HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-03-12CIE:T OF SPF,I\TGFIEIJ]:) INFOR'"ATI0N : 7 26 - 37 53 sPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRI},IGFIELD S 16:{ CONSTRUCTIO:,I A.\D ELECTR I CAL I}ISTALI,ATION C0$lB INATION APPL ICATI0T-/ PE R\tIT I){SPECTIO)i REQUESTS: 7:6-J:o9 LoCATI0N OF SIGS(TDDRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTIOS OIYNER OF ADDRESS PROPERTY €PHONE '7,3/ zlP PHONE --o /30 o - 6 ortiER 0F SIC{(IF OTHER TH.IL\ pROpERTy Ot{lvE R) ADDRESS }IA.UE OF BUSI\85S, FIRU, ETC ERECT TYPE OF BUSIIIESS tt< 2- nslocrre ALTER crnlER <- IDE}iTITY - PROJECTING INCIDENTIL DOUBLE FACE - NON-IDE)ITITY _ SECCNDARY I---SIIiGLE FACE - }IULTI-FACE DORS c0\-T SIGN ERECTOR A.DDRESS PHONE z7? -zt /3 n J,P f,,t,, p TAX LOT * S ICX _ I{ALL l<'RooF - MRQUEE OTHER FREESTA.\DING PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD CITY LICENSE .\I,AI8ER EXP. DATE sIGN IIA\UFACTURER (IF OT.ltER Tttlr\ ADDRESS PHONE EI.EfiRIC.{L ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NTIIi'BER TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE G&TDE /E'/ DI.IIENSIOI{ FRO}I GR,IDI TO BOrrOIt OF SI6N DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOJ{O PROPERTY LINE YES .\OTE: IF PROJECTIOT- IS l HIS PUALIC LIABIL rILL SIGN H^VE ELECTRICA L IVIRI.\6?4r' ITRTIC.C,L DI}IENSION OF SI GN },HORIZOXTAL l{IDTH OF SIGN ,3' THICKNESS OR DEPTH oF srcN /6 NO IF YES, DI:'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE i.ioRE TtlA.\ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TTIE sI6N ERECTOR tiusr FILE rvlTlt rHE BUILDI.YC DIVISITYtr\D PROPERTY DA}AGE INSURANCE POLICIES. tltzcn ION COPIES OF RECTLY LI6HTED)NO IF YES , IIIHICH/.o I APPLY? C&vt ICIL SIGN ILLU}IINATED IND I DESCP.IBE TY OF l'Ir\TERt.\LS SIGII IS COIISTP.UCTED OF PROVIDE UL M,,}IBER IF APPLICABLE SITE INFOR\IATION ( VALUE OF SIGN /.XP c0 ,1 l't e^ I rJlzslF (.LA,YD USE)--EXISTING trSE 0F BUILDING OR LAND (gR LAST USE IF VACit\T):Itt'r" GKi. < i PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR L\}iD { ITJDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOOR IIERCHA.\D I S I NG EXISTING sl6\ls (sicN c0DE): ARE TflERE E:(IsrrNG srcNs? yES r-No IF yEs DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING SI gNS..Fgl $ls.{._\Ess,FIRV, ETC.: l(;t- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.f'|INED the cor[pl et application r pe:mit and do hereby certify rhat all inforraation hereon is true andcolrect, and I further certi fy that all uork perfonned shall be done in accordance with the Springfi.eld Sign Ordinance, theUniform Sign Code as adop ted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the Cit y of Springfietd and the laws ofthe State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further cert ifv that Ey Sign Contractors License rith theCity of Springfield is in full force and e.ffect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(.3) and 9-7-2OC2). I rill requestalI required sign i.nspecrions listed on the pernit.approved dJ.A Rr,iINAME(PLEASE PRIIIT) SICN INSPECTIONS t' SIGNATURE i DNTE 3:/l'tr:t DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE .F0OTA6E 0F SICN ( SITE/ION -FOOTING OR }IET}IOD OF ATTACIT\fENT {ELECTRICAL }IIXEI OTHER OFFICE USE ) FEES SICN PER}IIT: C}IARGES: y' 5-0,ELECTRICAL PE R.rtI,6 .c1CTIARGES TOTAL FEE FOR PE&\IITT I I I: i i#L It 6; <e STATE SURCHARGE h(]Rx:TYPE OF SIGN: .10 l) Seoerete Si I icer ion A. separate applicetion is required for eachche Sign Code. ast Rec'd F .iT I O:J No. B silEEB I sePsrrte sLgn Js neoI 2)F!gclrigal: Any pernit issued under this application will include wir-rng rn or on sign strucrure, che suppty wires for connection must becovered on J,n electrical permit. ei!"i.i""1 connecli^. *.-- L- _-r- :li), by.e srace Licenscd Lrecrricri c"iii".internslly "na "*."ii"rry) must conform." I!l;r"ll 6_, CITY9-7-tS of rhe Springfield Sign Ordinance.- \ lI-:ns_Rerouired: This application is to be submitrersets or plen5 draun to scale, showing dimensions an,vertising ,:ressrge on sign; location if-rign on prop( ::^!::!:.,), Iines, srructuat detaits of support franroorr.n3s; nercrrals_of construction foi sign and sictric:l equipnenc and lighting; ;i;; ;;; i;;r;;; ;i.properry for rhe sane busineii, aff as-rlquirud to avith- rhe Springfietd sign orainan"" iirii.r" 7 of thCode). Also. shov trre iorro"ing'irfJr*..i"n on theshowing properry lines and ro""iio"-Ji'lign.1, a) Shon the locarion of all eristing sign(s) as rreLb) ihg:.:tru length of the streer flontage taken up Ibu i.l d ing . c) Shon the locarion of entrances open to the publii I{hen required, beceuse of design, size, etc., engine(calcul,3rions nust be prepared Uy-" ficensud engineerto desr3n standards on;iru.t ih" i;iiJi;s Division Plans of insufficienr clarity or detail will be retur Signs raust ,!leec corner vision clearance reauireruentsFig. e of the springfield cr,"p;;;;;;;l ilning coau. NOTE: r)-o sign nay be erected which is less than 12 f,or-verric:lly fron overhead "t""t.i."i !Jia.r"to., in ,votts, or lcss th:n 5 feet in ."t-;i;;";;n froo overllines vhich are energired at less th;;-i;;'volrs. If.e si;n is noc inst:.Lled rithin 60 days after the dathis pcr.rir. rhc per:.:rir shall. be void. '- - 3) OF SPRINGFIETD Cily Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportmenl of Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT ei S Received For 4) s) 6) 7) (: (r (. 5[\aY.r\ B) e)Insoect ion a)itc In ion - 36 5sthenstiontine as lce _made before the sign is pl i,1rt applicab}e) may be made !t'eccion. The Footing Inspectitexcavated, but prior to the I Amount Received ua<Je efter hole(s) conc!et e. is b) Fin:t [;soect ion -to be nade upon completion of al c) BY sIGNATU RE EUGEBE Ot eTaOl Elec.tricel - All electrical signs nust be inspected /tcal hook up efter the sign is irected anJ iufore ti, \.ioturned on.\ crLL FOR ]flE REQUIR.ED rlispEcTIONS ON THE 24 726-3769. |- H0u4 TNSPECTION LINE AT R}I I !,\L SPECIAL CONDITIOXS TO BE SA Kur st q bf ,TISFIED EEFORE ERECTION OF SIG}J:il0f fr LtdL,l €D //L) rulS DtSTP'{e,T ADDITIONAL INFO&\I\TION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT }IAY BE ISSIJED: -/? g/PLfuYS REVIEIVED BY: \E ) ? ( ( { \{(. ( t.( I