HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1995-06-06tL/lE/O| 16:{8 060t ?tO 3080 SPTD t'EV. $ER' spnrxarrglo The following project zoning, and doee not require specific iend use ELBCTRICAL PERIfIT APT!.TCATTON as submittod hes the foli alpr.:val. U qsDl 6 1 @oor '225 r:rrs sr,EET sPRnrGFrEIn, oREcoN 97471 INSPEGIION REeInSr: tZ6-3169r OFEICE: 726-3159 clty Job Ntraber-q ) /ZZtsre non-trans ble and e xpI relf work ls not started vithln 180 dof lssuance or if.vork is suspen1ed Neu Besldentlal-Slngle orllultl-Famlly per dvelllng unlt.Servlce fncludedt Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less S 95.00Each addltlonal 500 sQ. ft or portlon Each Hanuf ,d Horue or -ilodular Dvelltng Servlce or Feeder $ 40.00 Servlces or Feedersfnstallatlon, Alteratlonsor Reloeation; COI.{PI,gTE FgE SCEEDUI.,E BELOII 200 amps or less 20t anps to 400 amps _401 amps to 600 amPs 601 A Sum ays for wrw; 180 days. COIiITRACTOR INSTAILATION ONLI ectrical Contracto, L.R. Brabham, Inc. Address 68 West ilQ" Street ci Sprinqfield Phone 7 47 -6638 c D. E. ,$ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Super,visor License Number I 4735 Expt ration Date 10/1/95 Conitr Contr. Number 08699 ExP lration Dare 12/18/95 Stgnature 6f Supervising Electrician 0vners Address AIOO 11 cl 401 mo, 4E 5 *7rt OIINER INSTALI,ATION The lnstallatlon ts belng made on property I oun vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, lease or rent.'t Omers Slgnature: DATE: Temporary Servlces or FeedersInsta1latlon, Alteratlon or Relocat 200 amps or less _ 1 $ 40.00201 amps to 400 amps * 6 S5.OOover 401 to 600 amis ] i SO.OOOver 600 ahps or 1000-nEms |qt-rrg,i Branch Circults 0ver Reconnec t amps t 1000 o 1000 arnps amps/volts 0nly ,rmW aE6f Nev, Alteration or Extenslon per penel One Clrcult $ 35.00Each AddtttonalClrcult or vlth Servlceor Peeder persrlt _ $ 2.00 Hlscellaneous (Servlce./feeder not lncluded)-Each lnstallailon Pump or lrrlgatlon $tgnl0u tllne - Ltgh t I nglLlutted Energy/[esLtalted Energy/coarn -SUBTOTAL OF AEOVE !{ Sqate Surcharge 3Z AdntnlstrattvE fee TOTIIL $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 fl'oo 2DRECEIVED 5 a B. I X 0i, or !" rinT '=' l*lal, ,.2R. Du>r {i.s, -ih is I *t{"n is va r tar44e- Aru,, n 0r l)cerr,iry cur mob| I a f fhe- €pri,y{i.l a.Lno '., le/ge 1-h*f t" oparafo fhn w,o I i lo a-atic, n, atl/ -fhxt af fe, J"ly 2r-ri+ Ft t"r, M+ C-hr i < Do*ino'< r' a p izza sfore )o u at"rJ ,ru|atl.V* a)so e- .tre nrf lyr*t ,ilfn) sfore- *f an_/i,flo*n e- t rtll .t lrlo I ,f""af* ;,tnlo-n fl,iS Var ta,1(e, el-, no,r: Lrlg;r,, flne I p rocvlure f"" Tr" ly H. P;z 6 -s-q.; 3'q Perv tlor rJ 7f/- 3 t;-7 p ,' ^icI) \