HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/7/2022Marcola Place Apartments we I Final Site Plan Review Date: March 2022 Submitted to: City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Owner/Applicant: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, OR 97070 AKS Job Number: 7736 AKI; ENGINEERING & FORESTRY 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 (503)563-6151 Table of Contents Findings for Compliance with Conditions of Approval...........................................................................2 Exhibits Exhibit A: City Application Forms and Checklists Exhibit B: Marcola Place Apartments Multi -Family Site Plans Exhibit C: Typical Covered Bicycle Racks Exhibit D: Operations and Maintenance Plan Marcola Place Apartments Type I Final Site Plan Review Application Submitted to: City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant/Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, OR 97070 Applicant's Consultant: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 Contact: Chris Goodell, AICP, LEEDAl Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com Phone: (503)563-6151 Applicant's Transportation Lancaster Mobley Engineer: 321 SW 4`h Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 Contact: Todd Mobley Email: todd@lancastermobley.com Phone: (503) 248-0313 Site Location: North of Marcola Road and west of 280 Street Lane County Assessor's Map: 17023000; Adjusted Tax Lot 1800 Site Size: ±100 acres Existing Springfield Land Use District: Medium Density Residential (MDR) Existing Metro Plan Diagram Designation: Medium Density Residential (MDR) AVC Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application -City of Springfield Page 1 Findings for Compliance with Conditions of Approval AVO Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application —City of Springfield Page 2 Marcola Meadows Multi -Unit Apartment Complex Site Plan Review —Conditions of Approval (Local Case No. 811-20-000276-TTP2; Decision Issued December 12, 2021) Conditions licent's Response 1. The applicant must retain a private professional Understood, the condition can be met. civil engineer to design the public improvements in conformance with City codec, this decision, and the current Engineering Design Smndatds and P.edures Manu.] (EDSPM). The private civil engineer also must provide construction inspection terriers for the project. 2. The offset manhole and lateral connections to the Understood, the condition can be met. sanitary sewer trunk line must be installed during the summer construction season (May 1— Ocmber 15) to avoid coni icts with higher seasonal Sous in the fine 3. Prior to i.suance of an Encroachment Permit for Understood, the condition can be met. each connection to the sanitary sewer trunk line, the applicant must provide information on the materials to be used, the elevations of the pipe for each connection, and the elevation into the trunk fine where the connection is to be made. The connection points must be above the elevation of the spring fine in accordance with the CiWs EDSPM. 4. Prior to issuance of Building Permits for the multi- Understood, the condition can be met prior to unit residential project, the applicant must issuance of building permits. construct the segment of pubfic sanitary sewer line between the commercial parcels bunting onto Marcelo Road and the offset manhole that counters with the existing trunk sewer line, as generally depicted on Sheet 06 of the applicanes utility plan. The segment of pubfic sanitary sewer fine and manhole must be constructed using the City's PIP 5. The Final Site Plan must depict the floor drains as As shown on the updated Composite Utility Plan being connected to the sanitary sewer system for (Exhibit B), the floor drains associated with the the trash and recycling materials enclosures on the trash and recycling enclosures are connected to site. the sanitary sewer system. The condition is met. 6. Prior to approval of the Final Sim Plan, the Please seethe updated Marcola Place Apartments applicant must depict the location of soakage Mufti -Family Site Plans (Exhibit B). The condition trenches on the site stownwater drainage plan. Soakage trenches must meet required setback. is met. from buildings, perimeter property lines and other utilities, and meet the design standards of Section 2.3.17 of the Eugene Sweetwater Management Manual. AVO Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application —City of Springfield Page 2 AIM Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application —City of Springfield Page 3 Marcola Meadows Multi -Unit Apartment Compl" Site Plan Review—Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-20-000276-TYP2; Decision Issued December 12, 2021 Conditions Applicant's Response 7. Prior to issuanceof Building Permits for the Understood, the condition can be met prior to project, thepublic street right-of-way for Pierce issuance of building permits. Parkway must be dedicated through recording of bargain and sale deed and legal description of the affecred area,s generally depicted on the appficant'ssite plan and PIP plans for Pierce Parkway construction. 8. Prior to issuance of Building Permits for the Understood, the condition can be met prior to project, thesegment of Pierce Parkway along the issuance of building permits. subject site frontage must be substantially ompleted in accordance with the approved PIP clay 9. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the Please see the Operations and Maintenance Plan applicant must provide an operations and (Exhibit D). It Is understood the plan must be maintenance plan satisfactory to the City to ensure recorded upon review and the condition can be viable, long-term maintenance and operation of the met. stormwater infiltration planters and soakage trenches. The operations and .maintenance plan must designate the responsible party for operating and maintaining the system and must be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. A notice of this plan must be recorded against the property with Lane County Deeds and Records and evidence thereof provided m the Ci 10. To ensure a fiafly functioning water quality system Understood, the condition can be met. and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the infiltration planters must be fitly vegetated avith all vegetation species estabfished prior to completion of all final inspections and commencement of operations. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be mey the appficant must provide andmaintain additional interim erosion s control/water quality m s detailed measures 8 of the EDSPMthat wi8 provide the necessary level of water quafity treatment a detailed by the EDSPM until such time as the infiltration planter vegetation becomes fiafly established. The interim erosion control measure must be in addition to the required plantings for the sate. 11. Sheet 06 of the Final Site Plan must be revised to As shown on the updated Composite Utility Plan remove the piped overflow connection depicted on (Exhibit B), the subject piped overflow connection the infiltration planter cross-section detail, and to has been removed and revised to show planting provide for a minimum 24 -inches of planting medium. The condition is met. medium for the vegetated infiltration planters. The planting .medium must be consistent with the SUB Drinking Water Source Protection standards fir at least 50% organic matter content and be comprised of a mixture of sand, loam, native topsoil and compost AIM Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application —City of Springfield Page 3 AVO Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application —City of Springfield Page 4 Marcola Meadows Multi -Unit Apartment Complex Site Plan Review—Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-20-000276-TYP2; Decision Issued December 12, 2021 Conditions Applicant's Response 12. The public water system serving the development Understood, the condition can be met. site must be designed and constructed as part of the PIP for the extension of Pierce Parkway betweenthe28th Streetintercection and the Piers Ditch. 