HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1994-05-05CITY OF OFEGO'V SPFlh-<iFlELD D EVELO PM ENT SERV I CES DEPARTM ENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s75s FAX (503) 726.s689 Mai'5 7994 Department of Motor Vehicles 1250 North lBth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Repair of Mobile Home This Ietter is vritten to confirm that the mobile home, Iisted as license number X10!r1z+B vi11 be repaired aI 725 North 28th Street, Springfield, 0regon. I understand that you need a building permit number in order to issue a trip permit to transport the unit, hovever, the home vill not be set up at the before mentionec! location, therefore, ve cannot issue a set up permit at this time. If you ltave any qtlestio ase feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Sir\cerel)', Li sa llopper Buildirrg Se r',rices Representa tive