and Soils test are included in drainage report. Infiltration testing was performed by Branch Engineering on July 15'h 2021 and a Geotechnical Report was prepared on July 16`h 2021 which includes the details of the testing and the results. The NRCS Web Soil Survey maps the site entirely as Chapman -Urban land complex (25), Hydrologic Soil Group B. This soil unit is described as well drained and derived from alluvium from mixed sources. Field log summaries and nearby well logs are attached, indicating subsurface conditions are consistent with our observations. See See A&O Engineering Sheet C —1.0, Note 4 and A&O Engineering Stormwater Report for further detailed specifications. This item is complete. 3. A 10' PUE is required along Thurston Road as it is classified as an arterial street. A 10' PUE is proposed along Thurston Road between roadway and the new proposed Water Quality Detention Pond - Tract B within Lot 1. A 14' PUE is proposed along Thurston Road for the remainder of Lot 1. Proposed 8' PUEs within the subdivision remain. The location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting property are indicated as described on plans. See A&O Engineering Plan Sheets C-1.0, C-2.0, and C-3.0. 4. The mailbox location is required and critical with the narrow streets on this subdivision. Proposed Concrete Mailbox Pad is indicated on the northwest side of proposed 74`h Street across from Lot 1. Mailbox per location to be approved by Postmaster prior to placement. Details to be provided at time of PIP process. See attached Sheet C-3.0 for proposed Concrete Mailbox Pad location. See Sheet C— 3.0, Note 8 for details. The proposed 12" stormwater line to the far side of Thurston Elementary may not be possible. Thurston Road was recently repaved and such an extensive trench, if approved, would require extensive milling and repaving of the new road surface. The existing line to connect to is only 8" in diameter and per code and good practice you can't drain a larger line into a smaller one. If it is allowed, the 8" line would have to be replaced with a 12" line, this may require anew outfall permit. The line would be required to extend to the eastern property boundary of 7399 Thurston The proposed 12" stormwater line to the far side of Thurston Elementary is no longer proposed and the necessity of replacing the existing 8" stormwater line with a 12" line which would result in extensive milling and repaving of Thurston Road are no longer a concern. To adequately accommodate stormwater runoff without extensive milling and repaving the newly resurfaced Thurston Road, it is proposed to construct two stormwater ponds (Water Quality Detention Ponds Tract A and Tract B — "Pond A" and "Pond B") within publicly dedicated tracts to receive and process runoff from the new rights-of-way and impervious surfaces on each lot. Future homes are proposed to weephole through curb. The primary destination for stormwater runoff will be infiltration during more normal storm events. For larger storm events the existing roadside ditch on the south side of Thurston Road will be utilized as an escape route. An emergency overflow from Pond B is proposed to allow stormwater to flow over the new sidewalk in Thurston Road, which then flows into the existing roadside ditch. Since Water Quality Detention Pond Tract A vrill be connected via underground piping to Water Quality Detention Pond Tract B this overflow will serveTractAas well, effectively managing stormwater for the entire proposed Tentative Subdivision. See A&O Engineering Plan Sheets C-1.0, Grading & Storm Drainage and C-4.0, Civil Details for specifications, including detailed cross sections, of each Water Quality Detention Pond Tract A, and Water Quality Detention Pond Tract S. See Branch Engineering Infiltration Test Reports, included in the attached A&O Engineering Stormwater Report. 6. No planting plan proposed, can be deferred to PIP. Detention Pond Planting Plan details to be designed during PIP process and shall meet city of Springfield requirements. 7. The deferral of the lot drainage will require an engineer to design and stomp every lotplon, with the small lot size and setback restrictions for soakage trenches. This will limit the size of the homes on the lots. Lot drainage plan has not been deferred. It is proposed to route all stormwater runoff from new impervious right-of-way onsite and future impervious area on new lots into proposed Water Quality Detention Ponds. Future homes are proposed to weephole through curb. Lot 1 house is existing, and no new drainage system is proposed. Final lot grading and slopes or block walls at back of lots to be determined during PIP process. See A&O Engineering Sheet C-1.0— Notes 6-13. 8. The sewer line in Thurston Road will need to be extended to the east to the eastern property boundary of 7399 Thurston Road as required by both the annexation agreement and the EDSPM. The sewer line is proposed to be extended to the eastern property boundary of 7399 Thurston Road (Lot 1) and indicated on A&O Engineering Sheet C — 2.0, Wastewater and Utility Plan. 9. The south side of Thurston Road is required to be fully improved to the current standards, which will be to match the existing section to the west in front of Thurston Elementary with paving to full width, curb, gutter, setback, sidewalk, and street trees. This will include removing the existing short section of curbside sidewalk adjacent to the site and replacing with setback sidewalk. Owner understands and agrees to carry out full improvements required under current standards on the south side of Thurston Road, to match the existing section to the west in front of Thurston Elementary as specified. Additional Public Works Engineering comments not related to the completeness of the application: • Instead of the rock chamber under the pond, the city would prefer either/and vertical block wails or afoot deeper pond with possibly steeper sides to get the required volume. The rock chamber seems to limit plant rooting depth and overdrain the ponds, both of which limit the vegetations ability to withstand the summer drought. The ponds will have 12" thick growing mediums and 12" thick rock chambers. The growing medium is proposed underthe entirefacility. Each pond also is proposed to have a landscape block retaining wallaround the upper 2.5 feet providing more storagevolume. • The existing home at 7399 Thurston Road is required to take its future access off the new side side, not Thurston Road per the SOC and EDSPM. Driveway not less than 12' in width is proposed for the home on Lot 1 at 7399 Thurston Road, on the east side of 74`^ Street approximately 18' south of the property boundary on Thurston Road. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the above Memo Items, or regarding any parts of this Tentative Subdivision application, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or by phone. Sincerely, Katie Keidel, Associate Planner Metro Planning, Inc kkeid el P m etroola n n i ng.com (541)302-9830