13. Prior to issuance of final building occupanry, the Understood, the condition can be met prior to applicant must execute and record the 7 -foot wide issuance of final building occupancy. PUBS along the Pierce Parkway homages of the site and provide evidence thereof to the City, 14. Vegetativeening of the water system As shown on the updated Landscape Plans :.closures to be :nstaBed near the site driveways (Exhibit B), the subject water system enclosures onm Pierce Parkway must be provided in along Pierce Parkway are planned to be screened accordance with SDC 3.2-240.D.4.d and 4.4-110.B. appropriately. It is worth pointing out the water The vegetative screening must be shown on the system enclosures are positioned close to the landscapingplan Sheet 10 to approval of the p ( )poor ppro ground near the site driveways. The condition is Final Site Plan. met. 15. The applicant must include three paved walkway As shown on Exhibit B, three paved walkway sections between the interior sidewalks serving connections are provided along the western edge Buildings 6-10 and the multi -use pathway along the of the site between buildings 6-30. The condition western edge of the site. Prior to approval of the is met. Final Site Plan, the plan sheets must be revised to chow these connections. 16. Illumination of pedestrian walkways to a minimum As shown on the updated Lighting Plan and of 2 foot-candles must be provided in accordance Lighting Details Plan (Exhibit B), adequate lighting with SDC 3.2-240.D.7.h. The site fighting plan is provided onsite in accordance with City must provide for pedestrian scale illumination of standards. The condition is met. the interior paved walkways, including the walkway connections; serving Buildings 6-10 and the hull extent of the multi- use pathway along the western edge of the site in accordance with SDC 3.2-240.D.7.h. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the site plan and fighting plan .oust be revised to chow required fighting of the interior walkway connections and multi -use pathway. 17. A minimum 5 -foot planted setback must be As shown on the updated Landscape Plans provided between a8 parking spaces or driveways (Exhibit B), a 5 -foot planted setback is provided and the abutting property line in accordance with along the applicable parking spaces. The condition SDC 3.2-240.D.8.h. Prior to approval of the Final is met. Sire Plan, the landscaping plan (Sheet 10) must be revised to provide for the 5 -foot planted setback between the row of parking spaces at the southern edge of the site and the adjacent commercial properties in accordance avith SDC 3.2-240.D.8.h. Alternatively, the applicant can provide a 4-fot planted setback avith decorative wa8 as described in SDC 3.2-240.D.8.i. AVO Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application —City of Springfield Page 4 Marcola Meadows Multi -Unit Apartment Complex Site Plan Review—Conditions of Approval Local Case No. 811-20-000276-TYP2; Decision Issued December 12, 2021 Conditions Applicant's Response 18. At least 75% of the 316 bicycle parking spaces This response provides an updated narrative provided for the site must be covered, long-term description of the finalized bicycle parking spaces parking spaces. Prior to approval of the Final Site provided onsite. Plan, the plan sheers and project narrative must be revised to provide for at least 237 covered, Inng- According to Section 3.2-240, one bicycle parking term bicycle parkirg spaces within the apartment space must be provided for each unit and include complex. 75 percent long-term (covered) spaces. The updated Site Plan (Exhibit B) provides 312 units, requiring 312 bicycle parking stalls including at least 75 percent or ±237 long-term (covered) stalls. As shown on the updated Site Plan (Exhibit B), 238 long-term, covered bicycle parking spaces (at least 75 percent of the total 312 bicycle parking spaces) are provided onsite. Long-term stalls are provided within covered stairwells (2 per stairwell), within ground floor units, and within covered (roofed) bicycle racks. As illustrated on Exhibit C, Typical Covered Bicycle Racks, the roofed bicycle racks include options for 6, 8, and 30 parking stalls. Further, the updated Site Plan (Exhibit B) identifies the location of the uncovered racks and the three types of covered racks. In conclusion, 238 long-term stalls (within ground floor units, interior stairwells, and covered racks) and 80 stalls (uncovered racks) are provided onsite, totaling 318 bicycle stalls (where 312 bicycle stalls are required). The condition is met. 19. Prior to issuance of Building Permits for the Understood, the condition can be met prior to project, the applicant must obtain a Drinldng issuance of building permits. Water Protection Permit or Exemption and provide evidence thereof to the Ci 20. The property owner is responsible for ongoing and Understood, the condition can be met. perpetual .maintenance of the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure they function a designed and intended, and to ensure protection of surface and groundwater resources. Annual maintenance records .oust be kept by the property owner and provided to the City for review upon reasonable request — nonmafly within five business da AVO Marcola Place Apartments March 2022 Type I Final Site Plan Review Application —City of Springfield Page 5 AK Exhibit A: City Application Forms and Checklists City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Review SPRINOFIRLD W Application Site Plan:Minor Site Plan Modification: ❑ Ma'or Site Plan Modification: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Ne ghborhood LLQ Phone: Pleasecontactconsultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: Pleasecontact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville OR 97070 Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Chris Goodell Phone: (503) 563-6151 Company: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC Fax: N/A Address: 12965 SW Herman Road Suite 100 Tualatin OR 97062 Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com Property Owner: Same as Applicant Phone: Company: Fax: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17023000 TAX LOT NOS : A portion of Tax Lot 1803 Property Address: No situs - northwest of Marcola Road and 28th Street Size of Pro ert: ±497,455 Acres Square Feet S Proposed Name of Project: Marcola Place Apartments Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Final Site Plan Review(multi-family residential Existing Use: Vacant land zoned MDR I Tentative Case #:811 -21 -000276 -TY Si natures: Please si n and Drint your name and date in the aDDrODriate box on the next a e. Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: Case No.: Date: Reviewed b Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 Signature 1 represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the Information will not be provided if not otherwise curtained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the Information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 22].1]8 pertaining to a complete application. Date: o3'�'aQ22 Ig ture Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 cf 4 Final Site Plan Review Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Final Site Plan Review Application to the Development Services Department The application must conform to the Fina/ Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check • Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. • The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. • An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. • Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application & Issues Final Approval • This is a Type I decision and thus is made without public notice and without a public hearing since there are clear and objective approval criteria and/or development standards that do not require the use of discretion. • Decisions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City and may not be appealed. 4. City Drafts a Development Agreement Applicant and City sign Development Agreement Final Site Plan and Development Agreement become null and void if construction has not begun within two years of signing the Development Agreement. S. City Conducts Final Site Inspection City authorizes provision of public facilities and services and issues Certificate of Occupancy Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 4 Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. See Exhibit A for fee calculation provided by staff Final Site Plan Review Application Form { Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each item. See written narrative Five (5) Copies of the Final Site Plan Sets incorporating all required modifications and applicable conditions See Exhibit B Additional Documents requested as Conditions of Approval as part of the Site Plan Review decision. See Exhibits C and D Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 4 R. LIMBIRn nidi To: Mane Holladay 9ub*t RN: MF Final Type 1 wbrri Val - fx do Data Monday, January, 31, 2022 2:5109 PM Atlatlanenh: inai on, Hi Marie, below is the calculated Final Site Plan fee forthe multi -unit site. Andy From: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 2:01 PM To: HMBIRD Andrew <alimbird@springfield-or.gov> Subject: RE: MF Final Type 1 submittal - fee calc Final Site Plan fee: $2443.80 Tech Fee: $122.19 Total: $2565.99 Shannon Morris 541.744.3387 From: Marie Holladay <holladavm Oaks-ene.com> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 11:54 AM To: H MBI RD Andrew <alimbirdno springfield-nr-or env> Subject: MF Final Type 1 submittal -fee talc Hi Andy — can you please also provide a fee talc for the Multi -Family Type I Final submittal, receipt attached? Appreciate itl Thanks 1. Final Site plan Review(Development Agreement poor S.D-100) Type I - Final site plan and development agreement fee is 10%of the paid site plan fee (exclusive of postage). 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Thank you, Marie Holladay AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC 12%5 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 1 Tualatin, OR 97062 P: 503.563.6151 &t.2701 v sks ena com I HollsdavM2uk[�era mm Offices in: Bend, OR I tell OR I Tualatin, OR I vancouver, WA AK Exhibit B: Marcola Place Apartments Multi -Family Site Plans 9 MARCOLA PLACE APARTMENTS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PRELIMINARY MULTI -FAMILY SITE PLAN REVIEW SITE MAP SCALE 1• = IST SHEET INDEX 00 PRELIMINARY COVER SHEET WITH SITE AND VICINITY MAP 01 APPROVED FINAL MASTER PLAN 02 DUSTING CONDITIONS PLAN 03 PFEUNINARY DEMOUE)ON, GRADING, AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 04 PREUMINARY SITE PLAN OS PRELININARV OETAIGO DIMENSION RAN 06 PRELIMINARY COMPOSITE UTUTY PLAN 07 PRELIMINARY LIGATING PLAN 07A PRELIMINARY LIGHTING DETAILS 08 PRELIMINARY ARE TRUCK TURNING MOVEMENTS PLAN 09 PREUMINARY GARBAGE TRUCK TURNING MOVEMENTS PLAN 10 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 11 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN (CONTE)) 12 PREUNINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN (CONED II) LAND USE PLANNING / AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE / CONTACT: LARRY PANKEY, CHRIS GOODELL CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 12965 SW HERMAN ROAD, SUITE 100 TUALARN, OR 97062 SURVEYING FIRM: PH: 503-563-6151 FAX 503-563-6152 OWNER/APPLICANT: MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC LEGEND 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE WILSONVLE. OR 97070 FISTING YrrnnN nrz � PROPOSED. � smai own wx ar EXISTING PROPOSED PROJECT LOCATION: mmmrs rcee � fL 7C sma oau� aP.n a.w sau onw .�wui THE BURGES RESIDENCE AT 185 33RD STREET, 22.6 FT EAST OF THE CENTER OF fK M1gW11 II � SIGY L0.W YYnIE OF UTUTY POLE NUMBER 135, WITH AN YnwY eLaxuv P CURRENT CITY DATUM) s+s atw o 0 TOTAL ACREAGE: 111.42 ACRES 1 erw vf1FY a us vac m u xxrFY vxc • arc r¢ un�ox F Daae oea vac • marc wF .w mevc vac 4 Pmcx uwu m wrtmr xrFx aPYn mr o Pv,Yx.Fnnxw � a e mrtnr9:Ym WxxaE o • Prt,Yn PreESru Yn 4 T rnununva vwLr © m maFr uort o + cau.+unva nxFnn eFa o YxLWx ® m Fau+unva aax o W yUE nunuF ni>taxA ae [a£ 6 P1MIF111 anon nx¢ UK - - - MWLN£ - NERdD- L9M�wUK _____-____- -- -- 4l5 LNF -- -- SIIPoI p0.vx MF _ _ _ _-- _ _ _-- -- -- SINIMI YIFN uxF ____-_----_ �••�••� prFP UE - - - --- - - --- PRELIMINARY MULTI -FAMILY SITE PLAN REVIEW SITE MAP SCALE 1• = IST SHEET INDEX 00 PRELIMINARY COVER SHEET WITH SITE AND VICINITY MAP 01 APPROVED FINAL MASTER PLAN 02 DUSTING CONDITIONS PLAN 03 PFEUNINARY DEMOUE)ON, GRADING, AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 04 PREUMINARY SITE PLAN OS PRELININARV OETAIGO DIMENSION RAN 06 PRELIMINARY COMPOSITE UTUTY PLAN 07 PRELIMINARY LIGATING PLAN 07A PRELIMINARY LIGHTING DETAILS 08 PRELIMINARY ARE TRUCK TURNING MOVEMENTS PLAN 09 PREUMINARY GARBAGE TRUCK TURNING MOVEMENTS PLAN 10 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 11 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN (CONTE)) 12 PREUNINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN (CONED II) LAND USE PLANNING / AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE / CONTACT: LARRY PANKEY, CHRIS GOODELL CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 12965 SW HERMAN ROAD, SUITE 100 TUALARN, OR 97062 SURVEYING FIRM: PH: 503-563-6151 FAX 503-563-6152 OWNER/APPLICANT: MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE WILSONVLE. OR 97070 ARCHITECT: MULT/TECH ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 1155 13TH STREET SE SALEM, OR 97302 PROJECT LOCATION: SPRINGFEID OREGON, NORTH OF MARCOLA ROAD AND WEST OF 28TH STREET PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF TAX LOT 1803 OF UNE COUNTY TAX MAP 17-02-30-00 LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 30 AND THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANG 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGHELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXISTING LAND USE: VACANT, UNDEVELOPED LAND VERTICAL DATUM: ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NGS BENCHMARK NO. G1625, ALSO BEING LANE COUNTY BENCHMARK NO. 158 LOCATED IN SPRINGRELD, AT THE JUNCTION OF MAIN STREET AND 33RD STREET, 205.1 FT NORTH OF THE CENTERUNE OF THE WESTBOUND LANES OF MAIN STREET, 46.3 FT SOUTHWEST G THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE BURGES RESIDENCE AT 185 33RD STREET, 22.6 FT EAST OF THE CENTER OF 33RD STREET, 19.7 FT SOUTH OF THE CENTER OF A DRIVEWAY, AND 3.6 FT NORTH OF UTUTY POLE NUMBER 135, WITH AN ELEVATON OF 478.11 FEET (NAVE) 88, CURRENT CITY DATUM) PROJECT PURPOSE: SITE PLAN REVIEW INVOLVING A NEW MULE -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY TOTAL ACREAGE: 111.42 ACRES LEGEND OPEN SPACE ® STORMWATER FACILITY SINGLE-FAMILY MULTI -FAMILY COMMERCIAL - CHURCH OSCHOOL A �ilRli! 