HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1983-10-19.. RESIDENTIAL.. A??LICATIC:I /P!RT4IT 225 ilorth ith Street Spr)ngfreT-i, gteaon 97477 tsuildrng Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D ?cceitt ! Date: qro PLmbiry i,!echariccL Conetrtcticrr Lewier !, ie )he rescotzsibilily of th,e penti! iold* to see ilat aLL inspections @e nade at :he pro?e" tine , thct 444i7 t1'#2ss i-s re=;'b'>e ;'rca the street, cnC;itat the pernit cal. ie Loceted ct the front of the ?roperty.,?uiUirq Viuicio.. cp2rcu'eci pi.ot shz,iL rena'-n on tha eLiding Site at cLL times. ?POCggl!,?g FAR i:lSPif:CIt |1aUZST.'CALL726-3769 (reeorder) state yout City Cesigra.ted job rum,ber, iob aC&ess, type^of inspeezicn @eady1bri*pcction,Contracxcrscra.ze:s-netlecl,lphonenzlrtbct,Pequestsreceixedbefcre7:a0,='-iLL be tra<ie the sante Cag, ?eqtests ncd.e afta 7:00 at vtLL be naCe the nezt'.nrking dag, Job !aca'.ion:I Assessoro :lq I Tc, bt # SubCitts'Jcn: 14'/- (olr5Pl.one sspl-td Sn-na oAd&"-ss: Sesczibe i,lork: Date of AppL f-t :lq) v Value ,?.J L Cril (r L,ACiieicn Ceneral lod:ey seter cqTeC .t p?o?.!Qi Lire' Septie tork VaryeC azi filled, *ith gzr;ei lincl - itlren abcue itens are ec::o7-eted. c-<i uipn denclttior is coryLete br slnc- tute mooed am Vrerises clearei ul. l,lobt)Le ilcnes tsLocktng otd 1et-tp Plmbing eonneczicns -- scde? ad, uclet Electniccl Ccnnection - Blockirq, sei-,l and. gLtntbing coltT,.ect';ans r;st be q-orctei befora requestlng e'Lec:ieal itsgec=ict: Accessotl- Buill:-ng Flrnl - Aftar icrches, skirlitg, Cee?s, etc. @e ccnole'-ed. ---c - vt . Iot* City'Desigra,ted Job !tunbet Is:83P 14s 3i?! IjlS?!C?I)it: ?o be rmie a1'!er ezcauc,tlcn, but prtcr tc set u? of 1'crms. anpi?s.i3 ?:L':oi:tL trLzq?rc;,!.,i&i!!!fi!: ?o be narie ceiore cny t,ol"K La eotseted. ?)OTl:iG 1 !0UJD,|TIC:I: ?o be tnd.e af-tai-;;;nA7rs 1?e Eccuatad and fct-.zs ate erected, but priar -"o pou?itlg ccnctet€. iilsaLA?rcil /t/nPa? SARRT1R llsP9c?!0ll : ?o be naie afier aLL insttlaticn ei required uqor borie?E @e in pkce ttt be7'ore otg Lcth, Wpatl bcod. or unLT couering is qglied, and. before oty irsulaticn is concealed. DRYTALL IllSPlQlClt: lc be nade -.. aitet, aLL ct1,"sali. is in plaee, btt prior to cttg tcVitg. W-Sp!R!: Steel Location, bonC ffiigrautin4 or uereiccls in accordorce ,,nth U,ts.C. Seetion 2415. DE!.i1Lil[2!! CR )!C ,j Lirq :renchee. i-....,_'l rrrrnrpe? aD Dt:t.@rta t tGfrtrrr.r. | | vtt vt..-l-) lo is d.e pricn to :.nsxalktton cf floot znsuk'"i.ort ot deeking. ia pcs: .tttD 3Ei.:4: To be r.cie crJor co, i i&iffioi Jloor insui;ior, cr dzckiry. ll o YCODS?9'E: err',DT;na. After ittstallation is 30ilc8 ?atlg!:!c, ?:3::P!aAa t ;.!!c1- lvlxt 'ttz'-'-L ih.ese ar.saeciicts e"'e ieer, f-- naie ,il. :Vgrciei. CURB 4 A.PPRCACE .AP.cnN: After tormsse erecveC but prior to pcur.)ng conc?ete. SfDgilALK ,1 DRT,EIA!: Foz, all con- c"etenauing uttA,tn stteet right- oi-uny, :o be naie aftar all- esca- uating carelete ,t ;'om wrk & tub- inse tnterial tn plcee. tion. #!!!2: itus= be rec.uected ay'ler cVprcuz! cf ro4h pltt:,binJ, e!,ectrt-cal I nedtanics,L. ALI tcoi-Jry btae:.rg 1 chinncgs, etc. :rtsc be ecnoletcd. llo .;cr< is to be :dt- - c"o!"d u'atl-l thie inscecCca iu,s 'been na,l.e anC cppr.t"*ed. ?I;IAL P!.A:RI:IC ?II;L :,!E':!A:IiCAL : L.tAL 2uii^--::L;L *.)or ;o 7l.c.c'-r4 lccinq crd, beiore fra:ir-g inscec- lENQ:rlhen conplate -- *ottiCe ot nooable sectians through ALL pro;ee-- cordi=icns, ;uek as .