HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-12-09?.eeei t4 il/-OL d6) r^t io the tespottsibilily of-the penrit holler to see that aL! inspections d"e nd.de at lhe p?oi)e? time, that 24.s11 a;itsss is vsada;i2f-!r\-t!re atree-t,_ and that the-pe*nrit_card is Located at the frcni of the property.*Buizding Diuiciot apg,o"*ed pI.an slnll vemain on tle ei:.zil"lg- sil. at aLL tfmes. PPocgDv,E ro4 'ysPg'?roil ngOIlgs""CALL 726-3769 (teeotd.et) state aou! city desigrn-ted job ntmbet,, job aiitess, type of insoeelicnrequested and u'\en uou uiLL be ieadg for ir"spection, cont?aet.i" "o otmers" ncne L"d. pu1" nwnbey.' nnq"iirT yeceixed befcre z: c0 s''1LL be made the sdte dcg' requests"n'ade ijtu zroo- o, tyill be natie the ncctltoykirg d,ay.8{//a3Iour CitA Desigr,a.ted Job Numbet fs: APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North $th Street Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIT--NTIAL..I SPF|INGFIEI-D Job Locaticn: essesso,e uopr f 70.7 QS 3/rc.s rat # 70 / 0 Subdioision: ,,/) Phone7a/Address: Asnet: city: DeserLbe tloyk:ft Na) Date of App Licaticn '?_& ttobi Addition RenoCeL L GeneraL Constmtction Lender SI?9 TNSPEC?TON: ezca0ation, but forme. ' To be nade after pr"ior tc set up of ANDERSLAB PLUI,IBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECYAtlrcAL: ro Oi-ffi; tiJoizanyuork is cotset,ed. FCOTLNG 4 FOUNDATfCN: ?o be naCe @i- t " encG;- ar,;;s c ao at e d. and. forns ane etected, but priot to pour.tng ccnerete. UNDIRGPOU!]D PLI]MPING. 1EWEP. W,ATER, D2.AIilAGE: To be naCe prLor to fil-Lir4 trenches. : 'l'o be n3ae ppia? to installation of floor insulction ot, deeking. P_OST AND BEAI|: To be nade prior toinstallaticn of floor insulation or deckinE. Rg,LlqH, ryaltB r t c. EL! cr w ANTCAL: ilo uo?k is to be co,^ered-ur.til these irrcpeetions haue been nade and appnotsed. FfPEPLA. C-l: prLot to placirg faeingmcterials and before franing inspelc-tion. FRAI.|INC:, l,tust be requested after approual of tough plwr,bing, eleetri_a.L & nechanieal. ALL roofing braeing E- ehinmeys, ete. rrust beeonPLeted. !1o ucnk is to be con- .. eealed until this inspeetion las'been nade anC appwved. TNSULA?ION/VA.POR BARRTER IIIā‚¬PEC?ION :robem@ required oapot beriers @e i.n plaee bat before ory Lath, ggpsun bcarC ortnLL couering is appli.ed, and. beforeay insulation is coneealed. DE|,[CLITIO!] OP, Sanitary seuez, capped zt properfi; Lir:e Septic totk p;,a::ped r,rd filled tith gra;;ei Pincl - l{hen cbcve:utens aye ccnoleted and. uhen iettcLttion is conpLete br s*u"- tu.ye maued ard. pretrLses eleanei up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aate? od. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uo and plurnbing connections nast be qptct-ei befot,e nequesting electrtcal inspecliotz Accescory BuilCing Ir ,,J ,rrot pLuuBrnc "f nnm uECHAttrcAL f nnn ELECzRTIAL J DRYWALL LNSPXC?fON: Ic be made aftet, aLL dtyuall is in pl.aee, but prior to any tapins. WE1!-RY: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or verticals in accord@tee uith U.B.C. Section 241 5. V1ODST1',.E: Aftet installation i,s ampLeted. CURB & AWRCACE AppON: Aftet fornsue erecteC but priot, to pottring conc?ete. SfDEilALK & DRflrEltAI: For aLL eon- crete pauing uithin stteet fight-of-txA, to be naCe after aL!. ecca- oating eanplete & forn tprk & sub- base matertal in place.Pital - After pcrekes, skirting, dect<s,etc. @e conpleled. se;Wen eonplete -- pyouiCe or mouable sectians through P.U.