7 \ n» •%�. SCALE 1-150 FIETMY ` a � ' � 1 ,^ it � I 01 �� � ., _ . • �, �,�rrrrrrrrrr E � � ..-S ati■+■ MR 11"1 �- 11.a _ � 1�11�1��11MrrIr��111rrrsP 11111111111_ E _�@ °¢I GATH[RING PLACC h DONNIE LANE C`— -- �< Z' T'. i NDTE. 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I \ / FW: MflH (1Mi E`M4:& \ l PMHWAY—_—. 2 xu9OrtN WNY I.I¢N WRY xNF SWre xYI caxxm _ _ a "IMxE wsvwi l IE DO ¢ u�"mm pa I "�\ �✓� IE x lean (IaXYsnM)1 Ell x 66an la'tll a un]IEs woW M[ WYo W U0GFp10 unnr Lmnm IE WC Maw Orlq I6MMYSMRY.LfDn orrta xw NfrdW Nx murc mftr 6 rlur"r°laN x 6R.6R5 xnamn rlE l]�n: x rlE.Ka ..Ml \/ EIx: E OJC MIM (M bI.I51xY') / y/ i l THE w p6apwa w� M MJIwPxo Ywmla CJn rus RaTm rxa vn rreamwP�c reramiiwr�Yrs rt'�'wm®Yn°usa"wamxpa I :`✓/ V IS i A //l[ yry�� / rao-wxr. ucxvuMr mm R6axm16AMMY 9mErwEM)fM BE oxwr. xowxES YMaPHunwr xo aMuaE ME M1, �//��i /�jj/'l/ l l flP ®oIRm 9RP�mrelnx6W 11.1 a olxmu xmrw ea ram. WELLHEADZONEIO / / IX IXiK& ]. mRSM xwW ME Pm OwxN (illwxH6 PUx xo ADJUSTED�1 I E x uxm (e0 wiMrmY�uo N�'irnFo aFiwwx lei, taE /\ 1802 /�\ I E x mM lasl auEEvs YaE xn mawEa w ua 6xtlmxc a Ell rxEPPaeunox is Ylecm wawa ua z ) \\ G r it I \✓ MFA vn ramie I I , it / y E an: bzx Rbl ]mesr xsnlMr IAHT6".s (iz I ! { 1 aumienau (z'sl� alz'N w: 0 a64 t I \\vW 66au p i p"'sW a 8 IE rT:�6AR (1B'Q� NfPF]EA= wk 4mtl E MT. 1"A E. 16an (12V renal I'M scM£: 1•-ao rEEr \ J `C2 0 r-7 CHIDING NOTES msoav w::n.m a.ro. amvoso nw :nsoo a.m. / LEGEND GSIIIE IXQM Ld10.R (I Frl —d69 fllSIIM6 PIO.M f01RlR I5 ri —ti]D-- gnaw 0 m —•en— RNIM mE PX19FD MI➢WIIaA IS i¶ �f10 4OIFrrt N61NS NSrILm 14FNP.VX6) _ aquXNn .w.enxorxr _ _ _ xi[r wortcnP wuuanwoxrtcnm mx>fix wcwX rte. EI PA'hL WISThYLOM gI0.W6 nu i �> xq mo[cnw Owl / � Xquwur -�- �-- � / PIEgCE — Q OEMWTON KEVID NOTES PAgKWAY i. Pmrtcr usixc unurc � - // x. Xtuah xunxc aw¢ Pexxnr / x rromcr mswc mmrix a va>m xaswc wtm vuw no xsar vrN mm, wra mXsim CHIDING NOTES msoav w::n.m a.ro. amvoso nw :nsoo a.m. / LEGEND GSIIIE IXQM Ld10.R (I Frl —d69 fllSIIM6 PIO.M f01RlR I5 ri —ti]D-- gnaw 0 m —•en— RNIM mE PX19FD MI➢WIIaA IS i¶ �f10 4OIFrrt N61NS NSrILm 14FNP.VX6) _ aquXNn .w.enxorxr _ _ _ xi[r wortcnP wuuanwoxrtcnm mx>fix wcwX rte. EI PA'hL WISThYLOM gI0.W6 UTE r ip F TU1xE rl" l�rcCl x ITE ®�q AREA 2 SITE SUMMARY TOTAL AREA 71,750 SF / — — COMMON OPEN SPACE 11,160 SI" (±16� PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 1.350 SF (l2Z) / TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA 28,560 SF (±421) TOTAL MPERNGUS AREA 43.190 SF (±60A) P-1-d[W'hlxY Mx04 ffMU ],WS ' � /AEEAA 1 SITE SUMMARY / �P"ZAY TOTAL AREA 417,610 SF �-�-� COMMON OPEN SPACE 77,930 SF (±19%) PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 8,770 SF (12%) / TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA 139,420 SF (±33* fix roTx TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 278,190 SF (±67%) : / PIs•c a sNxrAr H�.aw s ssB•x s / o / APARTMENT UNITS / • TY" G) x BEBA — (•x BY) s TY"W)..AT(.M / rz TY" (C)1 Em/1 exm P.M 0 0 Ifi nN15 XIMN LWSID STNR,RLLS (x PER nMRLL) Z10 Rrtx PARKING STALLS REWIRED 270 (1 PER DMEWNG UNIT) PARKING STALLS PROVIDED EI nAY0.N0 m IXYPACT fi N �F IB 6IAA45 Au aTx BICYCLE PARKING REQUIRED 270 (1 PER DNILNG UNIT) BICYCLE PARKING PRONGED u axxs xMx BOu•0 srxOElxs (x vm •IAxxx) H BBWE wls BB •xls xmx xNB 1WI aN3T xL11xE vMiBIG a nxxs BTxn acme xxxs 74.B E I• 1Mx Thal Huls •z Tarx sws SITE 1 N'aunm axrMs/ruusR's Bf{Q a 1 mAw oRBNIW acme � •arAnxxx ASA swlxc Paax (Ieylzl x xm ne I NS Yx xM IAA larmm) O � — F TU1xE rl" l�rcCl x ITE ®�q AREA 2 SITE SUMMARY TOTAL AREA 71,750 SF / — — COMMON OPEN SPACE 11,160 SI" (±16� PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 1.350 SF (l2Z) / TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA 28,560 SF (±421) na IrxPsr xANsr rinlrc is Ns• WAOL RSW. YEn 6 HIM SIxEi. AS RF XFIxHMTD xleWS IEr 011 xxaAThY mNm sms wr Y" PxTBfO x to x43 ❑x SITE PLAN KEYED NOTES 1. lar x PAmmn (TP) z lar nxMm xxxcx ale ITMI 3 IFr mBITI: savxX (TYP) a F o w slap (rR) 5 /M PwB'sa (T>y) A owm nw•Iz (rm) mm (TT) x raa x•xm rla a armor Yra tt¢s I0. WL BMS n. xAw uB •cm•B NRA 2 m\w WP.V.Iart Mo IEcmJIO 4 A Is A�Anvux X$ IA GWBZ IS W=I$dM TED BY PAN NI slwxclml 16 o] mT PA STN (M) n. MB (TT) m casrAr.w. ") I4. smwYThR B Tmmw x.W W (TTI a XWFX..rTx((m YI. 0 HIRE Ohf140.. BME PM Yt B SrNL PM® WL 1WI BL19E PNWi ss IB sax o•PmB Ivw Tha aLVB[ PMVYi LEGEND scxB: 1• -ss PEBi wB wu OBm cssxert Ba aolr41I-wr TOTAL MPERNGUS AREA 43.190 SF (±60A) P-1-d[W'hlxY Mx04 ffMU ],WS ' � /AEEAA 1 SITE SUMMARY / �P"ZAY TOTAL AREA 417,610 SF �-�-� COMMON OPEN SPACE 77,930 SF (±19%) PRIVATE OPEN SPACE 8,770 SF (12%) / TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA 139,420 SF (±33* fix roTx TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 278,190 SF (±67%) : / PIs•c a sNxrAr H�.aw s ssB•x s / BxalB o]xRAa s (axa aTsrx sR) W. •AW / APARTMENT UNITS / • TY" G) x BEBA — (•x BY) s TY"W)..AT(.M / rz TY" (C)1 Em/1 exm P.M x TY" m)s®p w•0x•xl) Ifi nN15 XIMN LWSID STNR,RLLS (x PER nMRLL) Z10 Rrtx PARKING STALLS REWIRED 270 (1 PER DMEWNG UNIT) PARKING STALLS PROVIDED EI nAY0.N0 m IXYPACT fi N �F IB 6IAA45 Au aTx BICYCLE PARKING REQUIRED 270 (1 PER DNILNG UNIT) BICYCLE PARKING PRONGED u axxs xMx BOu•0 srxOElxs (x vm •IAxxx) H BBWE wls BB •xls xmx xNB 1WI aN3T xL11xE vMiBIG a nxxs BTxn acme xxxs 74.B E I• 1Mx Thal Huls •z Tarx sws SITE 1 N'aunm axrMs/ruusR's Bf{Q a 1 mAw oRBNIW acme � •arAnxxx ASA swlxc Paax (Ieylzl x xm ne I NS Yx xM IAA larmm) na IrxPsr xANsr rinlrc is Ns• WAOL RSW. YEn 6 HIM SIxEi. AS RF XFIxHMTD xleWS IEr 011 xxaAThY mNm sms wr Y" PxTBfO x to x43 ❑x SITE PLAN KEYED NOTES 1. lar x PAmmn (TP) z lar nxMm xxxcx ale ITMI 3 IFr mBITI: savxX (TYP) a F o w slap (rR) 5 /M PwB'sa (T>y) A owm nw•Iz (rm) mm (TT) x raa x•xm rla a armor Yra tt¢s I0. WL BMS n. xAw uB •cm•B NRA 2 m\w WP.V.Iart Mo IEcmJIO 4 A Is A�Anvux X$ IA GWBZ IS W=I$dM TED BY PAN NI slwxclml 16 o] mT PA STN (M) n. MB (TT) m casrAr.w. ") I4. smwYThR B Tmmw x.W W (TTI a XWFX..rTx((m YI. 0 HIRE Ohf140.. BME PM Yt B SrNL PM® WL 1WI BL19E PNWi ss IB sax o•PmB Ivw Tha aLVB[ PMVYi LEGEND scxB: 1• -ss PEBi wB wu OBm cssxert Ba aolr41I-wr TOTAL MPERNGUS AREA 43.190 SF (±60A) P-1-d[W'hlxY Mx04 ffMU ],WS �IEgCE mm" w,m•NE Islas I. a W.BIO �P"ZAY APARTMENT UNITS �-�-� a Tor lAl z anp wm h sl ie, B 0 1'eE (1) /2 wM (ISIS fix roTx ' PARKING STALLS REWIRED 42 (1 PER DMELMNG UNIT) PARKING STALLS PROVIDED H m BavAm I.P. ] MA NAS4iE 0 B x BIT. BICYCLE PARNING REQUIRED 42 (1 PER DWELLING UNIT) BICYCLE PARNING STALLS PROVIDED Ifi nN15 XIMN LWSID STNR,RLLS (x PER nMRLL) 0 acme vAaxxs.1B uxrs xx Huls wex Ive Thal alma ecmE PNXa• e Tsrx xa• ThRY nNxs SITE 1 IBA91/•CIL1f 1 AOR.1ROxx IAA 1 • ux B• IAA na IrxPsr xANsr rinlrc is Ns• WAOL RSW. YEn 6 HIM SIxEi. AS RF XFIxHMTD xleWS IEr 011 xxaAThY mNm sms wr Y" PxTBfO x to x43 ❑x SITE PLAN KEYED NOTES 1. lar x PAmmn (TP) z lar nxMm xxxcx ale ITMI 3 IFr mBITI: savxX (TYP) a F o w slap (rR) 5 /M PwB'sa (T>y) A owm nw•Iz (rm) mm (TT) x raa x•xm rla a armor Yra tt¢s I0. WL BMS n. xAw uB •cm•B NRA 2 m\w WP.V.Iart Mo IEcmJIO 4 A Is A�Anvux X$ IA GWBZ IS W=I$dM TED BY PAN NI slwxclml 16 o] mT PA STN (M) n. MB (TT) m casrAr.w. ") I4. smwYThR B Tmmw x.W W (TTI a XWFX..rTx((m YI. 0 HIRE Ohf140.. BME PM Yt B SrNL PM® WL 1WI BL19E PNWi ss IB sax o•PmB Ivw Tha aLVB[ PMVYi LEGEND scxB: 1• -ss PEBi wB wu OBm cssxert Ba aolr41I-wr cr 2 � W156.N1BR MIR (OP) I. M F f,—' it—SMR Ri Ell v�III dam5 flip M►� �,? i I - VAN OF NOTES- 1FW ..GA ATTL E MIYEN SEDIMENT SJAM4 EN AM T MARIc IN IMMOSEB NOMADISM MOM P9Rt 10 0.RINB, GNB N2R BMSMV ON 1. SERAa5: IxfRMATCH RANIFBS MUST BE IV FlHM MIMING MANBAMNS AND 5MOM PRIDERM TINES. 