HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1985-07-21-<- COHBI IT L N Job Address Legal Description Hea Ranqe EIIERGY SOURCES: tlater Heater 0wner Va l ue of l,lork :6a Ftg. Access.Sq. . l.lai Address Phone .e., Bui ng e Construction Lender Address Phone u q U \ name Structura I El ectri ca I Hechani ca I PLUIlBI NG ELECTR I CAL MECHAN I CAL FEE CHARGE NN FFF CHARGF NO FFF THAPGF/tr5Each single fixture r Residence of FTsQ furnace/burner to gTU, s ,-e Relocated bui Iding (new fix. additional)t/New circuits alts.or extensioos2on/bB€ Floor furnace and vent S. F, P,esidence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal l Soace heater and vpnt Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent seDa rate ["later servi ce Change in existing res i dence Stationary evap. cool er Sewer ormul ti fami ly, coriln I ndustri a l /Vent fan with sinole duct 7q Storm Sewer 0f s.Vent systerx apart from heating or A.C. COMII./IND. FEEDERS Mechan ica'l -xhaust hood and ductInstal I /al ter/re1 ocatedistrib. feeders I'lood stove/heater 0f amps ISSUANCF OF PFRI.IIT _ TOTAL CHARGES (please print DATE oo aa,CJ? o t'Y,).IGNATURE / tractor, the electr.ica returned to the Build I portion of this pernit ng Division WHERE STATE L.1lt REQUIRES that ttre Electrisha'll not be valid unti] the ]abel has been s cal work be done by an Electrical Con'igned by an Electrical Supervisor and 0regon the Bui Y t I acomp ca 'It no for tpr)he re certdoand athat II 'I fobyty rmat on'I hereo s'i truendarreccotandIcertifurtherthatandafya'II rkwo DE s Iha beI ,ldone n ordacc wlnce th the I0rd ancesn fo cthe '|of tyIeanddngfiethofLawstSprihetaSte ny of t ,ln tooe rta eth descwork '|r bedng here n'|a thnd at NC wt0ccuPAt'rcY 1I madebeofswltructuretthouthssperm i 0'I ofn 'Id D '|s'I onIng certfurt he r iI ttha s'I Itra tfymy vll0n h+Buithe derIreq sBoa any rd I 5 n1 Ifu I force and effect as '|u redreq 70L0RS th055 I fbyat t bas i rheexemptfo ti onexemp noted tha tandhereononlyandsubcontractors'|who Iare n Iempoyees 'I w1ance 0PSth 07comD I 505 '|wl be'I u on Ith s p roject TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES Flood Plain Stories / 0cc.y Group ll7-2 Sq. Ftg TOTAL VALUATIOII ts(_. Fire Zone Bed rooms 0ther Ftg. Val Val Zone a Const. tue /2f4 Ftg . l4a i Plan Ck. Conrn/lnd 65%/B1dq Per Fee 6.f,o 57 0pmentBUILDING PERNIT Charges and Surcharges ---/e-=PIan Ck. Res 30UBldq Per Fee FencePLUi,IB ING PERMI T Charges and Surcha rges /{e '6Q Dgmo Stdewal kELECTRICAL PERI,:IT Charges and Surcharges .6a Total Cornb. PermitA/C Paving Curb CutIIECHANICAL PERHIT Charges and Surc harges -Cr TOTAL fas> FOI? OFFII ,/o.+--- C CII{ OF SPRINGFTELD Clty Hail Sprlnglleld, Oregon Deparlmont ol publlc Workr OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B G5040COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERI4IT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Descriptionl. 93!P.l_9,: Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition toSpringfield EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender " 0. Energy Sources 1. 2.E. Squa ( ( ( ( From Address lb /8&ST #el ectri ca l e va I uati on,etc or forced air gi or solar Received Forn l. example- i?50 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garagrz. example- if new project, check new - if addition check add, etc.F. Building permit information:1. example - construct single family house with anattached garage ?. example - remodel existing garage .into fami ly ro,3. _ellqple - convert single family-residence inio _ ;EsEurant (change of-use)G. Value of work ai defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAI'I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Build.ingDivision Staff must be able to contait appropriitepersons.regarding design information or job sitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedu.lesA. Lxcept where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechan.icai and Electrical Scheiules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes aaji6eto the appropriate item(s) to 6e installedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedu.lesare available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedul have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered othe abbreviated schedules you should consult thefull schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectricai contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general contractor ii not authorizedto sign the electrical labelApplicant to sign and date Hhenever possible, the initia'l application will be used asa-worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actuai permit is issued for hissi gnature. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of thea-pplication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY *4?a r-€ C,t .6le( ( ( ( ( *{2o .1o H /'2a troa II III s:6 5-o Amount Received ta r FtorrtEr.',.,r's<EoeM( rN. rsir3.2-nr.q IV v Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : name L6r?4d VC%S sisna PLANS REVIEWED BY: da teture ?-//'<\- 'G SPRNG,FETD _ R"quired lnsp-.:tions.. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIIE PER,IIT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT TI{E PROPER TI]TE, THAT EACII ADDRESS IS READABLE FRO}{ TliE STREET, AND THAT TIIE PER}{IT CARD IS LOCATED AT TIIE FRONT OF THE PROPRRTY. BUILDING DIVISION APPP.OVED PI.ANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. PROCEDLIRE FOR REQUESTING IIISPECTIONS: CalI 726-3769 (recorder) state you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NlrlIBER, Job address, tyPe -of_ inspection requested and vrhen you will be ready for che inspecticn. Contractorsor orrners name and phone number. Request-s-received before 7:00 am will be rnade the sane day, requestsreceived after 7:00- am'*i11 be made tihe follorving work day. Your City Designated Job Nurnber Is:95'o--. Job Address:z. Gsner:?%:-a:?eR Contraetor:Phone: SITE INSPECTION: To be made EffiEcavatIon, but prior to setup cf forms. UNOgnSLAs PtmBrI.lG, rrrCmrCAL & ITECHANICAL: To be nade before ;il uorklG-covered. CONCRETE SLAB INSPECTION: To be ffitding service equipnent, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary equipment itens are in place but before any concrete is poured. FOOTINGS € FOUNDATICNS: To be nade after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel in place, but prior to pouring concrete. TNDERCROUND: P lumbing, Electrical, Gas, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Water and Drainage lines. To be nade prior to covering or filling trenches. UNDERFLOCR:, Plunbing, Electrical, Mechanical. To be made prior to install3ticn of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. ATTIC DRAFT S.TOPS 6 CURTAIN WALLS. FIREP!-ACE: Prior to placing facing materials and before framing i inspection. INSULA,TION & VAPoR BARRIER: To be nade aftcr all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsura board interior walL covering is applied. FRAI'IING: To be made after the roof, ifi-Eming, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plunbing and heating wires, pipes and ducts are approved. FIRE E SEPARATI0N ltrALL: Located Q @oplans. LATH AND/OR GYPST'M BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and g)?sun board, interior and exterior,is in place but before any plast is applied or before gypsum boardjoints and fasteners are taped and finished. WoODSToVES: After installation is conpleted. SIDEWALK G DRIVEWAY:Required forthin streetall concrete paving wi right-of-way, to be made after all excavating complete & forn work € sub-base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. PARKING