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street t7ees, eoryLetion of ther_equired landsccping, etc., must be satisfied before the auticiitc FIinL can be requested. ?rNAL BUTLDTN1: The Final B_uilding. rnspection mtst be requested cfter the linal plunbinsElectrical, anC Meehar.ical Inspect-ionc'lr4uc been nad.e- and' opprorrC. Page 1 of 2 *ALE I,IANECLES AIID CIEAIIOWS HUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAflIEII| lO BE I.IADE /!? IIO CCS? rO CI1,Y .:---=\-.- /K r*r ,0^^ffi -/* l tr T T JOB NO. Building Pelrit State ?o""al Clnrges Plutnbing Penrtt Set uiee Permit Total Permtt fsauuge Meclnnictl Petmtt SOLAR ACCESS RE Gtol^ LCT ?W8 _ Inteticn _ Corner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sae Eedroons lieat Lace toDe Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Mechqnicql Permit a.-L-co # -- Fees -- Building Volue & permit This permLt is granted on the erp?ess condition that the said. eonsttuetion s_|uL.L, in_a-ll.r,espects, gonfortn to the Crdirnnce ad.opteC by the City ofsplingfiel_d' includ'i.ng the zoning crdinance, z.egulctirg iltL ccnstta'cticn an-d.use o-f buildings, ad may be suspend.ed or r-euokeclt "*y tine upon oic-Latlon of anA ptcuisions of said Ordinances. Plumbing Permit No, person slnll construct, instalL, alter ot ehange GnA ned cr eristingqlwnlirq or drainage systa-n in uhole or in pant, -unLesZ such person is- theLe-gal.possesso, of a ualid plurnber,s Lieensb, eceept tl",at a pZr"o, ma,g doplunbing uork to p"ope?tA uhich is ot^med, Leased or operated tg tt e "ppli-cant. Electrico I Perm it l'Ihere state Lan r.equires tha.t the eleetrieal uork be done bg an EleetriealContractor,, the eleetrical poytion of this permit shall not be oali.C untilthe l^abel has been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. I ,t l'Lan Eicmlner iz ?ataL lenee Mobile Hane f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI4INED the conpleted appli.eation for pernit, and. do hereby eetti.fy tlnt aLL information hereoi is ttue anC cbnect, cnC f further certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned slnll be dote in aceor- dance urtth the Ozdinences of the Citg of Springfield, and the La;s of the* State of oregcn pertaining to the uork Ceseribbd herb.n, cnd tiut NO OCCU- PANcy vill be nnde of any structuve uithout pernisston of the Building Di-uision. I fut,ther eertifs- that otly contraeioz.s ai;.d enplcyees uho arb inconpliance uith 2RS 707.05s uiLL be used on this project ? a Lot Faces - .5 Df House !n!a?e Access.[lo"th East Fit,e South West I ITEI,!qn F4^x VaLue Llain Csaae Carpcrt Aeeessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Fee: CIL+P,GEnEnlNO.FEE Eistzires Residential (1 bath) Sanitarg Seuer Watey a5- Res. Sq. fto Na,s/Eztend Circuits nl, A DrtNC. Prenace EIU'S Ezha$t llooC Vsnt Fot Hcodstozse / a.oo bo/s.t o -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec"rLt! Deposit Stotage l,taintenanee Perttrit Curbcut SidataLk Electrieal Ia.bel ?dTAL AI,IOUII? DUE:'[sto Signed 31 Date { Lot Sq. Ftg. i5 of Lct Ccueraae # of Stortes ?otal Height Topography