1 01fREDk MINIMUM f MfBYA EPW HARLOW 6EVATDX M THE IT DE BASED WALLS DISMISS NESUM: DROWNS MOM MAIL BF A MINIMUM BI saaxw¢' OF ImmL OR THE SOL MALT AS AMENDED TO SUMMIT EAST BRJMRI RU NAI[ A 5DS DNGWIc MATTER SYSTEM IMPORTED TPSR 9 BE SANDY DRAY YIID MIxWAWSI OR A WDIANT""I"' BIASIO. T MAIL BE ROUGHLY OW MIR COMPOST BY IOM[ NSF [BRINING IND ..I PMII... T[ COMPOST ANALL BE DETWO Rd PLANT MATERIAL ANIMAL MOM IS MDT AIILMG. I tERiATf11:'hQIATM SNALL S FW MRPhD LAN.. PIAN& AGE 1. OR Ym WKK sWL H kAl9Rlm AS GOOD AS P0S50E AM ME MANNAIm EACULY 15 WNERY & PLwIFR MI WTFPk 9WL BE S@F &SIX WIBRR. INm OR DMP p.WABIE MiRALL (MS pFYCIILY TffARD MAD' ) 1. INSTILL YAWL SEA GRAVEL OR MEN MIX R TRMl9TEN FROM INET ON SELW PIM R IADWIG WERNM X-11 � � � / °+• �r I Y � OR ppIDI� ® �� �✓ �F �8 b e� 4 1 FUNf:€ T N€ r011(I"'�I L pal1E' 1 I -ITE IT III CIETBRIMME EII LAI 1 NOTES- 1FW ..GA ATTL E MIYEN SEDIMENT SJAM4 EN AM T MARIc IN IMMOSEB NOMADISM MOM P9Rt 10 0.RINB, GNB N2R BMSMV ON 1. SERAa5: IxfRMATCH RANIFBS MUST BE IV FlHM MIMING MANBAMNS AND 5MOM PRIDERM TINES. 1 01fREDk MINIMUM f MfBYA EPW HARLOW 6EVATDX M THE IT DE BASED WALLS DISMISS NESUM: DROWNS MOM MAIL BF A MINIMUM BI saaxw¢' OF ImmL OR THE SOL MALT AS AMENDED TO SUMMIT EAST BRJMRI RU NAI[ A 5DS DNGWIc MATTER SYSTEM IMPORTED TPSR 9 BE SANDY DRAY YIID MIxWAWSI OR A WDIANT""I"' BIASIO. T MAIL BE ROUGHLY OW MIR COMPOST BY IOM[ NSF [BRINING IND ..I PMII... T[ COMPOST ANALL BE DETWO Rd PLANT MATERIAL ANIMAL MOM IS MDT AIILMG. I tERiATf11:'hQIATM SNALL S FW MRPhD LAN.. PIAN& AGE 1. OR Ym WKK sWL H kAl9Rlm AS GOOD AS P0S50E AM ME MANNAIm EACULY 15 WNERY & PLwIFR MI WTFPk 9WL BE S@F &SIX WIBRR. INm OR DMP p.WABIE MiRALL (MS pFYCIILY TffARD MAD' ) 1. INSTILL YAWL SEA GRAVEL OR MEN MIX R TRMl9TEN FROM INET ON SELW PIM R IADWIG WERNM ONenn9ln(o,malion Vmtlud S"wiO,uLt—s q (ID COOPER VALULUME SERIES - PLED WALLMWM ELLE°'M° US _I wmm, r m 16 Vmtlud S"wiO,uLt—s q (ID COOPER VALULUME SERIES - PLED WALLMWM ELLE°'M° US wmm, r m 16 40 LED A- LE ym ���I,WL'M J-�u ,'� wv.. wmm, m 16 wv.. ora r'mwie, wnwwr_v o,n.,n ■ o. om.. y �ms� usnacei.ec. us.mmxenml L.9L W �'°:.� © PIEgCE DIM" NJ �iN P1 WON I• v 1 111 1! ! 1 • 11 �' • _ _ _ _ i ! _ _ TRACK WDTH 8.375 FG LOCK -TO -LOCK TIME 6.00 SEC r CURB TO CURB TURNING RADIUS 29.70 FT SCn E r-00 F ET t ors slurs •Ynm EV[fb'4E w� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I YW1fLpLL5 YY9E I_YEgI; YI AF4 Y015 (TP) MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 11 FOR CONTINUATION I.R io SdEWIE lTMl 00 i Moxa vxa�a.x PLANT KEY >� ox•oY_wx YSICEY Hww rxxE cmvs /\/'•\/O V 3NINESE 9lTRi1L moi✓ B]Ildl X➢YMI[ �' PIPY�Y NxffFAY WFXAEW Wsw x,�v u�xA me V Axw� HwH��w • xrs Ydurc lutxd o x•,d YMMXE o . swn xE wo ww:. • W9NLWS WF9[IXPIL BfLL m WYI1W XpLM MAPF • Yulux mwdx wA=.s • ®loz xm O xxrxE ww PIXE ® p laWSUI Ixp HAWIMAx O dFx/N IAPFMAE • ND Iq �M1 El u.wxd smmmnra PVHIEP. sww su< mxAOYe Xuw xorzw Puxnxc soYoul� uo xold dclm w s¢i Is c i � 4✓d _ AREA 1 _ _ e io r, 1o.f . i �i: •� :.. � I / � ss■■ � I V-- �> � o :ems„>_ o :e�r.,ri °.Tr �o S'e `11 LF El Nzlo 1171, >A ®TI�irRl'iA>Qi �``� ��lrl]o �yc / / r I ■II `` �i��r �a��'�r y`��t~g / ���eeaireeel�l���� ..,.�•' w�"j oiiiii )LSI rr-� q � •o=. ��� so I s ra \ P, A - wXIXIXXIIX mPI MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 10 OOyFuu GMwr rmiwaur lml FOR CONTINUATION PLANT KEY A N u >� �mleie SIX•-XIyE l feeweeeer�,� GAN O aroma Mxw EruE creXEB . 0 IIS 0 rMwua PA�M.E wXn au vAoy . I'� ` , JM.IXEY 91g6ELL ® RFfQ XHPMYFA Z��j\ :• r I!_1 ,o L �1w'-tlIYE I ftHW XWY c i � 4✓d _ AREA 1 _ _ e io r, 1o.f . i �i: •� :.. � I / � ss■■ � I V-- �> � o :ems„>_ o :e�r.,ri °.Tr �o S'e `11 LF El Nzlo 1171, >A ®TI�irRl'iA>Qi �``� ��lrl]o �yc / / r I ■II `` �i��r �a��'�r y`��t~g / ���eeaireeel�l���� ..,.�•' w�"j oiiiii )LSI rr-� q � •o=. ��� so I s ra \ P, (1) p (m) RET m RM".IL P.VE 9S ff5� N' p wXIXIXXIIX mPI MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 10 OOyFuu GMwr rmiwaur lml FOR CONTINUATION PLANT KEY A N u >� �mleie SIX•-XIyE GAN O aroma Mxw EruE creXEB . rMwua PA�M.E wXn au vAoy . ` , JM.IXEY 91g6ELL ® RFfQ XHPMYFA Z��j\ :• ffiL10ES �1w'-tlIYE m ftHW XWY ` o mPrcr artarl arx awxru an ui•a .MUX ra...w •.n PmrMlGa ttinwnl xaiw.w • aw5 iESi sa¢ o oras M.n] Pw mrw xrnia]ar ® uPM ammo wl,w Xrwmax /`'� � •��J uwaw raE o mwn a� ummliu �, dao OlEei �dIEN.NM' jv{ + xEacnx xuwwXa.GG t pXIpIXIIX a S� NIE GA91 a1ll1Y MEAMN � UYN O' MXRF GMXK ilaMrllFP aAXIfR y Atlg 4 Q O 4X.A fO11LYu'W 4AGGIXG W91 � g wre iw PVlIIW v]emEE.wo � smu GE mG Grvr xvas lauMnaam lz (1) p (m) RET m RM".IL P.VE 9S ff5� N' p MVN NAYNWI (T➢I / / / / PRELIMINARY PLANT SCHEDULE / / Th/ IJ w r NUYwEnNE M.WACKA03 MIM YXMS snRAX.wPNvs BaMI LMOE AUX XLea.Y 1mX aIYSIWIf 9ptq IM] fHS CMiSW GPME9 MAAWIL 0lllml_tlNE B]IMVL PID YIAE -Dslxc sMLW nR \ \ . m PfLM{ XOi \ 911M1£ttU (M) \ � 93N'Mtllffl 96�G s' -W A Bffi AS 9roYl Y crL wA As AIGYx YLMBM M91Gx Grows ¢m.Vs YAtrgArA' vMuou aX66w xvdaw Y cLL m As alwll ULns RdFA'tN6 e� Y LIL wY S' AL Ai 911M LNLiNIWIY LRXIOIY IGmMA AF Y CLL &Y AS 910M Wa gWIGN XdrIpMr/AI YCV. MB MVN NAYNWI (T➢I / / / / PRELIMINARY PLANT SCHEDULE / / Th/ IJ w r NUYwEnNE M.WACKA03 MIM YXMS snRAX.wPNvs BaMI LMOE AUX XLea.Y 1mX aIYSIWIf 9ptq IM] fHS CMiSW GPME9 MAAWIL 0lllml_tlNE B]IMVL PID YIAE -Dslxc sMLW nR \ \ . m PfLM{ XOi \ 911M1£ttU (M) \ � 93N'Mtllffl 96�G s' -W A Bffi AS 9roYl Y crL wA As AIGYx YLMBM M91Gx Grows ¢m.Vs YAtrgArA' vMuou aX66w xvdaw Y cLL m As alwll ULns RdFA'tN6 OMIw MAAw1(! Y LIL wY S' AL Ai 911M LNLiNIWIY LRXIOIY IGmMA AF Y CLL &Y AS 910M % AMRONIAA gWIGN XdrIpMr/AI YCV. MB A5910W1 91Mi "7T � mItlKLL9YL ld1tlMlWf • PREUMINARY LANDSCAPE NOTES wLuxA NRGIS RWN eEwrc oAw 9lurr IDTD O r o]nIL[ mvu I. NL 196 WIX m 9•wUiFm. M.X. mX mnE]=G9Cd SIW4NA fU11AR4R]SIO]: EW.I (OIPt. Xf FpIYII. NL O 3)6 f41NEP.i1.1 GPIFN w11F NMMLI • 1%fS IN SIE YWLYFR M A wA59 flmR WP4P I'*S.Dm Em mmTS (Y6 M*.. 19F591.VLS NEYFROLYY6 X YIr11A Lf QO' ShW R pp WiLLY • r IAU]IWA IIFIRYr YMAW6 WAE' IF/LMYIXIPSPY0. A.V0HAi"N l NM YM YfLL-{l4YD,$WfI9C.1L dNKNW 519ICTR NL VH3 AWLNAWA ry al xlwiXCA vwA1.ArA 1¢aY PIE9i xlwrncA SIZE SIPN31t IINK A IELL-9`.flO4Y IFNOt NM 1CR AVO 90R UYNUCIWS4C U ML 9406 UILam M Y]Am.. !X4 9 9R IIR RXIUTA 9uR4dY 91Md0 xtllY O a1 ..A.1.1Y'DM.CIA' LOFLI iFARP3 WXN M41FA P.Wi IN IIDMSWU YM!f3Slm dS! U NiGR LMY IFDWS 5 8) MINSNY 4p£GdURs MaLIM MNLL1N i0.NfuN WM ® FRACII[f WJSIAY 51MGA5 AM Ai wH N4PIFD BY M[ ISWI Wp'fWE WOPKMS BOY@ (0.®) V 4 WE W E %RA A4T MIPidY5' NIU$ X61 WU£ O B Mb V.ql V1GJ 4111A wm3 fllE ® r) RIAMUEPs F'MAE 6L0'bLY' IYAL BLViY.M 1. xnwxKKM O 2 Yi PwM1P 91WB aYi NAM'FdlAllM ddmI9A. UNWIL1IX 69IDUlAE @i NSTIWXC QOIL(01W Y059R111FkS qqq FYwNO tlF£x OPX%xiK w NIML1LIMf C& AfL1A5rINIttG —U -NI.