-he').nseai.lation of ea"eet trees, :oryiezlcn c7'tie requireti ictdsccoirq, ctc., fla6t be satisiieC beiore xhe tsUiLDf]lC iilAL 2cn be tzgested. ?IilAL tsilIiDMG: The Pinal. guildit4 Insoection ntst bte requestei zller tia iinal ?Lw:biniEleecrieal, ot1 Meciuntczl it:soecctcns hquc been nacie ad aooroua,T. gates D tt, _II 'ALi |.!AJEC!ZS A,\D CLgAilCUiS :tUS! 3E .4CCiS3!31j, .{rjl'Sf..j:.yt ?o 3E :llrs .t? ::O ::57 !9 tI:! )-ao 9 JOB NO.32 tLl soLAF. .CCESS REQ.-L-COG+ 3e&cons iea; b.-o.'"ed. ;ot;e -- Fzes -- Building Volue & P erm ir This perrr|t ic granted on ihe etr"ess condition ttnt the saiti constmtclionshall' in aLL,escects, gonfcrylo rhe crditar.ee cdoctei cy the City ofspr')ngfieli, i.nc-!.iding :i're zoning crdiniie, regal,:))ng rhb cc).sirtct-)cn.nd..use o! ,ualcinq.s,. crii nty be sucoentied or reuckei at cn! iine upon uic_Lct''t-cn of ty ctcuistons of aaiC Crdirances. tsuildir,g Petrtt State ?otcl Cla:ges Plenbtrg Peyrit State Surcla:3e Pe*rn t fss,ttclce Vo-i--.'^-1 D-*; L -- !:tcP0AC:i:.!E:17 -- 1 No- pereon siull cc*stntct, ins!cl!, alter or chot?e cna nea cr e:istingqlugirq or cirainage s7s_l? in:.tlo|.e ot in part, iurt""L su"n p"iiin is theLegal.posseasor of a ualid olunber,s LicensZ, eagept th-at a pZ:iin nay ,iopltlbt-tg uork to properta uhi"h is ouned, Lelsed, o'r ogerateirr-ri. aipli.-cc,nt. Electricol Permit llhet'e state Lan reqtites tl"at the eleetrical uork be ccne bg oz glectricalca-ttzetor, the electriccl porlion of this petnit stsll not be oalic untilthe Label iaa been signed by the Electical' Conttacto". Plumbing Permit Mechonicol Permit FLcrz f HAW CA.REIULLY l(il,llil\D tie contp?.eied coplication lor po-yv1i;, oui Cahereby ce"tify tlet aLL itfo;mation heteon- is ttae attC. cbrtect, ani t f"rtther .cet*-i1i that any cnd aLL xork gerionred elalL be done ia ccccti- <i,znce ,ttth the Otdincnces of the City of Springfietd, ad the ad!:s of ;heState of )t,egcn pertainino to the ao"k Cesctzbc<i henein, and tha= ]lO 1CC!- F.tilc.:( ''rtll be tu.de oJ'cnu st?ucr"tla uithout pennission cJ'the 3utlding Di-uision. I j'utther certifr- thtt otly eont?aelots ad, *rplayees uh-c eZ *z canpliance ulth CRS 707.055 aiLL be used on this project I i :tobile itae e -?an :. cczs8. ;n :r-7ai,ue 2i icuse Lot Feces -i-ot Sq. Fri. Z of l-st Cotercge - ! of Stor-es lotal 'laight lopogqrry fr.zertcr Cornet Pqti"cd,Le CUL-ie-sac i.b.in k*cce aaf.r trrt!d s.D.c. J.5 " i'c Ch,ee Resil.zntta.L (1 bcth) Se"set 10.Oc) Llo /o,t-/o C::i-a.CJ ll a;/E:t end. Cit cttit s Semtice - f ?, t).t bhatet HooC Vett lzt 'lcodstcte Sect-) Storzne Ecintencr:e Curbe"t C) Sid.e,taLk )o SEnce I 72!AL ..LT!CU\J? DUT: I -\o b D { P.D ilo!'-/1 les= AcoessctL I - L t--4:i-'L ?7 . ^h.'^-7 D^*: , Stcte Surci',otce lotal (rances F"&.-.2ee 2!U's State Suteh.aree lotcl Aar*o.s Slec:r.Jca! icbel