LOT:After gravel is in place but prior to placing asphalt or concrete. e with ing Code a special inspector shall be ernployed by the Otner/ Ccntractor during construction of thefcllowing work. A ccpy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. STRUCTURAL COICRETE: In excess of 300..P.S.I. (306 a.1) STRUCTURC,L IVELDS:Preforrned on thejob. (2722 f) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING During all -bolt installation and tighting operations (306 a.5) SPRAYED 0N FIREPROOFING: (U.B.C. fani;Fs 43-8)- SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION ;I\D FILLINC: During earthwork. (306 a.1l 6 Chapter 29) GLU-LAM BEAIIS: Inspection Certificate, by an approved agency, furnisheC to'the City's Building Division before beans are placed. (2501-U.B.C. STDS. 25-10,11) . *In addition to the inspections specified hereon, the Building Official nay nake or require other inspections of any construction work to ascertain conpliance with the Building, City or Zoning Codes POST E BEAM: fr;tal l at 10n To be nade prior to of flocr insulation, decking or floor sheating. FLOCR INSULATION E VAPOR BARRIERS To be made prior to install3.tion tr E K of decking or flcor sheating. ITIASONRY: Steel location, bond beamsgrouting or verticals in accordance t{ith U.B.C. Section 2415. ROOF S!{EATHI}IG A}lD NAILING: Prior to installing any roofing. ROUGH PLUI'IBING, ELECTRICAL 6 I\TECHANCIAL: No work is to be covered until these inspections have been nade and approved. FIN.{L PLI.'MBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL I.IECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPART}IE}IT CITYTS SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD INS?ECTION: !tust be requested 2 days in advance of the date you suchaslandicaping,pariinglotstripingetc.Ettst be completed befcre requesting this inspection, lU FINAL BUILDING: !tust be requested after the final plumbing, Electrical, ltechanical and Fire l .l Dcpartment inspections are nade and approved. No 0ccupancy of the prenises can be made untila Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Divisicn and posted on the prenises IAL INS tr *ALL IIANHoLES.{ND clEANotrrs }tusr BE AccEssIBLE, ADJUSTT,TENT m BE }rADE AT No cosr ro rHE cITy. trtr tr tl S ICNATURE h46r€ V-r'Fzr 7o @ t $r*firn Qfurr,Y ounzza- 6ur.Dtrc- r-'. 2 ,. T./.r //,t"'rl ,- [,,?r7.1 fr,r,l ,'' a , .,. .l .*] l'-:,',' i .i _- -..-.. l- 6'-6 " ./)r-- '- At ur/JA L f'r< ttr lN1r- Wrab ?'5-l,'i,?)r \ i I i I --.-_ fr €ruD /flfr,rc. rryR C\ d )] N\ \ N \ ? \ \ rl (b ,4:y,+'ftri ;.. &--i,-.. 4rtr D* ''., '- :-'a-.'1\ I \ i.. 1r$"1$;i;..'k,*.r{- flo 20A 220V clncutT BREAXERStoA 220v CIRCUIT BREN(ER 27. I.tIXING VALVE ,I.IAIN WATER VALVE \ tl0 ltIcRoN rIBER PILTER' (OPTIONALI T{ATER (STANDARD' COLD I{A'ER NON-REIURN VALVE(VACU}III BREAKER'(CHECI( VALVE' I I I II I I I 30. II ,I II II I ,f l-T-ilF6-Flwrrr e xrxrI xercxr or - i JUHBO rUS? .IE A FT.OOR{tr, OR A \ND PIPE NO ;HER TH N 3..a STAND PIPE I a a0. 5.33. 9.a f--."-rf t{I LL 3NEED ,ASEP TERA TEDEDICA D LI NESollE 20A 220v LIXEHlrrl A 6-20R REEEP?AELE ONE ZOA ZZOV LINETI'H A C-2OR RECEPTACLE ANo ONE r0I-zr0rLINE, l[?H 6-15 R RECEPTACLE' @sr- NEI.IA 6-20R @]tr NEI{A 6-20R @3tL NEHA 6-l 5R P OR aE a a @ @ @ }IAGNU}I I eBElrrcAL/ pngpAR^BTrotit / mrr J DEVELOPER SINK JUlrBo <------.t5...-----.- r, , -----.21..----- FLOOR SINI( DATE REctEVEo 2-?u-JOB No Gncup UI.{lrs Occup,ir:cv Loao SToR,Es TYFE CcNST LEGAL DEsCR;PTIoI.J AocTRLSS e OwNER ru va Trl': actt-.:l'r'i IisFq cF HA\ri r;1f{ n:v!f\!,.!:ri v.THALTERtTT()Ii:.) l!.tDjC..r itfD i:i Ca:.a..n.-[1 ..;:i.]:tL .:... t{.tr;OP ,r'!-."?Ra.-t:C,t:U MAt: .aFT.n :-tr- ilr:t.O,,v .i1,.r.g1 6aAPFRoYEo Ey rHE Bu:LD,Ni OFFti..^L. CI'IY if,F EF OR [:CO l.,l Trzr AFPRovED e / ii.icr:ira! D, D,qrE Zorue