— NIp— 3 0.NIr AEQ$ 9S{ L WIXnn6 EIL YE EMIYXMS! NO NAY S 910STMR d R\90 MUI m MY gTN1AMN NE m AREA 151TE DEVELOPMENT AREA 251TE DEVELOPMENT TY, E MGUMIwA, AYILAIM,W wA9 ALL4Ym BY 9YxUF10 RYM S1xX1AA5. 9Lu /➢Aat R]Y1116M9K6xEU1VAtW Amo oMNlcrs wM unM; uEmR. WNR vmcnm,Lm INFORMATION INFORMATION 8 LOT COVERAGE' LOT ODYMAGE: a W.M IALY 3' SP 9LL-A® IESV 9YN OP 919LtlD AW IMLaa a fN 4NIX WLa uxFR NN ANMI .Ul RMn. VA �. LOCAL IAA =Analas lOru IFFA vjl'p59' 9ALL BE mAwo WL&9xc EplALEaPWraowRd NWR NAXR 91YLH 4i fB]1E.LLENLm MAr nE WOMW n[MtlRNLM NM YM TIE MIM OIKKaNAM IFflMAhMI. sI91G095 zw,BA9(=R(CI SIACRW3: =IVDU SWm 4 C PAWI4 NBI.4 411]b9 S (t3Sy1 PIN.IY' ASAS 494310 9 (=BAN SCALE: 1'-30 MET 5 NWAft HL LW04XM wa 6.WItYAiX:NLY ISM T9 R M LN w SISRY m DAR %Nlf SIMVH MG FUNf PAi]IG wm 4 TXB PM W=4 w 9la3 LSIAYBYWr (A WINUM V 119 KMS). INS#nM MALL S'IX MO' 9! ME LAYSGVF LLWIPN:IOX 99NNG NL NJXf 9lAAMN IAAti = DAW S (3n) 9lRAMN AA =25BJ S (=SQ ® IEU.SLXY i0P w CCINER IXGINL.IIM U ME MGMN SISIFY 9R OIY d 99MW0 SiYMSi 21T. S (t3Rf LINDQWXA Emm S (LNQ PME M: r. W t E112M4 5194/ 1945 YM6IDM SMEr YE WN}PmIL AYO NT 9NKIE0. S. S SWY09'(=113j SFW.WL .". sr 91Mi "7T � mItlKLL9YL ld1tlMlWf • Id wLuxA NRGIS RWN eEwrc oAw 9lurr IDTD O r o]nIL[ mvu wlrtn owX[ O 3)6 f41NEP.i1.1 GPIFN w11F NMMLI • 39 NEYFROLYY6 X YIr11A Lf QO' ShW R pp WiLLY • r IAU]IWA IIFIRYr YMAW6 WAE' YAPAW6 YIA61E MXBfLL ® al xlwiXCA vwA1.ArA 1¢aY PIE9i xlwrncA III IIR RXIUTA 9uR4dY 91Md0 xtllY O a1 ..A.1.1Y'DM.CIA' O]WACI43WX P. AM • 8) MINSNY 4p£GdURs MaLIM MNLL1N i0.NfuN WM ® ) %RA A4T MIPidY5' NIU$ X61 WU£ O B Mb V.ql V1GJ 4111A wm3 fllE ® r) RIAMUEPs F'MAE 6L0'bLY' IYAL BLViY.M 1. xnwxKKM O IBS n11L OLtMXiV15'9lWML' FYwNO tlF£x OPX%xiK w NIML1LIMf C& AfL1A5rINIttG —U -NI.— NIp— A5,51)T u - NWM MFl a 9m SF - ANYIAY. 9F03 (d APPXOKO EWILj Li At9M 3 VG9A'XW PRRA4 Yfi WIIFR 1 ROEHXILL EEMMR GNU C G # FEME 1SM WNB .N..1 IR YRYKAM m B Si IMX 1 m Y N K 9G41WEXU0 BY AFflL4 51�IGY0 PUNIER mrt°AS 3R JMLS PAIEXS 90.V140S IGL OM. IW M VAX LNAIA 9PEmIXG PII91 16AL O]NI. IW AK Exhibit C: Typical Covered Bicycle Racks CONT. \ / 2"x3" D.S. TIE INTO y/ STORM DRAIN NUMBER OF RACKS SYSTEM BY OTHERS. z AND LENGTH. 1/2"x9"x9" LEVELING 1'1 3.5' 3' 3' 3.5' i' a BASE PLATE WITH w U � a x U 4_ P,_6� � LL z j E 7'-6" WIDEx4" UNDER PLATE. THICK CONCRETE PAD. (SEE PLAN FOR LENGTH). eUIILK SEE SITE PLAN FOR NUMBER OF RACKS AND LENGTH. 1/2"x9"x9" LEVELING 1'1 3.5' 3' 3' 3.5' i' BASE PLATE WITH (4) 1/2"x1O" ANCHOR BOLTS, CENTER ON COLUMN. APPLY 1" OF NON - SHRINK GROUT UNDER PLATE. e 2• 1 5 5'Ox5'Ox12" THK. GONG. FOOTING W/ (5) #4 — 5' SQUARE BARS EACH WAY. BIKE RACK SECTION -NTS- 5' SQUARE BIKE RACK SECTION _N, - 5' SQUARE BIKE RACK DIMENSION 6 STALL: 7'6" X 15' 8 STALL: 7'6" X 18 10 STALL: 7'6" X 21' AK Exhibit D: Operations and Maintenance Plan Notice of Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System The undersigned owner(s), is hereby given notice that stormwater runoff from the "Property' described below requires stormwater management facilities to be located, designed, and constructed in compliance with the City of Springfield's Engineering Design and Procedures Manual. Said facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Agreement (O&M Agreement) on file with the City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Department. Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC (Property Owner/Developer) acknowledges and agrees to maintain private stonnwater treatment facilities listed in this document. The maintenance of the stomnwater facilities listed in this document is required as part of the Development Agreement with the City of Springfield. This facility will be operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements stated in this document and in the latest edition of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3. The City reserves the right to enter and inspect any stow nwater facility located on the "Property' to ensure the facilities are operating as designed. Failure of the responsible party to inspect and maintain the facilities can result in an adverse impact to the public stomnwater system and the quality of receiving waters. The requirement to operate and maintain the stonnwater treatment facilities in accordance with the approved site development agreement and the site O&M Agreement is binding on all current and future owners of the property. The Agreement and its O&M Plan may be modified under written consent of new owners with written approval by and re -filing with the City. The O&M Agreement and O&M Plan for facilities constructed pursuant to this notice are available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 Fifth St, Springfield Oregon, or call (541)-736-3753, between the hours of S a.m. and 5 IT m., Monday through Friday. The Subject premises, is legally described as follows: (Tax lot minter cannot be usedto describe the property. Legal rkscriphow may be obtatredfronn the coolly assessor's office). SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE By signing below, the signer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan and in any documents attached. This instrument is intended to be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, and assigns. In Witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this instrument on this day of 20 Owner(s): Signature Print Name STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ❑ Thus instrnment as acknowledged beforeme on by , owner(s) of the above described premises. ❑ Thus instrnment as acknowledged beforeme on by as of Notary Public for Oregon RETURN TO: CITYOF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT &PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 owner(s) of the above described My Commission Expires RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR RECORDING STICKER "Avoid $20 nonstanda orc (font too small)... Print this form on Legal size paper." Appendix 3A-1 Re 01/27t17 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System Land Development Application Number: 811-21-000276-TYP2 Owners Name: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC Phm Mail Site Site Map and Tax lot No.: Parcel 2 of Partition Plat No. 2022-P3052 (Or mt.h doe. witha Rormllotirfornvriian iftlef¢ility crosses nnre Ah.. lot) Type ofFacility(ies) Storm planters and underground infiltration chambers Requirements Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min. 8 1/2" x 11" attached to this form) showing the location of the facility(ies) in relation to building structures or other permanent monuments on the site, sources of runoff entering the facility(ies), and where stormwater will be discharged to after leaving the facility(ies). Landscape and vegetation should be clear on the Plan submitted or submit a separate Landscape Plan document showing vegetation type, location, and quantity (landscape plan). These can be the same Plans submitted for development review. [see attached plan sheets] The storrawater management facility(ies) shown on the Site Plan are arequired condition of development approval for the identified property. The owner of the identified property is required to operate and maintain the facility(ies) in accordance with the Facility Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan(s) (O&M Plan(s)) attached to this form and on file with the City. The O&M Plan for the fa.cility(ies) will be available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 56 Street, Springfield, Oregon between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2) Financiallyresponsible party (circle one): Property Owner Homeowner Association Other (describe) TBD 3) Party(ies) responsible for maintenance (only if other than owner). Daytime phone no. ( TBD ) Emergency/after-hours contact phone no ( ) Maintenance Contact Party(ies) Name & Business Address: 4) Maintenance practices and schedule for the stormwater facility(ies) are included in the Facility Specific O&M Plan(s) attached to this form and filed with the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the version of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual in effect at the date of development application, as modified by any plans attached to this document at the time of signing. Application Date: TBD By signing below, Filer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan(s) and in any document executed by Filer and recorded with it. Filer Signature: Print Name: Appendix 3A-2 aerom&16 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 - - ,,.. .,....-------------------- - ___.____._ new mw o �-� p tea, I- ®®°i % WKEY O vm�r o wxun� u�uumrE O mroimr (D 0 ID 0 R 1 I g 11 gp;nf354 1 vg II � m mvu menar[ vmm •ue v � m m eremewrrun rumwr 4� erm j mmf 46 flm0 `� mvµq muvpsq W � r °Oarm ' C mee xgmsl msu„ nys R 1 I g 11 gp;nf354 1 vg II � m mvu menar[ vmm •ue O x mvnmummmov mamvue� xnr ars m eremewrrun rumwr lame erm j W � r Q g 0 0 m wmm ra rm m. r ._ a L ' w ¢mwnumr ume exr ass m seu.ummmrw woaw,mm iwm r.. 2 O JLL VV �VO(7 +� v m.....A...r .am. arm rxr aam J U Z o e roumm evsamr eawwn. <u Q • m ammm.mee.re .e,.r�m. wmm ,mr. ..� d Eo .x25TFjyi ® o m w.mmvvm ewuamn. renr au � YMM�[� mrrer^ewNw.wxamn merma aasmmamr rwmrew.nemumw �n� El '� wiw�a�aem �iee wwrsm.�v r same ®n12 arm Jnr m�`W""r�mmm"�m ..e m.rmw rmm ,mr mw STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE LOG Property Address: Inspection Date: Ins ection Time: Inspected By: Approximate Date/Time of Last Rainfall: Type of Stormwater Management Facility: Location of Facility on Site (In relation to buildings or other permanent structures): Water levels and observations (Oil sheen, smell, turbidity, etc.): Sediment accumulation and record of sediment removal: Condition of vegetation (Height, survival rates, invasive species present, etc.) and record of replacement and management (mowing, weeding, etc.): Condition of physical properties such as inlets, outlets, piping, fences, irrigation facilities, and side slopes. Record damaged items and replacement activities: Presence of insects or vectors. Record control activities: Identify safety hazards present. Record resolution activities: Appendix 3A-3 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Stormwater Planters Operations and Maintenance Plan Stormwater Planters are designedto allowranoffto filter through layers of topsoil (thus capturing pollutants) and then either infiltrate into the native soils (infiltration planter) or be collected in a pipe to be discharged off-site (flow-through planter). The planter is sized to accept runoff and temporarily store the water in a reservoir on top of the soil. The flow-through planter is designed with an impervious bottom or is placed on an impervious surface. Water should drain through the planter within 3A hours after a storm event. All facility components and vegetation shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability. These inspections shall occur, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each maj or storm event. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: Downspout from rooftop or sheet flow from paving allows unimpeded stormwater flow to the planter. • Debris shall be removed routinely (e.g., no less than every 6 months) and upon discovery. • Damaged pipe shall be repaired upon discovery. Splash Blocks prevent splashing against adjacent structures and convey water without disrupting media. • Any deficiencies in structure such as cmcking, rotting, and failure shall be repaired. Planter Reservoir receives and detains storm water prior to infiltration. Water should drain from reservoir within 3A hours of storm event. • Sources of clogging shall be identified and corrected to prevent short circuiting. • Topsoil may need to be amended with sand or replaced all together to achieve a satisfactory infiltration rate. Filter Media consisting of sand, gravel and topsoil shall allow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the planter. The planter shall be excavated and cleaned, and gravel or soil shall be replaced to correct low infiltration rates. • Holes that are not consistent with the design and allow water to flow directly through the planter to the ground shall be plugged. • Sediment accumulation shall be hand removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures. Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4 inches thicker so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. • Litter and debris shall be removed routinely (e.g., no less than quarterly) and upon discovery. Planter shall contain filter media and vegetation. • Structural deficiencies in the planter including rot, cracks, and failure shall be repaired. Overflow Pipe safely conveys flow exceeding reservoir capacity to an approved stormwater receiving system • Overflow pipe shall be cleared of sediment and debris when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. • Damaged pipe shall be repaired or replaced upon discovery. Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. • Mulch shall be replenished at least annually. • Vegetation, large shrubs or frees that limit access or interfere with planter operation shall be pruned or removed. • Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be raked and removed if build up is damaging vegetation. • Nuisance or prohibited vegetation shall be removed when discovered. hrvasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. • Dead vegetation shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when planter function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced within a specific timefiame, e.g., 3 months, or Appendix 3A-4 Page 13 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 immediately if required to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils are exposed. Debris and Litter shall be removed to ensure storrrrwater infiltration and to prevent clogging of overflow drains and interference with plant growth. Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handling substances that contaminate stormwater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. Training and/or written guidance information for operating and maintaining stormwater planters shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the O&M Plan shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. Access to the storrrrwater planter shall be safe and efficient. Egress and ingress routes shall be maintained to design standards. Roadways shall be maintained to accommodate size and weight of vehicles, if applicable. • Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the storrrrwater planter shall be removed. • Gravel or ground cover shall be added if erosion occurs, e.g., due to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Insects and Rodents shall not be harbored in the stormwater planter. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/rodents are found to be present. • If a complaint is received or an inspection reveals that a stormwater facility is significantly infested with mosquitoes or other vectors, the property owner/owners or their designee may be required to eliminate the infestation at the City inspector's discretion. Control of the infestation shall be attempted by using first non -chemical methods and secondly, only those chemical methods specifically approved by the City's inspector. Acceptable methods include but are not limited to the following: i. Installation of predacious bird or bat nesting boxes. ii. Alterations of pond water levels approximately every four days in order to disrupt mosquito larval development cycles. iii. Stocking ponds and other permanent water facilities with fish or other predatory species. iv. If non -chemical methods have proved unsuccessfid, contact the City inspector prior to use of chemical methods such as the mosquito larvicides Bacillus thurengensis var. israchensis or other approved larvicides. These materials may only be used with City inspector approval if evidence can be provided that these materials will not migrate off-site or enter the public storrrrwater system. Chemical larvicides shall be applied by a licensed individual or contractor. • Holes in the ground located in and around the storrrrwater planter shall be filled and compacted. Appendix 3A-4 Page 14 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Underground Detention Tanks, Vaults and Pipes Operations and Maintenance Plan Underground Detention Tanks, Vaults, and Pipes are designed to fill with stormwater during large storm events, slowly releasing it over a number of hours. There are numerous components to each system. Drain Inlet Pipes convey stormwater into the detention facility. The Detention Chamber is the structure in which stormwater accumulates during a storm event. Orifice Structure/ Outlet Drain Pipe restricts the flow out of the detention chamber, allowing it to fill up and slowly drain out. The orifice structure is located at the downstream end of the detention chamber. Underground facilities shall be inspected quarterly and within,18 hours after each major storm event. The facility owner must keep alog, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: Proprietary Structures such as oil -water separators, sedimentation manholes, grit chambers, etc. are required to have an O&M plan submitted with material from the manufacturer for that specific product for the O&M Agreement. • If such material is not available or satisfactory for maintenance needs, city staff will assist developer/property owner in preparing the O&M plan. Drain Inlet Pipes shall be inspected for clogging or leaks where it enters the vault or basin during every inspection and cleanout. • Debris/sediment that is found to clog the inlet shall be removed, and disposed of in accordance with applicable federal and state requirements. Detention Chamber shall be inspected for cracks or damage during each inspection. • The detention chamber shall be cleaned out yearly or after an inch of sediment has accumulated. If there is a valve on the outlet pipe it shall be closed otherwise the outlet shall be plugged prior to cleanout. Grit and sediment that has settled to the bottom of the chamber shall be removed during each cleaning. • Water and sediment in the detention chamber shall be removed, and disposed of in accordance with regulations. • Cleaning shall be donut without use of detergents or surfactants. A pressure washer may be used if necessary. Orifice Structure/ Outlet Drain Pipe shall be inspected for clogging during unit inspections/cleanouts. • Debris/sediment that is found to clog the inlet shall be removed, and disposed of in accordance with applicable federal and state requirements. Vegetation such as trees should not be located in or around the detention facility because roots from trees can penetrate the unit body, and leaves from deciduous trees and shrubs can increase the risk of clogging the intake pipe. • Large shrubs or trees that are likely to interfere with detention facility operation shall be identified at each inspection then removed. Source Control measures typically include structural and non-structural controls. Non-struchual controls can include street sweeping and other good housekeeping practices. It is often easier to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater than to remove them. • Source control measures shall be inspected and maintained where applicable). Spill Prevention procedures require high-risk site users to reduce the risk of spills. However, virtually all sites, including residential and commercial, present dangers from spills. Homes contain a wide variety of toxic materials including gasoline for lawn mowers, antifreeze for cars, pesticides, and cleaning aids that can adversely affect storm water if spilled. It is important for everyone to exercise caution when handling substances that can contaminate stormwater. Spill prevention procedures shall be implemented in areas where there is likelihood of spills from hazardous materials. Training and/or written guidance information for operating and maintaining detention facilities shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the O&M Plan shall be provided to all property Appendix 3AA Page 26 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 owners and tenants. Access to the detention facility is required for efficient maintenance. Egress and ingress routes shall be open and maintained to design standards. Signage may serve to educate people about the importance or function of the site's stormwater protection measures. Signs may also discourage behavior that adversely impacts the stormwater protection measures and encourages behavior that enhances or preserves stormwater quality. If debris is a problem, a sign reminding people not to litter may partially solve the problem. Signage (where applicable) willbe maintained and repaired as needed during or shortly after inspections. Insects and Rodents shall not be harbored in the detention facility. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/roderds are found to be present • If a complaint is received or an inspection reveals that a stormwater facility is significantly infested with mosquitoes or other vectors, the property owner/owners or their designee may be required to eliminate the infestation at the City inspector's discretion. Control of the infestation shall be attempted by using first non -chemical methods and secondly, only those chemical methods specifically approved by the City's inspector. Acceptable methods include but are not limited to the following: i. Installation of predacious bird or bat nesting boxes. ii. Alterations of pond water levels approximately every four days in order to disrupt mosquito larval development cycles. iii. Stocking ponds and other permanent water facilities with fish or other predatory species. iv. If non -chemical methods have proved unsuccessful, contact the City inspector prior to use of chemical methods such as the mosquito larvicides Bacillus thurengensis var. israchensis or other approved larvicides. These materials may only be used with City inspector approval if evidence can be provided that these materials will not migrate off-site or enter the public stomrwater system. Chemical larvicides shall be applied by alicensed individual or contractor. • Holes in the ground located in and around the detention facility shall be filled. Appendix 3AA Page 27 of 31 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012